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Blow to Obama… Egyptian VP Says There Will Be No Regime Change

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posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Let us take a look and see what our government stance is shall we?

On Tuesday the Obama Administration asked Hosni Mubarak to step aside.
On Wednesday they said that transitioning power “now means yesterday.”
On Saturday morning the Obama Administration said Mubarak must stay.
On Saturday evening the Obama Administration said Mubarak should step aside.
On Sunday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Mubarak must stay in power.
Today the Obama Administration said that political reform will be a gradual process.

The rest of the article is

I do not know what to think, I guess the government should work both sides of the fence and whatever happens, happens right?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

I asked Obama to step down and he didn't so why should Hosni Mubarak step aside. I mean really. It is none of his business what happens in Egypt.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by SkipperJohn
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

I asked Obama to step down and he didn't so why should Hosni Mubarak step aside. I mean really. It is none of his business what happens in Egypt.

Obama makes it his business due to our flawed foreign policy. "Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak and his family members hold wealth worth of between $40 and $70 billion, a media report claimed." Our government has been flushing our tax dollars down this drain for a while, and it seems to just wash up into his account. I believe we shouldn't have any involvement, influencial or monetary.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:28 AM
If you do not see my absolute denigration I am putting forth in this OP, you are missing my point.

We had millions of people show up and say that they do NOT want the crap that Obama is pushing, yet he and the Congess continues. Yet he has the GALL to tell another country what to do.

Please folks, can you not see the HYPOCRISY!?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
If you do not see my absolute denigration I am putting forth in this OP, you are missing my point.

We had millions of people show up and say that they do NOT want the crap that Obama is pushing, yet he and the Congess continues. Yet he has the GALL to tell another country what to do.

Please folks, can you not see the HYPOCRISY!?

And Obama had ALL the people who voted for him expecting something to be done in regards to Healthcare.
Gee I wonder who wanted to keep the Private system entirely unchecked, ya he did that for socialists

Hey MITT - let privatize SS too!

Anyhow it isn't his business

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:47 AM
Why would he want him to go? according to link

"CIA already has a strong and growing relationship with the Egyptian Intelligence Service"

You know mister O wants it both ways.

Oh maybe it is that

WikiLeaks: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak


Mr Suleiman, who is widely tipped to take over from Hosni Mubarak as president, was named as Israel's preferred candidate for the job after discussions with American officials in 2008. As a key figure working for Middle East peace, he once suggested that Israeli troops would be "welcome" to invade Egypt to stop weapons being smuggled to Hamas terrorists in neighbouring Gaza.

edit on 9-2-2011 by SkipperJohn because: because I am slow

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Janky Red

But COME ON! He is the ONE!

I am still waiting for the "Sea levels to lower"!

The skies will heal and the wars will end...................... or some such thing. I do not know, the last time that someone thought they were God a bunch of folks drank a bunch of koolaid.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
reply to post by Janky Red

I do not know, the last time that someone thought they were God a bunch of folks drank a bunch of koolaid.

Ya and thank god Reagan had Mr. CIA as his VP so he could cover it up quickly!

Hows the Obama youth training drills shaping up out there in the okefenokee?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:53 AM
Sorry, read my edit

2nd line

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:18 PM
Well Well. Saudis told Obama to back Mubarak

Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up President Mubarak if the White House tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt. In a testy personal telephone call on January 29, King Abdullah told President Obama not to humiliate Mr Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the US withdrew its aid programme, worth $1.5 billion annually. America’s closest ally in the Gulf made clear that the Egyptian President must be allowed to stay on to oversee the transition towards peaceful democracy and then leave with dignity. “Mubarak and King Abdullah are not just allies, they are close friends, and the King is not about to see his friend cast aside and humiliated,”


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