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This Aint Political...

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 06:59 PM
This is a war we fight amongst ourselves. It is not them, it is us. This isnt their fault, it is ours. They didnt ruin this world, we did. Its about time this nation and the world over, started holding itself accountable. We let the world burn, not them.We are the ones who let this nonsense get us into the position it is today.
We made the wars happen, we let the starvation continue when we held the power to stop it.
We let the jackboots take over our streets. We let the real criminals escape while we locked up our fellow man over the most meaningless shat. We let our "representatives turn their noses to us and our problems.
We let our governments across the world rule us, instead of us ruling them. We let them dictate our ways of life, when in all reality, life does not need to be dictated. We rob our neighbors, and they rob us. We fight each other over actions which we allowed them to take. We let them lead us to slaughter over false ideologies that we allowed them to convince us of. We let them in our heads, we let them take control of our emotions and our critical thinking abilities. We let them allow us to harm one another. We let them do whatever they want, while pretending that we had no idea. We left ourselves open to attack by the very people we elected to keep us safe. People of the world, we let it happen.

Political parties are not based on Ideologies, they are based on hate and bias. They were made for one reason, and one reason only, to keep us divided. They are there, so we have a reason to not get along. There is no middle ground when it comes to seperation. This is a war we fight amongst ourselves, so we have a reason to hate one another over false ideologies that were created by giving us false hope.The hope lies with us, not with them, and not with party. Party means nothing, liberty and happiness means everything. How can we be happy when we are so angery?

How can we sit back and act like we really give a damn when we let those who "lead" us do whatever the heck they want? How can we not care about our future as a species? If we really cared, we would put a stop to this nonsense, but the harsh truth about it all is that we let them, by doing nothing. We think that by going to a couple of town hall meetings and voicing our concerns to our representatives, that somehow; they will listen and take our viewpoints into consideration and maybe change things for the betterment of man. Therein lies the problem, because we actually think that there are decent scumbags out there who have our best interests at heart. Those really responsible, are staring at you when you look into the mirror, they are in your head, telling you not to care, or not to be bothered by other peoples problems. Your problems are my problems, as mine are yours.

We need to let go of the false illusions that we have no power; the power has always belonged to us.
Men and women were created equal, until we allowed that to change. Now we have allowed things to get so out of control, that we are unable to trust one another, not even our own families. We are so twisted, that it is unconcievable(in our own minds) to even think we can change things. We let it get so out of hand, that we think we can no longer make things right. Is it too late to save ourselves? Do we still have a chance to change the errors we have made in the past? Will the war amongst ourselves continue, or can we (for once) stand up to our own corruption?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Common Good
We let the world burn, not them.

But didn't "they" start the fire?

What about the platforms these politicians run on, which gets us to vote for them, and then they do a complete 180 after getting into office?
I could go on and on but.....

I like your thread but it just seems a bit too black and white.
S&F though.
edit on 11-2-2011 by SnakeShot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:13 PM
The pendulum is swinging back now , finally.

Rather than blaming others, we are going to explore Self-Responsibility for once.

Rather than supporting systems we detest and abhor, we are going to refuse to comply with them.

Rather than treating each other like crap and ignoring each other's grievances, we are going to listen and consider each other as worthy and seek solutions.

Just because we are at the front of the train, does not mean the rest of the train will not reach this point we are at right now. That will only take time. The snowball is rolling.

Have faith. Look at yourself in the mirror. Who are YOU?

You are a person with solid moral foundation and a brain that works. You are the future.
The foolish are the past my friend. We are the future.

This world will get better. Never let your sights off of this.

There are answers and solutions for all of our ills, all it requires is that we open our minds and think about it.

Keep your wits about you, and keep listening to your heart. We exist for a reason.
And it ain't to be slaves, I assure you.
We are liberators of ourselves.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by SnakeShot

Originally posted by Common Good
We let the world burn, not them.

But didn't "they" start the fire?

What about the platforms these politicians run on, which gets us to vote for them, and then they do a complete 180 after getting into office?
I could go on and on but.....

I like your thread but it just seems a bit too black and white.
S&F though.
edit on 11-2-2011 by SnakeShot because: (no reason given)

It really doesnt matter who started the fire, the fact of the matter is that we just sat back and watched it burn instead of putting it out.

Accountability my friend, if we really held had our leaders in check, they would not be allowed to get away with such things. Like I said, we are the ones who are supposed to be keeping them in check, not the other way around.

Thanks for your input

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Common Good

This is the first thread I tried to see if I could give multiple stars too. Sorry, only one flag and one star...


So weird...there must be an ATS collective conscious. I was walking around the house today thinking on just these matters. Not so eloquently nor specifically, but nonetheless..

Case in point: I was watching the IVAW video about the Iraq war vet who thought himself the terrorist (new thread). Then my mind jumped to a ATS poster who took me down hard for suggesting that "We" as Americans had truly made a mistake in our foreign policy. "...she hated that! " " What did I mean by "we" because she had nothing to do with that particular position in foreign policy." So then my mind went back to how must a Vet feel when an American, decides there is no "We" in their deployment. You know, the platitudinous, "Oh so sorry, I had nothing to do with that choice, I was against it from the beginning." I know how I would feel...not good.

I could go on and on...but you have done it best.

Again I say, bravo!

edit on 11-2-2011 by angelwrangler because: Additional thought

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Just because we are at the front of the train, does not mean the rest of the train will not reach this point we are at right now. That will only take time. The snowball is rolling.

I sure hope so. Almost seems pointless at times... I've lost several friends over bring up simple topics.
Seems like their mind just shuts down and they become defensive... its really weird. Especially in a group when it becomes a pack mentality. Some can't even just agree to disagree. Its like they're personally offended by the truth and take it out on me.

On a more positive note, I've helped more than not.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Common Good

100% agreed. We just need to be optimistic like muzzleflash above.
They didn't have the internet in the past and I believe thats what has brought around this major shift....
Even if they started over-regulating the internet, or even shut down, its too late... cats out of the bag.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
The pendulum is swinging back now , finally.

Rather than blaming others, we are going to explore Self-Responsibility for once.

Rather than supporting systems we detest and abhor, we are going to refuse to comply with them.

Rather than treating each other like crap and ignoring each other's grievances, we are going to listen and consider each other as worthy and seek solutions.

Just because we are at the front of the train, does not mean the rest of the train will not reach this point we are at right now. That will only take time. The snowball is rolling.

Have faith. Look at yourself in the mirror. Who are YOU?

You are a person with solid moral foundation and a brain that works. You are the future.
The foolish are the past my friend. We are the future.

This world will get better. Never let your sights off of this.

There are answers and solutions for all of our ills, all it requires is that we open our minds and think about it.

Keep your wits about you, and keep listening to your heart. We exist for a reason.
And it ain't to be slaves, I assure you.
We are liberators of ourselves.

Yes Muzzle, resistance is key. We cant let them trample on us any longer, because if we do, its our fault(like it has been all along).
People wonder why these politicians do what they want to do with or without our consent, is because we allow it to happen. We put up no fight whatsoever. We just whine and cry about issues that dont make a difference when we are playing their game.

And you are right, the pendulum is swinging back, more people are waking up to this fact, pretty soon, people will realize how much they have been duped.

Thanks for the kind words and the great reply

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Common Good

I know for some "This ain't political" for me it is.

G rassroots Lobbying

What is truly disturbing is the insipid suppression though the use red tape, excessive filing fees, etc. to exercise ones right to lobby, free speech and protest. There is a new thread about students who protested without a permit in Los Angeles and they may spend a year in jail. All hell will break loose if they do.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by angelwrangler

Yea, that is disturbing, and the cold hard fact is, that we let it get so out of control that now it is almost near impossible to get people together without fear of prosecution or persecution.
It certainly has its political agendas, but in the end, we are all fighting for the same thing, liberty, and freedom to do as we please and to scream as loud as we can off the rooftops of our own homes when we dont things are going right. We just have to fight harder, or at least try to engage in tactics that actually work. Its hard when we are playing on their field and their fans are shouting in our ears, but we must overcome that and take home the trophy.

Thank You For The Response

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Right on!

Here is where I fell asleep. As an activist in the early 70"s, I got my butt kicked with everyone else. Then, I finished college and some graduate school and went on with my career in finance with great dreams of wealth and the American dream only to find out our markets were as dirty as the day is long.

So during the S & L takeovers me and my closest are burned alive going whisteblower. Good news, when we did, these guys went to jail. Bad news, only four S & L's across the whole country had whistleblowers like us. Hundreds of S & Ls went down and every savers account with it. That was the end of "Its a Wonderful Life."

So after this I think I have paid my dues, and we have proven that you can force change, you can force transparency, you can pass legislation, you can force audits and you can get them put in jail. The next generations will carry on.

Surprise! The subsequent generations, as it turns out, do not want to pick up the banner! Their activist parents paid too high a price and they were not going to pay it. Oh, they will facebook but that is as far as it goes.

So when I finally did wake up it is only after the banner had been laying in the dirt so long it was not recognizable. The" unrecognizable" your post directly addresses. It was the morning of 9/11...that Holy Sh*t epiphany of a morning where we all knew this was not suppose to happen, it was not in the cards and something was very, very wrong.

Hopefully, I did not sleep too long.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Common Good

So here it is OP...five freaking flags...why? Because it's not a sexy enough thread.

But, it is in fact the real deal, the one thread that should have hundreds of flags. The one thread that should have everyone so excited to get back to their computers to see what everyone is saying and doing, each in their own countries to get back on track.

God help us all.

Thank you OP for an responsible, erudite and brilliant thread.

All I can say is...WTF!

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