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A look inside the mind of erad3 (most-likely Jared Loughner)

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by impaired

Originally posted by 19872012
Don't forget that there are people far more evil than Jared, people who want to kill 90% of the population. people who are poisoning the world. Do not forget that the elites are not our friends...

And it's this kind of thinking (wanting to actually KILL the elites) that's extremely dangerous.

Whether that conspiracy is true or not, it will send some people off the deep end - especially a paranoid schitzophrenic.

I don't see how people can kill others - especially innocents.

But on topic, I think it would be great if ATS did make a statement and said something along the lines that not all conspiracy theorists want to kill and that a lot of them/us are just here for the pursuit of truth - without infringing on others as much as possible.

Of course that's a given, but I think it's one of the most important things to say.

To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable about this whole shooting thing because:

I have issues with organized religion. So did Jared.
I'm agnostic - Jared was atheist, but it's close enough.

Him and I share a FEW (and I mean a few) beliefs, and I'm afraid that a peaceful person like me will be on some kind of watch-list now - if that's not being paranoid - which I HATE being (am not normally, for the record).

I'm a pacifist, I'm totally not defending what he did, I'm sure anything good he might have wanted to accomplish will just backfire now. I still think he was brainwashed.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by SpaDe_

I agree with you wholeheartedly SpaDe. I read on one of his threads where an ATS MEMBER pointed out to him that she thought he had schizophrenia and suggested that he get some help and meds, that she wasn't trying to be mean, that she cared and that he should seek said help before he hurt himself or others. Had he actually heeded the advice of this ATS MEMBER, perhaps none of this terrible incident would have occurred.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:42 AM
I am very saddened by what has happened. This site and many others like it are great sources of information
and every side is heard.There is no one to blame for this, it would be easy to say hollyweird, with its violent movies are to blame, or him having access to a weapon. But in reality this insane individual is the one responsible and there is nothing that can be done to prevent anyone from snapping and deciding to do something like this.

P.S. My heart goes out, especially to the family who lost the 9yr old little girl. I have seen enough children
killed in Iraq to last a thousand life time's, only to come back home and continue the nightmare. And those religious
jackwagons that want to protest the funeral, well a pox on you and yours, you forget Jesus=love and compassion.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Tasty Canadian
I read on one of his threads where an ATS MEMBER pointed out to him that she thought he had schizophrenia and suggested that he get some help and meds, that she wasn't trying to be mean, that she cared and that he should seek said help before he hurt himself or others. Had he actually heeded the advice of this ATS MEMBER, perhaps none of this terrible incident would have occurred.

well as the old adage goes:

u can lead a horse to water
but can't make him drink

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:48 AM

I think you have answered your own questions in your opening post. It is obvious that this individual was not satisfied with the answers that our members provided, and it was also obvious that he was suffering from mental illness. After thoroughly reading through all of his posts and threads, I don't see any evidence to suggest that he would have turned violent. Even in our community, where many ideas and theories are presented, he did not fit in. It is tough to say whether or not anybody could have recognized all the signs, but quite honestly, I don't think there was anything that any of us could do if his family couldn't recognize it first.

With such a large community, bad eggs will come up from time to time. I just wish he could have found another outlet for his obvious suffering, than taking human lives. It is a tragedy indeed, and I wish the owners and staff all the best in the coming weeks. I just hope this doesn't paint us all in a bad light.

Peace be with you.

edit on 10-1-2011 by truthseeker1984 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:52 AM
But often times it is only after the fact that we cry mental illness should have been plain to see, with our hindsight. I have heard some kooky things on the web, but its words on a screen.

Are we expected to know if the poster is indeed mentally ill, or just master trolling, or fine but holds different ideas?

Originally posted by m0r1arty
As I've been saying for some time now, if you promote the wealth of those who lack mental health then you are as much to blame for their actions as they are.

Whilst there are still people claiming to be aliens, prophets, gods and other entities which they cannot back up with evidence (and some have tried - bless them) ATS attracts people who need protections.

Alongside these vulnerable folk are the wolves, those who seek to gain either financially or through having their ego stoked. All those with their religions, books, DVDs and pay-for websites are herding the vulnerable towards lining their pockets.

Say what you will about civility, decorum or sceptics - I've never seen any of their actions lead to murder or preying on the vulnerable. Playground politics is where people learn that acting like a fool in public gets them called fools by those who say what they see. Censoring or making life problematic for those who only wish to help those lost or looking for answers means that you are furthering the propaganda of insanity.

It's not the first time that an ATS member has turned to murder and I'm sure it will not be the last.

Just remember that silencing those who correct the behaviour of miscreants and harbouring radical concepts which promote potentially dangerous actions places blame squarely at this site.

Deny ignorance is more like ignore denials around here some days.

There is a lot of good work done here - but it leaves no room for incidents like the one Jared undertook. An incident which could have been prevented if adults, particularly those with apparent authority around here, acted like adults.

Sad day, but hopefully a lesson well learned.


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by

Thank you for doing this. I feel like by being open and clear about the facts this site will survive. If only the government would take a page out of the ATS book, you know? I feel this is the right track to get the MSM off our collective back. Bravo ATS leadership, Bravo.

(Upon rereading, I can see how this may be taken as sarcasm; I assure you it is not. I am genuinely pleased and uplifted by the transparency of the ATS heads.)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:53 AM
Something that I've noticed from many (maybe most) of his posts is that they occur at really off hours of the day. 2am,3am,4am,5am. It appears that he may have had some issues with insomnia. He definitely seemed restless and I wonder if the lack of sleep contributed to his severe lack of logical reasoning in his threads/posts
edit on 1/10/2011 by InterestedObserver because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:00 PM
i wouldn't release a statement just yet, i'd compile his posts, and prepare a statement, but not release it.
deep down i think we all feel this gonna end up with ATS spread all over the news, which will lead to lots of nutbags, posting like crazy, just insane stuff, or skeptics trolling posting anon posts trying to start trouble.

he might not have been the first nutjob to find ATS, might not have been the first to kill someone.. but he was definitely the most high profile. either way.. if the say ATS on the news, things on this site will change.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Are you folks aware of any other ATS
user accounts that he may have used
other than erad3?

There's really no way to be 100% sure that even erad3 belonged to him. Hence the anonymity of the Internet.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Nick Baumann interview with Jared Loughner's friend Bryce Tierney.

Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff’s Office was informed, his deputies assured the victims that he was being well managed by the mental health system.

Jared's friend knew he was dangerous apparently so did the sheriffs office,
edit on 123131p://bMonday2011 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:15 PM
The reality is, ATS has absolutely nothing to do, nor any connection with Jared Loughner other than the fact that he made a choice to post his drivellings here.

ATS is but one more victim of Jared Loughner.

Any attempt to sensationalize a connection between this deranged and misguided individual with ATS, is simply MSM fingerpointing at its best.


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by InterestedObserver
Something that I've noticed from many (maybe most) of his posts is that they occur at really off hours of the day. 2am,3am,4am,5am. It appears that he may have had some issues with insomnia. He definitely seemed restless and I wonder if the lack of sleep contributed to his severe lack of logical reasoning in his threads/posts
edit on 1/10/2011 by InterestedObserver because: (no reason given)

That is really insignificant. I post at all kinds of weird hours but it is due to my erradic schedule. Sometimes I don't sleep well but who doesn't. It takes more than just being restless to cause some one to do the things he has done. I am by no means mentally or emotionally unfit. I have my beliefs but they do not lead me to violence. Violence should only be an answer to violence committed. If everyone had that idea engrained in their thinking then there would be no violence.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

well the reason why I was asking was because
I do converse with posters here by u2u. While
I don't remember ever conversing with user
erad3, I was just wondering if he may have
used another account. I was gonna do some
checking my messages to see if we had
ever had a discussion. But as of right now,
I have no knowledge of any private communications
between erad3 and myself.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:20 PM
Exclusive: Loughner Friend Explains Alleged Gunman's Grudge Against Giffords

That was it. But later in the day, when Tierney first heard about the Tucson massacre, he had a sickening feeling: "They hadn't released the name, but I said, 'Holy #, I think it's Jared that did it.'" Tierney tells Mother Jones in an exclusive interview that Loughner held a years-long grudge against Giffords and had repeatedly derided her as a "fake." Loughner's animus toward Giffords intensified after he attended one of her campaign events and she did not, in his view, sufficiently answer a question he had posed, Tierney says. He also describes Loughner as being obsessed with "lucid dreaming"—that is, the idea that conscious dreams are an alternative reality that a person can inhabit and control—and says Loughner became "more interested in this world than our reality." Tierney adds, "I saw his dream journal once. That's the golden piece of evidence. You want to know what goes on in Jared Loughner's mind, there's a dream journal that will tell you everything."

Tierney, who's also 22, recalls Loughner complaining about a Giffords event he attended during that period. He's unsure whether it was the same one mentioned in the charges—Loughner "might have gone to some other rallies," he says—but Tierney notes it was a significant moment for Loughner: "He told me that she opened up the floor for questions and he asked a question. The question was, 'What is government if words have no meaning?'"
"He said, 'Can you believe it, they wouldn't answer my question.' Ever since that, he thought she was fake, he had something against her."

Giffords' answer, whatever it was, didn't satisfy Loughner. "He said, 'Can you believe it, they wouldn't answer my question,' and I told him, 'Dude, no one's going to answer that,'" Tierney recalls. "Ever since that, he thought she was fake, he had something against her."

Tierney says he has "no clue" why Loughner might have "shot all those other people." But, he notes, "when I heard Gabrielle Giffords has been shot, I was like 'Oh my God...' For some reason I felt like I knew...I felt like if anyone was going to shoot her, it would be Jared."

A question she couldn't answer,

They knew this guy was dangerous yet the sheriff spun this incident anyway,
edit on 123131p://bMonday2011 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:25 PM
The very fact that Erad3 (most likely Jared Lee Loughner) was roundly rejected by the ATS forum members in his first thread is a testament to the overall "sanity" of the ATS community.

Plus, as crazy and disjointed as Erad3's posts were, he NEVER gave any indication of being violent, just mentally disturbed. Blaming ATS would be like blaming YouTube for the videos he posted there.

Regardless, it's a dog-eat-dog world out here on the internet - good to see ATS circle the wagons!

edit on 10-1-2011 by harrytuttle because: clarify

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:29 PM
I think this should be added to this thread from one of Erad3's threads...

Originally posted by: mordant1

I have maybe made a mistake is my assessment of your avatar, because for that to be the case, you'd have to be at least somewhat rational, but I think youre frankly schizophrenic, and no that's not an amateur opinion and not intended as an uninformed or insulting remark, you clearly make no sense and are unable to communicate. I really do care.
Seek help before you hurt yourself or others or start taking your medications again, please. Maybe, it'd be better for some there be an infinite source of haldol or cogentin then fiat currency.

At least one ATS member could clearly see how disturbed this person is.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Maybe this is how he was mind controlled?

Like all of these odd things mentioned, the bird talking about govt, the nasa rovers not being able to communicate with earth, etc; were the stimuli used after wiping his mind so they could control him.
They wipe the mind with electro-shock therapy + psychotropic drugs overdose.

It's like he was trying to tell us about mind control, and what had happened to him, but was still quite in shock and really really confused after being force fed this wack information about NASA not having good radios, or the infinite year stuff, for hundreds of hours until he snapped.

To achieve the full effect, as per MK Ultra, a lot of psychotropic drugs would be administered to aid in helping him snap. Watch CONSPIRACY THEORY with Mel Gibson and Patrick Stewart and Julia Roberts. I know it's a movie but its something the average public can watch that gives insight into what it may be sort of like.

Of course it's just a theory, but MK Ultra was a real life true factual program by the US from at least the 50s to the 60s. source

I know most people in the real world will shrug that stuff off and say "it didn't happen its hoax" but it really did happen you can do your research and you will find out MK Ultra was real and it became a huge controversy in congress. The "Church Committee" and the "Rockefeller Commission" supposedly investigated them.

Also, remember he killed a kid. That goes way way beyond just mere political rage. It's pure insanity. It's like he wasn't even thinking at all. More like he was programmed and was totally hypnotized just pulling a trigger without really analyzing targets for friend or foe. All were foe.

He could have been crazy on his own, but also he could have been a victim of something far more sinister than we are anticipating.

In the odd chance that there might be possibly some sort of organized conspiracy by unknown criminals to kidnap this kid at some point and put him through brainwashing (electroshock + drugs), which could be pulled off by anyone with a little sophistication and resources; shouldn't we at least look into it a little bit?

We have been looking into dozens of possibilities but I keep thinking the MK Ultra scenario really fits the bill here at least in most general aspects. It doesn't even have to be the government, some sort of Union boss or something could be behind this. You really never know until you find out.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by

What mind? I think he should've called himself eroded cause that's what his mind was, and even reading just two of his posts I felt like it eroded my mind!

edit on 10-1-2011 by ldyserenity because: clarification

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:32 PM
I would say to corporate, ats has nothing to hide. Everything is out here for all to see, it's sad what has happen but in no way is ats responsible or has any part into what happen. Ats has thousands of members long term ones as well, we don't go off killing people etc... Sadly this person had some serious issues he never spoke about, to get the help he needed.

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