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Egyptian Djed pillar and electricity

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:58 PM
Here is a collection of articles i found interesting because they relate to the Djed pillar or electricity in Egypt. The Djed pillar was a sacred object and has many times been spotted on various objects and sites (such as burial chambers).

Some say it is represents a power generator or a medium to control the weather. Or even a device to exchange (or transfer) one's consciousness.

Whatever it was, i truly believe it had something to do with electricity. Not only the Djed pillar, but many other objects as well.

For example, look at this image of a Djed pillar, it was repainted from a coffin in a museum in Egypt:

It looks as if the two people are connected with it. More of such images are found throughout depictions on coffins and walls.

The following website explains the ancient egyptian light buld and also has images of a Djed pillar supporting it.

"In an underground cavern below the Hathor-temple in Dendera, Egypt there are several relief's depicting ancient devices, these controversial relief's are known as the Dendera lights. Two arms reach into its bulbous rounded end, these arms are supported by columns which are called Djed Pillars or Tet Columns, but very much resemble high voltage insulators."

On the following page you can find a translation of the "Djed-khonsu-es-ankh". (Usually found on a coffin or inside a burial chamber)

Do you notice the blue stuff coming out of the relic the woman is holding? Some say it is holy water, but the are the "water" is touching also resembles a static area.

On the next website you can see on the third image (hover it!) a head positioned on a Djed pillar:

And at last a painting representing a Djed pillar with 2 people sitting beside it, much resembling some sort of power generator.

(it is painted after an illistration in the papyrus of scribe Ani)

from website:

(also contains a 'dial home device'... not part of the thread, but anyway...

On the same page, there is also a strange image representing a judgement scene from the book of the dead:

There are 4 people coming out of some sort of entailment. If Egyptians really knew advanced electricity, could this be some sort of hologram?

There are more such weird representations of small people floating on a plate.

The Djed was often used in combination with 2 other relics, the Was Scepter and the Ankh of Life. Together with the Djed Pillar, this was a sacred combination.

It was found together in Amenhotep II's tomb (Valley of the Kings):

Some believe that the Djed pillar was used as a medium to control the weather. According to G.A. Wainwright, the Djed pillar was used to support the sky:

"There is also evidence identifying Seth with the pillar that supported the sky. In the Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus, Seth is identified as a sacred pillar beneath Osiris, while according to G.A. Wainwright the djed-pillar at Busiris (Djedu) belonged originally to Seth prior to its reassignment to Osiris."
(Alan F. Alford, _The Midnight Sun_, page 294)

More images:

click here
click here
click here
click here

Similair pillar with weird sparks:

Overall i think there is much evidence of electricity found in artifacts of Egypt and i wonder if and hope that more will be found. I also hope to find time to update the thread with more articles and stuff.
edit on 5/2/11 by Reignite because: removed old create stuff

edit on 5/2/11 by Reignite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Reignite

Nice work enjoyed the thread and glad its all in one place here as its easier to learn from.


posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Icanseeatoms

thanks for the comment! i tried to collect the premium content pages only. If you come across more info please let me know.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Reignite
For example, look at this image of a Djed pillar, it was repainted from a coffin in a museum in Egypt:

It looks as if the two people are connected with it.

That's a really bad drawing, by the way. The item coming out of the Djed is the double feather crown. The woman on the left appears to be Isis. The one on the right appears to be Nepthys, but the writing above them may not be correctly copied. It's very hard to judge because the copy is pretty awful.

"In an underground cavern below the Hathor-temple in Dendera, Egypt there are several relief's depicting ancient devices, these controversial relief's are known as the Dendera lights. Two arms reach into its bulbous rounded end, these arms are supported by columns which are called Djed Pillars or Tet Columns, but very much resemble high voltage insulators."

The writer of that page doesn't know how to read the writing (hieroglyphs) under the image... and then leaves out the REST of the image (the stuff to the left and right.)

On the following page you can find a translation of the "Djed-khonsu-es-ankh". (Usually found on a coffin or inside a burial chamber)

Do you notice the blue stuff coming out of the relic the woman is holding? Some say it is holy water, but the are the "water" is touching also resembles a static area.

The hieroglyphs on the picture say what's happening. "An offering which the king gives to Ra-Heru-Hakarty (three gods (including Horus and Ra) merged into one god over the centuries) the great god so that he may give (offer/etc) to the 'Osiris, the Mistress of the House, noblewoman (named) Djed-Khonsu-es-ankh' (etc)"

It's a standard prayer offering for the dead.

"The Osiris" means she's noble and has died and become one with Osiris (also emphasized in the phrase "Justified", which is short for "justified of voice" and means "deceased who has passed the trials and lives in the Duat with Osiris.)

And that's an offering table containing bread, oil, perfumes ("hung" under the table), and a lotus flower along with what I think are dates. They're painted this way so that everything that's going to be given to the dead can be shown (rather than painting it in perspective -- this is a standard way of depicting it.) What's being poured out is a purification essence.

On the next website you can see on the third image (hover it!) a head positioned on a Djed pillar:

It's part of the tale of the resurrection of Osiris after Isis assembles the pieces of his body (which has been cut up.) You can see her sister, Nepthys (with the vulture crown) and the standard bearer of the King (Wepauwet) along with the Apis bull and the four sons of Horus carrying him off (showing that this scene was done sometime after 300 BC.) There isn't a thing about electricity there or power. Near his head is, I believe, the name of the town where his head was found (there's the name of a town there) All the depictions of the woman with the stairstep (throne, actually) on her head are depictions of Isis, the goddess, wife of Osiris.

And at last a painting representing a Djed pillar with 2 people sitting beside it, much resembling some sort of power generator.

That's Isis (on the left) and Nepthys (her sister) on the right; both function as protector goddesses of the mummy The object in the middle is the djed with an ankh (eternal life) combined with the arms of the ka (the soul), worshiping Ra (the solar disk.)

The text (this is from the section of the Book of the Dead called "The Adoration of Ra") begins "The adoration of Ra when he rises on the eastern horizon of heaven, by the Osiris ("the deceased") scribe of all the holy offerings, Ani (and signs that indicate this is the owner of the tomb.)"

On the same page, there is also a strange image representing a judgement scene from the book of the dead:

There are 4 people coming out of some sort of entailment. If Egyptians really knew advanced electricity, could this be some sort of hologram?

I'm not sure what's strange about this. From left to right, we have Anubis leading the deceased (as Osiris) into the arena of judgement, the weighing of the heart against the feather of Ma'at, the recording of the name by Thoth, Horus leading him into the place where Osiris sits with Isis and Nepthys behind him and the goddess Nekhbet flying overhead... can't read the names of the dead standing on the lotus blossom, but it's written there in hieroglyphs.

There are more such weird representations of small people floating on a plate.

The black and white on the left is fake. The color on the right is real, but it's ... really bad. Those are gods ... and they're not showing you the whole scene, of course, so it's hard to see the rest of the text there.

The Djed was often used in combination with 2 other relics, the Was Scepter and the Ankh of Life. Together with the Djed Pillar, this was a sacred combination.

Actually, the Djed and the Ankh (and other tools) transformed the deceased from a dead human to a live spirit in the other world.)

I'm REALLY simplifying here, but that's the basics.

According to G.A. Wainwright, the Djed pillar was used to support the sky:

"There is also evidence identifying Seth with the pillar that supported the sky. In the Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus, Seth is identified as a sacred pillar beneath Osiris, while according to G.A. Wainwright the djed-pillar at Busiris (Djedu) belonged originally to Seth prior to its reassignment to Osiris."
(Alan F. Alford, _The Midnight Sun_, page 294)

Think of it more like the Greek god Atlas supporting the sky.

More images:

In this case, "Djed" was part of the person's name and meant "Strength" (names meant things like "My Strength is in Amun" and so forth.)

Similair pillar with weird sparks:

That's actually a lotus blossom.

This scene has a lot of writing on it, which can be read if you own a few books on how to read hieroglyphs.

The ruler on the left is one of the Ptolemys (his name is in the cartouche there above his head, and it's repeated throughout the scene -- the son is giving offerings to "the Osiris" (his father, who is guarded by Nepthys-Isis) The text (which in this case reads left to right) is another standard formula that translates roughly as the beloved son (with a lot of royal titles coming before his name) is giving an offering to the ka of dear old dad (now referred to as "the Osiris" and "justified of voice". Don't have my books on me, so I can't read Dear Old Dad's name (and it's late) but this is an offering to the dead scene.

I encourage people to learn to read hieroglyphs for themselves.
edit on 7-2-2011 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by Byrd

Quick reply:

Thanks for clarifying the symbols and persons found on the images. You seem to know a big deal about it. Most of them i was allready familiar with, but some of them not.

Do you know what the trianlge with a small verticle thing in the bottom means?

Ofcourse this explenation doesn't convince me that the Egyptians weren't familiar with electricity.

Personally i belive that some of them had advanced knowledge of certain technology combined with incredible spritual wisdom. Such records i have also found in other cultures.

And thanks for encouriging me to learn Hieroglyphs, if i had the time, i would for sure! I am only trying to get the hang of the basics.

This thread is merely meant as a collection of Articles in combination with my wild ideas about their history.

edit on 7/2/11 by Reignite because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/2/11 by Reignite because: horrrrible spelling early in the morning

edit on 7/2/11 by Reignite because: again

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Reignite
Thanks for clarifying the symbols and persons found on the images. You seem to know a big deal about it. Most of them i was allready familiar with, but some of them not.

Do you know what the trianlge with a small verticle thing in the bottom means?

Certainly. It is a syllable that together with the outstretched arm hieroglyph means "offering" (it's the shape of the offering loaf) -- it doesn't mean "pyramid" as some suggest. There's a different symbol for that.

Knowing the date of the panel and so forth is important. Once Egypt came under the rule of foreign kings, they imported useful Egyptian knowledge and technology to their own homeland. So Egypt under the Ptolemys held few secrets from the Greeks. If they'd had light/electricity, the Greeks would have ended up with working lightbulbs very quickly. The first Ptolemys went through the nation's wealth very quickly and by the time of Cleopatra's father (the Cleopatra involved with Caesar), they were heavily in debt to Rome. Rome would have taken electrical technology and the engineers would have done marvels with it.

(edited to make the matter a bit more clear).

I'll look up the name of the Ptolemys after I get home from work.
edit on 7-2-2011 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

Certainly. It is a syllable that together with the outstretched arm hieroglyph means "offering" (it's the shape of the offering loaf) -- it doesn't mean "pyramid" as some suggest. There's a different symbol for that.

Thanks, i was looking for that specific one, because it occured in patterns on some Hieroglyps together with the Ank, Was and Djed. Also an owl or another bird. I was wondering why this was repeated in patterns, and above all, why the triangle was included.

About the electricity, could it not be possible that a seperation of 2 kingdoms (old/new) existed where the prior had such technology? I find lots of text regarding deities and kings that can easily fit into seperate kingdom's. Not the best explenation though for this though.

BTW, the badly drawn image was resketched from chapter ## of the Papyrus of Ani. Later today i wil try to find the source.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Reignite

Originally posted by Byrd

Certainly. It is a syllable that together with the outstretched arm hieroglyph means "offering" (it's the shape of the offering loaf) -- it doesn't mean "pyramid" as some suggest. There's a different symbol for that.

Thanks, i was looking for that specific one, because it occured in patterns on some Hieroglyps together with the Ank, Was and Djed. Also an owl or another bird. I was wondering why this was repeated in patterns, and above all, why the triangle was included.

You're looking at prayers and specifically prayers of offering. They have more than 40 different "birds" which can appear and mean different syllable patterns or words or endings (there's one bird that indicates 'small' or 'weak' when used with other signs but the syllables for that sign aren't pronounced.) The ankh, was-scepter, and djed would appear in prayers that include phrases like "offering that the king gives to the god" and the ending part of that "all things good and pure on which the gods live" and "living forever and ever." Your eyes may not be seeing the groups of syllables but trying to see them as single signs or letters. They're actually (sort of) grouped in blocks (another discussion entirely.)

About the electricity, could it not be possible that a seperation of 2 kingdoms (old/new) existed where the prior had such technology?

The two kingdoms were united about 5,000 years ago by King Narmer. The titles of the kings show that the two countries remained united (there is a set of symbols before a king's cartouche -- a "droopy" plant and a bee. This is the phrase "king of upper and lower Egypt.")

People don't tend to "lose technology." If the world sort of falls apart in one area (like Europe in the Dark Ages), knowledge still continues progress in other countries and often the results are imported into the stagnant countries. If an EMP took out all power sources in the world, the electrical grid would start being restored within hours using parts that hadn't been in place when the pulse happened and supplies that were already in the pipeline and supplies in warehouses and so forth. Poverty, conquest, and revolution slows things down, but people don't fall back into the stone age (you can see this from any number of civilizations that collapsed suddenly, including those in the Americas.) They make slower progress, however.

I find lots of text regarding deities and kings that can easily fit into seperate kingdom's. Not the best explenation though for this though.

Egypt is a very complex place, and during several periods it was a place of total chaos where 2-3 different "state-nations" existed. They're called the "Intermediate periods" and lasted for more than a hundred years in each case.

BTW, the badly drawn image was resketched from chapter ## of the Papyrus of Ani. Later today i wil try to find the source.

Shouldn't be hard to find, then... and the picture will be associated with a lot of text.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:41 PM
Hope you don't mind, but I had to comment on this since I've actually seen the chair in question:

Originally posted by Reignite

(also contains a 'dial home device'... not part of the thread, but anyway...

That's known as "the golden throne" of Tutankhamen, and as you may suspect by now, there's inscriptions on the chair. I can't see enough of them to make them out, but I've found sources that say the name of the king and his wife are there (but that's not all... the row of hieroglyphs is much longer than their names: "Tutankhaten" and "Ankhsenpaaten" ) and the "dial home" device is a necklace of lotus buds (if I'm making out the image correctly... the photos online aren't very good) with a counterweight of a lotus blossom (in any case, it's not a "stargate dial home" device.)

TourEgypt site says that the images here are a mix of Atenism and the standard religion:

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:56 PM
Anyway.... it reminds me of these things. Tesla coils in Russia.

And I was enjoying this thread til ol' super moderator confused the issue with facts. Spoil sport.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:59 PM
Last reply:

I did track down the Ptolemy of the inscription shown here:

This is the second Ptolemy, who ruled for 40 years and died in 246 BC. Historically, his name is given as Ptolemy II Philadelphus. The Ptolemys were kings set up on the throne of Egypt after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. They're all Greek and until Cleopatra VII none of them really spoke Egyptian. They had advisors who spoke both Greek and Egyptian and helped with translating their decrees from Greek to Egyptian, but these were basically Greek courts which held to some Egyptian traditions.

In addition to their Greek names, they all adopted Egyptian throne names. So they had a Horus name, a golden Horus name (which is different than the Horus name), a Nebty name, a praenomen and a nomen. The nomen and praenomen are the ones in the cartouches, and that that lets me sort out which particular Ptolemy this one is.

This guy's praenomen is Weserkare Meryamun "Powerful is the Soul of Re, Beloved of Amun" and it's under his rule that the empire reached its greatest power... after it fell to the Greeks (Alexander), of course.

And part of the inscription is "son of Ptolemy, the great god, Weserkare Meeryamun". The leftmost column of the inscription refers to Ptolemy as "The Osiris" which says what we already know from the picture -- that Ptolemy is dead and his son Ptolemy II is giving an offering.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:17 PM
I have got to say it, you two, i am well impressed by the extent of your knowledge in this field, right off the top of the head, boom boom. As a newbie i would like to learn more about the egyptians, can either of you put me on the right learning path, thank you.


posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Blimey what a cuffuddell, Egyptians who were Greek but couldnt speak Egyptian and had all sorts of names like horus who wasnt horus but someone else by a different name in the third person. Its no wonder our history is all mixed up lol.

Just jokin.


posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by MissSmartypants

Awesome structure!

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Byrd

and it's exactly images like these that convinces me Egypt was much more advanced as we think. The wat they look and pose.. As if they possess incredible technology.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 07:48 AM
I've always thought some of the things depicted in the art look strange, it made me wonder what the purpose of the objects were.

When I see the djed it reminds me of the things on top of a transformer.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Icanseeatoms
I have got to say it, you two, i am well impressed by the extent of your knowledge in this field, right off the top of the head, boom boom. As a newbie i would like to learn more about the egyptians, can either of you put me on the right learning path, thank you.

I pinned a link at the top of this forum with some free online texts. They suffer from being very old and very outdated, but some of them (the Petrie texts) are still classics.

Wikipedia is also a good place to start... look up the pharaohs and start browsing the links. You'll get a good feel for the history (and look at the towns and images they show.) I have a bunch of books on Egypt.. working through Temples, Tombs and Hieroglyphs by Barbara Mertz right now (she's an Egyptologist who has written some award-winning mystery fiction under the pen name "Elizabeth Peters.") Check it out at your local library.

Learning to read hieroglyphs, I recommend books that show you how to read common things found in museums. It makes museum trips interesting and you'll learn enough to recognize what's going on in a scene. You can move to more advanced material later.

My favorite book is How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Yourself by Manley and Collier. You can get it at Amazon for about $17 new ($11 used), and it's really a superb guide and worth every penny.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Reignite

Hey there Reignite, I thoroughly enjoyed your OP and you obviously have a passionate interest in the subject (as do I) ... I see that Byrd has been really helpful by adding some conventional information (I enjoyed reading her links too) ... but I have been working on a project for well over a decade that looks at the links between all ancient civilizations (but with a specific interest in the Egyptians) and comparing the conventional theories with a few of my own unorthodox theories ... the results are extremely interesting.

If you'd like to take a look here is the link;

And there is a section in the chapter entitled 'Hi-tech Ancients' that specifically covers electricity ... also lot's of pictures that help to emphasize and highlight my hypotheses. I think you might enjoy these alternative possibilities because I don't make any wild suggestions without providing recognized facts to support them.

What makes it even more interesting is that over the years since I began working on this project some of my initial suggestions that back in the day sounded quite unlikely possibilities ... have since been proven as factual realities ... this encourages me to believe that my other suggestions are therefore equally as valid ... and hopefully proven at some point in the not too distant future.

Never stop searching for answers ... Woody

edit on 8-2-2011 by woodwytch because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-2-2011 by woodwytch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Bless you Byrd.


posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Hiya Woody, havent the time at the moment to go on your website ( i have joined by the way ) looking forward to reading it all. Many thanks.


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