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Pelosi Has Left The Building, And She May Be Insane

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posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 10:46 PM
The best line I have read in a long long time...
Nancy Pelosi gave her farewell press conference as Speaker yesterday.

But wait, she may be insane. Why you ask would I say such about her?
And I quote : " “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

Ahem, is this like Clinton claiming he cut the deficit when he actually just borrowed from the future of SS???

Nancy Pelosi gave her farewell press conference as Speaker yesterday. I’ll pause while the wave of relief and euphoria passes over you, grateful American. In fact, I’ll start over, just so we can enjoy that sentence again.

Nancy Pelosi gave her farewell press conference as Speaker yesterday. It was full of the expected boasting about achievements – it’s not as if she was going to admit she was the most catastrophic failure of a Speaker in recent American history, or that her successor faces the incredibly difficult task of repairing the damage she’s done. There wasn’t even much chance she would apologize for her dereliction of duty in failing to prepare a budget for 2011, leading us into the lame-duck roller derby in December. A thank-you to America for paying vast sums of money to transport her royal family in regal splendor aboard Air Force planes would have been nice.

In the middle of shaking her own hand, however, Pelosi said this: “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

Nancy Pelosi...

Good bye, and good luck.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Insane and scary looking. She looks like she is going to collapse at any moment.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

She has taken on a different look of late.

Face to face with insanity might be scary.

b]That’s just jaw-dropping. Pelosi presided over the greatest expansion of the national debt in history, and when I say “history,” I mean the history of the planet. Our debt soared from $9 trillion to $14 trillion on her watch. It swelled by a trillion dollars in just the past seven months.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:05 AM
As crazy as Pelosi is, I can't wait to see Boehner fly over the cuckoo's nest.

He's a blubbering fool now.... give him power and he becomes a blubbering, insane fool.

Insanity comes with the job in politics. The higher you get, the more detached and irrational you get.

He can't keep his composure because he doesn't have any. CSPAN is about to be fun again (rather than watching that banshee Pelosi).

I am glad Pelosi is out. I just wish they replaced her with something more mentally stable, like a small rock or a bobble head Tony Danza. Why? Cuz he's the mutha ****** boss, that's why.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

Well as sexist as its going to sound, and I am a red blooded female...
Men are never as goofy crazy as women.

The only one I can think of that could top Pelosi with the insanity is perhaps Barney Frank.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by burntheships

I do not agree with your premise. I think the sexes show thier insanity differently. Women who are nuts do not tend to be as violent as men (look at the number of serial killers. male to female ratio). The problem with men is that we have these two low hanging fruits between our legs intravanously pumping rage juice into our body.

Crazy men tend to leave behind a body count. For an example, Google the word "war".

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

Yes, well your right about all of that.
I used the word "goofy" to try and describe a certain aspect of her personality,
I am sure if I was to think a moment, I would use the term "ditz".

Men of the same caliber... well they are commonly known as douchbags.

Or worse, as you have well highlighted.

I do think there is a difference, as you perhaps could get a man to admit his wrongs,
whereas Pelosi really believes they paid as they went.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

BS women use frying pans!

Don't you watch Snapped? My girl friend does all the time while I tremble on the couch next to her...Something about that grin...

I'm glad to see Pelosi gone...

I understand that the 112th is going to get a lot of push back from a democratic majority in the senate and the presidency...But I remember the Bush administration. I remember the BS the republicans did back then and quite frankly I won't be defending further erosion of our liberties.

I just don't think the American people will put up with another round of BS.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn

I just don't think the American people will put up with another round of BS.

You can't be serious. Wrap BS up in red, white and blue and the American people will fight and die for it.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by whaaa

I think you underestimate the vast majority of us who just wanna be left the hell alone.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by whaaa

You can't be serious. Wrap BS up in red, white and blue and the American people will fight and die for it.

And don't forget to deep fry it.

Thank you for this.

People, though, are getting smarter. The future looks bright, if we can make it there.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:16 AM
Pelosi clearly was left in the cask too long and turned to vinegar long ago,
Barney Frank sports a D cup and has a glass of vinegar with every meal,
Boner cries because he knows but cant handle the truth,
and oh I so badly want to be left alone by all of them and the government they misrepresent.

Hold me closer Tony Danza!
Best Elton John song ever written.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by burntheships

Not so sure her term as speaker was so catastrophic. During her term, the sitting president accomplished 85% of his agenda. Only time will tell if that agenda was mis-guided or not. Let's see how much of the republican agenda gets accomplished and whether it is mis-guided.

Btw, bashing any politician for the way they act or look is childish. No doubt there will be posts about the orange man or how old Pelosi looks. I am independent and look more at the work these politicians do before passing judgement on whether or not they are serving the greater good. It would be refreshing if others would do the same. My 2cents....

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

I get that image of the "Leave Brittany Aloooooooooooone" guy but what you're saying is spot on. Less government is great government.
Stay outa my
Stay outa my refrigerator
Stay outa my medicine cabinet
Stay outa my gun cabinet
Stay outa my garden
Stay outa my childs school

. . . . . And if you can't go away angry, just go away (ala Clint Estwood)

edit on 6-1-2011 by beezzer because: typo

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 09:57 AM
Forgive me for generalising a bit, but mostly, to me, ALL of those mothers seem insane.....very nearly every one of em.
There may be a few exceptions, buit these only seem to emphasise the rule....
I am drop dead serious here, and wish that there were some basic requirements for mental stability, before being allowed to run on anybodys ticket.
All these wealthy people running the goverment have no concept of what life is like for the other 99%, nor do they care.
We let the sociopaths run every aspect of our society, and wonder why it isnt working well for most of us....hmmmmmmmmm

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:26 AM
Oh yeah!

Ms. Pelopsi is nuts!

And that New speaker Mr, Bonehner is gonna cry US nuts for awhile!!

Hell most of of them in the house are nuts!!

Its why this country is nuts.

ahhh nuts !

Look at Sahra Palin !! she is nuts!! shootin up animals all over Alaska!!

We here in the USA keep electing nut-job wacko ass clowns!!


were all nuts!!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

One mans success is another mans failure in politcs.

And I did not bash Ms Pelosi's looks.
I said she had taken on a different look as of late.

Saying someone looks different can not be construed as an insult, can it?
I mean are we that sensitive these days?

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by burntheships

Btw, bashing any politician for the way they act or look is childish. No doubt there will be posts about the orange man or how old Pelosi looks. I am independent and look more at the work these politicians do before passing judgement on whether or not they are serving the greater good. It would be refreshing if others would do the same. My 2cents....

I am sorry I can Lurk no more and I must say my peace.

Fair enough you are right calling that lady names will not do any good but she is not a very good person. I don't think you should defend her without looking up some facts on her.

I remeber one of the things Pelosi did when she was out here in Cali. She helped pass a bill that would redevelop the water system in a certain area by putting in new piping and updating it. Well Lucky for Ms. Pelosi the area that was to be redeveloped and PAYED FOR BY THE TAXPAYERS was in an area where she owned many apartments/condominiums. Well isn't that nice of us taxpayers here in cali to pay for that and in turn help her property value to go up by redoing the water system in her area for her. She only looks out for herself. Her policies are misguided and hurtful she is not looking out for the common person so please do not try to defend someone like her because no she is not serving the "greater good".

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Obviously the Botox poison has done it's job....straight to the brain.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

. . . . . And if you can't go away angry, just go away (ala Clint Estwood)

I love it, thats a good one.

How about "go ahead, make my day"

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