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My husband woke up.

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posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:13 AM
Everything is fine and all said your hubby wanted to go on a trip
thats kinda freak me out a bit...the best treatment for him right now is talking/sharing with like-minded people......NOT taking some med.....that's pretty much making the situation more complicated.

Best of luck for your family.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by stellawayten

Just wandering, when you say your husband is preaching do you mean he is saying prasie the lord jesus or is he saying things like the world is ending?

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by stellawayten

I feel I have to say this to you...You were not the one to get the message because you are a believer...The "grounded" people think we are dreams and when we see lights in the sky they think we have read another UFO book...Now it sounds like your husband had two feet planted on earth until now and that is why more people should listen....I don't believe he is crazy...By the way the only way he could be admitted to pysc was if he was a threat to himself or to others...Did they feel he was planning on hurting your family?

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:20 AM
One thing you really need to remember is do not let him stop taking anything all at once. The meds for bi-polar have terrible withdrawal even suicide. If he stops taking them it has to be gradual withdrawal. I have spoken with Hindu masters when the samething happened to me. They said that in the West we don't understand what an "Enlighten Experience is" They told me to go to an Ashram, (sp?) They said in the Eastern countries people that have an Awaken Enlightenment or revered but in the West they call them crazy.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by the2people
reply to post by stellawayten

Just wandering, when you say your husband is preaching do you mean he is saying prasie the lord jesus or is he saying things like the world is ending?

It was more of a praise the lord type of thing.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by stellawayten

thank you for having the fortitude to share
your story with us.

Just wanted to share with you that I have linked this thread
with mine here:

many thanks


posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by zbeliever
reply to post by stellawayten

I feel I have to say this to you...You were not the one to get the message because you are a believer...The "grounded" people think we are dreams and when we see lights in the sky they think we have read another UFO book...Now it sounds like your husband had two feet planted on earth until now and that is why more people should listen....I don't believe he is crazy...By the way the only way he could be admitted to pysc was if he was a threat to himself or to others...Did they feel he was planning on hurting your family?

I think they were worried about him hurting himself. He didn't ever say that he was going to but if you would have heard him you would have thought he was a crazy person. He was pretty manic at the time. It was like he didn't have a filter for his thoughts and they were racing pretty bad.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by coolottie
One thing you really need to remember is do not let him stop taking anything all at once. The meds for bi-polar have terrible withdrawal even suicide. If he stops taking them it has to be gradual withdrawal. I have spoken with Hindu masters when the samething happened to me. They said that in the West we don't understand what an "Enlighten Experience is" They told me to go to an Ashram, (sp?) They said in the Eastern countries people that have an Awaken Enlightenment or revered but in the West they call them crazy.

I won't let him quit his meds... not all at once and not right now. I don't know if he is bipolar or isn't. I'm having a time of trying to piece everything together myself. Right now I'm taking things one day at a time.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by stellawayten

well thats a relief. just dont miss it
it sounds like one of those once in a lifetime/regret for the rest of your life type scenarios.
dont be scared either ,jump on that spaceship if its there and tell them to help us out!!!

E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose.
He said, "You are the Chosen One,
the One who will deliver the message.
A message of hope for those who choose to hear it
and a warning for those who do not."
Me. The Chosen One?
They chose me!!!
And I didn't even graduate from #in' high school

dont let us down !!!
oh and bring a pen!!! write it down.dont forget. bring a pen.!!! haha
im silly!

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by stellawayten

thank you for having the fortitude to share
your story with us.

Just wanted to share with you that I have linked this thread
with mine here:

many thanks


Very interesting indeed. Won't be long till we find out if all of these 'feelings' are right.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by stellawayten

Originally posted by zbeliever
reply to post by stellawayten

I feel I have to say this to you...You were not the one to get the message because you are a believer...The "grounded" people think we are dreams and when we see lights in the sky they think we have read another UFO book...Now it sounds like your husband had two feet planted on earth until now and that is why more people should listen....I don't believe he is crazy...By the way the only way he could be admitted to pysc was if he was a threat to himself or to others...Did they feel he was planning on hurting your family?

I think they were worried about him hurting himself. He didn't ever say that he was going to but if you would have heard him you would have thought he was a crazy person. He was pretty manic at the time. It was like he didn't have a filter for his thoughts and they were racing pretty bad.

that behavior sounds like a '___' trip to me...very typical symptoms. maybe it twas a genuine spiritual awakening. i still wouldn't rule out that he's being contacted by ETs, simply because of the fact he's stating that God is an ET. you should take your husband seriously, believe every word he tells you, he needs the support for sure. aand you'll probably get him to open up more and explain things maybe. aand if you "believe" everything he says you come into his mindset and maybe you will be able to find out more if you are "walking in his shoes".

+20 more 
posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:29 AM
[snip] ...... all you "Meds-type" conspiracy theorists need to take dam seat for Once.

Listen ......this is starting to happen everywhere ...people are starting to have direct spirtual/divine experiences and its becoming a global phenomenon ....

I've got through this ish a decade ago and the rabbit hole since then just keeps going deeper and deeper. My first instinct in my personal awakening was exactly that ..."that its all about to go down soon......"

Im seeing and hearing from people that I would have never thought in a million years would be waking up....

Just get him off the dam drugs and tell him to chill out and stay quiet about what happened to him....... he can share with certain folks but not with everyone and its not Bi-Polar.....

Stupid arse drug prescribing idiots !!!!!!

Its genuine ....he had a glimpse of the Infinite ......just tell him to chill out and buckle up ...were in for a ride and have front row seats!!!!!
also just wanted to add that if you need advice or he needs someone to talk to ...I can provide an outlet ...either ats, email, over the phone, or in person....

Its a perfectly natural ordeal..... what hes going thru
edit on 1-2-2011 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.
edit on 2/1/2011 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:29 AM
He definitely had a spontaneous '___' (Dimethyltryptamine ) release to his brain from the pineal gland, that would account for the headaches being gone as well. Ask him if he remembers a snap or pop in his head when this happened.

He also may have had a psychotic breakdown which could be very dangerous so be careful.

It's definitely not a bipolar episode. Sit down with him and watch the movie 'Frailty' and see how he reacts to it - if it changes his behavior or sends him secret messages it was probably a psychotic breakdown.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by stellawayten

Have you ever seen the movie - "frailty" with bill paxton. Sounds exactly what your husband is experiencing.Everyone thinks he is a nut case, but he really does receive messages from an angel.
Hope I haven't ruined the end of the movie for you.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:41 AM
Please don't berate me for this.....

The planet is changing and so are the humans. We are supposed to be experiencing changes in our vibrational energy which will cause us to be more psychic, etc. Maybe your husband's vibration changed and that is what is causing this reaction. If you are not prepared for it, it can be very alarming. I really hope you can seek some alternative medical opinions. Meds are not a good answer for most people....... some perhaps. Research some of the energetic changes that are happening to the humans. Try or some thing that explains the "symptoms of ascension". You may be surprised at what you find.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:47 AM
The meds are basically stimulants, to either increase or decrease the heartrate when depression or excitement happens. One can easily get addicted to it, and overtime, it does more harm than good.

If he is truly awakened, then he must know that the most precious item he has is his mind, and must do everything to cultivate the mind through logic and reason, never to get too excited over a revelation of truth, or depressed by the unmasking of lies, and to to always maintain a clinical detachment to whatever that happens. Meditation or just some quiet time alone would do better wonders.

It is common that he would want to share his spiritual enlightment, for it is indeed an overwelhming and totally new experience in ones' life, and is only natural, but rather than to talk to others that may not be ready to accept such views, he can always spend some time with others who had experiences such as him, and how to tamper that enthusiam into effective ways to reach out to the uninitiated.

For the awakened, there is much to do, but it is not a gung ho job that is required to change the world. It needs a lot of patience, for without patience, that awakeness will soon fall back to sleep in the belief that nothing changes. Changes will not be overnight, but will take time for the seeds to be sown and grown.

Many more had been patient for sowing over centuries for our today, and those awaken today should be glad the time for sowing is much shorter and would be able to see its effects soon, for truth will be revealed soon. Thus your husband too, must be patient, reaching out one at a time, and to read subjects with comprehension and cross references, not just 'read' alone, and it will help cultivate his mind.

And most important of all is, that he must acknowledge that he has still a family that loves and care about him. It is you and your family that is more important than anything else, for without a family or blood kin, he is no more than an outcaste, suffering the loneliness and pain of exile. Thus, no matter what he intends to do, he MUST always take into your family's consideration first, and it will be a collective action by the family upon an agreed course of direction for any action with none hurt or harmed as prime directive

Good Luck.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by BadBoYeed
If he only saw a doctor briefly, and they instantly prescribed meds, i would not recommend taking them.,,,,if he saw a shrink for a few weeks, then was prescribed, i'd say better (western medicine has an agenda....and they are a business....they don't care about your well being, just your money)

good luck

Very well put.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:57 AM
Your story has inspired another thread :

Best wishes to you and your husband.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:06 AM
Wow what a sad story. You're not telling the whole story and your involvement in his being arrested are you? This is not a chastisement by the way just a search for the truth and the whole story.

And you won't let him stop taking the meds, so he takes them because he loves you, or because you threaten to have him committed if he stops? Does he want to stop taking them?

Why was he arrested? Come clean you will feel better and I promise I will not berate you. This is as much about you as it is him. About your fears stifling his awakening.

He had a CT that night and a few before because he was having chronic headaches for years. They were finally diagnosed as tension. The night this started all of his pain went away and hasn't returned.

Sounds to me like his chackras were clogged and the crown chackra finally open up and he got to see the light in the head. This means he is connecting to his soul or higher self. You say he is still spiritual however if he continues on the meds his pineal gland will crystallize and it will all go away. Start the med gradual withdrawal process right a way. Don't let him adjust to them once he adjust the pineal gland will being shutting down completely

Yeah the release made him seem a bit crazy as he was ignoring his souls promptings to seek within, if one ignores it long enough eventually the soul will do something drastic to wake you up. He may even have been ignoring it for more then one lifetime. Also if you continue to use what ever means you are to suppress his awakening he may do something drastic to follow the soul impressions he is getting. Not like he will hurt you or anything but may just up and take off one day. You are suppressing his awakening you know?

You have had the CT's and nothing is wrong now do the right thing and let him follow the light to the highest he knows, and seek within yourself to find the inner voice. I know it is scary but everyone has to go through it sooner or later.

edit on 1-2-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:14 AM
I was drawn to Pheonix, AZ and intentionally got on a bus without a dime in my pocket, I stayed in the state of the most beautiful enlightenment for 4 weeks. I was a wonderful experince. This is for you both.

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