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More Headaches/Migraines Lately?

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posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:29 PM
I'm wondering about this ... my husband gets migraines and he's been complaining a lot more about headaches in the past week. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing that. I rarely get headaches and did go through a brief period where I got a couple around the New Year but that was more likely due to celebration

I am wondering if others are noticing an increase as I am seeing with my husband. Might it have to do with air pressure or increased toxins in the air or somehow linked with the birds, fish, wildlife issues we are seeing? I guess I was just looking for some input from headache sufferers to see if what my husband was experiencing was a possible trend.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:39 PM
I very rarely get headaches only after I've had a good night out and get bad hangovers now and again haha. Anyway last couple of days I've had a fuzzy head, though its more like a heavy head, sort of pressure feeling. Maybe just coincidence with your post though, I have just got over a cold

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:40 PM
I suffer from a rare type of migraine called "hemiplegic migraines" and I had a huge, really awful one on saturday, probably the worst one I've had in about ten years. They're pretty rare for me, I get them just once or twice a year, more if I don't look after myself properly. I haven't been looking after myself properly over the past month or so, so I'm putting it down to that!

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by GirlGenius

I suffer from migraines. Its awful!! I normal get like a migraine that lasts for up to 4 days. This will and has been happening once a month for many years now. Up until last month when i had 3 episodes of 3 day long migraine attacks. They were so intense. Its like somebody has taken a hammer to the side of my head/face!!

I myself have put it down to stress and so on, but i have also noticed my insomnia has got worst and i have been getting a strange feeling when I'm laying down. Like my body is vibrating, very strange!!

I think I'm falling apart to be honest!

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Oh god yes, I had a horrible headache today, I thought I was gonna die.

The good news is I think i discovered what's causing my headaches, also today. I had a suspicion for a while, and today I sort of proved it. Every time I clean the toilet I get a massive headache the next day. Don't know what's in that cleaning product. Bleach or so? Anyway, I try not to breathe it in, I open all the windows, I do it as fast as possible, and still, terrible headaches follow.

Anyone else noticed this?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:50 PM
I have had migraines that come and go all throughout my life. I even remember having them as a small child. I hadn't had one for about six months and then got hit with one of the worst ones I have ever had last week.

My remedy:

Caffeine. Ice pack on the back of my neck. Food if I can manage. And fioricet or Frova if it gets really bad. The Frova are really expensive if you don't have insurance.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by KatieVA

It is usually just a matter of self-care, but thanks for dropping in and sharing your experience. All of this information is good. Btw, have you tried arnica gel? I find that if I rub some where the pain is, it helps a lot.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Wallachian

Aha - I bet it's the cleaning stuff. I've been using a lot of vinegar and water or peroxide and water; sometimes baking soda or colloidal silver, too. Trying to replace my cleaning stuff with natural products ...

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by GirlGenius
reply to post by KatieVA

It is usually just a matter of self-care, but thanks for dropping in and sharing your experience. All of this information is good. Btw, have you tried arnica gel? I find that if I rub some where the pain is, it helps a lot.

The type I suffer from rarely actually involve any pain at all. I just get the same symptoms as someone having a stroke, I go blind, lose the feeling in the left side of my body and parts of my face and I can't form a coherant sentence. It's really scary. That said, I did have an terrible headache with it this time and it felt like someone was squeezing my skull, there was so much pressure around my eyes! Not sure if I could coat my entire skull in arnica gel?
Might be worth a shot next time I'm feeling desperate!

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:25 PM
I never used to have constant headaches but starting in late summer / fall of last year (2010) they became very frequent. They steadily have been getting worse, but some days they totally go away. I can't think of anything i did differently in the last year that would trigger them, and like i said before this i rarely had headaches. A lot of the time they're so bad i just sit and stare at something for awhile, looking around with my eyes just makes it worse. I've also had several sinus infections since the onset of my headaches. I've tried medicine to clear my sinuses but nothing really works. I did try some colloidal silver and that seemed to help drastically, but if i stopped taking it the symptoms would slowly creep back. Just randomly i'll have one or two days where i feel perfect, and then it all comes back. Most of the time i don't even feel like waking up.

Several other people i know locally have experienced the same symptoms, all starting last year and persist to this day. I have had depression for a couple years now, but i know how that feels, its different than this physical sickness feeling. I've pondered changing my diet, even though im still eating the same things i have for years, im willing to try just about anything.
edit on 1/14/2011 by JackBauer because: additional information

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:28 PM
Funny, I started to get a migraine 4 times in the past 2 weeks or so. Hadn't happened in nearly a year before that. I chalked it up to some unconscious stress I was feeling or something.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by KatieVA

Holy crap dude, and I thought regular migraines were bad.... That is scary as hell, can't even imagine what that must be like.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:48 PM
I have never suffered from headaches but the past two weeks i have had severe ones everyday and the word thing is they come at the same time everyday! it's just strange oh and it's about 4o'clock pm everyday

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:55 PM
its phosgene poisoning. change your diet to seeds, green leafy vegetables until you are feeling better. bronchitis, headaches, bad coughs are all result from the phosgene poisoning which killed the animals

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by tonypazzohome

By you saying it killed the animals I'm presuming you meen birds which is impossible in Arkansas case eye witnesses say the birds fell from the sky well phosgene is heavier than air so it would not be possible for the birds to breath it in and if I have got it hows that possible?

Heres a link read it:

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 03:13 PM
I have a very long migraine story,with lots of hardcore attackes in earlier years. but in the least weeks i experienced a "new quality" of headache feels like a lot of pressure in the brain and somebody turning a rusty spear around between eye and temple really terrible.

sometimes i know the causes, sometimes i am clueless.

the only thing that helps is watch yourself, maybe make a diary, where you note when, where, why headaches occur, and improve your lifestyle.

Everybody reacts different, sometimes a coffe just before the headaches helps sometimes a coffee kickstarts it,

Here is what i experienced, some already mentionend in the thread, maybe it helps you;

Postive against headaches: drink lots of water, head massage, tiger balm on temples, under nose on the neck, wet tissue on front, sleep, silence, fresh air, or oxygen from a tank, magnesium.

And when its really bad i feel much better after vomiting, it s euukks but helps

Headache starters; smoking (much less with additive free cigarettes, still not healthy though), alcohol, most kinds of smelly "fume"; perfume, gasoline, cleanser, flickering lights (monitor !!!) , stress --> tense shoulders, neck, dehydration, to much sunshine, but also not enough sunshine in the winter, white chocolate (!) , computergames, big screen cinemas..

edit on 14-1-2011 by svetlana84 because: added

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 03:25 PM
I have had severe head pressure the past two weeks. I dont think it is my sinus because it feels like a migrane without the pain. kinda weird. not much more to contribute but yes it seems I have been living on excederine migrane for a while

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by GirlGenius

Not lately, but about 1 year ago I had the worst sepll of my life. I went a whole 2 weeks suffering with migraine pain everyday. I had a very weird taste in my mouth and I smelled something funny. I cannot see well when I get one and I feel dizzy. Those are my worst symptoms, beyond the wanting to die pain.

I went to the ER and received some steroid to relieve the swelling and the headches subsided after that. I have not had a migraine since then, but that was scary. 2 whole weeks of daily spells is no joke. I hope your husband feels better, and learns what is triggering his. I still haven't the slightest idea what causes mine.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:27 PM
nothing strange about it i think

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by spinalremain

headache with taste in mouth sounds really bad, i am no doctor, but have some "expertise" aka experience in the field. some of the causes:

- poisoning (mercury, selenium, solder, side effects from drugs and others)
- serious brain issues ( epilepsy, TIA, to tumor...)
- dental related (caries, inflammations of the gum, etc)

my two cents. Please do not jump to conclusions, but check what it could have been.

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