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Is the Loughner Mug Shot Fake?

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posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Getsmart
Hi Getsmart, Your research has to be commended and shocking as living in the UK I was not aware of this 'infighting' that is taking place at the White House. The photos do not match as you cite. The defence lawyer has a reputation of putting cases like this in jail so how has she been appointed? In the UK you choose your own lawyer to defend you, so you know there is no collusion or bias. Will she get a anatomic expert in to dispute the mug shot photo and the photos we have all seen that are clearly not Jared? Why are there no photographers, news teams getting shots glimpses of him as he is in custody? It would be clear to the public if this is Jared or not if they were 'allowed' to get such footage. Here in the UK the government can issue a D Notice which means it is in the country's interest not to publicise a story that would harm the government. Maybe they have told the news organisations to lay low in getting any more footage of Jared as we would then see it is not him?
Also, all this publicity, stories being made up, being guilty before he has even admitted it, if this happened here, his lawyer could put up a defence of a 'Fair Trial' since he has been branded before the trial and the jury would be swayed by the publicity.
In some cases in that situation, the case will be tried in another country. An example was the Lockerbie bomber, al Megrahi, who was tried under Scots Law at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands with no jury and only three judges who decided his fate.
Could that legally happen in the US as he will not get a fair trial from what I have seen?
The story about her husband being involved is very compelling and I want to know as well where he was supposed to be?

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen
Hi VonDoomen, What, is the law so different in the US from the UK? Here if you are in custody, you are not allowed any shaving gear, only supervised shaving for cleanliness. You are not allowed to change yor appearance in ANY WAY. That means no cutting of your hair or beard, moustache, if you have them, as witnesses will not be able to identify you in a suspect line up. As this case depends on witness statements then why did they let him shave his hair off in jail???? This is getting weirder and weirder....

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:11 PM
It t does have elememts of being altered or touched up.
once the article has been released when I can post, an image comparison between the official photo and the real photo shall be released

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:16 PM
You should see my last Drivers License...This guy has nothing over my bug eyed creepy mug.

Funny thing is that picture is currently in all Law Enforcement, Mil Intel, Police State database on the planet.

I planned it that way however.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:58 PM
I was watching the drama unfold on the day of the shootings on the BBC news and in the background behind the news reader was a US news channel.
I could not make out the channel logo but it was blue. In their footage the words appeared: "Congresswoman Gifford's dead.." It fair took my breath away as the newsreader was still talking about her in a critical condition etc.... I was awaiting the news officially from the British newsreader but it did not come?

I know that well known people dying is 'embargoed' sometimes to prepare the family for the media attention etc... so I thought to myself, maybe she was dead and the headline was prepared in advance to announce later that day or next?

Why would the US news show have a headline like that being broadcast when it was not happening and did not happen?
Did any of you watching in the US see this discrepancy on your televisions?
What news station has a blue banner?
It happened so quick as the news cut to the people who were at the scene etc...interviewing people who were there. When he came back there was no sign of the news update in the background.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:11 PM




Just kidding, I thought you guys would enjoy this...

My rendition of Jared with blue eyes, a round chin, soft features, no dark circles, and no weird smirk... and some fancy eyebrows

20 minutes on Gimp (linux photoshop).... and he almost looks.... SANE!!! (and quite clearly innocent as a new born child)

everything is an illusion,

Sri Oracle
edit on 16-1-2011 by Sri Oracle because: its funnier this way!

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:32 PM
‎-;[@ ThE MuGSHoT oF JaReD LoUGHNeR iS a DoCToReD PHoTo @];-

Image and text are here:

After watching this video on Jared Loughner’s mugshot having telltale signs of having been PhotoShopped:

A friend and I decided to take the mugshot and put it into Photoshop to see what we saw when we zoomed in, and the signs of it having been doctored are there. Eyebrows, bridge of nose, neck, cheeks.

Two of the most mind-boggling alterations that we noticed was that 1. his shirt has been outlined in black and 2. his mouth has been made to look like a crazy leer / Joker grin.

~The right side of the corner of his mouth has been extended. If you look you can see the natural endpoint to his smile -and that it’s been extended. It’s impossible for his smile to extend to the endpoint depicted in the picture unless his mouth was slashed at the corner.

Why was his mugshot altered?

Anyone have any thoughts on this? / Any pro graphic designers that can confirm or deny that this picture has been altered?

My friend and I discovered this: This is breaking news! >>>Please spread the word!


The Hot Sauce Committee

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle

My rendition of Jared with blue eyes, a round chin, soft features, no dark circles, and no weird smirk... and some fancy eyebrows

Just kidding, I thought you guys would enjoy this...

Hi Sri Oracle,

Personally, I didn't enjoy your game at all - it muddles our visual references, perhaps purposely?

I noticed that you made a number of changes to make the mugshot look more like the real Jared - any idea WHY?

You widened his bone arches above the eyes. You narrowed his mouth. You changed his eye color. You narrowed his head shape. Coincidentally ALL of these things "just happen" to make the Mugshot look a lot more like the real Jared. And this to make it seem as if the Original Mugshot before getting tampered with would have looked more like the real Jared ? ! ?

What is your motivation? Teenage prank following your every dumb impulse? Unlikely, as it is too well targeted at messing with our visual references. Either way =

Originally posted by thehotsaucecommittee

‎-;[@ ThE MuGSHoT oF JaReD LoUGHNeR iS a DoCToReD PHoTo @];-

After watching this video on Jared Loughner’s mugshot having telltale signs of having been PhotoShopped:

A friend and I decided to take the mugshot and put it into Photoshop to see what we saw when we zoomed in, and the signs of it having been doctored are there. Eyebrows, bridge of nose, neck, cheeks.

Why was his mugshot altered?

Anyone have any thoughts on this? / Any pro graphic designers that can confirm or deny that this picture has been altered?

Hi Hot Sauce,

The Mugshot is readily evident as falsified - FAKE. This should raise a Red Flag. Those who organize Killing Sprees and then Cover-ups are NOT Beginners. They have access to the best Military quality Image treatment computers which can modify video footage instantaneously in Real Time any way they like, and be UNDETECTABLE.

So the proper question shouldn't be WHY did they Alter his Mugshot - but WHO is pictured on the Mugshot and more significantly, WHO is imprisoned under Jared's identity and WHO actually did the shooting ? ! ?

By now anyone with a pair of eyes and a zoom feature on his computer knows that this is a cracker jack box picture. A rolling laugh. A farce. Not just a joke - a stinker !

This is to keep you from getting past the photo itself. Take a lifetime proving it is a fake. Then, once you've finished and are grey and withered, you can wonder why Jared didn't complain from his highly deserved jail cell on death row about his image being tinkered with. YOU are the one being tinkered with here.

The Mugshot is a fake. GET PAST IT. People have been Killed. A rogue Group of Paramilitary Assassins is attacking members of the United States President's entourage with Manchurian Candidates. You are fed by the Media standard Cover-up Propaganda - don't buy it.

Jared is no more insane than any of us here. All testimony from his friends and colleagues proves this. He has been used as a Patsy, a scapegoat, a sacrificial lamb. For all we know, JARED DIDN'T KILL ANYONE. It is all too easy, already all wrapped up and shipped off to Sing Sing. I wouldn't be surprised if he is already dead or kept on ice for when they are ready to produce his real body to forensics. The Guy in Jail must be an Agency Operative, a play actor Temp Worker sent to Impersonate him during the hearings where the press can't even take pictures? This is a laughing lark of a travesty of justice. It's all a road show to tar and feather the American public. The real questions are:


Suspects: Neo-Cons embedded in the Republican Party / NASA Nazi Continuum / Rogue CIA Black Ops


Suspects: Mark Kelly / A Mark Kelly Look-Alike / Jared / A Jared Look-Alike / A Marines buddy of Jesse Kelly


Reasons: Giffords opposed a Permeable Border / She knew too much about NASA / To Threaten Obama


Places: Scampering in the desert / Across the border in Mexico / On ice in a CIA Freezer / Getting his brains fried

If they couldn't get ahold of Jared for a real Mugshot, where is he? In hiding in the desert? Did he sense something was up? Was that why his father saw him take off into the desert with a bag, maybe of supplies? Was he targeted as the culprit because he knew too much? Oswald was investigating the CIA's Kennedy Assassins of for the FBI, making him the perfect patsy - was Jared fingered the same way? Have they already killed Jared going through the moves of a trial until they stage a mock revenge shooting of the impostor, with a Jack Ruby imitator? Or are they currently "treating" Jared to Fry his Brains and then substitute him for their impostor at the end of the trial?

Thanks for adding any ideas you may have regarding the vital issues of Who and Why this attack occurred. We've got to get to the Bottom of this hideous crime because you can bet your bottom dollar that the establishment farce masquerading as the Criminal Justice System isn't about to do anything else than send a lamb to the slaughter.

There are other signs showing that rogue groups in the CIA have been targeting opponents of the Neo-Cons. Among these are the incessant pressure by a Pakistani Operative posing as a lovelorn stalker tracking the daughter of Caroline Kennedy and causing her to drop out of Politics to protect her family.

"Ahmed's campaign to win Schlossberg's heart began in April 2008 and continued after Kennedy's decision to remove her name from consideration for Hillary Clinton's vacated Senate seat - for personal reasons."

Naeem Ahmed stalking Caroline Kennedy's 20-year-old daughter Tatiana Schlossberg

Any researcher worth their salt knows that the ISI is piloted by the CIA and helped perpetrate the Mumbai Attacks.

Indian Express: ISI chief told CIA his 'rogues' carried out Mumbai attack'

ISI connected to rogue CIA directorate

Mumbai terror suspect David Headley was ‘rogue US secret agent’

That Naeem Ahmed is an ISI operative working for the CIA is quite obvious, as it would be quite a stretch to find any possible other motivation for his alleged 'fascination' with JFK's granddaughter. Don't forget how many Kennedy's have been killed by the Neo-Cons. And in the light of these attacks remember that their warnings are to be taken seriously. Caroline Kennedy did after losing many family members. Gabrielle Giffords had the courage to stand her ground.

edit on 17-1-2011 by Getsmart because: people have been murdered and the USA is under attack by a Nazi 5th Column.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Hello GetSmart,
I don't agree that this is something that should be ignored. This is factual evidence that can be presented to everyday people that will raise a red flag. However, your theories, which may or may not be true, would seem too far-fetched to a person who does not normally espouse these viewpoints. If the facts of this story were presented to people based on information that has been delivered to them by their own media sources, they would more likely find there is substantial evidence that warrants further investigation. I have shown this picture to many people, and they all seem to concur it's been doctored. In addition, there have been many discrepancies in the official story. I think it is best to stick to the "facts" being presented by the mainstream media when discussing these issues. For example, a recent New York Times article stated that the cab driver stated Jared looked like a normal boy, yet, in that very same article, they also claim he had shaved his head and eyebrows prior to entering the cab. This raises a red flag, because it seems unlikely anyone with that appearance would come across as normal. In addition, as it has been pointed out in this thread, a court sketch reveals that he had hair. However, every sketch posted since that initial one has included the shave head. This does raise the question as to why the information that his head and eyebrows were shaved is being presented to us the day after many people on You-Tube and across the internet began to question the nature of this photo. These are facts which can be traced by a good internet search.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
Hi Sri Oracle,

Personally, I didn't enjoy your game at all - it muddles our visual references, perhaps purposely?

I noticed that you made a number of changes to make the mugshot look more like the real Jared - any idea WHY?

You widened his bone arches above the eyes. You narrowed his mouth. You changed his eye color. You narrowed his head shape. Coincidentally ALL of these things "just happen" to make the Mugshot look a lot more like the real Jared. And this to make it seem as if the Original Mugshot before getting tampered with would have looked more like the real Jared ? ! ?

What is your motivation? Teenage prank following your every dumb impulse? Unlikely, as it is too well targeted at messing with our visual references. Either way =

Ouch that was harsh.


It was suggested that the "real" Jared had blue eyes and the smirk was an impossible. I tried to put the photo back to the way it "supposedly" "originally" "was" (if indeed it was Jared to begin with) in the OP's position for two reasons:

1) To show just how easy it is to modify a photo for those that think you need to be a "photoshop expert" to do so.

2) To show how easy it is to make someone look innocent or guilty with a few strokes of the blur and dodge tool.

Sorry my sense of humor ruffled you feathers. The before and after just lent itself to easily. My original post did not have the comical reference... I edited to make it that way because... I've been following CT for many years and at some point you just have to say f-it and smirk yourself otherwise this study will drive you mad.

How do I really feel about all of this? I read a substantial amount of material on the MKultra program long before this event happened and that "it muddles my visual reference" far beyond what I can get into on this thread.

candidly yours,

Sri Oracle
edit on 17-1-2011 by Sri Oracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

I wasnt offended by your post at all. I think you demonstrated anyone can edit a pic.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:35 AM
I really don't understand why this image would have been altered, other than to make him appear more sinister.

Asking why the image has been altered is the primary thing here in my opinion. Everything else comes after that.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

This is a valid question: What is the motive? However, I disagree that this is the first step. In any criminal investigation, motive is not the first thing that is sought after. The first thing you need to establish is that a crime was committed. Then, you look for motive. This is a conspiracy forum, so there could be a slew of theories for the motive: MKULTRA mind control, the media trying to sell papers by sensationalizing the story, the government's rush to tie it up in the public eye to make it seem they have it under control, the government taking advantage of the crisis in order to push through certain regulations: gun control (although, I would like to point out that I in no way advocate violence, I'm of the Martin Luther King / Ghandi train of thought), Marshall protection for Congress, etc. I think the poster's intention is to establish that a cover-up or crime is being committed. And I agree wholeheartedly with this.
We have to know where to look for answers. Progress will never be made by simply accepting everything the mainstream, corporate-owned media gives us. I feel we should have learned this lesson after Bin Laden. He was immediately considered guilty in the public eye and in the media for the September 11th attacks, yet he is not wanted by the FBI for these attacks. You can find it on the FBI's own website: If you ask them about it, they will tell you there is not enough evidence to accuse him of that crime. So, I'm sorry, but I don't accept what the media says at face value anymore. We have to encourage each other to think critically. I would love to hear your response on this, as I encourage discussion and the formulation of ideas.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 08:09 AM
Someone said on this thread that the Judge who was killed was related to Gwynth Paltrow, who is married to frontman Chris Martin from the UK band Coldplay. This is a 'out there' assumption but it is well known that the lyrics in a lot of Coldplay's songs are about aliens, extraterrestrials, space etc....
What if Coldplay are becoming too subversive with their lyrics and killing the judge was a way to send a message to them to stop feeding us with clues subliminally It would not be noticed by Joe Public, this association, as not many will know about Coldplay and their history in the US (assumption??). Here are some of their lyrics to prove my point:

(A) You and me are drifting into outer space from X&Y

(B) All of the stars and the outer space from White Shadows

(C) Look at earth from outer. Everyone must find a place from Politix

(D) The future’s for discovering. The space in which we’re travelling from Square One

(E) Look up, I look up at night. Planets are moving at the speed of light from Speed of Sound

(F) Hundreds of years in the future. It could be computers looking for life on earth from Twisted Logic

(G) You can climb a ladder up to the sun from Talk

(H) Come on, oh my star is fading from Amsterdam

(I) Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you from Yellow

Talk by Coldplay, lyrics in this song could have been written for Jared:

Oh brother I can't I can't get through
I've been tryin' hard to reach you 'cause I don't know what to do
Oh brother I can't believe it's true
I'm so scared about the future and I want to talk to you
Oh I want to talk to you.

COMMENT: This verse is Jared trying to talk to us here on ATS, his brothers, but no one listened?

You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody had sung
Or do something that's never been done

COMMENT: Maybe he did the thing that nobody has done, kill to get his point across as a last resort?

Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how you feel
Well I feel like they're talkin' in a language I don't speak
And they're talkin' it to me
COMMENT: This verse relates to his gibberish talk on ATS and his weblinks, maybe even the mind control that many believe he might have undergone?

So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody had sung or do
Something that's never been done, do
Something that's never been done

So you don't know where you're goin'
And you want to talk
And you feel like you're goin' where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen, but you feel ignored
But nothing's really makin' any sense at all, let's talk
Let's talk, let's talk, let's talk.

COMMENT: Re-iterating his plea for someone to listen and understand?

I know you will think this is a loony conclusion but truth is stranger than fiction????

edit on 17-1-2011 by kalenga because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by kalenga

Wow, I guess this really is a conspiracy forum. Generally, in a conspiracy, it's best to trace policy and where the money is. Who has something to gain? What sort of legislation will be passed? If they wanted to kill the guy from Coldplay, they could have done that easily without having to concoct such an elaborate scheme.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 09:28 AM
All of this talk about it being fake.. Can some one please provide ONE OUNCE of proof? no?? Didn't think so..

This is past ridiculous...

"Look mom, look what I can do" ...... "I can make baseless accusations"

To all of you that think that this is fake - Get a hobby, a job, a life!

I love a conspiracy as much as the next guy... But I lack the mentality it takes to find a conspiracy in every single thing I read.

So what we have here is a picture of a guy that looks crazy... Where is the conspiracy?? Were Charles Masons pictures doctored? Maybe they made him look crazy too?

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Resurrectio

Someone posted the proof that the pictures were doctored. That is the first sign that there needs to be further investigation. I am not going to accept everything the media says, sorry. And even if there is no conspiracy, I do not want to see this crisis being used by the government or media to fast-track any ridiculous legislation, so I will be watching this story closely. It does affect my life when legislation is passed. And, in my opinion, it is my job as an American citizen and student of politics to watch this incident carefully. I was too complacent after 9-11. My cousin died in those attacks, and now I have to walk through Penn Station frightened because I'm surrounded by military with rifles. So, no, I will not stop. Sorry. I care about my life and the lives of the victims too much.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by MrInsideTrack

I scrolled through the pages and am yet to see proof.. I see assumptions and opinions.. But not ONE OUNCE of proof.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Resurrectio

Again, I will continue to research and watch this case closely regardless of your opinion. If a doctored photoshop picture is nothing to you, then I dont know what to say. I guess you can explain away the moles, the joker-like grin, the pixelation, the use of blur and sharpen tools, the neck on the left side, the patch on the the right side, the black outline of his white t-shirt, the blur tool on the eyebrows, the shape of the chin, etc. As someone who uses Photoshop almost every day, it is difficult for me to ignore such glaring tampering.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 10:39 AM
Just tossing this in to a few threads for review. (60 minutes segment 1-16-11) Hear what his friends had to say about him. Also clear indication of how he fit into tidy little "nut job" profiles. Some rather startling revelations. (FBI makes sure potential nut jobs take their meds, most assanations are not political etc.) Worth watching even if you have to sit through a few Viagra commercials.

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