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Psychosis: Mental Illness or Spiritual Awakening?

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posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Griffo

I'm a pharmacology student in my third (and final) year; I plan on going for a masters and a Ph.D too after I've finished that. Also I never mentioned if the structural changes was present in 100% of cases.

So you’ve cited just another theory in support of the pharmacological industry that supports a lifetime of medication and no other therapy.

I was involved with a professor who was of the same views as me. He applied for funding to run a safe place where the mentally ill could rest and recover with counselling and psychological assistance. He was refused on the grounds that it was too POLITICAL. Meanwhile I was on the board of directors of a charity along with a German psychologist who had been appointed to the board illegally. We had no trouble at all receiving quarter million in funding for him to research bi-polarity in the adolescent. He did another paper on depression (with no mandate) citing ECT and anti-depressants as still being the best treatments for depression. His paper was published worldwide to justify the continued use of ECT.

I am aware that there are other theories as to why it develops, I was just listing the ones that have a fair bit of evidence to back them up (pharmacologically speaking). As we progress in the field of medicine, we will find out more and more answers. Hopefully some time in the near future we will determine the exact cause of schizophrenia. I have no idea how many identical twins have been studied, I don't know why that's relevant.

Do you have any idea how long I’ve been hearing that 'soon they'll have the answers'? I spoke with a specialist in mental health who worked in the social work side of the industry. After discussion with me he put me on to television producers...once again – ‘too political.’ Meantime while you’re working on that fake hypothesis people are suffering as a result of medications while the real root causes are ignored. When will they ever start listening to patients do you think?

You have no idea how many identical twins have been tested? I'd complain about your textbook if I were you. What if they've only ever tested one set of twins?

You also said in an earlier post...’ Not Not all drugs to treat schizophrenia/psychosis are harmful to the patient. Whilst it can be said that typical anti-psychotics give a range of adverse effects - tardive dyskinesias (uncontrolled movements, kind of like parkinsons.’ Can you name me just one drug without any harmful side-effects? Just one? You tell me what the textbook says and I'll tell you what patients experience actually is.

There is no medical test for schizophrenia, the only way to diagnose someone is to interview the person or members of his/her family to see if they have any of the symptoms. The more of them that person has, the more likely they are to have schizophrenia. After that the doctor can perform a ct/mri of the brain to see if there are any other changes to the structure of the brain (i.e. similar to the pictures I posted previously), this rules out any other possible diseases.

Precisely – diagnoses made on the basis of observation and subjective opinion alone. There is no proof – none – that this is a biological/genetic disorder – no matter what your textbooks tell you. A friend of mine was in pharmacological research – he resigned – for ethical reasons. Whatever happens over there - not one patient I've been involved with has been sent for an physical examination let alone a ct/mri of the brain. Except one - to see what damage the medication had done to his brain after 30 years of medication.

Similarly there is no chemical test to determine the cause of chemical imbalance of the brain (that's not to say we won't discover one in the future)

You keep proving my point Griffo. Science in psychiatry sounds clever and impressive but when you really start asking the salient questions they have no real answers to offer. All that dopamine – my ‘feel good’ chemical being shut down. My body not accepting that and producing more to compensate for the effects of the drugs....meaning once on the drugs – coming off them is almost impossible. Please have another look at the vid I posted on page 3 of this thread. The pharmacist describes this as a ‘good business model.’ They shut down the brain’s capacity to think and feel – people are changed from their pre-psychotic persona. That is no measure of success.

'Psychiatry is to medicine what astrology is to astronomy.' -- Leonard Roy Frank

I presume by this you mean that psychiatry is a load of nonsense?

Got it in one. Go to the top of the class.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Perhaps you miss the point of Crowley by focusing on sensational details of his life.
We have Western Science, yes, and it is a good, viable working science. I'm not disputing that.
I will argue that we rarely cure mental illness. We address the symptomes primarily with Western medicine. We help the sick to gain coping mechanisms and insight with Western psychology.

But there is alsoa religious tradition - Buddism - which some of the more esoteric aspects of the practice are SAID to be an entirely foreign, ancient approach to psychological science and healing when it comes to thought disorders. Still so much of it is untranslated and the language, even when translated, is so HARD to understand.

A lot of Western occultism DOES draw in the old eastern practices. There is definitely a LOT of overlap. The finer points - who is to know until we have better translations. Mdm Blatvatsky did what she could. More and more material has been uncovered now though. IE Meditation Differently is a book with some of the newer esoteric teachings released and translated after her death.

Now I certainly agree that the Crowleyan materials are a terrible bet when compared to intellectualism and reason that one finds with the great philosophers of WESTERN thought - I'll give anyone THAT - but great risks can sometimes have great payoffs for a very few.
edit on 17-1-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by christina-66

You found 2 of the many symptoms of schizophrenia. Sarcasm aside, I guess I never considered those passages to be hallucinations and delusions. I stand corrected. Interesting point of view. Actually, I never even thought about voices they heard. I just kind of accepted it as a mystical phenomenon I guess.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

A psychotic person may have a thought of a butterfly and think he is literally the thought. The spiritual state of consciousness does not identity itself with the thinking brain which is simply Witnessed as something arising.

Psychoses tend to vary on the basis of peoples’ background, education, religious beliefs etc. I’ve met a psychotic who has binary code in his head all the time not voices or hallucinations. (He said, ‘Do you know what the funny thing is Christina I have all these zeros and ones in sequence and every so often there’s a four.’) I’ve met another who said that he had a spaceship in his head and that he could travel anywhere in the universe. I laughed and congratulated him on being able to astrally project.

A young girl I met was weeping and hearing voices of people drowning in a fishing boat. I taught her how to switch them off and on –using a hypnotic technique – simply use one focused blink to switch them on when she would feel a sensation like a match striking over her eyelids – and two blinks to switch them off when she wanted them to shut up. It worked for her. I left her in a room and was nearby reading a book (Jonathan Livingston Seagull) which has abstract seagull pictures throughout the book. The lass came staggering out of the room holding her head saying ‘Will you stop that. I’ve got all these black, bird type, things flying through my head.’

I dunno – these people all seemed to be observing their experience with some fascination.

Adi Da had the look of Infinity in His Eyes. He did not appear to be an Other. The experience was not lacking anything. I felt a tremendous electric like energy descend my spine, making my weak nerves so overpowered that it was difficult to stand. I was in the presence of God.

That sounds like a real transformative experience. Did it stay with you? I experienced that same energy yet it ascended my spine and exploded in my brain whereupon all kinds of strange phenomena began to occur. I had never heard of kundalini at this point in time. I really feel that we are inhibited by language here – I know that kundalini ain’t the be all and end all of spiritual experience. It’s simply a good summary word for making my point.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Throwback
reply to post by christina-66

You found 2 of the many symptoms of schizophrenia. Sarcasm aside, I guess I never considered those passages to be hallucinations and delusions. I stand corrected. Interesting point of view. Actually, I never even thought about voices they heard. I just kind of accepted it as a mystical phenomenon I guess.

Well I only looked for those symptoms. If you want me to look for depression etc I will cos they're there too. Also think of all those demons being cast out etc. But thanks for acknowledging my perspective - I appreciate that,

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by christina-66
Precisely – diagnoses made on the basis of observation and subjective opinion alone. There is no proof – none – that this is a biological/genetic disorder – no matter what your textbooks tell you.

This is an outright lie. We clearly see that statistically, siblings of those with schizophrenia have a much higher chance of developing the disorder. Take the case of two identical twins who live in different families. If one develops it, the others chance of acquiring the illness is around 50%. OBVIOUSLY, this is because there's a genetic component to it.

All the same, just because certain genetics give a higher propensity for the disease to manifest, it doesn't mean there isn't an environmental component as well. I think we've digressed in our understanding of mental illness. You said that 100 years ago people thought mental illness was in the gut. It seems to me they were much more on target than we are more recently.

There's was a doctor in Canada who passed away recently, he successfully treated thousands of schizophrenic patients over the last few decades by changing their diets and putting them on a high-dose nutrient diet. I followed the orthomolecular journals for a couple of years, and also did a lot of extra research into the causes behind schizophrenia. There's a lot to it, and you're correct it is a broad term used to describe general symptoms which can be caused by a multitude of factors.

Things that I found can be a component in it's manifestation:

leaky gut
suppressed immune system
mycoplasma infections
fungal infections
bacterial infections
heavy metal poisoning
genetic polymorphisms

Here is Dr. Abram Hoffer, the guy I mentioned above:

edit on 17-1-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

This is an outright lie. We clearly see that statistically, siblings of those with schizophrenia have a much higher chance of developing the disorder. Take the case of two identical twins who live in different families. If one develops it, the others chance of acquiring the illness is around 50%. OBVIOUSLY, this is because there's a genetic component to it.

All the same, just because certain genetics give a higher propensity for the disease to manifest, it doesn't mean there isn't an environmental component as well. I think we've digressed in our understanding of mental illness. You said that 100 years ago people thought mental illness was in the gut. It seems to me they were much more on target than we are more recently.

You call me a liar in one paragraph - and then contradict yourself in the second - and then you agree with me!!!

I know of Mr. Hoffer - I was going to post one of his vids myself. I said nutrition plays a big part in this - because it was nutrition that sorted me out - not anti-psychotics.

Now about those twins. How many have been studied? Anything to do with siblings/families has to have environmental factors considered as you agreed. Some people have a lot of pressure on them, Some people take a lot of illegal drugs unbeknown to their families. Some people have rotten families. One woman I know - still diagnosed as schizophrenic (already mentioned in this thread) was being locked in her shed by her Aunt nightly. First ECT at 14, first thorazine at 14. No medication for 15 years - no relapses. She won't tell her doc in case they a. rehospitalise her. b. stop her sick money.

You also post another list of reasons that includes the kitchen sink. Psychiatry talks in absolutes - when there are none.....your list proves that much. There is no counselling in psychiatric hospitals (not in my area at least), there is no focus on nutrition, there isn't even a physical examination....there is ONLY pills.

Now prove to me that schizophrenia has a genetic/biological origin -without resorting to name calling.

This vid makes as much sense as any. 'Professor Doppleganger'.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by christina-66
You call me a liar in one paragraph - and then contradict yourself in the second - and then you agree with me!!!

WTH are you talking about?

I honestly think you suffer from intellectual deficits or something.

I will NOT be responding to this thread again.

I can't stand attempting to communicate with idiots.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

I don't enjoy discussions with people who can't even read their own words or back them up.

edit on 17-1-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:44 PM
Mental illness

Still believing 911 was orchestrated by radical Islamic forces
Believing a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon at 400+ mph
Believing you have an elected form of government
Beleiving in such things as 1.Republican vs 2.Democrat and the Libetarian and Tea partiers are here to save you from the other 2.

All these DSM4-5 diagnosis such as schizophrenia, schizo-affective, ADD, Hyperactivity disorders, depression, anxiety, bipolar are for and because of 2 things.
Pharmaceutical-Medical-Insurance profits (big chunk of world economics)
The group think tribal societal norm programming is being rejected and not being integrated within the mind of the individual deemed mentally ill.
* By the way...the disorders I mentioned are their favorites to push.

The mentally ill are having a perfectly normal response to an abnormal and unnatural world. So in essence the ones deemed mentally ill are perfectly mentally healthy. They are responding correctly to the enviroment.
edit on 17-1-2011 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Mathew 1Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 2And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 3And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Even Jesus fasted before he had his visions.

The nutritional element must be considered a major factor. If you have been on a spiritual journey and do fast as a part of that process and then have an hallucination you’ll be elated by that experience.

If you’ve simply been working too hard, are under too much stress (who isn’t these days), haven’t been feeding yourself properly, haven’t been sleeping and you’re not looking for spiritual answers – visions may send you off the deep end. ‘You are not God but you are experiencing God’. ‘You are not a genius but you are experiencing genius.’ That’s where people with no training get confused.

I have been extremely open on this thread because I know that the stigma is created by the psychiatric industry not by people. Face to face when people hear of my experiences they don’t stigmatise me – they confide in me about themselves, friends or family members.

The visions/hallucinations I experienced were enlightening for me, not frightening, and led me on a journey I am eternally grateful for.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by christina-66

I dunno – these people all seemed to be observing their experience with some fascination.

That sounds like a real transformative experience. Did it stay with you?

Everyone observes themselves if they think about it.
But without Real Intelligence or Radical Understanding, nothing happens.
One must go through a Spiritual Death to arrive at the Witness Position. It is Sacrifice of Self Attention.
The Witness is God, prior to identification with experience. In the beginning there is still Ego there,so it is not complete Enlightenment.

You cant learn this from a few posts. You need to read The Knee of Listening and the Method of the Siddhas.

Adi Da's shaktipat for me lasted for maybe 4 months.
But some of the subtle effects perhaps are permanent.

You complain about the other posters arguments, but you would rather argue than read also. This is your resistance to the Truth.

You can only tell if a person is spiritual intuitively and you can only tell if a person is SZ intuitively. Symptoms are not definitive.

I have been studying SZ for 45 years. I have not seen any credible evidence that it can be cured by nutrition. If it could be then there would be millions of cures for reference. (Acute Psychosis may be different.) And I believe the evidence points points to a bio chemical disorder, genetically related,as being the most likely cause. However currently there are no drugs that can cure this.My theory is that once the brain, due to this bio chemical disorder enters in the SZ state it is like a tape loop that is very rarely broken.

There are two special words that will break this loop:
"Avoiding Relationship?".
But in order to use them Everyone,Sz or Not must understand their meaning.
These two words will Enlighten Everyone.
God is the Supreme Meditator.
God uses the same two words.

edit on 17-1-2011 by RRokkyy because: ?

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

You cant learn this from a few posts. You need to read The Knee of Listening and the Method of the Siddhas.

I have said that I have taken a look at his book and that would take time to read. It does not make a connection for me but if I thought it would do others some good I would direct them to it.

You complain about the other posters arguments, but you would rather argue than read also. This is your resistance to the Truth.

I wouldn’t say I’m complaining about the other posters arguments I’d say I was countering any argument that holds schizophrenia to be a ‘proven’ genetic/biological condition. Which it is not in my experience.

You can only tell if a person is spiritual intuitively and you can only tell if a person is SZ intuitively. Symptoms are not definitive.

A person going through a full blown psychotic break is patently obvious. The cause of that break has to be investigated, which presently, it is not. A psychiatrist determines how to bring them down only. There is no consideration given to what the person is actually saying even there may be an intrinsic truth in it. In certain cultures and times of the past a person going through psychosis would be asked after the experience what they had learned.

I concur that medication would be required to bring a person down from psychosis – but argue that medication should only ever be used in the short term not for life.

‘When I talk to God I am praying. When God talks back to me I am schizophrenic.’

I have been studying SZ for 45 years. I have not seen any credible evidence that it can be cured by nutrition. If it could be then there would be millions of cures for reference. (Acute Psychosis may be different.) And I believe the evidence points points to a bio chemical disorder, genetically related,as being the most likely cause. However currently there are no drugs that can cure this.My theory is that once the brain, due to this bio chemical disorder enters in the SZ state it is like a tape loop that is very rarely broken.

I too have been studying these conditions and treatments for many years. People are not all the same. There are different causes and thus different solutions – possibly for each individual.

Once upon a time the mentally ill were called ‘lunatics’ and the mentally handicapped were called ‘natural born fools.’ These people were considered to have more of God in them and it was a blessing on the home and family if Mr & Mrs Normal took one of these people into their home to care for them. Freed of responsibility Mr & Mrs Lunatic were ‘at it like rabbits’ and producing many offspring whereas Mr & Mrs Normal were working hard to provide for their family.

The Victorians came along and said enough of this. The inherited theory was even around in those days and so they built the asylum. All the men in the west wing – all the women in the east wing – and never the twain should meet. The Victorians reckoned that within a generation or two lunatics and natural born fools would simply die out. But they did not. Come the 1940’s and 1950’s lunatics and natural born fools were still being admitted from the ‘normal’ population.

It was becoming expensive to care for them and along came Henri Laborit, inventor of chlorpromazine, who appeared to be able to provide the solution. (This is what I was taught at university as part of my training to become a mental health officer – I thought I could change things from the inside, however that is impossible. I refuse therefore to earn my income from this abuse of people and prefer to volunteer.)

Initial testing on psychotic patients proved a great success in the short term. So patients were fed this drug and the many ‘me too’ drugs that followed allowing the traditional asylums to be closed down. However, these drugs side effects were of such a severe nature that patients stopped taking them – they would relapse/withdraw – due to the brain being flooded with dopamine and be readmitted to hospital.

It was a great money spinner for the snake oil merchants tho’, who employed the best marketing people money could buy to promote their products to doctors and GP’s all over the world. Legislation now enforces people to take these drugs against their will and all other solutions to solving their emotional disturbances are not investigated – because it is deemed too political to do so.

That is why you have not heard of nutrition helping people. Not only nutrition – but investigating the key stressors that triggered the distress in the patient in the first instance isn’t considered.

I too have posted reading material on this thread. Perhaps the most important being ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic: The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America’.

I would ask that you please take a look at this essay RRokkyy.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

The mentally ill are having a perfectly normal response to an abnormal and unnatural world. So in essence the ones deemed mentally ill are perfectly mentally healthy. They are responding correctly to the enviroment.

This is a good summary of my perspective, It's the world that is freaked out and mad...inhumanity is everywhere. Those who can accept that and have no reaction to it are blocking reality. Remove the mind block filters that apparantly allow us to function without facing up to that inhumanity would/will cause any humane/sane human being to break.

edit on 18-1-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by christina-66

I have said that I have taken a look at his book and that would take time to read. It does not make a connection for me

What does?
There can only be one explanation for consciousness or reality.
There is a spiritual saying that spiritual people may
appear to go mad but in fact they cannot go mad.
This is because the two are opposite in nature.
If you understand Adi Da's Teaching then we would
have a common language with which to communicate.

I wouldn’t say I’m complaining about the other posters arguments I’d say I was countering any argument that holds schizophrenia to be a ‘proven’ genetic/biological condition. Which it is not in my experience.

The study below clearly PROVES a genetic link to SZ.

A person going through a full blown psychotic break is patently obvious. The cause of that break has to be investigated, which presently, it is not. but argue that medication should only ever be used in the short term not for life.
People are not all the same. There are different causes and thus different solutions – possibly for each individual.

This is very disturbing. It sounds like you what you
are selling is individual psychotherapy,highly priced
for maximum profit. Every person must have their own personal therapist. Psychotherapy is a JOKE. But the failure of drug therapy does not mean psychotherapy is the cure.

Freed of responsibility Mr & Mrs Lunatic were ‘at it like rabbits’ and producing many offspring whereas Mr & Mrs Normal were working hard to provide for their family.

The Victorians came along and said enough of this. The inherited theory was even around in those days and so they built the asylum. The Victorians reckoned that within a generation or two lunatics and natural born fools would simply die out. But they did not. Come the 1940’s and 1950’s lunatics and natural born fools were still being admitted from the ‘normal’ population.

They were partially correct. If schizophrenics were to have a high breeding rate the country would be overrun with them. People with SZ should not have
children except through AI or Invitro with donor gametes.

That is why you have not heard of nutrition helping people. Not only nutrition – but investigating the key stressors that triggered the distress in the patient in the first instance isn’t considered.

We dont hear of nutrition curing SZ because it has been tried many times and doesnt work. Vitamins dont cure it either. And what you are NOT UNDERSTANDING at least about Schizophrenia is that it is NOT CAUSED BY SOMETHING that happened in the past. It is caused by something that is happening in the present moment.

I have little doubt that Psychosis is related to SZ
as it is also a separation of consciousness from itself,but as it appears to be an acute condition from
which people are claimed to recover then there is a
difference which you might be correct that there is a nutritional, or toxic, cause.
A SZ that recovers from a psychotic break still does
not recover from SZ. Normal people can have psychotic breaks from toxins,stress,malnourishment etc and recover.

I too have posted reading material on this thread. Perhaps the most important being ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic: The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America’.

I would ask that you please take a look at this essay RRokkyy.

I read it. It is a very important essay. EVERYONE should read it.

Children who have two parents with schizophrenia run an extremely high risk of developing the disorder themselves. Irving I. Gottesman, PhD., Hon. F.R.C. Psych., of the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis, and his colleagues looked at 2.7 million individuals born in Denmark. Their study method matched population records in a general registry with records of psychiatric hospital admissions. Specifically looked for were patients whose parents both had admissions to psychiatric facilities for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. They compared rates of psychiatric admissions for these people to those of offspring with one or no parent admitted to facilities. Not surprisingly, rates of schizophrenia were the highest among children of two parents with a schizophrenia diagnosis. The numbers were alarming. Of the 196 couples with schizophrenia, 27.3 percent of their 270 offspring were admitted to a psychiatric facility. This number then increased to 39.2 percent when schizophrenia spectrum disorders were included. This compared with a 7 percent rate among 13,878 offspring of 8,006 couples in which one parent had schizophrenia and 0.86 percent in 2.2 million offspring of 1 million couples in which neither parent had a psychiatric admission.

edit on 18-1-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-1-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 10:30 PM
It might be the attempt at using the brain better, gone very very wrong.

The occassional person is able to take the "illness" and funnell it. These people directly confront their illness, and acknowledge that some of what they are experiencing is not based in reasonable reasoning.

The people who have these illnesses and are "awake" don't embrace it. They use is as a tool. And any tool can kill you.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by RRokkyy

There can only be one explanation for consciousness or reality.

Tell that to the various religions and sects around the globe. I had a personal experience...some call it gnosis and do not feel the need for a guru or guide.

The study below clearly PROVES a genetic link to SZ.

The Victorians experience disproves that hypothesis. They tried very hard to ensure they died out.....they failed. Your study supports the social model i.e. learned behaviours as much as a genetic link.

This is very disturbing. It sounds like you what you
are selling is individual psychotherapy,highly priced
for maximum profit. Every person must have their own personal therapist.

Who mentioned anything about psychotherapy? It could be a nutritionist that does the trick. In any event we in the UK do not pay for our health care. I’m talking different approaches not individual therapists.

They were partially correct. If schizophrenics were to have a high breeding rate the country would be overrun with them. People with SZ should not have
children except through AI or Invitro with donor gametes.

Too late. I have 2 sons....and again personal experience disproves the theory. Their father is a diagnosed schizophrenic. That is two diagnosed parents. My sons present no symptoms. They are happy, well adjusted, successful and popular young men.

edit on 20-1-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by christina-66

Too late. I have 2 sons....and again personal experience disproves the theory. Their father is a diagnosed schizophrenic. That is two diagnosed parents. My sons present no symptoms. They are happy, well adjusted, successful and popular young men.

It skips a generation sometimes. Thats what happened with my mother and her sisters and brothers.
People have a near complete bias (brainwashing) against the idea that anything dealing with the brain or personality can be inherited; IQ,Musical talent,artistic talent,linguistic ability,personality,mental illness.
Yet every statistic points to that.
You can inherit your parents blonde hair and blue eyes but you cant inherit the shape and structure of their brains because that would mean you are like an ANIMAL and the product
of breeding.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by RRokkyy

It skips a generation sometimes. Thats what happened with my mother and her sisters and brothers.
People have a near complete bias (brainwashing) against the idea that anything dealing with the brain or personality can be inherited; IQ,Musical talent,artistic talent,linguistic ability,personality,mental illness.
Yet every statistic points to that.
You can inherit your parents blonde hair and blue eyes but you cant inherit the shape and structure of their brains because that would mean you are like an ANIMAL and the product
of breeding.

You will also inherit your parents living habits and behaviours. Any argument that claims that mental illness is due to genetics can be countered by the social model argument and learned behaviours. Your statements above hinge entirely on the unproven hypothesis that mental illness is the result of some kind of physical defect when I argue that it is not with umpteen sources on this thread alone to support my argument.

Psychiatry quite deliberately fails to investigate past trauma in its patients. Was it to do so it would likely be faced with the realization that its patients are having normal human reactions to extraordinary events/circumstances in their lives. Psychiatry slaps a toxic sticking plaster on a mortal psychological wound - that is no solution and is, in fact, diminishing our understanding of the human condition.

There is so much money invested in the bio-chemical model that the industry will not let go, all the while hoping to find 'the missing link' to validate the harmful treatments it has been inflicting on people for more than 50 years now.

You hold that your schizophrenia was 'cured' by the spiritual path but this is entirely contradicted by your latest remarks. If you'd had a biological disorder like Parkinson’s, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Wilson’s disease, Huntingdon’s disease spiritual guidance would have halted the march of these illnesses.

edit on 22-1-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 06:48 PM
Wow, I didn't know this post was made recently...
You can look it up, I have posted many threads on my kundalini energy experiences. Experienced it accidentally when I was 18. Reliving the same experience again when I am now in my mid 30s. Making great progress in my meditation and chakra openings. In the past, I didn't know how to re-experience the Kundalini energy. Since I experienced it accidentally, I assume I had to experience it again through accidence. It turns out in Qi Gong practice I can re-ignite the energy. Here, replace Kundalini energy with Chi energy. What do you have? According to Chinese medicine, Chi energy is the source of life in your bodily internal organs. If your Chi is low, you will get sick. If your Chi is strong, you become healthier. Now, traditional Chinese doctors use their Chi to heal people. It has been this way for centuries. Here is a more recent account from a Buddhist Saolin Monk named Shi Yan Ming Go read his Bio: When he was 5, his parents wanted to gave him up because he was too sick. Almost dead. A Chinese doctor used acupuncture to clear up his Chi blockage in his meridian so that he could live. His parents were too poor to raise him and so they gave him up to the local Saolin Temple. You can also suffer from psychological disorder in Qi Gong too. Is called Qi Gong psychosis. It happens when the practitioner did too much Qi Gong and the Chi energy builds too much and causing neurological problems and disorder.

The Chi energy or Kundalini energies are energy of heat. I believe it travels through the meridian pathways in your body. You can feel the energy as heat as well as sensing pulsing along your meridian pathway. When the energy gets to your head, you can hear the internal sound in various frequencies as well as feeling massive pressured built up in your head. Eventually, this energy will get released from your crown and you feel your consciousness has been expanded. In the master level, you can use Chi to heal others as well as projecting Chi energy outward.

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