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Meet your Strawman: You are not YOU, YOU are a slave to debt

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posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:42 PM
Are you really free? Or are you a slave?
In all honesty, you were born free but within
hours of your birth, the system issued a
birth certificate and henceforth you became
a slave to a system of debt.

The good part about this is:
You CAN get your freedom back.

But, would you really want to ???

Getting your freedom back in the form
of being a Sovereign has some disadvantages.


Becoming the Sovereign Citizen you were born to be, which is the master over the legal system rather than the servant you are now as a statutory citizen. (Note the Capitalization of the letter C) You were born a Sovereign but it only lasted a few hours or maybe a day at the most before you were illegally brought into the system by contract known as a birth certificate. That certificate made you a servant to the world we know as the UNITED STATES and the so called American way.
Discharging your debts by bonds.
Never having to pay a traffic ticket again if you so choose.
You cannot be sued in any court in this country.
Legally eliminate paying income taxes both federal and state. NOTE: The system will fight you on this to keep control over you even though they know it is legal for you to leave the system.
Get all the money you have ever paid into the system returned back to you with interest from the IRS. Again they will not willingly return your money.
Stop paying any more into the IRS, you can legally stop the stealing at the source with your employer.
The above is an instant and healthy raise in pay.
You will learn what the correct form(s) are for an American Citizen to use when filing your tax returns. Plus as a Sovereign you can stop paying altogether.
You gain the ability to reverse the system back onto the courts or any other government agency and beat the pants off them in a way they cannot escape under common law. This puts the lawyers and judges on the run from you.
You already have the ability to contract in an unlimited manner under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) but with the knowledge gained from this DVD you will be able to utilize all the codes to your advantage.
No lengthy legal battles in court over an alleged credit debt. Why? Because as a Sovereign you are a foreigner to the UNITED STATES and as such they have no jurisdiction over you the living man or woman. You are under no obligation to answer any summons from their system upon you. For them to do so is to leave their jurisdiction and enter yours, this is illegal and impossible for them to enter the world of the living because they are just FICTIONS created by the living man to serve the living man. There can be no right against that which the right depends. This statement stems back to the creation of this country and was written by the founding fathers.
Paying off your debts with this program cannot be refused, if a bank refuses your bond, the uniform commercial code states, a debt tendered and refused is a debt discharge to the amount of tender UCC at 3-603(b). If this were to happen from a bank you can turn them into the US Treasury for sedition against the UNITED STATES, which they are subject to the jurisdiction of.
Totally avoid bankruptcy altogether by paying off all your debts no matter what it is with a BOND. As long as it is with a bank or government system. (No personal debts with friends)
As a Sovereign you become the living man/woman again. Research this with a judge or attorney by asking them if the system can here the living man. Tell them that you are not the fiction listed on their papers, but rather you are the living man/woman. You will be told NO and if you are in a court room situation the case against you will likely be severely disrupted or even dropped altogether. If you ask this question before any proceedings start they will likely throw the case out of court.

Now that we have looked over the pros,
let's look at the


1) You no longer have the right to vote.

2) You are no longer entitled to get entitlements from the gov.
like Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, unemployment, etc.
Only citizens are allowed to participate in these programs.

3) All your former legal documents become null and void.
You no longer have a valid drivers license, passport or a social security card.
Thusly, these documents are required to purchase certain items
like guns, ammo, cars, real property, etc. So you can no longer
purchase them legally.

4) Being a Sovereign, you have no homeland. Thusly, the Gov
has the right to evict you from it's Sovereign borders if they elect
to do so.

But if you do so choose to become Sovereign, here is a
very comprehensive guide on how to do it.

For one to regain title to his body, the Birth Certificate must be secured and attached and recorded in the private UCC-1 filings with the Secretary of State in the democracy. Once the living soul has redeemed his Birth Certificate and filed notice of the redemption by a UCC-1 filing with the Secretary of State, then the living soul has the right of property ownership in himself through his straw man who now belongs to the living soul. Furthermore, the bond created and sold in the market place for the straw man now becomes the property of the living soul. The living soul now has the capacity to own real property by allodium and to own private chattel property by the process of the passover, redemption, chargeback, and discharge of public debt.

What's in a name? Very simple. A name is CREDIT. For any unauthorized person to use your Name or the straw man's name (when they do not own the title to the straw man) is to violate the laws of "slander of credit". Once you have redeemed the straw man and own him, then any further commercial process done by any person (like an attorney, a judge, or law enforcement office without your consent) is slander of credit against your straw man. This is a federal criminal securities violation that means prison for them.

Until you redeem your straw man and register his title to you, the living soul, then your straw man becomes the source of the credit for the UNITED STATES to the public affairs of the nation through the "pledge" or gift of your property) your body and energy) to them for their use.

related article:

How much is your strawman worth ???

Your strawman is a bond held and traded on the stock market
but how much is it worth?

Look up your worth here

How to file a personal property lien.

You and your property are really property of the Rothschilds.

the strawman's origins?
creation of the Federal Reserve Act.

In March of 1933, the US Gov declared bankruptcy.
The collateral the US Gov used to secure the funding
to get out of bankruptcy were it's citizenry. It's citizens
were it's collateral and ALL who were born afterward ALL
belong to the Federal Reserve as a property in exchange
for bailing out our forefathers in 1933. So you have your
father, grandfather and great grandfather to blame for you
being born a slave to the banking institution.

Everything you earn, create and own is not yours at all.
It belongs to whoever is holding your strawman bond.
You are not a real person, you are a commodity traded
freely, bought and sold between the elites.

Welcome to serfdom !!!!

related ATS threads:

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:48 PM
S&F boon.

While I think this is a good subject for discussion, it ventures into very "iffy" territory.

I've heard horror stories of people who have tried to go the sovereign route.

It will be interesting to see what others have to see, especially someone who may have actually done this successfully.


posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
I've heard horror stories of people who have tried to go the sovereign route.

It will be interesting to see what others have to see, especially someone who may have actually done this successfully.

that is the very reason why I
tried to list the pros and cons.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:08 PM
Nice thread op, I just wanted to add that I believe that you are on the FEDs terrorist watch list.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I've heard this stuff before though haven't seen reports on how it has actually worked out for any who have tried..

But I don't get this bit,

4) Being a Sovereign, you have no homeland. Thusly, the Gov
has the right to evict you from it's Sovereign borders if they elect
to do so.

If you were born in the US I don't see how the Gov could legally evict you..

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Top notch. I recently had to fill out a W-9 for the first time after looking into this stuff a bit... and I was blown away. If you didn't know that there are significant differences between a person, an individual, or a natural human being... you would think nothing of it. But once you look them up in legal dictionaries, the whole document becomes unveiled.

It is right there in our face, if we choose to read it as legalese and not as common sense talk.

Each term has specific references, even tax exemptions for people who fish (because they are on boats?) - which goes directly towards Maxwells talks on admiralty law.

I definitely have to put some more time into this stuff, it is fascinating. Perhaps I will go into law yet..

Thanks boon..

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by backinblack

I wonder about that as well.. but I suppose it depends on what land you are living, because the Federal Corporation owns a lot of land, but it is still only under a legal fiction. They are not natural or dejure, so they can't really own real property... can they?

But they do have a lot to persuade a person with..

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
I've heard this stuff before though haven't seen reports on how it has actually worked out for any who have tried..

But I don't get this bit,

4) Being a Sovereign, you have no homeland. Thusly, the Gov
has the right to evict you from it's Sovereign borders if they elect
to do so.

If you were born in the US I don't see how the Gov could legally evict you..

with you as a Sovereign, you have denounced your birth certificate.
Now try to prove you were born here !!!!
Good luck

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:15 PM

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

with you as a Sovereign, you have denounced your birth certificate.
Now try to prove you were born here !!!!

That is a good point, but wouldn't it be a bit weird for them to deport you, after you explain how you are not subject to their jurisdiction?

ETA.. and where would they send a person... Canada?
I suppose you could try to get refugee status, but that wouldn't befit a Sovereign.

edit on 16-1-2011 by beebs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:19 PM
the interesting thing here is a first people who tryed the process were "made examples" to scare others and try to prevent the spread of this knowledge. this is where the horror stories come from.
this has started as a trickle and now as more and more people know how their scam works,
the truth of how it works is the key here because if enough people learn how the system is set up,
then a flood of debt slaves will be unstopable.
these laws used to enslave you are not even legal
a person canot be forced into a contract signed by someone else
birth certificate

this is about three languages
english (you think you are being spoken to in english
legaleeze (you think when you here it you know what the words mean) you will be misslead
ucc (contract law) you think your lawer has your best interest at heart his loyalties are with the legal society who wrote legaleeze

you hear one language and agree to another language and are bound by a third language

the reason for three different languages is that 90% of people will never learn all three and discover the deception

its important to note that your stawman gets "paid" by the govenment when the birth trust is "set up"
this makes you an employee of the govenment and liable for taxes
"only federal employees must pay federal income tax"
now you have been "paid" into trust you must pay tax


the system is so cleaver because most that figaur out the system are invited to profit from it

a slave who thinks hes free is still a slave
a slave that owns nothing you are "allowed" to use things but do not own them including,
no land ownership
no car ownership
no childeren
no rights to a fair trial (unless you understand the three languages)
no constitution

thing is the truth is so shocking most people dont wana look
thanks boondock nice info good work
stars and flags

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
Nice thread op, I just wanted to add that I believe that you are on the FEDs terrorist watch list.

lol, that's nothing new.
I've been on quite a few watch lists for quite some time
and long before this thread.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

While I agree with everything you have to say, I would not know what to do about it. Unfortunately I have a problem with the system. I was never a law follower, I was a law breaker. Now I am in the system with red flags all over my police profile. While my record has been clean a number of years, I feel this is a serious negative light on my abilities to explore how to become greater than the system allows. If that makes any sense. Maybe you could u2u me with some info on how to get started. Organizations, web addresses, a little iffy on militias but I would look into it.
edit on 16-1-2011 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

P.S. Disclaimer.... I am talking about a peaceful movement on how to better educate myself on the system and how to stick it to the man using the system in my advantage.
edit on 16-1-2011 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I did a little reading on the subject after watching the videos. Don't get sucked in to this scam!

This blog was very informative:

edit on 16-1-2011 by alpha chino because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:53 PM
16 years ago, I actually dated a guy who had made himself a "Sovereign". He got a DUI and tried to use this as his legal defense to get the charge and fines dismissed and his vehicle out of impound. In addition, he sued the State of California for 13 Million dollars. The outcome? The courts here disregarded this as a bunch of nonsense and he never got a dime from the state. His nice truck went to lien sale and he never got it back.

Fascinating stuff, but good luck trying to get the government to actually recognize it.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:37 PM
I watched this conference video a while back. This guy John Harris breaks it down pretty well also

A must to watch John Harris - Its an illusion

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 01:01 AM

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 08:34 PM
Sovereign Citizens...where did I hear that before

posted on Nov, 7 2022 @ 01:01 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift



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