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John R. Moore and "Global Warming" : All signs of doom point to this video!

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:30 PM
Okay. I see people trying to piece things together regarding all of the weird weather and earthquakes we are experiencing, not to mention the economic crisis, political unrest and diminishing of liberties.

I think I've found the answer to what's causing all of this, and though I've posted this YouTube video link before, I thought I would create a separate thread for it so that everyone can weigh in on what this intelligent man, John R. Moore, former Green Beret, is saying.

The video series (12 10-minute YouTube videos) is called "Global Warming: What the Government Isn't Telling You".

Though it has this title, it is misleading. It is not about global warming, but it is rather about something far worse and more apocalyptic, Nibiru and pole shift.

Please watch the videos in their entirety, and then post what you think about his findings. The series was made in 2008. It is now 2011, and much of what Moore mentions is now coming true.

edit on 4-2-2011 by windwaker because: title edit.

edit on 4-2-2011 by windwaker because: various grammatical fixes

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Very good and informative I watched it when it was posted on the other thread it is well worth the watch and your consideration.
edit on 4-2-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 11:00 PM
I am currently on video 4 of 12, and so far it is very interesting. Earlier today I was on a thread watching video's on this subject, and FEMA, etc, so this thread was a nice find.

He just mentioned about the when the water levels rise, and flood inland making the Mississippi River 50-100 miles wide, which will then cause up to 3 massive earthquakes along the Madrid fault line because of the sudden weight from the water levels on the fault line.

Going back a little earlier he was talking about how the salt levels in the ocean play a part in moving the Gulf steams, and at present the salt levels in the ocean are becoming lower and lower with all the fresh water ice caps that are melting and draining into the ocean. This is why the UK for instance has been getting colder and colder winters because the Gulf stream is becoming less and less. And so forth....

After I heard these two things I suddenly thought 'BP Oil Spill'. Is it possible then that the BP oil spill was deliberate to destroy salt levels in the ocean to slow down the Gulf stream? Would oil contamination destroy salt content in the ocean? Or would the chemicals they used to clean the water, and shore lines destroy salt in the the water?

So if it were possible to destroy to salt content in the ocean this way, which will effect Global warming causing water levels to rise, which will then flood the Mississippi, and induce the Madrid Fault line into breaking....

This is all very interesting. This man is saying all of this will come from the magnetic pole shift which taking place right now because of the 10th planet(yes that one) which is pushing and pulling the solar system out of whack. This could be true... but maybe it is actually the government themselves that will be inducing 2012 disasters because it is the perfect way for them to wipe out massive amounts of the global population.

Maybe 2012 really is just suppose to be a concision waking and human enlightenment like the Mayans said. Maybe there isn't suppose to be any disasters at all, BUT because that's what everyone is thinking could possibly happen it will used against us to kill us threw these 'mother nature' earth changes.


posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by loagun

I think it's around videos 5 and 6 that he starts going into government tactics and the year 2012 and it's significance. Ironically he suggests that the December 20, 2012 date is just a ruse that is being used to distract the general public.

He talks about how the CIA and the US government have already finished their set up on continuity of government installations in Denver by 2009, and he discussed the different "phases" that the planet will go through from 2009 through the time of "the event".

According to Moore, we are currently in Phase 2 (weather changes, earthquakes occuring more frequently).

Regarding the idea of reducing the population, he discusses why the governments want to do this in the later videos. But it doesn't seem like something that is being done out of hate, but something that the governments have misguidedly decided to do in an effort to save the species as a whole. The whole concept suggested by Moore reminds me of the movie 2012.

He even talks about Africa being used as location for scientific study of animals, with most of the continent of Africa being de-populated by the time of the apocalypse (hence the reason for the many wars, famine and disease that curse the continent now).

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by windwaker

more "i know what is going to happen" BS

at 3mins 45secs into the video the laughing machine is turned on, this guy is as fake as that laughing,

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by the2people

You really need to get to at least videos 6 and 7. It may save your life.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:25 AM
of the many videos i have watched online dealing with this subject i found this one to be the best put together, and it actually sounds believable. you can actually tell/feel that most of this information is right.

very good thread post. thanks again

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 04:08 PM
Why is there only one flag on this thread after all the posts praising it? Come folks flag this thread this is good worthwhile information people need to hear so they can make an informed decision.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Maybe it's supposed to be this way. Maybe people aren't supposed to know?

"Hiding in plain sight." said John Moore. Alex Jones says this often now too.

I'm having a hard time accepting what is being said in these videos, but they are very thorough, and for a video that was made in March of 2008, also very accurate.

All I know is that I am not prepared. If the crap goes down like Moore says, I won't survive.

Yet I cannot stop planning my future like nothing is going to happen. John Moore said that the governments would make sure that the illusion of nothing being wrong would continue until it was way too late for most people to plan an escape.

So what should we make of all of this? If most of the people on the planet don't know or don't care, maybe I'll have to go down with the ship too.

Everyone I know and care about choose to remain clueless. If I were to act and try to protect myself, I would end up alone in a horrible world.

I'll go down with the ship and pretend like nothing's wrong.

Here is the Washington Post news article about the CIA moving to Denver. It was posted in 2005:

CIA Plans To Shift Work To Denver

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:00 PM
I just watched all the videos, very informative and scary at the same time. I wish that while I was working I had bought more beans and bullets. I only have about a 3 month supply of food on hand so I'm going to work on that as much as I can. I can only hope that my little corner of the woods in Louisiana will be alright looking at that map.

Interesting what he was saying about the corporations all knowing about this and planning to be almost like the "new" government after any cataclysims. Also Russia and China prepositioning supplies to take over Americas breadbasket to feed their starving people.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:13 PM
My family own 100 acres of forest land in South Carolina. I don't know where it exactly located, but the height of the land above sea level is about 450 feet.

Maybe if everything happens the way Moore says it will some of us can flee to that area? It might not be high enough to escape the floods or the panicked people from the nearby cities.

For me, it's this option...or the option of trying to get a job in Denver.

It's hard to just jump up and move to Denver on information that is still not proven yet, no matter what tell-tale signs are showing up.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:18 PM
I like how so many people say this video is "informative". What about it is informative, I wonder? The part where he walks around making vaguely-hypothesised, unreferenced and unsubstantiated assertions? Yes, I found that bit brilliantly informative too. Also, that sounds suspiciously like canned-laughter at the start. Not buying it. Absurd video is absurd. And isn't Nibru that giant mysterious planet on a collision course with earth that no-one ever gets to see because it's always inconveniently hiding behind the Sun? Typical ATS-quality-thead.
edit on 5-2-2011 by Nathan-D because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Nathan-D

It probably is canned laughter, but I promise you that by the time you get to part 7 and 8 you wont care.

I really wouldn't expect real people to laugh at what this guy is saying. Maybe he inserted it so that it wouldn't cause panic in the people viewing it.

He takes a while to get to the point. All I have to say is that according to him we are in "Phase 2" and we are experiencing weird weather and unusual seizmic activity on the planet...He predicted this would happen in 2011, and here we are in 2011. He said after Phase 2, Phase 3 would be very short.

Please, find out what Phase 3 is. View all of the videos. I have a feeling you have not.

It's a pretty long set, close to two hours. Maybe Moore should have made it shorter, but if he did, no one would ever take him seriously.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Nathan-D
I like how so many people say this video is "informative". What about it is informative, I wonder? The part where he walks around making vaguely-hypothesised, unreferenced and unsubstantiated assertions? Yes, I found that bit brilliantly informative too. Also, that sounds suspiciously like canned-laughter at the start. Not buying it. Absurd video is absurd. And isn't Nibru that giant mysterious planet on a collision course with earth that no-one ever gets to see because it's always inconveniently hiding behind the Sun? Typical ATS-quality-thead.
edit on 5-2-2011 by Nathan-D because: (no reason given)

So that is all you got out of it hmmmm? Well gee I had not heard about the CIA move from Langlely to Denver so I googled it just as he said, and low and behold guess what it was true. I googled everything else he said too and it turned out he was correct.

Now I don't necessarily agree with the Naval map he used however there is evidence of lots of retired navy moving to the ozarks. And yes some of his stuff can't be proven never the less but his military record can be and he definitely has enough evidence that government is preparing for something. He could be wrong, government could even be wrong, and most likely will be on some or most of it, as it is very difficult predict how nature will react to what ever happens if anything does at all. But I do believe government thinks something is going to happen, and they are preparing, whether it actually does or not is totally different.

We see lots of weird weather, volcanoes etc. going on and maybe that is all that will happen for a few years then things will settled down. Or it could get worse for while but still not be total destruction like some are predicting. We just don't know. The smart money is something will happen man made or natural or both at least to the point where people will be on thier own for an extended period of time so it is wise to prepare.

I am sure many of the people of Pompei never thought anything would happen either till the volcano blew its top. It's called "normalcy bias". As long as things seem relatively normal people refuse to consider anything that could drastically alter thier status quo. I bet they had some intuitive's who sensed it warn them too and ridiculed them. I bet plenty of people in Egypt were shocked when the whole place broke out in riots etc. etc.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 07:53 PM

reply to post by hawkiye
“We see lots of weird weather, volcanoes etc. going on and maybe that is all that will happen for a few years then things will settled down. Or it could get worse for while but still not be total destruction like some are predicting. We just don't know. The smart money is something will happen man made or natural or both at least to the point where people will be on their own for an extended period of time so it is wise to prepare”.

Are we really seeing an increase in volcanoes and weird weather though? Or is it just a natural consequence of increased interconnectedness and telecommunications which means that we get bombarded with more news now generally or maybe it is simply in the interest of the AGW-lobby to make it seem as though the world is falling apart and man is to blame so they can fulfil their politically and economically-rewarding belief-system? I don't claim to have the answers, but a quick Google search should elucidate to us whether extreme weather is increasing.

This is a chart from the Natural Weather Statistics showing the number of hurricanes on the east coast of America over the last 150 years and there appears to have been a considerable decrease over the last few decades.

We just don't know.

If we just don't know then the smart move would be to do nothing, surely?

I am sure many of the people of Pompei never thought anything would happen either till the volcano blew its top. It's called "normalcy bias". As long as things seem relatively normal people refuse to consider anything that could drastically alter their status quo. I bet they had some intuitive's who sensed it warn them too and ridiculed them. I bet plenty of people in Egypt were shocked when the whole place broke out in riots etc. etc.

Sorry, but I don't equate an increase in volcanoes (if indeed there even has been) and increased extreme weather (if there has been) to some future-prophesied "total destruction". That sounds like rationalised self-delusion to me coupled with an overactive imagination and perhaps even some sort of undiagnosed psychopathology thrown in for good measure. We have no reason to be scared about an imagined problem that has not been proven to exist outside the unhappy and fear-filled dreams of the people who are imagining it. It's ironic that the real-problems in this world like fluoridated water continue to go unchecked while extravagant theories like Nibru have people terrified witless.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Nathan-D
We have no reason to be scared about an imagined problem that has not been proven to exist outside the unhappy and fear-filled dreams of the people who are imagining it. It's ironic that the real-problems in this world like fluoridated water continue to go unchecked while extravagant theories like Nibru have people terrified witless.

According to Moore, it's all related. He talks about fluoridated water. He says that it is deliberate measure to kill off as many people as possible before the event happens.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Nathan-D

Actually if you sit down and watch all of it (which you clearly havent), he ties alot of conspiracies together in a easy to keep track of way. Google Xena and NASA and see what pops up if you don't believe me. Also I had no idea about sea levels being different at the equators, NOAA website confirms it. To get anything out of them you have to watch them there buddy. Also the laughter sounded to me like the microphone was closer to the audience against the back of the room and kinda reverberated, not canned. People tend to try to laugh off things when theyre presented with scary information. Ever try to wake someone up and even though you say all facts you can see on their face that you're scaring them? What do they usually respond to your statements with? I'm willing to bet they try to laugh it off.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:03 AM
I was trying to find more John Moore video's on youtube of him giving presentations, or from his radio show when I came across this video. It is another well put together piece concerning all the same information in John Moore's videos. This one is 36 minutes long, but it is all one video which is nice. If you liked John Moore's video, you will like this one too! It touches on a few other things too, enjoy!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

Im sure there was that "one crazy guy" going around pompei saying "hey dude, this big thing over here is gonna blow and F things up one day"..then the sheeple would laugh and ridicule him saying "oh yeah right, people have been saying that for years, and look, we are still here nothing ever is going to happen. do you know why? because people in the past have said somethin gis going to happen and it hasn't. thats my proof. lets go to Pompiebucks and get a latte, text on my P-phone, and buy some new sandals"

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

I seriously thinking about taking all of 2012 off for vacation...just for kicks.

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