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Was Phil Schneider really telling the truth?

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posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:25 AM
This man was the first person who started me on the conspiracy trail. He was one of the whistleblowers who deserves maybe a bit more recognition than he is currently given credit for.
Back in the 1990s he made his appearance on the lecture circuit with compelling photo's artifacts and claimed ancestry from a WW2 U-Boat captain!
I think his father was possibly brought over to the USA as part of Operation Paperclip but I'm not sure.

Schneiders words seemed to have weight and the story's, if true are indeed compelling and worrying at the same time. A geologist and government contract worker, he did indeed have clearance (albeit not the highest) for secret areas...

Yet some have made a noise about inaccuracy's and possible embelishments.
Yet his untimely demise at the hands of a supposed burglar (who took no cash, but the artifacts) raises serious questions.

So I put the question out to ATS.

Was Phil Schneider telling the truth?

Here's some video footage of him on YT:

You Decide!
edit on 23-1-2011 by WatchRider because: video amend

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:42 AM
Here is the thread on ats where he is debunked pretty solidly
Phil Schnider Debunked! I'm tired of the lies!

Add: Lets hope he isn't telling the truth anyhow...imagine...he goes into a cave, notes some "people" just laying down not harming anyone, and immediately starts shooting at them.

who does that?!
edit on 23-1-2011 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 04:08 AM
The way he died renders some credibility to his stories.
The first posting in the ATS link that you supplied, pretty much debunks the debunker.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 04:35 AM
I just started watching the first video, and I'm sorry but I can't help thinking he looks 'touched' in the head. His speech is somewhat, well actually it's quite slow and it looks like his eyes are each angled away from each other. I am sure he was a bright man and I am going to continue watching the video's but might I add that his akward appearance I am sure helps to discredit his claims. He looks like the aftermath of decades of military secret '___' psychoanalysis testing.... Just saying....
edit on 23-1-2011 by loagun because: (no reason given)


now that I said that, I can't help but believe he is high as a kite in this interview with his slow, emotionless speech and Torri Spelling eyes.
edit on 23-1-2011 by loagun because: (no reason given)


umm why did he start messing around with the mic and then make it worse? lol, omg... what is he on...
edit on 23-1-2011 by loagun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 04:53 AM
I do not know any history on Phil Schneider I feel somewhat bad about my added comments because on a completely serious note did he suffer mental problems? Because of his lack of emotion I cannot believe these stories he is telling because I believe anyone that actually experienced these situations would be full of emotion in their speech and not just 'uhhhhh i shot an alien, because i always carry uhhhh my pistol,...... and there is a war going on under there....... uhhhh i have a picture, i have a picture, a picture....'. However if he was suffering from some kind of disorder, and was making these stories up as he went along I could believe that.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by loagun
I do not know any history on Phil Schneider I feel somewhat bad about my added comments because on a completely serious note did he suffer mental problems? Because of his lack of emotion I cannot believe these stories he is telling because I believe anyone that actually experienced these situations would be full of emotion in their speech and not just 'uhhhhh i shot an alien, because i always carry uhhhh my pistol,...... and there is a war going on under there....... uhhhh i have a picture, i have a picture, a picture....'.

Soldiers are pretty fcked up from conflict mentally but that doesn't necessarily make them liars though does it?

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 05:41 AM
Okay well he just completely lost me on the 3rd video. It was all an interesting account of these experiences he seems to believe happened to him. I especially likes the part about the alien he encountered underground at Dulce, New Mexico that rubbed his stomach and then shot forward a blue beam from itself which shot at Mr. Schneider and "split him open like a fish" as he recalls and burned off all his toes and fingers. Wow that would be horrifying! It's too bad he left out what type of technology was used to reconstruct his body after being split open like a fish from a laser beam, or where they cloned new fingers and toes to be reattached to his body after the blue beam burnt them off. All very interesting...

However the part where he slips up is where he accuses the aliens of being the possible origin of AIDS. Ummm, if he really was that high ranking in the military, and had access to piles of top secret info he would know the U.S. military created the virus itself. Anyone can find that out with a little research.

Ah well it is 5:30 am and I have nothing else to do so I might as well listen to some more of this mentally handicapped man's stories. Oh btw, after studying Mr. Schneider's speech, tone, and body language i think it is very easy to believe he suffered from some sort of unstableness. Possibly a personality disorder out of touch with reality where he told his family he would never commit suicide, but one day is startled after seeing the Janitor which he believes is a Gray alien out to Blue Beam his ass which he then runs in the opposite direction to escape and leaps out the window to his death.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 05:44 AM
I am split on Phil Schieder's story. When he speaks, he sounds like he is trying to be careful about what he is saying and it also sounds like he is relieved for telling the story. I dont know if he is trying to make it up as he goes, or is emotionally traumatized by what happened to him and that's why he is speaking slowly and choppy.

His death was suspicious as well, but i dont think his death makes his story anymore plausible. I would like to believe him, but with my experience on these boards with people always lying only creates more skepticism. As I said i am split, I wish i was able to interview the man myself but unfortunately he is dead.

I just has a random thought onto why his hand is the way it is. He said he works on these DUMBs (Deep Underground Military bunkers.) and maybe there was an accident with an explosive that he has used. That would be just as possible as his story and him coming out like this was a way to strike back at his former employer. (Just speculating.)

final thought on this. 50/50

edit on 1/23/2011 by ugie1028 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by loagun

How do you know that the virus which supposedly causes AIDS was not created according to Mr. Schneider's account? My research has convinced me that HIV was man-made but I have no idea how those involved went about making it. HIV is credited with causing more than 30 distinctly different illnesses. No other virus I'm aware of can do that. How do you know it isn't of alien origin? If we had assistance to develop the transistor and micro-processor right after the Roswell incident, is it inconceivable the scientists, military or not, had some help designing HIV as well?

Mr. Schneider's account of the battle at Dulce in which scores of Americans were killed was very compelling. I don't think anyone assumes that the description of his injuries was without some embellishment. He wasn't reading from his doctor's notes. He was opened up enough to require a metal plate to be inserted in his abdomen, and nearly all the fingers of one hand were severed in a straight line either by a laser or a razor sharp sword, in one fell swoop so fast he couldn't pull his hand out of the way.

He didn't look too healthy when he made any of those videos, so his monotone speech doesn't surprise me. I'm sure he was expecting to be murdered soon anyway, and to come forward knowing that was very brave. I would love to see one of those rock blasting machines that liquefies granite to make underground rooms with smooth, polished stone walls. That's got to be amazing to watch.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by linux2216
reply to post by loagun

How do you know that the virus which supposedly causes AIDS was not created according to Mr. Schneider's account? My research has convinced me that HIV was man-made but I have no idea how those involved went about making it. HIV is credited with causing more than 30 distinctly different illnesses. No other virus I'm aware of can do that. How do you know it isn't of alien origin? If we had assistance to develop the transistor and micro-processor right after the Roswell incident, is it inconceivable the scientists, military or not, had some help designing HIV as well?

Mr. Schneider's account of the battle at Dulce in which scores of Americans were killed was very compelling. I don't think anyone assumes that the description of his injuries was without some embellishment. He wasn't reading from his doctor's notes. He was opened up enough to require a metal plate to be inserted in his abdomen, and nearly all the fingers of one hand were severed in a straight line either by a laser or a razor sharp sword, in one fell swoop so fast he couldn't pull his hand out of the way.

He didn't look too healthy when he made any of those videos, so his monotone speech doesn't surprise me. I'm sure he was expecting to be murdered soon anyway, and to come forward knowing that was very brave. I would love to see one of those rock blasting machines that liquefies granite to make underground rooms with smooth, polished stone walls. That's got to be amazing to watch.

Obviously you haven't done that much research. Here's something for you to read about today: HIV virus engineered from bovine virus. Go do some searches. There's even a great documentary on youtube about it. You are also somewhat hugely wrong in your statement saying "HIV is credited with causing more than 30 distinctly different illnesses". This is completely wrong if your going to go by what science has told us what AIDS is. HIV itself doesn't cause anything. It is the lack of functioning CD4 cells in the blood system that aren't keeping the bodies natural bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites under control. All of these 'AIDS' illnesses already reside in the body, but our immune system is what keeps them suppressed. HIV itself doesn't cause any illness including AIDS. The related illnesses, and AIDS are diagnoses that come after a whole string of complications to the body play out. Yes HIV plays it's part, but it does not directly morph into and cause any illness.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 12:15 PM
I would add the HIV theory that it's potentially been designed to affect certain races more than others...

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:04 PM
There is alot of evidence showing that HIV is not the cause of AIDS...HIV is a harmless parasitic thing that exists in tons of people.
Research done shows some drugs actually activate the immune issues...and of course, the hiv treatment drugs really stimulates the immune issue...a giant scam.
They find someone with this fairly harmless condition (carrying hiv), they give them drugs, and voila, you got aids.

How did it come to be? Some relate it to psychoactive drug use.

Also simple condiitons such as starving that back in the day would simply be called someone wasting away is now called aids (due to hiv being seen in their system).

Cervical cancer is now a new thing hiv "causes"

HIV has never been peer reviewed for the cause of AIDs.

HIV is a tool used to destroy the homosexual community in the eyes of the citizens. promotion of it serves both to promote huge drug manufacturing along with giving a undertone of bigotry towards a subculture.

HIV is a massive industry. they create breakthrough after breakthrough yet never seem to gain ground in preventing aids...because no matter how much the slam HIV, they never address the problem itself, but instead, give drugs to increase the actual problem.

In 100 years, people will wonder why we gave drugs to stop hiv thinking it would somehow stop aids. they will compare it to drilling holes in the skulls of people to let bad spirits out of their head. They will look back at this time thinking people were idiots (we are).

My heart goes out to those whom lost loved ones through AIDs. I do hope you demand answers, read the documentrys about this, and stop listening to what we are supposed to believe, verses what investigative scientists are saying.

AIDs did not come from gray cave dwelling aliens...sorry Phil.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:10 PM
For anyone that wants to know if a person is telling the truth, just take a look at how they die, if they make it to a ripe old age like the queen of England then you know!
My very personal opinion is yes he was telling the truth, thus his horrendous death and trolls coming out of the word work to discredit this man. As they say the good always die young

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 08:33 PM
I would like to believe him, well.... let me rephrase that, I would like to believe certain elements of his stories. One being that aliens are real, but not that they are having wars underground.

I would also like to believe that after being gutted like a fish by a death ray laser which also vaporizes off my fingers and toes could miraculously be healed almost instantly replacing all my dismembered fingers and toes to their natural state. Ho-hum though
..... I think that If I got diced like a tomato with a blue laser beam from aliens I would be dead instantly; hey, that OUR reality.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by loagun
I would like to believe him, well.... let me rephrase that, I would like to believe certain elements of his stories. One being that aliens are real, but not that they are having wars underground.

I would also like to believe that after being gutted like a fish by a death ray laser which also vaporizes off my fingers and toes could miraculously be healed almost instantly replacing all my dismembered fingers and toes to their natural state. Ho-hum though
..... I think that If I got diced like a tomato with a blue laser beam from aliens I would be dead instantly; hey, that OUR reality.

You'd be suprised what the human body can take and survive.

I know a Ghurka soldier who was opened up like a fish by Argentine mortar fire (Falklands War). His guts were hanging out considerably and he begged for death. His friend who came to his aid ignored his pleas and stuffed his guts back in by hand (I've always been told this was a no-no but in reality it's a different scene).
This Ghurka was then taken to the field hospital and survived to tell the tale.

I'm not saying Schneider is 100 % truthful, indeed he may of 'embellished' elements of it for the crowd in the room. However, the human body can take a considerable amount of punishment before it gives up the spirit. Looking at the build of Schneider I'd say, in his youth, he would of been a hard man to kill.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by Violater1
The way he died renders some credibility to his stories.
The first posting in the ATS link that you supplied, pretty much debunks the debunker.

i think the way he died DIS-credits his stories. i think this was a psychologically troubled man who ultimately took his own life.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by loagun
I would like to believe him, well.... let me rephrase that, I would like to believe certain elements of his stories. One being that aliens are real, but not that they are having wars underground.

I would also like to believe that after being gutted like a fish by a death ray laser which also vaporizes off my fingers and toes could miraculously be healed almost instantly replacing all my dismembered fingers and toes to their natural state. Ho-hum though
..... I think that If I got diced like a tomato with a blue laser beam from aliens I would be dead instantly; hey, that OUR reality.

Well, you obviously haven't even bothered watching the videos closely as in several of them it is quite clear he's missing the fingers on his left hand.
Check again then see if that comment you made is kosher.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by tonypazzohome

Originally posted by Violater1
The way he died renders some credibility to his stories.
The first posting in the ATS link that you supplied, pretty much debunks the debunker.

i think the way he died DIS-credits his stories. took his own life.

No he didn't take his own life. Another big fail from the naysayers

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

Yeah I was reading loagun's posts and shaing my head at the statements about fingers growing back or being reattached because I saw all seven parts of that Phil lecture a few months back and in one of them he holds up his left hand and shows you some of the fingers are missing.

Do I believe him? Not sure if I'm honest.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:00 AM
This man is absolutely telling the truth. please don't stop giving this man the recognition due because of some people who don' t believe him.
Phil shneider is a credible man. deserving of being heard and as a man for the rights and truth for humankind.

the mans death was unjustified and out of order! there are government fingermark all over this situation and this man screams to be heard! LISTEN.

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