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A Message to ALL Americans. READ!

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posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 11:20 AM

I agree wholeheartedly. Our rights are contiually being taken away but not only that, people in palces like Claifornia actually vote TO have their rights taken away. You cant smoke a cigerette in your own back yard but you can smoke a joint on the street. What kind of freakin sense does that make??

wrong...I live in California, I smoke cigarettes most anywhere I want to, the only difference is, I have respect for people that don't smoke, so I take a few minutes to find a spot where it is away from them....that's it

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 11:38 AM


My message to Americans is "wake up and do something", not "I hate you all because of what your government has done"

Reading your post I see you are under the impression that if the US was not as it is today the world would be a much better place. I think that is the true debate here in what would the world look like if the US was an isolationist. I can tell you the last time we practice that concept WWII happened so I think one needs to look at Russia, China and maybe a couple of packs of countries to think about what they would be doing over the last 50 years if we were not as were are.

Right now China is working on global domination from many different directions. EVERYWHERE you look China is there and in many cases they are there to pillage a countries resources... They also do not care about the environment in the least. We have done the same in the past but they are on a much larger scale and not stopping anytime soon. Right now China can invade ANY country but the US and win handily and it might even be a communist point to expand and weed out their population in the process too for the good of all, well all that are still alive.

Russia, the iron curtain never really fell, they are as dangerous today as they were in the 80s. Only the US has the might to stop them if/when they decide to expand, and I think expansion is still in play for this countries, even today.

A middle east pack, or Africa pack, or Asian pack etc... "Might is right" has been the moto for the human race for 200,000 years so why do you think it is different today?

So I want everyone to think of what the world would look like today if the US was not the dominate force it is....

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 08:03 PM
I'd rather live in the USA than Canada anyday. Course, I'm a MN girl and I've looked over the Rainy River in Baudette, MN to Canada and I figure its not so different. Same climate, same landscape and same natural beauty. But the fact of the matter is, I'd never in a million years choose to leave my country because I'm still the lucky one here. I live in the freest country in the world as it exists today, and I can shoot off my back deck and target practice any time I like. Especially with my handgun, my fave being the 357 Magnum revolver. So simple, so easy...I dunno I just like it for protection. And not from the bad guys necessarily, but possibly from a wild wolf or dog or critter. I figure American bashing Canadians like you who put the thought and time necessary into creating a thread about my freedoms is just jealous. I mean what other motive could there possibly be?

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 04:57 AM

So simple, so easy...I dunno I just like it for protection. And not from the bad guys necessarily, but possibly from a wild wolf or dog or critter. I figure American bashing Canadians like you who put the thought and time necessary into creating a thread about my freedoms is just jealous. I mean what other motive could there possibly be?

I agree with all, except the "but possibly from a wild wolf or dog or critter".

It's rare for a wolf to attack a human. and call the spca for them dogs..
..unless it's rabid of course and you have no choice. Critter?? Like a bigfoot lol!! critters usually run from humans..

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

I personally know someone who was attacked by a wild dog, it took three shots from a rifle to kill the dog. Perhaps it was rabid, I'm guessing so. It does happen and so I wouldn't discount that scenario from the realm of possibility. Course, I would never ever just shoot somebody's pet, I had that happen to me. My puppy went on the neighbor's land when she was four months old and he shot her in the leg. Was hard to prove it was him but she survived and was the best bird dog ever but her quality of life was never what it should have been. Poor Pepper.

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