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A Challenge To Atheists, Deists, Agnostics, and children of all ages.

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posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Who am I? I'm a rational agent in the universe.

What is my purpose? Well, I hope to increase understanding in the world and decrease suffering while getting the most I can out of my life, and I think I have the right way to do it.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 06:25 AM
Who am I? Just an old soul lost in the wilderness of our constrictive imaginations. Bound by shackles to an unforgiving world tainted with regret, vice, and corruption, a flower in a field of weeds, that is who I am. But not just that, no-no, for we are much more than what such simplistic words locked within the confines of a vocabulary that is not extensive. For words are but mere words, hollow as a seashell, until they are injected with the fiery passion of human spirit, which I intend to do in this post.

You asked who the real me is. Not the name provided to me by my parents, not the culture I was born into, not the clothes I wear or the house I live in, you want to know the side of me that cannot be read like the cover of a book, the side that makes us uniquely human.

My spirit yearns for the pleasures of literature, of classical art, and of personal philosophy. An understanding of our past with an optimistic yet grounded view of the future. One that knows we have been created but given the chance to evolve like the butterfly released from his cocoon. Spread out upon the backs of our bodies of spirit lie our wings of light, dancing in the intoxicating aroma of natural beauty which is our mother earth.

And understanding that we are all interconnected to each other on this plane, billions of people each having their own unique destiny and me being one of them. How grand it is to at least attempt to grasp the sophistication of our modern world. As stated before I have an old soul, one which enjoys being wrapped within the warm blanket of knowledge whilst embracing others with a strong sense of benevolence. That is who I am.

Why am I here? A better question to be asked is “why are any of us here?” Is there any person that has the knowledge to explain this to us mere mortals? There is no science which can tell us why we are here although it makes the attempt at telling us how we are here. I, an independent spirit, had made a subconscious decision to enter this world in this body, at this time, for a specific predetermined reason yet to be revealed to my conscious mind.

When this answer has been discovered I wish to fully apply it. But maybe it will never be discovered, maybe the point is to keep our reasons for being here a secret from our conscious in fear that we may try and alter our destiny. For knowledge which is provided beforehand leaves room for intentional alteration on the conscious level. The subconscious must keep itself protected from the rebellious nature of the conscious.

What I do know however is that wherever in life I am traveling it is my hope to be accompanied by curious passengers.

edit on 2/3/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
who am i?

You're a wonderful person and someone I have had the once in a lifetime chance to meet.

Im a woman who has fullfilled her destiny yet remains stuck on this god forsaken planet....

Your destiny has yet to be fulfilled for when it is your time here shall come to a close. Please do not fret or find distaste with this planet as it is beautiful, provided to you is a bounty of riches, if only you could manage to alter your state of being to see what has been setting in front of you all along.

Im a woman to whom for the past 25 years has believe in a higher power yet upon her mothers recent death , has seriously begun to question those said beliefs ....

Upon the death of loved ones it is quite usual to enter a state of skepticism. How could god, an all loving and all caring, supernatural and controlling entity, permitted your mother to have been torn apart from you on this plane? For that question has rung even in the mind of my mother who, like yourself, lost her mother within the last year and has been tormented with grief.

the so called holy ghosts in my religon has failed to protect and keep alive the one person who lit mean the world to me

Your mother was obviously an inspiration, emotional, and influential person in your life. From the short time that I have been provided with the privilege of knowing you it is with my personal understanding that you are a great person, a person who would have made your mother proud. She weeps as you weep for she questions, whilst watching down upon you, why you sorrow as she lives in joy.

Your mother, alysha, is without pain, suffering, illness, heartache, worry, or negativity. But alas she yearns to hold you as you do her. You shall be united in due time when your soul is ready to be called home. But always remember:

God does not take one away,
God merely moves them out of sight.
For they are waiting in bright light,
As you search in the shadows of night.

so i ask if there was a god then why is they world as we know it so damn screwed up and why am i one of the most unluckest people on the planet?

I consider a lucky person one who has a roof over their head, food in their stomach, clothes on their back, and rather good health.

God does not do anything for you, god does everything with you.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 06:57 AM
Who we are is what we are doing at this very moment, our thoughts, our actions.

What we are doing in the "Now" is us or what defines us.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 07:07 AM
ok ive got about 10 mins here i go
i apologise now for any offence or bad grammar or spelling im terrible i know

first off id like to say great question i was expecting some sort of biased veiw or attack on a particular group of people or thoery but was pleasently surprised.

i guess the only answer i can give is ... i am myself.. we are all individual and great ... but at the same time.. we are all the same and small

the whole idea that one thoery of religion is right is a joke
i myself am an agnostic i believe in some form of existance after death be it some matter of pure energy or divine light. i wear a crucifix and belive in the big bang theroy i know a bit hypocritical but nevermind

people going to war or argueing over religion is pointless.. "fighting over who has thye best imaginary friend" i once read

that my veiw on that and im not going to bore you readers by blabing on for hours and hours about random stuff so im just going to leave you with a qoute from "American beauty" and hope it brightens your day

"there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday. "

first massive post ive done on this site hope its what youre after "iamiam"

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Johovo
first massive post ive done on this site hope its what youre after "iamiam"

I have just given you your first star.
I never get that opportunity.

I liked what you had to say and I believe you will fit in very well here. Such a great post and such an interesting person.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I am a thinking entity. I exist because that is how it is so in this dimension of this universe, and that is what makes other dimensions have the shapes that they do and other universes have the histories that they do. I am here because of everything everywhere. I am 100% serious, and 100% sure of what I just said, and I am unsure of anything else.
edit on 2/3/2011 by Adlai because: typos

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Who are you? Not your name, not your place of birth, not your job, but who are YOU at your very core?

I don't know... But I have a feeling that if I did know, I wouldn't be here. So, I'll guess that I'm a singular expression of the whole, using this body and mind to experience and grow in this existence.

Why are you here? What do you think the purpose of your life is?

Why am I here? Aside from the above guess, I don't know that, either.

I'm not sure we have a "purpose in life". Everyone seems to concentrate on that a lot, but I don't feel the need to have a specific "purpose". I'm completely happy just living each day as it comes. Maybe my purpose is to discover the answer to question #1.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Who are you? Not your name, not your place of birth, not your job, but who are YOU at your very core?

Soul within soul within soul.

Why are you here? What do you think the purpose of your life is?

To play many parts.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts"

As You Like It 2/7

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:25 AM
I'm just me, and I just want to be. I have hopes and dreams and fears and problems just like anyone. Things confuse me. Sometimes I don't understand. Sometimes I don't even know where some of these things are coming from. Some stuff I know and don't know why I know it. I can't explain it. Some stuff I know is cold hard facts. I try to see the bigger and the whole picture, and that's hard to do with the limited knowledge we have.

I don't often believe people who claim to know it all or pretend to. That's something I try hard not to project though, even though I know I sometimes fail. I like honesty even if it hurts. That's pretty much where I come from. I want to hear and try to understand your hopes and dreams and fears, but I won't presume what those are unless you show me. I try very hard not to assume things either, but I'm human (well half), so sometimes that happens too.

But even given all this, I would never presume to tell another what to think or how to think it or when. No intentionally, anyway. There's absolutely no sense in this. All I really know is what I know and how I think and what I feel, and I have absolutely no expectations that anyone will ever understand this. Why should they and how could they if they haven't been where I've been and seen what I've seen or lived my life?

Sometimes I share, and sometimes I don't. When I do share, most often it's just to say, "Hey, someone might feel differently about that, there might be another side to think about here..." or to say, "Hey, I can empathize...."

Once it's out there, it no longer has anything to do with me. It's up to whoever hears it to do with it what they will—think about it or not, toss it away or incorporate it into their own wealth of knowledge or not, challenge it or not, continue a discussion or not, move on or not.

If someone chooses to view something I've shared as an attack or as an attempt to judge, convert, influence, or change them and gets defensive or labels me as an enemy (or labels me at all), it's their choice what to do with it.
  • If my words failed and caused this, there's nothing I can do except explain some more and grow—if given the chance. If I've failed somehow and no one tells me, my loss. If I consistently do this and don't grow, my even bigger loss.

  • If this is more of a projection of how they themselves operate and what motivates them deep down or of their own fear, insecurity, or ego, there's not a lot I can do. I can ask for clarification or move on. (And to be honest, right or wrong, more and more, attempting to communicate with anyone who does this on a consistent basis seems futile, so I just move on. It's just not worth it. There's only so much patience, time, and energy left and it's best spent elsewhere,

This being said, communicating is hard, particularly in a place meant for discussion and debate. It's hard to pick just the right words to express what you think., and it hard to find the time and patience too sometimes. It's not easy being us.

Why we're here is to be. The purpose of life is what you make it for you—not for someone or anyone else.

Writing this is hard, too. Bye.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:40 AM
There are many different "Gods".

Anycase, who am "I" - I am a transdimensional genetic implant that is stamped with the eye of the designer, or at least, one of the designers.
edit on 3-2-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Interesting how similar our responses are.
I hadn't read yours till just now.

I do wonder... Why do you address your questions to atheists, agnostics, deists and children? Why not everyone? Just curious.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by IAMIAM

Interesting how similar our responses are.
I hadn't read yours till just now.

I do wonder... Why do you address your questions to atheists, agnostics, deists and children? Why not everyone? Just curious.

I meant no offence my friend. Atheists, agnostics, and deists have made some determination on what life is, one way or another. That seems pretty grown up to me. Children are still discovering. I am a child learning from the adults. I used the labels because this thread was inspired by the battling the adults have been doing. I wanted their attention specifically. I am hoping to understand through them, who I am.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Who are you? Not your name, not your place of birth, not your job, but who are YOU at your very core?

Why are you here? What do you think the purpose of your life is?

1) I am you
2) I am here to help the creator experience itself through creation

In' Lakesh

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
I meant no offence my friend.

Oh, I didn't take offense.
Not at all. I was just curious, as I said.

Atheists, agnostics, and deists have made some determination on what life is, one way or another.

So has just about everyone. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc, all have their views on what life's about. Or some of them do. I was curious why they were excluded. That's all.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Who are you? Not your name, not your place of birth, not your job, but who are YOU at your very core?

Good question. I have enjoyed attempting to answer it; it was enlightening.

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Why are you here? What do you think the purpose of your life is?

I hope to find that out someday. For now it's to stay humble (extremely difficult for me).

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
So has just about everyone. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc, all have their views on what life's about. Or some of them do. I was curious why they were excluded. That's all.

They are not excluded my friend. They either fall into the category of an agnostic (budhists for example) or deists (Muslims, christians, jews, etc.). There are too many sets of clothes out there to name them all, and everyone would have been better, but would not have gotten the attention of those who I wanted to hear from.

It's all relative I guess.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by zroth
1) I am you

Do you love me?
Do you love all of my friends and family?
Would you harm any of us?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:35 AM
Thank you all to who have contributed so far. It is wonderful to know more about you.

What a diverse crowd we are!

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Is it necessary to demand that others think the way that you do when you would not let another make you think differently?

I have no goal to demand that others think like I do. I do tend to challenge unsupported claims, and getting towards the truth is the goal, not changing someone's ways of thinking.

Additionally, my ways of thinking have been changed by conversations online. Who knows, maybe someone else has changed their thinking from things I've said.

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