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UFO in Russia (Moscow) on January 01 2011 and 03 2011. Stanley Fulham is Right Again?

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posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
So he's either full of it (geddit?) or these vids that you found are not the major display he predicted.

No rational person will think that ambiguous lights in the sky, in the middle of five airports, seen by only one person, constitutes a "major" sighting. Unfortunately, the UFO field is not filled with rational people.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Jay-morris
reply to post by RUSSO

Oh come on! You do realise that people like you damage this subject, So, every light in the sky unidentified or not, you are going to put it down to Fulham being right! This is so sad, and shows why this subject is not taken seriously

Did Hulham say that the ET crafts were going to be dots in the sky? No, he did not! These sightings appear almost daily, so how the hell you can say Fulhams prediction is coming true is a complete joke.

Sorry to be blunt, but it just annoys me. I have been into the subject of ufo's for years, and i do believe that some ufo's are complete unknowns and need further investigation. But how can people take the subject seriously when they run into hardcore believers like you?

Its such a shame really

Did you read the tittle? Stanley Fulham is Right Again? ITS A QUESTION. And if you think I am hardcore, think again Starchild

edit on 6-1-2011 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by WingedBull

I said major? when? Stanley Fulham said that. Im looking for indications this could be real. Thats all.

edit on 6-1-2011 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by RUSSO
I said major? when? Stanley Fulham said that. Im looking for indications this could be real. Thats all.

Exactly, Stanley Fulham said it would be major yet you are pointing to any sighting as fulfilling his prediction. One person seeing an ambiguous light in the sky is not a "major" sighting. Therefore, you cannot say he is right. You are ignoring Fulham's full prediction, citing criteria as it suits you.
edit on 6-1-2011 by WingedBull because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by WingedBull

And you're misinterpreting what I said. But fine to me, because you seems to want to prove something that you think Im thinking, but you are wrong in what you think about that. Go ahead, maybe you can do it. I'm stoping here with you. In the end of the month, I will be the first to admit my mistake in believing it, or be happy for his accuracy.

edit on 6-1-2011 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by RUSSO
And you're misinterpreting what I said.

I am not misinterpreting at all. You are trying to claim Fulham's is right based on a video of an ambiguous light seen by one man, when it does not fulfill the criteria of Fulham's prediction.

Originally posted by RUSSO
In the end of the month, I will be the first to admit my mistake in believing it, or be happy for his accuracy.

I am sure, at the end of the month, you will be doing the same grasping-at-straws you are doing now.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

So, everytime someone video's a light in the sky. are you going to say Stanley Fulham is Right Again?
You see what i am getting at. To even start a thread about a couple of lights in the sky and saying Stanley Fulham is Right Again? says alot.

Do you know how many video's are uploaded daily with ufo's? On you tube alone there are many. and nothing has changed about that in recent years, so why even bring fulham up? Considering his prediction was not going to be just the odd light in the sky.

I could turn around and say "next week, there will be many sightings" and next week there was many sigtings. Does that mean anything? No, it does not because chances were high that there would be sightings, as there is every day

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 05:33 AM
OMG! Here we go again folks! We've got more videos showing shiny objects that TOO FAR off in the distant skies for the dumb-founded and clueless citizens at ground zero to see CLEARLY during the daytime and more blurry videos of blinking lights during the night! I'm not thrilled about these videos alleging UFO activities. No, sir!
edit on 2011-1-06 by pikypiky because: To add more creative "food for thoughts".

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by RUSSO
Go ahead, maybe you can do it. I'm stoping here with you. In the end of the month, I will be the first to admit my mistake in believing it, or be happy for his accuracy.

You don't necessarily have to believe, only just keep an open mind.

According to the transcendors, the group of guides channeled by rik thurston and primary source of information for Stanley, even the aliens can change their minds through free will and choice.

So it might, or it might not happen, or it could happen but not to the degree that is predicted. We'll see.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by redrezo
According to the transcendors, the group of guides channeled by rik thurston and primary source of information for Stanley, even the aliens can change their minds through free will and choice.

So it might, or it might not happen, or it could happen but not to the degree that is predicted. We'll see.

This is typical excuse-making, an attempt by Fulham and his supporters to make the prediction unfalsifiable. If the prediction does not come true, it's not because Fulham was wrong, but because the aliens changed their minds.

Originally posted by redrezo
You don't necessarily have to believe, only just keep an open mind.

The attempt by Fulham and his supporters to make is prediction unfalsifiable is the antithesis of open-mindedness. Open-mindedness is being accepting of all evidence and what that evidence tells you, not making excuses to explain away the evidence.

edit on 7-1-2011 by WingedBull because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by WingedBull

My angle on this is very simple, and has been ever since I first considered the staggering implications of the idea of intelligent life other than ourselves , being abroad in the universe.
If an alien race come to Earth, then all well and good. If they reveal themselves to all mankind, maybe share a little information on where they are from, how far they have traveled, whats the space weather like out by andromeda these days, then fine. But , until the day, the very second that it happens, all the predictors, the prophets , the liars and cheats, the book sellers, the persons offering to use thier "Aura Scanner" on you, they are all there to pick the bills from your pockets, and choke off your intellect until you cannot help but buy thier crap. You know how I know this? How I got to this, as my angle on this subject? Because aliens from another planet do not need a master of ceremonies to introduce them. They have been aloft in our skies for decades, generations, maybe even before mankind came to be on Earth if you hold any value to some of the tales one can read about them. Put simply , when the lottery gets drawn, you dont watch the presenter, you watch the numbers.
edit on 7-1-2011 by TrueBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

The sad fact of the matter is this. Every time a ufo video is posted, no matter how crap it is, or if its just showing a light in the sky, you will get people saying "Fulham was right" Thats the state of the ufo field now, and the reason why its such a joke. Do these people know they are damaging the subject? maybe, maybe not. But they want to believe so much, that their belief system goes into overdrive

I could say i was contacted by zeeem from the planet zuuuum and he told me that ufo's will hover over a major city in the next month. Whats the bests that someone will video a light in the sky over, say London. Does that mean that i was in contact with zeeem from the planet zuuuuum. No, it does not.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Jay-morris

I could say i was contacted by zeeem from the planet zuuuum and he told me that ufo's will hover over a major city in the next month. Whats the bests that someone will video a light in the sky over, say London. Does that mean that i was in contact with zeeem from the planet zuuuuum. No, it does not.

I beg to differ. Your thoughts of zeeem from zuuuum have come from somewhere. You may think you've just made it up but it suggests a possible abduction or contact scenario. Zeeem from zuuuum may well be real and the idea of UFOs appearing over a major city in the next month could have been telebeamed into your brain with a zuuuumian transdimensional cerebral integrator device - somewhat similar to Penniston's binary code download.

If anything appears in the sky in your proposed time frame you may be lauded as the next Adamski!

Forget Fulham. All hail zeeem from zuuuum!

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

The problem with the feild cannot be limited to Fulham and his personality cultist mates. The problem with the field is that ANY respect is paid to non scientific methods of investigating the UFO phenomenon. We are laughed at and ridiculed ALL of us who talk about the possibilities, all of us who mention extra terrestrial intelligence. The reason for that is because the cultists, the hippies, the star children or whatever the hell they are, insist on making everything about spirituality, and untestable means of communing with the entities from beyond the stars using channeling, and vision quests, and this that and the other hocus pocus tomfoolery.
Until the groups which investigate UFO banish ALL this nonsense from thier membership, and utterly excise the cancer of non thought which they represent, the state of the feild will always be a poor one, poked fun at by scientist and layman alike, and rightly so. We can have no credibility while these liars and schemers are in our midst, and they show no sign of leaving on thier own.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 06:58 AM
Thanks for the welcoming

Today I was walking around on the campus I'm working, and guess what?! There where a lot of students talking about the ufo's they are seeing, the 2012 prophecy and the things I am reading here on this forum. We carry a lot of christian students also, I was wondering if it is fear to give them a change to talk about this experience in maybe an education way., for example a Guest College or a class debate. We also have a note on this school that moslim-students ca get a day off on Ramadan.

What do you think about it?

I've got Wubbo Ockels maybe on a Guest college next week.
Love to hear your feedback!

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by WingedBull

The attempt by Fulham and his supporters to make is prediction unfalsifiable is the antithesis of open-mindedness. Open-mindedness is being accepting of all evidence and what that evidence tells you, not making excuses to explain away the evidence.

That's true, but it's also a mistake to make an argument for disbelief unfalsifiable. No matter how slim the probability, I honestly don't think that fulham's prediction will happen, but you never know I could be wrong.

We'll see the evidence by the end of this month.
edit on 7-1-2011 by redrezo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:16 AM
what are thease things??
the multi-colored orbs are appearing EVERYWHERE, they are not airplanes.. because they stay stationairy for a long time.
i filmed some on christmas eve and ever since then i have been seeing videos of them everywhere,

check out my videos i took on christmas eve,

sorry dont know how to embed this one i tried to zoom right in on, was blury but can see how much its flashing

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