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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - Officially Released Online

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posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 08:32 PM
I just recently finished writing 200+ pages on a number of topics and turned it into a website, I even point out on the first page that some of my information might not be true, but that it's the best I could do, that we need as many different sources as possible. While doing the research I found that many of the things I knew about weren't very well founded, that a source was scarce, this sort of "misinformation" seems to be what most of the "lying" is in the first one. So even if he has misinformation, it doesn't mean that he's purposely trying to mislead people, it's quite obvious the Illuminati would not wish for these movies to be so popular, no matter how much damage they might do to credibility in the process. Now being concerned about all the "New Agers" is something that seriously bothers me on this site, even those that talk about all of the same subjects will bash "New Agers", it's a very loaded word, it's the equivalent of conspiracy theory. It's quite obvious these days that we are going into a positive "New World", this will involve release of advanced technologies, reunite us with our Space Brothers, and create a government properly. This will just be for a transitional period until whenever the ascendancy 5D Earth finishes up, then we won't have to worry too much about technology since we'll be powerful Light Beings who can create basically everything they need, we'll have the technology of an advanced ET race and our goals will be similar. So I try to keep in mind that this Illuminatiless future will only be a transition, where we basically take nothing with us afterwards. It's one thing to have free energy generators, but once we become free energy generators and manipulators ourselves, society becomes a bit different. Also, for all you people who think that us "New Agers" are just trying to bring in some false NWO, I'd assume that you also believe any alien disclousure will be an Illuminati false flag (Bluebeam) and that all aliens are really the devil.

The approach I take is that anything that brings attention to these "conspiracy" subjects is something I support, even TV shows debunking 911 bring more spotlight to the issue, any publicity is good publicity. Even though there are some issues with the movies, their good far outweighs their bad, so I fully support this third one, though I won't watch it.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

Again, I have to apologize, I was away from the computer.

The thing that disturbs me about the movie is the lack of room for free will in their presentation.

I realize that we are in a troubled world that more than likely is falling apart. Tyranny is coming into our neighborhoods as a solution for social decay. And we seem so complacent about it.

These are random, thoughts bear with me.

I liked the passive resistance part. I am all for that. I like peaceful resolutions and the idea of everybody standing together.

But the way this series is unfolding is disturbing. There is no individual. The only responsibility is compliance with a common vision. As if the future of humanity is like hydroponic people, soulless, automatons. The other thing is the seductive introduction of the Zeitgeist agenda. This is not a good thing; to me this wreaks of subversive mind control.

Not a big fan of racism, religious adversity, war, hate and things not so peaceful. I do advocate individualism and a personal relationship, as well as responsibility to the Creator and Earth.

There are things happening in this world that people aren't catching onto. They are being lauded and pushed to the fore and my heart tells me they are not what people think they are. En mass we are being deceived. There is still a sense foreboding puppetry at play.

What is the last sentence in 1984?

I probably have more to say. Please understand my demeanor is suspicious, not arrogant.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:22 PM
I will say the ending of this movie is that of great fortune in a sense that Jesus Christ himself said: "Less is More" (and yes i do have faith in Him) What is money? why do we collect soil from the earth and treasure it? Why not treasure everything given to us rather than 1 part of it. A Fruit has riches of that beyond soil! An apple or an orange is much more rich than a piece of gold and silver
In more dynamic ways... Thats not to say gold and silver are not important...But there are more things in life than just gold and silver
edit on 27-1-2011 by Detrucci because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by R33V3R
reply to post by RighteousDude

What i would like to know is your definition of "New world order".
And Why you think The Zeitgeist Movement is New World Order?

I'm not trying to be a smartass but i think your view may be a non-conscious action to blank information out, because it may be discomforting to your self-preservation of the way you look at the world.
I don't think you're intending to be belligerent about this information, but i am interested to see past the knee-jerk reaction and get an informed view of Zeitgeist Moving Forward in context of the film, without masking it in a self-preservation context.

Lastly... what's this about a war against Oceania?? I never heard of this before

I just replied to the previous poster. Please read that. I know the Z series is controversial, as well it should be.

I used the phrase "new world order" in a generic sense, not in the conspiratorial. But now, if you were to make a connection to say, the Georgia Guidestones, John Lennon's "Imagine" becoming the new New Year's Song, and the Zeitgeist series, you might see a trend.

The reference to Oceania is from the book 1984 where they were in a perpetual war (possibly fictitious) with another superstate of which I can't remember the name.

Sorry I stirred the pot. Have a great night.
edit on 27-1-2011 by RighteousDude because: typos

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:40 PM

edit on 27-1-2011 by RighteousDude because: Double post

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:09 PM
I can honestly say that that was the best 2 hours and 41 minutes i have had in a good long while. The whole thing was spot on. I very rarely post things to my faceborg, but this one is there as I am typing right now. I strongly urge people to get this out there. Wow. This should be mandatory for any school with access to the internet.


posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Did anyone see Alex Jones interview Peter Joseph?

It's been a while and to be honest, I can't stand Alex Jones, but the way he treated Peter Joseph and just wouldn't let him talk....

I guess I missed all this...
edit on 27/1/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

Not that I'm a Jones fan (I'm not,) but I caught that interview when it aired and had the opposite impression: it seemed to me that Joseph was playing mind games with Jones, rambling on (cutting off Jones and not letting him talk) and then acting all gentle and helpless when Jones tried to speak, and accused him of not letting him speak.

Ironically, Jones has certainly been guilty of this on other occasions.

Joseph is a hypocrite. He has been losing a lot of respect among people on the YouTube truth community by having videos and channels taken down for so much as criticizing him (including two friends of mine.) One of them called him a hypocrite and so apparently Joseph himself was upset about this and wanted the video taken down. This actually makes Alex Jones look good by comparison (again, not that I’m a fan.)
edit on 27-1-2011 by Neurolanis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Okay, I watched the movie with my wife and thought it was a very good movie... but I do have some reservations about it.

In this new global economy – will people remain autonomous?
Will governments remain autonomous?
Who will be in charge?
What about freedom of religion?
There still needs to be a police force to maintain the peace, but what will the rules and laws be?

The only way I see this working (currently) is for the people of the world to be free under the current direction of their governmental structure (yes, they are corrupt – but what order would be maintained without direction?). I am not exactly sure how it would work – and there are too many open ends.

My life long dream is to travel – to see other cultures and explore, would I be able to go to different areas of the globe with my family and explore ancient ruins?
Yes, silly question – but think of it, think of the consequences if the answer is no.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by RighteousDude
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

Again, I have to apologize, I was away from the computer.

The thing that disturbs me about the movie is the lack of room for free will in their presentation.

I may not be understanding your point, but free will doesn't have anything to do with a daily struggle for pieces of paper. You would have more free will than now, where 5 days out of the week you're trudging off to some thankless job making money for other people. In their utopia, you could still write, play, screw, watch films, fight, play sports, go fishing, etc, etc, etc. I mean, I see your point, but there is plenty of room to manuever.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 01:32 AM
"Stalin killed 800 billion people 'cause of ideas like this!"
"If you don't like America, you should just leave, you know what!"
"Death to the New World Order! Death to the New World Order!"

It was funny to see them poke fun at the stereotypical groups, including themselves. All the information in the video was really informative, although the video was long, but I've come to expect that from videos like these. I hope as many people as possible can see this film.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
"Stalin killed 800 billion people 'cause of ideas like this!"
"If you don't like America, you should just leave, you know what!"
"Death to the New World Order! Death to the New World Order!"

It was funny to see them poke fun at the stereotypical groups, including themselves. All the information in the video was really informative, although the video was long, but I've come to expect that from videos like these. I hope as many people as possible can see this film.

I actually love the length on these videos. Normally I don't like long movies but I could watch these types of documentaries for hours and hours.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:43 AM
I am very skeptical of Peter Joseph and his movement, but I've got to admit much of this film and the prequels have been quite thought provoking and insightful. Whether you agree or not, or are undecided (me I suppose), it's definitely more worthy of your time than "primetime" TV.

It seems so polished that perhaps there is an NGO or foundation behind this movement, a movement that is gaining steam faster than I envisioned possible through grassroots alone. I believe there is some merit to the claims of an agenda.:
edit on 28-1-2011 by TWINCPONE because: smily error lol

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:06 AM
I loved this doc. It summed up everything and more that I've always known. I just have two things to add.

Another problem with our system which has directly affected me is a vicious cycle of employment. The employer requires experience from the employee before getting a job. The employee can't get experience without first having a job. In order to first get a job you need to pay for training. You need a job to pay for the training, and you need experience to get a job! Ridiculous!

The only thing about the Venus Project that concerned me is that humans will always celebrate being different, and no one is going to want to live in cities that look exactly the same all buildings the same etc, but that's a minor detail.

Good luck to us all!

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by mayabong

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by mc_squared

Someone going to send a copy to Gerald Lee Lougner - heard earlier version was his favorite ?

Will have lot of time to watch this, over and over and over......

He also hung out on this site, doesn't mean this site is bad.

Right on mate.

Society breeds many psychopaths and serial killers too...does this mean we should do away with society then?

Serial killers use the same stores...same the same foods...breathe the same air as the rest of us, yet we are not about to blame those factors for creating a psycho or serial killer, so why would a website be any different?

Thousands and thousands of people use this website, as as far as we know, doesn't contribute to the production of thousands and thousands of nutters hell bent on wasting people.

A psycho is a psycho...if he'd have spend most of his free time at a book library...would we blame the book library for his psychotic condition? Nope, we wouldn't, nor should we blame a website for it either.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Neurolanis
Not that I'm a Jones fan (I'm not,) but I caught that interview when it aired and had the opposite impression: it seemed to me that Joseph was playing mind games with Jones, rambling on (cutting off Jones and not letting him talk) and then acting all gentle and helpless when Jones tried to speak, and accused him of not letting him speak.

Well if you reverse the names then you'd be right.
Seriously.... Jones made himself look like an ass and lost (not that he had any) all credibility in that interview.

Joseph towards the end got annoyed and I don't blame him after an hour and a half of Jones interrupting and insulting him.

All the way through Alex is goading him, mimicking him, having sly digs at him.... It's pathetic and actually embarrassing to listen to.

That version I posted is the full version of the interview without breaks and includes both online and radio parts... so the interview is complete and unedited,

Give it a listen.

I think you'll find that it was AJ who was immature, rude, offensive and obnoxious throughout almost the entire interview.

He was nice ofr about the first 10 mins.... then he turns.
edit on 28/1/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by wonderboy2402
Alex Jones vid, wow.

I thought the discussion was going well for the first 1/3 but Alex really came off bad in his manner as the vid goes on. The guy was trying to keep it a discussion but good lord did Alex continue ranting and cutting off his guest...

Exactly.... AJ was just acting like a spoiled little kid...and kept trying to goad and attack Peter who carried himself brilliantly and didn't stoop to Alex's level
edit on 28/1/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:21 AM
The most helplessly enslaved are those that truly believe they are free.

You wouldn't compare AIDS with Cancer would you? Can you imagine going up to the patient and his family in the chemo radiation department and grateful you do not have AIDS or vice versa?

Imagine Egypt but multiply it by one hundred million. Even the ones that like to compare freedoms with other nations to make the excuse of doing nothing is starting to break down. These are very dangerous times because the leaders will not have a problem with releasing a virus and killing you if they run out of options.

They have all kinds of innovative ways of doing it. Matter fact they had to close alot of mouths to achieve this.
100 Dead Microbiologists and other Scientists

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by RighteousDude

Not a big fan of racism, religious adversity, war, hate and things not so peaceful. I do advocate individualism and a personal relationship, as well as responsibility to the Creator and Earth.

There are things happening in this world that people aren't catching onto. They are being lauded and pushed to the fore and my heart tells me they are not what people think they are. En mass we are being deceived. There is still a sense foreboding puppetry at play.

What is the last sentence in 1984?

'He loved Big Brother.'

Yes the free will part is definetely a blip in the thinking. Many of us, as individuals, seem to make the mistake that everyone thinks the same way that we do. They don't. Someone once said to me 'well everyone just wants to be happy don't they.' The answer to which is no they don't. Some people get their kicks out of being bloody miserable no matter what.

I agree that numpties are made not born, and I agree that we have to lose the system we've been using because it serves only the very few on the planet very well. I even probably agree with losing the concept of cash to reflect an advancing and humane society....but what about indiginous tribes whose way of life hasn't altered in centuries? Shouldn't that be cherished, even emulated to some degree?

What about people who don't like people? Will they still have the option to live on top of a hill somewhere miles from anyone? What about the political system in this brave new world? We'll still need one even without any dosh in the world. People will have no opportunity of producing their own wealth and food independantly of the state. What happens if real sickos get into government and determine that a certain sections of our golden age aren't welcome? How do we ensure that 'government is always good' if we become so dependent.

How many people could these hi-tech towns support?

There's a fear of mine in that I am not supportive of one world government, even tho' we effectively have it already - they just haven't figured out how to tell us directly yet. I love the differences in the cultures and peoples in the world. 'Vive la Difference'. It makes life so much more interesting. But Peter Joseph appears to be advocating the same outcome from the grassroots level rather than the elitist level. At the end of the day it amounts to the same thing for all of us. Total global control.

Anyone remember Logan's Run?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by christina-66

A kindred spirit! BAM!

My personal future vision does not hold with global solidarity and a singular godless social order.

I see tribal, small peaceful communities with a standing code of tolerance for other communities. Basically that being the only common chord. Universal harmonious interplay stimulates the best qualities of the individual.

If you don't fit into one community you are free to float into and out of communities until you adopt one to your liking.

The most precious and protected asset of these communities would be the well being of children.

Negative influences would be disempowered through disenfranchisement and shunning. Cast out. You naturally approach peace in a community as if it were a garden. Gardens from time to time need attention.

This scientific community also makes no allowance for the animal nature of the human. We are animals, we do pack. The problem is the way we pack becomes corrupted.

I draw upon the natural order the Native American SAVAGES lived with for eons. Nobody wants to see the Native American hand in the American Bill of Right, the Articles of Confederation, and the Declaration of Independence. At peace with nature, responsible to the Great Spirit and the Earth.

I have got to be off topic and I could go on and on.

Zeitgeist appears to me to be a dispatch from the Ministry of Truth.
edit on 28-1-2011 by RighteousDude because: Unnecessary

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by RighteousDude

lol....I can't for the life of me find out what age Peter Joseph is? There is something of the 'awareness' movement that is actually a rite of passage. We grow up as children thinking everything is taken care of for us. That the people in charge actually know what they're doing and that they do it 'for our own good.'

We reach an age where we recognise that these people are not 'all knowing' and that they make mistakes Then the mistakes become so blatant we reckon no-one can be that incompetent they must be doing this deliberately. Then comes conspiracy...a lot of the political,commercial. financial theories probably have elements of actuality. However some of the people we have in charge are actually very stupid....some of them are malevolent....some of them are sheer incompetents....some of them are greedy....some of them are weak willed so and sos.

Peter Joseph is a child of the internet era and a sign of the times indeed. He's trained in film production and does it well....he makes at least provocative and thoughtful watching. I just listen to that Alex Jones interview, and agree Jones does become infantile in the middle somewhere but I think he was reflecting his thoughts on Joseph's inability to recognise that what he is proposing is exchanging one dogma for another, more invasive & hardline dogma.

edit on 28-1-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

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