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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:06 AM
here is the truth so help me god.

there are indeed many millions of aliens inhabiting earth in the form of synthetic human beings.
there are indeed millions of ufo ships inhabiting earth and he solar system which control and direct the alien synthetic hunam population.

the natural human population was removed from earth millions of years ago and replaced with clones who are controlled by inner symbiotic aliens whom are termed the grays,the grays are infact synthetic future humans who are essentially ai controllers of th cloned human bodies.

the reason for the existence of the aliens here is to tighten laws,tha is there is a boolean law system in place in the 11th dimension who respond to harm with tightening of laws.
case examples are needed to tighten laws hence why earth was occupied and crimes have and are being commited by the alien species occupyng earth in the form of synthetic humans.

the reason for the needed law tightening is the existence of gangs of ais which can bepercieved as malevolent,my sources indicate there have only been one or two instances of violence hence the disagreement over he operations taking place on earth.
indeed there is disagreement over thse operaions and other aliens are ready to intervene if god does not.

so infact many of the evils of this world have been committed under the guise of this operation,our leaders,politicians,buisiness men and so forth are these synthetic human aliens,
our wars,poverty,mental ilnesses,drug problems,social problems and so forth are designed under the guise of this operation to toghen laws o proect other life.

mental ilnesses do not exist they are indeed a cover up for the attacks against humans,hence the often cited reports of alien mind control or evil beings attacking humans.

the militaries,spy agencies,government facilities,doctors,treament centers,banks,the economic system,the media bar a few are all in the hands of the alien synthetic human population

the synthetic human population is delivered via ships every so often and they amalgamate themsleves into our society.

there are many many alien bases on earrth,some extremely large such as the one in california which expands under los angeles.the oeprations of these bases include infiltration of the surface world,protection from other alien synthetic humans on earth s part of the operation is to fight each other as the gangs the laws are aimed at are tribal in nature.
hence why the synthetic human population ofen war with each other,they are programmed and ordered too.

the ships are extremely advanced and direct the functions of the synth pop.the ships have human personaliies,somea re funny,some are shy,others warlike,infact there personalites are based on real humans that once existed on earth.

that is a brief overview of the situtation,any questions?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by welivefortheson

the natural human population was removed from earth millions of years ago and replaced with clones who are controlled by inner symbiotic aliens whom are termed the grays,the grays are infact synthetic future humans who are essentially ai controllers of th cloned human bodies.

um.....are you saying that I am synthetic and a gray???

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:08 AM
thank you for your info mate, do you have any proof, any links???

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:11 AM
i really think you should take a break from your computer for a while .... i'm seriously considering leaving this site for good,it seems that almost every other post is so totally insane that it's not even funny anymore.
of course you could be completely correct and if you are i'm sorry ...but i doubt it.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:11 AM
speed, crack, morocon black? can i have some please

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:11 AM
..... That wholly undermined the entire Aboriginal philosophy as we have guides and 'robots' cannot have guides. There ain't no race controlling us brah. It's just us, we animalistic humans that are continually growing. Duality (evil and good) don't exist as we get higher into the dimensions (where they'd come from). You'd see 'evil' is learning and 'good' is the 'gift' of hard work. But humans want to latch on any system, no matter how big or small, that puts blame onto some alien race/Satan/leaders, when the real enemy is within.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by tribewilder

Originally posted by welivefortheson

the natural human population was removed from earth millions of years ago and replaced with clones who are controlled by inner symbiotic aliens whom are termed the grays,the grays are infact synthetic future humans who are essentially ai controllers of th cloned human bodies.

um.....are you saying that I am synthetic and a gray???

no grays exist within either synth suits or are cloned humans.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by welivefortheson

No, no questions at all. I don't need to ask anything - the truth of it's all there right in front of me to see, thank you.

It's amazing how some people really expect rational people to ignore all the errors in these 'revelations'...

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:16 AM
Whatever it is your smoking..I want two!

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:16 AM
Your thread title suggest your screaming at me, WITH THE USE OF ALL CAPS.

The I open up and you use all lower case.

Are you ok?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by sekos

Is Charlie Sheen an Alien?

In fact ...what major movie stars and TV stars work with the aliens?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:16 AM
If they are here and have been here then why don't we know openly about it? If they have control of earth then why would it be kept secret from it's inhabitants? What's the point of doing what you claim they have done? Surely they wouldn't just stand by and let us puny humans destroy their planet right in front of them.

So there is space ships flying around that have the personality of Knight Riders Kitt?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by sputnik45
i really think you should take a break from your computer for a while .... i'm seriously considering leaving this site for good,it seems that almost every other post is so totally insane that it's not even funny anymore.
of course you could be completely correct and if you are i'm sorry ...but i doubt it.

Don't leave. Just stay away from this category, and others like it. At least he didn't put it under Breaking Alternative News.

That's some wild stuff there OP. There was another thread recently that proved we didn't actually exist. I'm not sure if either one would surprise me.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:20 AM
well if I am a clone,
I sure hope to hell that my
other self is a lot better looking
or I pity the fool

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:21 AM
This topic does not deserve such a screaming all cap title. I see no proof to back these claims, and so this is your opinion of the topic. Unless you can bring more to the table, documents,videos, etc I again say "your opinion" and not absolute fact.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:25 AM
Lol spaceships with emotions controlling clones some proof would be cool but im sure thats to secret to get but wait how did u find all of this out do u experiment with lsd please share tell us some more i havent laughed like this in a long time

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:26 AM
Humans rule humans and to say menatly I'll people don't exist Iv worked with them they sure do is this your link

edit on 30-1-2011 by majestic3 because: My sinthetsized brain couldn't spell

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:30 AM
And exactly after that, big beaver was packing you into the foil

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:35 AM
I do think there are hybrids among us... but to say that the population has been replaced.. nah. There's still greedy humans here.

I do believe in the starseed hybrid stuff though, it could happen.
Souls who incarnate from different galaxies.

Anything is possible.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by welivefortheson

Your thread is really weird because if you are who you say you are,an ex-NASA,you know sth that we don't.I must say that you really confused me.Although everything you say sounds reaaaaaally crazy(you know that,don't you?)
i keep a very open mind and i wait to back up your claims.
How do you know all that?Are there any documents,pictures or videos that you can post here to make us believe you?

From all the things you wrote ,here this one caught my attention:

hence why the synthetic human population ofen war with each other,they are programmed and ordered too.

I've heard it many years ago by someone i highly respect.The synthetic part was not included,at least i don't remember it.

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