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Why Do People Think Pole Shift is Gradual, When the Sun Flips Its Poles in Mere Months?

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:13 PM
With all the pole shift threads lately, I've been reading up via outside content. It seems most articles discussing an Earth pole shift has scientists asserting a pole shift occurs over years. Intuitively that does not make sense to me. Ever press two repelling magnets together? After a certain point too much pressure builds up and one flips and flips fast. Why should planetary objects be any different? Turns out, they are not, at least not according to NASA.

Sun Pole Shift

The Sun's magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south. It's a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one.

Now the sun is 111 times the size of the Earth. If its poles flip in about 100 days, why the heck would ours take longer? I'm not scientist, not even close (and a scientist might being laughing at my question as we speak), but it does not seem to make sense. Cosmically in scale, Earth is no bigger than little magnets we hold in our hand, so why should not the same physics apply as it does with small magnets and as it does with our Sun?

So I wonder. And then I see these new images of what the magnetoshere of the Earth SHOULD look like:

...compared to what happened last fall: ...okay, I know some zeta is seen as sensationalist, but the image is valid. Things are back to normal now, for today at least.

So, anyone a scientist who can tell me why our flips are supposedly occuring across years while the giant Sun flips in mere months?

edit on 7-2-2011 by pajoly because: typos

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Well they have definitely found frozen animals with undigested tropical plants in their stomachs - so that implies a very fast and dramatic freezing. Quite possibly the result of a physical polar shift.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Thanks for your post.

First I think we need to look at the fact that yes pole shifts can occur very dramatically and rapidly but they can also occur gradually with less threatening results. As a race we have never seen a dramatic pole reversal, dubbed the "Cataclysmic Pole Shift"

Causes and effects

Glacial cycles: redistribution of ice and water masses, and resultant deformation of the crust, changes the mass distribution around the Earth.

Perturbations of the topography of the core-mantle boundary, perhaps induced by differential core rotation and shift of its axial rotation vector, leading to CMB mass redistributions.

Mass redistributions in the mantle.

The orientation of the rotational axis itself could be changed by high-velocity impact of a massive asteroid or comet.

Therefore we can only speculate and hypothesize about what could really happen. I do agree that there is evidence of this happening in the past, I also agree that current events on our planet could be pointing to a coming pole reversal.

On the other hand, people believe pole shift is gradual because it is. Along with dramatic pole shift there is also plenty of evidence supporting the fact that our poles are always moving, Polar Wander. It's easier for us to comprehend a gradual pole shift because we've been seeing it happen since our existence began and it's never posed much of an immediate threat.

It is my personal belief that a gradual pole shift and a cataclysmic pole shift occur hand in hand and we just haven't had the time as a species to see the bigger picture about our planet and the influence of other celestial bodies on it.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by fasteronfire

On the other hand, people believe pole shift is gradual because it is. Along with dramatic pole shift there is also plenty of evidence supporting the fact that our poles are always moving, Polar Wander.

But could not Polar Wander and Polar Shift actually be two distinct phenomenons, wherein "wander" are just minor magnetic course corrections to slight changes in magnetic pressure influences, but pole shifts occuring at that exact moment when the pressure exceeds a certain threshold, then WHAM, it flips. Like two repellent magnets, maybe each can make the other wobble a bit (to use such a thing might appear "gradual" because we are viewing it from a homocentric time scale)? Viewed in cosmic (longer time scale than even geologic) time lapse, if there were such a thing, maybe it'd look just like those two spherical magnets playing off each other.

In any event, that my astrologically-uneducated guess, that wander and flips are separate things: "wandering" may not lead to a flip (do we have any eveidence of such?) and is essentially cosmic scale wobbling wobbling of our poles, but a flip is something that occurs quickly, even viewed from a human time scale.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by EssenSieMich

Well they have definitely found frozen animals with undigested tropical plants in their stomachs - so that implies a very fast and dramatic freezing. Quite possibly the result of a physical polar shift.

Is it at all possible that these animals were storing food in their mouths or something like that for their long journey to a warmer climate? and swallowed the tropical plant matter just before succumbing to the cold?

We all know that animals migrated to wards warmer climate zones at the last ice age, maybe these ones were too far away to the warmer areas when the earth cooled down (impact debris? like nuclear winter)

just a theory of course.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by fasteronfire
Thanks for your post.

First I think we need to look at the fact that yes pole shifts can occur very dramatically and rapidly but they can also occur gradually with less threatening results. As a race we have never seen a dramatic pole reversal, dubbed the "Cataclysmic Pole Shift"

Causes and effects

Glacial cycles: redistribution of ice and water masses, and resultant deformation of the crust, changes the mass distribution around the Earth.

Perturbations of the topography of the core-mantle boundary, perhaps induced by differential core rotation and shift of its axial rotation vector, leading to CMB mass redistributions.

Mass redistributions in the mantle.

The orientation of the rotational axis itself could be changed by high-velocity impact of a massive asteroid or comet.

Therefore we can only speculate and hypothesize about what could really happen. I do agree that there is evidence of this happening in the past, I also agree that current events on our planet could be pointing to a coming pole reversal.

On the other hand, people believe pole shift is gradual because it is. Along with dramatic pole shift there is also plenty of evidence supporting the fact that our poles are always moving, Polar Wander. It's easier for us to comprehend a gradual pole shift because we've been seeing it happen since our existence began and it's never posed much of an immediate threat.

It is my personal belief that a gradual pole shift and a cataclysmic pole shift occur hand in hand and we just haven't had the time as a species to see the bigger picture about our planet and the influence of other celestial bodies on it.

Maybe the Earth is actually finally settling into its normal polarity after the last asteroid impact (ELE) moved it off?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:56 PM
I hope this isnt off topic, but since we do have iron in our blood...wouldnt we too feel something during this "magnetic" phenomena?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:56 PM
I keep thinking of the wooly mamoths. What ever happened to freeze them, happened instantly. Was it a pole flip? IDK But I dont think that it will take months.
edit on 7-2-2011 by illuminnaughty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by pajoly

IMO Polar Wander and Polar Shift are very different phenomenons, but just because they are different doesn't mean that they aren't connected. From my point of view I believe it's hard to truly comprehend how gigantic our sun is and from the eyes of our universe the sun magnetism and our magnetism influence each other the same way two magnets on top of a desk interact with each other.

reply to post by QBSneak000

At this time I think we can only speculate but it could be a possibility that the planet is correcting itself from the last impact or similar pole changing event. The reason I say 'possibility' is because I don't believe there is a way to see the past pole locations without some sort of record, therfore the event could have been one that corrected the event before that one and so on. I hope that made sense
I guess what I'm saying is that just because the way we perceive the poles doesn't necessarily mean that it is 'correct' it just been the same way for intelligent existence.
edit on 7-2-2011 by fasteronfire because: oops

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by pajoly

I tend to agree with your view. I am no scientist, but both your examples, the suns quick flip, and magnets, makes simple sense. Occam's razor: The simplest answer is usually the right one.

Guess we should keep an eye on the elite for the next few weeks, but what would we do anyway, nowhere to hide in this situation.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by SunnyDee
reply to post by pajoly

Guess we should keep an eye on the elite for the next few weeks, but what would we do anyway, nowhere to hide in this situation.

I think the best thing we can do is use our last days to share our love and enjoy the time that we did have. Maybe that's why people say live everyday like its your last. IMO knowing the end is coming is peaceful and I can adjust my life accordingly.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:33 PM
IMHO I don't think a major pole shift will ba as catasrophic as some people predict...sure there will be a major change in climate and a lot of plant and animal spiecies will die off but humans are a remarkable and adaptable animal.

Will there be floods.......maybe...maybe not.

the truth is that know one really knows what will happen during a major pole shift. It may be that we wake up one day and bam.....the poles have shifted.

for some strange reason I keep thinking that not only will the poles shift but eventually the earth will change its axis as well.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by pajoly

for asking a really good question.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by soficrow

thanks mate

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