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Why no more space flights?

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:53 AM
I didn't know where to post it and am sure, this has been answered before... Actually this is the reason, i joined this board in the first place.

Maybe I understood it wrong, but didn't NASA say that after the next space flight they are basically done? No more official flights? Why?

Please help me understand that and just incase the question is stupid, I apologize.


posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:25 AM
The world has it's wish.

America is no longer the dominant power.

Go ask China to fulfill your dreams of space exploration. They are the new "masters" of the planet now.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by HedyLamarr
I didn't know where to post it and am sure, this has been answered before... Actually this is the reason, i joined this board in the first place.

Maybe I understood it wrong, but didn't NASA say that after the next space flight they are basically done? No more official flights? Why?

Please help me understand that and just incase the question is stupid, I apologize.


No more manned space flights. NASA was having trouble finding 8080A microprocessors for replacement parts on their Space Shuttles.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro
No more manned space flights. NASA was having trouble finding 8080A microprocessors for replacement parts on their Space Shuttles.

Actually the government was funding it. The truth is the government is wasting away all their money for 2012. This is whythe economy is collapsing. they need money for building underground.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:29 AM
Constellation program that was supposed to replace Shuttles was cancelled because it was too expensive, over-budget and delayed. It will take at least a few years until NASA decides what to do next and progresses from paper studies to actually bending metal. This is what happens when primarily technical decisions are influenced by politics..

On the other hand, NASA commercial transportation program looks very promising, with companies like SpaceX and Orbital Sciences launching cargo and crew into LEO soon.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:29 AM
America is (almost) bankrupt and can't efford these expensive missions anymore.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by HedyLamarr
I didn't know where to post it and am sure, this has been answered before... Actually this is the reason, i joined this board in the first place.

Maybe I understood it wrong, but didn't NASA say that after the next space flight they are basically done? No more official flights? Why?

Please help me understand that and just incase the question is stupid, I apologize.


If you are seriously interested in your question, you will find the answer on the internet far removed from the people in the business of feeding you lies and disinformation. You will be required to do your own thinking however..

Start your search by putting "Belgium triangle 1989" into Google to gain a solid reason for accepting this emerging alternative system to rockets. Triangle sightins are made about every day in the US.

All governments know about the abilities of the triangles. They only people that don't know much about them are citizens such as yourself. Citizens have not been told the news directly because the background development for the fantastic physics of the triangles comes from the adaptation of alien technologies. And that is something they want to avoid revealing as long as possible.

I just finished a 3.5k article on the triangles yesterday and am thinking about chopping it up to put on ABS. In short, triangles are as revolutionary to the human race as was the invention of the wheel.

For those that hate to imagine we have the lock on triangles, you will have to admit that the evidence for their existence cannot be denied. That leaves you no choice to say they are totally alien craft. Which explanation do you want to accept?

edit on 9-1-2011 by Aliensun because: Hobson's choice

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

I wouldn't necessarily say "alien" craft or technology. We can make it and claim originality for the concept without claiming alien technology.

Timing is everything. Look at the development of the transistor or other solid-state devices. Certain other mysterious "events" were occurring around that time.

We may have "borrowed" a few ideas from here or "there".

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 11:37 AM
NASA is done, stick a fork in it.
Private companies will most likely take up the space race for the US now.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by HedyLamarr
Nasa have a full schedule for this year and have more plans for the following years. With the recession and budget cuts being felt across the Western world, joint efforts are the way forward. With that in mind, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have joined up for planned missions in the next five or so years. Further plans extend into 2022.

WASHINGTON — Embarking on what both sides are hailing as the start of a sustained team effort to explore Mars, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) intend to lay the foundation for a long-desired mission to retrieve rock and soil samples from the red planet by launching a science orbiter in 2016 that will double as a communications relay for future landers.

But the cooperative strategy for exploring the red planet comes at the price of NASA’s Mars Scout series of missions, which will be discontinued after the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission, now slated to launch in 2013.

The 2016 mission, which began coming together after NASA and the 18-nation ESA agreed last year to pursue a joint Mars exploration program, reached a key milestone Aug. 2 with the announcement of the five instruments that will comprise the orbiter’s scientific payload.
ESA Website

Human space flights are another matter for the time being, but will continue through other agencies like ROSCOSMOS. The ISS still ongoing and people still need to get there and back. They also need resources and repairs. Even if the US isn't providing a shuttle service up there, manned space flight will continue.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by HedyLamarr
Maybe I understood it wrong, but didn't NASA say that after the next space flight they are basically done? No more official flights? Why?
Unless you can provide a source, I suspect you heard it wrong. NASA is retiring the space shuttles, not all manned flight. However they don't have a replacement for the shuttle, so alternative transportation will come from outside NASA.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Even if the US isn't providing a shuttle service up there, manned space flight will continue.
Very informative post my friend, that's right and thanks for all the good info!

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