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Celebs who sold their soul

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posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Why are you assuming that these people have a soul (whatever that is) to sell in the first place?

I am wondering the same question. Jimmy Hendrix worked very hard to get where he was at, especially with all the racism during his time, regardless of it being the hippie era. I am also a huge Queen fame. Freddy Mercury had an amazing voice. It sounds to me like someone has tried to make it in Hollywood and failed and is now angry and bitter.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 06:10 AM

Damn, someone get me a phone number. An email address. Something. If there's a devil that thinks it needs to make me rich and famous to get my soul, then for God sake, get him on the line.

I watched the 1st video. That was all I could take. I've been a songwriter, poet, stage performer, guitarist and singer for over 30 years, and have recently begun writing fiction and nonfiction. I know all about the creative process as it relates to on-the-moment artistic expression. Those quotes pertain to the mystery of human transcendence; lifting oneself out of the mundane and becoming a performance artist. The Evangelical moron would have no idea what that means, since they all blame such things on Jesus. As if Jesus wastes His time on their little stage shows. Pathetic.

Man, no wonder the world laughs at Americans. Six billion, seven-hundred million human beings looking at the screaming tantrum baby USA and saying "WTF is that about?" as we let the idiots among us define us with this kind of crap. That's embarrassing.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:14 AM
This thread is ridiculous. Just because person is successfull doesn't mean that he/she is some kind of supernatural minion of satan? They are ordinary people who are successfull because they honed their skill and had the opportunities to show it. Right timing + right product + right place. It's not rocket science or mysticism. Hard work + luck + opportunities = success.

Also, OP's opinion that you can gain talent overnight is just silly. Talent is often in-born motivation and inspiration to work hard and be critical about your craft. Many talented people don't even think they're that talented and that mentality is what keeps them developing all the time. Of course there are some successfull people who think they are the best in business but they usually aren't.

Prince is one of the most talented and gifted artists alive and he is devout follower of God. He is very spiritual and genuinely loves what he does.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 01:45 PM
I do not believe the devil makes actual deals with people and I believe a lot of those people in the videos were speaking metaphorically. Also, Alice Cooper? He's a christian. The evidence they used for him wasn't relevant and I think it was even part of his stage act as well. It applied to his character not himself in real life. So you need to take these kinds of videos with a grain of salt.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:00 PM
It seems that a lot of people have a misconception of what a "soul" is and what it means to sell it. A soul is not independent of your consciousness; it is your consciousess. Your consciousness or "soul" (if you will) leaves this present body after it dies and transitions into a different realm (diminsion) to manifest into a new body.

When you sell your soul you will sell yourself. Whether there is an actual entity called the Devil to sell your soul too, I don't know. I'm not a firm believer in Satanic theology so I would say no. I think you could "sell" your soul in the sense that you shed off all humaness in order to achieve personal success without virtue and thus will lead to a rebirth in a lower realm (talking from the perspective of karma here).

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 06:53 PM
I'm curious as to what you see as being the 'mechanism' for such 'illegitimate' success. What I mean is how exactly is this fame and notoriety accomplished? Are the perceptions of the entire world altered to like people who have no talent? Does it affect everyone? If not then which ones?

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by CastleMadeOfSand
I'm gonna have to disagree on Jimi Hendrix selling his soul. I think he was just a soul that was WAY ahead of his time. It's a shame he was taken from us so early. If you really listen to his music you'd see that he believed in peace and love.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:22 PM
I have to say that taking a Hollywood Celebrity's word on something like this is a little dicey.

Primarily because showmanship is all about putting on a show, an act, creating some drama, controversy or intrigue that gains you publicity and notariety.

So is it devil worship or marketing, selling one's soul or good showmanship?

Having met some of the musicians who are alleged to have sold their souls in casual conversational settings when I was younger, and worked as a musician myslef in Hollywood California I would have to say it's marketing and shownamship.

Is it tacky and in bad taste?

Yes, but no more so that the legends and myths that they are playing off of, that make the notion of them selling their souls seem plausible or possible.

While they may in fact be guilty of shameless marketing, the same accusation could be made against the person(s) who made this video series, and or the Original Poster of the thread.

Strangley for Christians of deep faith, about the only evidence that they can come up for the existence of their notion of God is circumstantial evidence that the Devil exists.

So in some strange way, the deeply Religious seem to be the biggest Satanists of all, since they are always looking for evidence of him, and speaking of him.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by elfulanozutan0
It seems that a lot of people have a misconception of what a "soul" is and what it means to sell it. A soul is not independent of your consciousness; it is your consciousness. Your consciousness or "soul" (if you will) leaves this present body after it dies and transitions into a different realm (dimension) to manifest into a new body.

When you sell your soul you will sell yourself. Whether there is an actual entity called the Devil to sell your soul too, I don't know. I'm not a firm believer in Satanic theology so I would say no. I think you could "sell" your soul in the sense that you shed off all humaness in order to achieve personal success without virtue and thus will lead to a rebirth in a lower realm (talking from the perspective of karma here).

Well my conception of the soul differs from yours, does this make it a misconception?

''Your consciousness or "soul" (if you will) leaves this present body after it dies and transitions into a different realm (dimension) to manifest into a new body.''

I understand what you describe, but may I ask, is one conscious of this 'transition' ? If not, how can it be of any value, or even necessary without awareness. Re-incarnation is a cruel deception of reality.

The laws of karma may support your conception of this transition but IMHO it is just as cruel. Why should one be punished for 'bad' karma from a previous life? If you answered 'no' to my question '' is one conscious of this transition?'' , then how does one learn from karma?

When did a 'law', particularly one concerning punishment, ever feel like a good idea for spiritual awareness?

My misconception: The soul is a part of ones higher-self. It transcends the 'conscious' , 'memory' , 'judgement' and 'DNA' - 'emotions' are different in this respect. Words cannot do the soul justice.

Also, before I have my beliefs questioned any further -

My personal conception of 'selling ones soul' :

There are opposing forces in this 'virtual reality' we call existence. They are not equal and do share any qualities. The lesser of these forces is darkness. It is not a person or singular entity and can exist in many forms, especially 'thought forms' that thrive on causing negative thoughts and emotions. In short, to sell ones soul is to submit ones will to darkness and so sacrifice ones connection to higher-self. They have commited to this 'virtual reality' and nothing further. There does not require a written contract or even a 'physical' meeting to arrange this 'deal' , the 'conditions' can be negotiated in ones 'head' . Only the person who 'made the deal' is aware of what they have committed to. There is no proof, only indications.

I think what the producer of these videos believes to have found are 'indications' in personal and witness accounts.

Thank you for your interpretation and for not allowing your personal relationship with the work of Jimmy Hendrix to feel threatened.

edit on 24-1-2011 by Beyond Creation because: typo

edit on 24-1-2011 by Beyond Creation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I have to say that taking a Hollywood Celebrity's word on something like this is a little dicey.

Primarily because showmanship is all about putting on a show, an act, creating some drama, controversy or intrigue that gains you publicity and notariety.

So is it devil worship or marketing, selling one's soul or good showmanship?

Having met some of the musicians who are alleged to have sold their souls in casual conversational settings when I was younger, and worked as a musician myslef in Hollywood California I would have to say it's marketing and shownamship.

Is it tacky and in bad taste?

Yes, but no more so that the legends and myths that they are playing off of, that make the notion of them selling their souls seem plausible or possible.

While they may in fact be guilty of shameless marketing, the same accusation could be made against the person(s) who made this video series, and or the Original Poster of the thread.

Strangley for Christians of deep faith, about the only evidence that they can come up for the existence of their notion of God is circumstantial evidence that the Devil exists.

So in some strange way, the deeply Religious seem to be the biggest Satanists of all, since they are always looking for evidence of him, and speaking of him.

''While they may in fact be guilty of shameless marketing, the same accusation could be made against the person(s) who made this video series, and or the Original Poster of the thread. ''

Blimey! So far I've been accused of jealously, bitterness, religious brainwashing and now ''shameless marketing'' .

I've shared these videos because I found them interesting and wanted to instigate a discussion.

As a pre-text I asked several hypothetical questions : 'Have you ever wondered why ...'' etc. (to galvanise not to 'market' ). If one has not wondered why and evidently knows the answer, then why go any further? Why watch the videos if you've nothing to learn and why submit accusations if no personal beliefs have been questioned?

Your sentiments towards satanism and religion have some merit although the truth is not so simple.

In case you have not yet deduced, I am not the producer of these videos nor am I in any way religious.

Thank you for you post, at least you've expressed some imagination.


posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by TheFlash
I'm curious as to what you see as being the 'mechanism' for such 'illegitimate' success. What I mean is how exactly is this fame and notoriety accomplished? Are the perceptions of the entire world altered to like people who have no talent? Does it affect everyone? If not then which ones?

Thank you for an intelligent and reasonable question, although I'm afraid I can only offer a speculative explanation:

The wheels of the 'mechanism' are other beings that are under the influence of the same 'dark force'. They use, or perhaps misuse their positions to grant favour to others who have similarly lost their divine connection (or will).

In essence, they look after their own despite each possessing selfish intent. This, I speculate, is the 'mechanism' .

''Are the perceptions of the entire world altered to like people who have no talent?''

The MSM and music propaganda alone have a great impact in ensuring that perceptions are altered.

''Does it affect everyone? If not then which ones?''

Not everyone, it depends on how susceptible one is to 'popular culture'. If your not sure, there's quite a concentration on 'Facebook' and the like.



posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 11:53 PM
I don't know if these celebs have sold their soul to the devil or not. I reckon that is between them and whoever they have cut a deal with. I remember watching an episode of Paranormal State in which a guy had some paranormal activity going on in his house. Come to find out when he was younger he was into Satanism and Ryan asks him did you ever sell your soul to the devil? The guy says I cut him a deal. Give me what I want for 20 years and I will get you 20 people. The guy got what he wanted. Protection, women and money.

The link to that video and his admission happens at 12 minutes in:

Fit4failure has a song called the "Devil Song". I'm not going to link to it. Creeps me out. But the chorus chimes with this subject.

I’m the devil, you know my name
You’re gone searching for fortune and fame
but fame ain’t easy
and fortune ain’t cheap
I’ll give what you want
but your soul is mine to keep

Might very well explain why I'm broke and unsuccessful. No amount of money is worth selling your soul to the devil. The devil don't forget and in the end he will come to collect.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:13 PM
I always figured that being famous had a lot to do with who you knew. Like the kids of famous actors or singers who don't have to put as much effort compared to the non connected performer, they don't even need talent. Other factors are the level of attractiveness and how easily someone can make a big profit out of them or, as some have mentioned, how willing they are to sell out completely.

Regardless of this I'm not crossing off the devil, yet I don't think he is the cause of all the world problems like some religious people would have us believe. Since we are supposed to have free will, I figured we share a good deal of the blame.
edit on 2/16/2011 by CuriousObserver because: typo

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Beyond Creation



Apparently who ever made these videos has never heard of artistic license, or story telling? Bohemian Rhapsody (the only Queen song to mention Beelzebub) was written by Freddie Mecury, who was raised in the Zoroastrian faith. Other Queen songs included "Jesus" (Queen 1), "The Prophets Song" (Night at the Opera, the same album as Bohemian Rhapsody, and a distinctly messianic song) oh and "All Gods Children" (Innuendo) .

Oh and as for Beelzebub, he was/is a Semetic diety. Just like Jehovah

Seriously Queen got to where they did on TALENT.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by CastleMadeOfSand

Hendrix ahead of his time? He was stoned most of the time. '___' was a biggie back then. I can't say whether he sold his soul or not but I can tell you he fried his brain on acid/booze. Choked to death. I remember where I was when I heard of his death.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:24 PM
The musician selling his soul archetype is commonly accepted by most people as a myth. I certainly thought so until recently after hearing an interview with E A Koeting on Coast 2 Coast.

He has authored a number Of books providing step by step instructions on evoking satanic beings for personal gain. His delivery was so matter of fact, so confident and so articulate it was impossible to conclude the author did not truly believe what he was saying.

It forced me to face the fact that there may be millions of people sharing his philosophy and practice. Where I had written off the practice to disenfranchised teens going through a stage, imam coming to believe that the practice is indeed part of the rituals of many powerful, adult men and women.

It portends one of the endtimes signs wherein certain people will be able to do incredible wonders. Ive had a feeling these are the times.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Advantage

Originally posted by works 4dhs
this would explain the success of the Pittsburgh Steelers
2nd line...

HAH! I was just thinking this certainly explains "celebrities" like Snooki and other completely no-talent fruitcakes who are "rich and famous". I really cant think of any other explanation for it and please God don't tell me people are just THAT dumb to idolize some of these folks... that's horrifying,.

maybe they're just temporary workers, hired by an agency, no real or long term benefits.

those rich bimbos in the real housewives of __________, would be in this group.
although they serve the purpose of letting the world see the real america, just in case anyone still had doubts.

it would also be interesting to know about the evil bankers and those despicable politicians who work for them.
now there is real and absolute evil, the whole world is starting to see their gig.
talk about fantasy and deception, an economy based on IOUs.

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