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Birds Died In Romania Because they were Drunk ! Testing Of Pulse Weapons.

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posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:32 AM

Romanian birds drank themselves to death on wine

Thursday, January 13th, 2011, In yet another mass bird die-off, dozens of starlings were found dead outside Constanta, Romania. There were worries that the Romanian bird die-off was due to Avian flu. However, tests revealed that the Romanian birds drank themselves to death.


The report says the birds ate too much musc the leftover product of wine making process, due to fermentation it becomes slightly alcoholic in nature the birds were consuming fermented grape residues and their bodies could not handle alcohol contained in these residues, and eventually they died.

No such bird deaths have been ever reported from Romania in which the cause of death was drunkenness, so why the birds got so confused now and ate that rotting grape fruit.

And it is a great coincidence that birds in Italy, Sweden, America, Brazil have also died almost in the same time period and what about fish and dead crabs in new zealand and Britain. Birds and animals have died in the past mainly due to environmental poisoning and human encroachments in their habitats. But these sudden animal deaths from all over the world in so short period of time does raises a lot of questions.

Some people say the rapid movement of magnetic pole more towards Russia might be responsible for the fish and birds death, in the northern hemisphere as birds and fish relying on it to travel to breeding grounds and warm climates, shift in the poles might have confused them and as a result they were not able to migrate from cold environment in time. But not all of the birds and fish species rely on magnetism.

My personal beliefs are experimentation of pulse weapons comprising of ELF and Microwaves, Extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves can penetrate anything including ocean and nothing can stop or weaken them. They have a notable impact on animal and human brain and they also naturally exist in the environment at 7.83 hertz which is necessary for concentration and learning. Govt. has been using them on the masses from a long time through cell phone towers, satellites etc. And these incidents are the part of their mind control experimentation on poor animals.

edit on 14/1/11 by vinay86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 03:12 AM
Whales and Dolphins have died in the past due to electromagnetic radiation:

US Navy, and NATO test Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS)

To add to the disquiet of these events, independent scientists stronglydisagree with government-funded "experts" on the true effect of anextremely intense and apparently lethal force going into the ocean calledlow frequency active sonar (LFAS) that appears to be leaving a trail ofcorpses in its path. Yet, in spite of the controversy over its safety, ourgovernment is pushing forward to deploy this risky technology in 80% of theworld's oceans in an apparent effort to get it underway before the publiclearns more about it.


posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 03:40 AM
My money is on the huge CME's - One should hit us today so if that's the reason there should be a noticeable event on the half of the Earth facing the Sun.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 04:11 AM
I am from Romania and there are now reports also from other towns:

I could not find an English version, tut it basically says that now also Roman (a different city) have reports of dead reports and this is scaring the citizens. The cause is unknown. It cannot be due to freezing as the temperature was above zero degrees Celsius and they admit the cause if unknown. And this time is not due to birds getting accidentally drunk by eating grapes. Also there have been reports of dead birds in other cities including Bucharest.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by codrutoctavian

Thanks for sharing that info, i have a feeling that this trend would continue because if they are really testing a weapon they would want to test all of its capabilities as soon as possible before anyone suspects.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 04:26 AM
Let's not forget that Romania is the first country which was FORCED to test as part of “Codex Alimentarius” a new compound called INITIUM which is being used in agriculture. It is possible that birds are eating seeds which might be affected by this compound. But I really have no clue if this is related or not, it's just another possibility.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by vinay86

i honestly believe your correct about this elf and microwave. about 2 days before the start of these die offs and till the time im posting this message i have been feeling very dizzy i havent been able to eat well or drink well since cant sleep and i honestly feel completely confused. I have noticed many spelling mistakes that i should not be making because in school i always had a's and higher in spelling and grammar but all of the sudden everything changed in just 1 day i have also noted a significant difference in the way my dog has been acting and it started the same day as me ive been to the doctor 3 times and nothing is showing up in any of the tests they all say im normal and healthy. i definitely think something weird is going on this could be related to the sun acting up and the pole shifting to russia but idk its just all weird.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Kurotachi

Thanks for posting, the pollution caused by electromagnetic radiations is the most widespread and harmful to the humanity and animals it affects behaviour, concentration. We remain in it 24/7 year after year, i would like to share with you this article linked with disappearance of bees:

When Bees Disappear, Will Man Soon Follow? On a recent conference call, Dr. Carlo laid the blame for the sudden demise (often within 72 hours) of entire bee colonies on the recent proliferation of electromagnetic waves (EMF). He cited the startling statistic that, at present, there are some 2.5 billion cell phone users around the world. While this (plus the explosive growth of cell phone towers) used to be the major concern, the problem has been significantly exacerbated by the recent introduction of satellite radio. Dr. Carlo commented that the constant electromagnetic background noise seems to disrupt intercellular communication within individual bees, such that many of them cannot find their way back to the hive.


posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by EssenSieMich
My money is on the huge CME's - One should hit us today so if that's the reason there should be a noticeable event on the half of the Earth facing the Sun.

The sun radiates ELF waves but they are higher than 7.83 Hz but they equalizes to earth natural frequencies as they enter our atmosphere, It takes three days for these energies to reach the earth, filtering through the atmosphere, which is a cavity resonator of 7.83 Hertz between the ionosphere and the earth's surface.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 08:15 AM

My personal beliefs are experimentation of pulse weapons comprising of ELF and Microwaves, Extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves can penetrate anything including ocean and nothing can stop or weaken them.

Just to point you in the right direction this is not a dig just correcting you, all waves of this kind or any other kind weaken either over time or because of obstacles in there path FACT, I work with all types like this and if you want proof I'm sure I can dig some up sumwhere

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by simples
Just to point you in the right direction this is not a dig just correcting you, all waves of this kind or any other kind weaken either over time or because of obstacles in there path FACT, I work with all types like this and if you want proof I'm sure I can dig some up sumwhere

Thanks for posting, it really reaffirmed me that i was thinking in the right direction. Of course i am a human being and i make mistakes, can you tell me that cell phone towers emit ELF waves, i asked about that to my friends but i got mixed opinions.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:18 AM
I will endeavour to find out for you, no probs

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by vinay86

I think i may have the answer my friend

Can i ask if you could share your views and open a proper discussion here on ATS. My thread has interesting pieces of information that can only aid what we are all saying.

Frequencies are a massive part.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:34 AM
Ok I've been doing some research only for about 5mins lol and asked a few colleagues and we think mobile phone masts don't produce ELF however it is not impossible and I will be doing more research.

Here's a link you might find useful I haven't read it all yet haven't got the time but you might have, it might answer a few questions for you and it might not take a look.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by simples

Thanks for the link

Thats what im talking about. Check out my thread here

This thread ties in with this and the mind control using frequencies etc excellent find thanks

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:01 AM
There is a lot of evidence of EM fields affecting animals, i share these with you:

Pflomm [138] stated that when a frog's heart was placed in a shortwave field, the beat became slower and that contractions lessened with the diastolic beat finally ceasing; but if the field were switched off, the heart gradually resumed its activity. Hill and Taylor [76], on the other hand, repeated Pflomm's work, showing that weak, high-frequency fields at wavelengths of 600, 22, and 6 m would increase the excitability of a nerve-muscle preparation, whereas stronger currents produced a depression of excitability. They showed that similar effects could be produced by a hot wire placed near the nerve and concluded that the mode of action of the high-frequency current on the nerve-muscle preparation is thermal. These researchers also demonstrated that the effects observed by Pflomm on the frog's heart were identical to that obtained when the frog's heart was warmed by conventional means. The first study on the effects of microwaves on living mammalian tissue was conducted by the Armed Forces in answer to a morale problem by Daily [29], Follis [45], and Lidman and Cohn [109]. The studies were meant to dispel fears of possible ill effects of EM radiation upon personnel connected with radar work. The reports, which indicated no ill effects, were concerned only with the exposure of animals to radar pulses. Later, Richardson et ale [145] were able to induce lenticular opacities in the eyes of rabbits and dogs exposed at a distance of 5.08 cm. Daily et ale [31] also were able to produce cataracts and other eye-tissue damage in rabbits, and Imig et ale [83] were able to produce testicular degeneration in rats exposed to the same generator. Oldendorf [128] performed one of the earliest studies on the effect of microwaves on the CNS.


Effects # Animal cells that divide rapidly suffer the most serious damage during acute exposure. Cells in bone marrow and lymphatic tissue, for example, are especially vulnerable, as are the fast-dividing cells in the lining of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract. Massive doses of radiation can cause diarrhea, vomiting, internal bleeding, anemia, exhaustion, permanent sterilization and death. Exposure to high levels can also cause permanent damage to cellular DNA that could potentially result in cancer. The effects in mice have perhaps been studied most extensively, since mice were used in many experiments with radiation.


posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:21 AM
I found some similar info that says electromagnetic weapons being used, sharing them here with you.

“Since all examined birds died from something that caused thrombosis in their blood circulation system your Swedish reader suggested you that some kind of deliberate test of micro waves or electromagnetic pulse type of weapon like HAARP could have been involved in both events.”


Scalar Weapons: These directed energy beam weapons can be deployed via satellite and create a wide range of "natural disasters" that can be tuned to certain frequencies. Their radius is reported to be several miles. Even crazier is that we have been told that the dead birds encountered massive trauma. One of the reported abilities of scalar weapons is to create a Tesla shield of plasma, like a bubble, that could explode anything that enters its airspace.


posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 12:01 AM
Alex Jones confirms government testing, I now believe that birds and animals have not died of natural causes, chemtrails, EM radiations etc. are responsible for that:

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