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I'm sorry, but I just have to ask this...

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posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:21 PM
i think its completly obvious that they monitor this site and others, but i dont think its quite as you imagine it. I think all they care is that your here. That ticks the box. Their automated profiling system does the rest, visit SK Central? Have a fire arm? have a job? are a member of if you start ticking all the boxes then they look closer, and all thats done from a far higher level.

they dont have a complete system to do it, but they know have to piece all the freely available jigsaw pieces that they have together.

for more info try

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:23 PM
if what you suggest in part of your op
wasn't true , I bet that since this business
concerning Jared loughner being a member
here, I am sure they have their eye on this
site ,over certain thread topics . The more
powerful something becomes the bigger the
door for corruption, lets hope the screen is locked
here on Ats.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:26 PM
on a broader matter, i think ALL public forums are govt sanctioned.

i have loads of my own and they are all crap, no one ever posts. why? i think that TPTB have a system in place to detter communities forming.

as such it follows that TPTB are happy for ATS to exist as it makes things seem normal and they can track it. it also makes sense that its run by the govt? but maybe it isnt. but what they dont want its lots of little ATS's existing because its harder to track.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:30 PM
I would say that it would be a sign of sheer ignorance to assume that no one is watching or reading over these topics in fact I would dare say that the NSA has a personal file just for the likes of us along with DHS. Whether they really care that much about us or not is debatable. I am sure that just like the phones, emails, instant messaging. They look for keywords. I mean for one after the shooting of Rep. Gifford. I am sure that they put a bit of extra attention on here considering the shooter may very well have been a member of ATS. Now whether someone nails something or not like that movie Conspiracy Theory will they come out in troves trying to take them down and get rid of the evidence? Unlikely as it would just build more merit into the arguments.

I believe that it is well known or should be well known that our credit card transactions are tracked. I am more then sure that currency can be used for tracking whether it is or not I don't know but that little silver piece of metal is in there for a reason I am sure. The fact that they have started putting microchips in bracelets to help find kids is a good thing but how long before they want to implant one like in your lovable pet? I think this can be best summed up in one of my favorite sayings. Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by depressed67

I think the PTB love ATS for the reason someone else suggested. It makes it easy for them to mine for information which they then use to control/influence us. If they know what people like, they can tailor information to us. People are inclined to trust and accept information if it agrees with or supports what they already believe. So if they know what we like, they can tell us things in ways we will easily accept.

It is not by accident that the news has gotten incredibly stupid in the last several years. They have figured out Americans like to be amused, distracted, titillated, not to think deeply. ATS has changed too, due to that fact.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by badw0lf
aliens on the sun

What are you talking about!?!?

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:40 PM
on the issue of covert infiltration i think its more widespread than you think

they have what i call cyber-para units, trained in psy-ops.

its simple, they have an arsenal of usernames and passwords. at anytime they can bear 10 people, for example onto a thread, and 'influence' the direction of that thread. for example, the first 10 responces to this thread could be cyber-para.

i have toyed with the idea of setting up a psy-ops unit of my own. after initial training you go out on live ops. mission, to 'influence' people. thats what its all about, influence and distrupt WITHOUT BEING SEEN. If you can (they) change the way you think or believe they achieve their goal. say five of use where banded together, we could then agree onan objective, such as ridicule or support the OP, and work towards that goal. Its subtle, but it doesnt have to be. 5 people starting a flame war could close the thread and deter te OP. Easily done. Then consider that the admin are part of that cyber-para team.

ive seen this for real, they called themselves black ops, and when they went live their forum went uner a password. they formed a unit to infiltrate muslim sites etc. it was very 'patriotic' and 'military', but it doesnt have to be.

remember the CIA infiltrated every organisation they could in the 60's and 70's. including the communists and black panthers. hteir goal was to disrupt and discredit. easily dont.

also consider that alot of ATS people are far more likely to be mentally unstable, i know i am. This actually makes us more likely to be mancurian candidates. easily provoked into violence and despicable acts by a govt aiming to achieve certain ends.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by depressed67

You know the idea that a site like ATS could be used to recruit people to do violence has crossed my mind. Because you are right, there are a significant number of people here with mental illnesses.

I would not be surprised if that did not happen at some point. Or if it had already happened. It not only covers the tracks of the person who incites the violence, but it also further discredits conspiracy theory in general. It allows them to generalize us all as dangerous loons on the fringe. And while there are people here who are mentally ill, there are also many who are quite sane.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by noobsauce13

How many times have you seen a good post completely ignored where others that don't even deserve the time of day receive ridiculous amounts of stars and flags? Have you ever seen a debate that just doesn't seem fair because everyone is staring the guy they like instead of the guy making a solid argument? Even on the internet where everyone can remain virtually anonymous we still wont spend the time or effort to support what we feel is right. I do believe there are certain groups on here that purposely star and flag certain things to push certain agendas, but that doesn't mean ATS is in on it. If you don't even believe that much, just move along now. If you want any chance of finding the truth you need to consciously make sure to counter-act their efforts by using the full power of stars and flags like they do. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. That is all.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by RustyShakleford92

No one has to actively monitor the site. NSA and others search for the use of keywords. If you email, phone, or submit online and use words like well.... ending the life of certain elected officials, terrorist phrases, etc., you may be flagged for further attention. And if you are really busy, maybe a fun visit from the FBI, Secret Service, ATF, etc. Having a good vocabulary can keep you more safe if you like this kind of talk, and maybe even all the terrible misspellings we see on here will help too! Ass ass innate? Gee had? New queue lure (as GW would say it) or new clear? If any of them are here.... I'm sure they are only here for amusement. Big secrets tend to be told for money (why do we keep hiring non-American citizens to work on our top secret projects?) or to someone like Assange, I suspect. Maybe we can get a few deathbed confessions in here!

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:59 PM
I for one could care less. I have nothing to hide! If I want to voice my opinion, I voice it. If I have a question, I ask it. As others have stated I am sure that if they are, they have gotten some real belly laughs! Of course sites like this are going to attract a couple of nutcases, but the rest of us can't help that now can we!

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:00 PM
the government is not only monitoring this site, but actively engaging in disinfo tactics as well...ive seen some pro-Zionist posts from moderators who, though named, will remain nameless, but that could have been coincidence...and there are people (like, say, when chemtrails are mentioned) who do everything in their power to debunk things...i can understand conspiracy believers constantly seeking truth, but really, who dedicates their life to debunking something on a conspiracy forum EVERY time it is mentioned? suspicious to say the least...the govt probably also has more disguised folks who lead discussions in favorable directions...i lurked here without posting for a long time because i didnt want to go on their list, but finally decided they can all go screw themselves, and i will scream the truth from the rooftops from now on...the only way im going to a FEMA camp is if they thrown me in there cold...

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

yes, i find it very frustrating to read all the provoking stuff here above how people wont take any more crap and they'll wake up and revolt and take to the streets. in particular people applauding recent riots in greece and europe, thus inferring that people not breaking the law are just lying down taking it up the ass.

i dont believe in mental illness, but i do believe that certain people are more on the edge than others. everyone has a breaking point. the internet can make people really angry. if you can target a loose cannon you could find the trigger for that person. only the govts or PTB have the time and resources to do that. and i think they do.

i think the gifford shooter was either a cia plant or a mancurian candidate as described above. combine the obvious with psy-op thought projection, and you can really 'win freiends AND INFLUENCE people'.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by HenryPatrick

MSM constantly reffer to China as a police state but i dont think UK and US are any different.

Following on, its well known that China employ people to visit forums and sway threads and discussions in a pro-govt stance. Just follows to reason that they do it here.

However, i dont think we should be nieve enough to imagine that they are so simplistic. They could equally well play the other way to lure people out.

basically, you cant trust anyone, not me, not the poster above or the poster below. which is pretty much what they want.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by WhizPhiz

thats the truth.

im not much of a forum poster really, not for years but i remember i used to post interesting stuff on a comics forum and instantly the same old hacks would bump EVERY OTHER THREAD to the top sending mine down to thread hell. it shappens, whether engineered or just malicouis

personally i gave up a long time ago and have my own forums where i talk to myself blatently. same difference just less frustrating.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by depressed67

You know the idea that a site like ATS could be used to recruit people to do violence has crossed my mind. Because you are right, there are a significant number of people here with mental illnesses.

I would not be surprised if that did not happen at some point. Or if it had already happened. It not only covers the tracks of the person who incites the violence, but it also further discredits conspiracy theory in general. It allows them to generalize us all as dangerous loons on the fringe. And while there are people here who are mentally ill, there are also many who are quite sane.

My thoughts echo your line of thinking here. More than once I've winced at some of the more aggitated rhetoric I've read in a thread or two. It troubles me because while I am very staunchly free speech and liberty, I'm also a big proponent of non-violence. Defending oneeself from attack is one thing, but the idea of agressive violent action leaves me feeling cold.

It took me a long time to decide to join and start posting, just for the very question the OP raised. I don't particularly relish the potential of ending up on a list somewhere... but at the same time, I can no longer remain silent about my views on where the world is going, either.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:23 PM
A definite conundrum. One line of thinking is that the government would be totally moronic, sophomoric, stupid, ignorant, brainless, clueless, etc. to NOT have peepers on ATS, and the competing thought is, hey, its the government!! Those descriptors have been proven so many times, they can't possibly be here.

Which is it....very good question.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:25 PM

i just brought and will soon be recruiting cyber-para mercenaries to conquer other forums and influence people. my first target will be pm me for advanced enrollment. must have own pc and broadband connection.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by ProvehitoInAltum

I think you made the right decision. I too dont like the thought of being on some list, but at the same time, I also think we have an obligation to speak out.

The only thing that will keep me out of FEMA camps, if they turn out to be a fact, is the fact that intellectual arguments are highly ineffective with the majority. In other words, I am no threat. I could never spark a populist movement, my style is far too dry.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by roughycannon

Originally posted by badw0lf
aliens on the sun

What are you talking about!?!?



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