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Dumbest Games You Can't Stop Playing

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posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:20 PM
Sometimes there comes along some basic game or just something that totally childish(in the sense that it's not particularly made for your age) that you can't stop playing.

Here's 2 of the games I enjoy in my spare time...

Stick Cricket: Stick Cricket is an online game. The objective is simple- Hit the ball and score points. There's leaders boards and people are constantly trying to beat each others high score.

This game pretty basic. Wouldn't ever be able to rate with the big dogs but it's utterly addictive for some reason.

Here's a link for anyone that's interested

Stick Cricket

Second game I like is the Nintendo Pokemon games(my dirty little secret). It's basically meant for kids but I guess I've always been a fan of the Pokemon craze. I'm embarrassed to admit it but I enjoy it. Never out grew it. Maybe one day I'll let go.


What's your favorite stupid game?

edit on 11/09/2010 by SlovenlyGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:29 PM
Stick cricket..awesome game haha. (For the Americans, cricket is basically baseball on prozac). I played it just last week, it annoys me though, because my laptop keeps over-heating, and you can't pause during the 10 over slog thingy, so I just end up getting too angry. Try hitting a 6 off a spinner, when it's going at about 1/5th speed and has about a 2 second delay!

I love online golf games. Most people I know think that's mental, but once you play some of them, they're really addictive. Shot-online is one I've played for years, and basically ruined my university degree

Blastbilliards is another good one, it's kind of similar to stick cricket in that you can pick it up in an hour or 2, but still can spend hours trying to beat your record score.

I can understand your Pokemon addiction too. I've not played it for years, but I'm 22 and I recently saw an online free version of it, and I really wanted to play it- sadly it was taken down because of copyright claims by nintendo
Couldn't beat a bit of a pokemon crystal on the gameboy advance!
edit on 10-2-2011 by ScepticalBeliever because: the caps were perplexing me, what what.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:36 PM
"whack a penguin"!
(poor little guys get shredded) Shhh can you keep a secret?I don' want to embarass anygbody....
Just between you and me ( and the fact I'm bored and looking for an interesting thread):

(" Good; better ; best...

nice;nicer; nicest,

fine; finer; finest;

dumb;dumber; dumbest..".)

no hard feelings eh?

edit on 10-2-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2011 by 46ACE because: spelling errors....

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE
"whack a penguin"!
(poor little guys get shredded) Shhh can you keep a secret?I don' want to embarass anygbody....
Just between you and me ( and the fact I'm bored and looking for an interesting thread):

(" Good; better ; best...

nice;nicer; nicest,

fine; finer; finest;

dumb;dumber; dumbest..".)

no hard feelings eh?

edit on 10-2-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2011 by 46ACE because: spelling errors....

I played that game once!! I was told not to play it again, it seems to make people forget what they were talking about become really evil...

Best match I had once was when someone said they used "their Insticks"... Instincts... lol.

It's a fun game, but not many people willing to play :/

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:49 PM
A really silly game I like, still to this day, and one that is not a small game so to speak, it's just an old game, is Serious Sam SE.

Comedic, insane, engaging, it has everything, including little dudes with big heads.

Pity the MP aspect of it is now very much defunct but SP is always worth a re-start, just for the atmosphere of those huge massive maps in the ancient worlds...

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by 46ACE

There I changed it. Now can ya speak my language?

Bly stil jou grammatika nazi

FYI, It's embarrass not embarass. HEY! This is a fun game!

Anyz, if your looking for an interesting thread you should check out this one-

You can even correct my spelling mistakes
edit on 11/09/2010 by SlovenlyGhost because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/09/2010 by SlovenlyGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:09 PM
...i love moronic games... i have limits on how much stupid i can handle but its amazingly high... i'm currently playing, uh, cargo something or another... wait... lemme go get the real name...

...ocean express... thats right, i'm so into it i cant even remember the name...

...its a puzzle - loading cargo on tankers...

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:00 PM
Qwop may not be a moronic game, but it feels like one. You play Qwop, and you have to use the Q, W, O, and P buttons to run a 100-meter dash. It's kind of like teaching your brain a new skill, so as far as time-wasting, it's not bad..

For those interested:

edit on 11-2-2011 by Logan5782 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 05:53 AM
Thanks for the replies. Some of them are fun. Wonder what it is about these moronic games that make them so addictive

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:17 PM
I bought this game at Gamestop in the used bin for the Xbox 360 called Fairytale Fights. The controls are bad. The graphics are terrible. The story is aweful but the game is so freaking addicting. I beat it but I'm working on getting the rest of the achievements and Collecting all weapons. Lol. It has 4 player online co-op but I can't find anyone else who wants to play it. I simply have no idea why. LOL.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Robot unicorn attack is stuck in my head, play and you will understand why.
second line

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:45 PM
serious sam is a dumb yet fun game.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Slovenly, love the avy first off

I had this game on my iPhone. It was this dumb red button and it said don't push it..but everytime you did it said something new and told you some stupid phrase. It was just so stupid it was funny and you couldn't help but play it.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:18 PM
Lego Star Wars. I love taking my lightsaber and deflecting the stormtroopers' bolts back at them, and then watching them break apart into lego pieces...

I also love firing Boba Fett's rocket, or doing the Emperor's Force Lightning....

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:11 AM
Hidden object games like Ravenhurst Manor. Despite the fact that I think it destroys your eyesight, I have a compulsion to search for random bits of junk hidden amongst other random bits of junk.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:39 AM
Angry Birds on the iphone is like coc aine covered pringles.

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