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Don,t put that out on the air waves.

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posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:37 PM
Anyone ever shared a deep thought or idea with a relative or friend, that later in all honesty to yourself came true, will totally get this thread. I am not talking about anything crackpot, but the absolute real deal. I would like to say i am reasonably intelligent, but of course ( define intelligence ). No drink nor drugs, though did Pot twenty years ago and still believe it is a mind opener. I have been called an information vampire, and finding ATS with a lot of like minded people, really inspires me. But back to point, should we really divulge what we think we have worked out after all these years. Or should we keep any insight, regarding this planets outcome, even if bad to ourselfs, just incase it comes true. Especially with this latest on google ... We create our own universe. ..

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:51 PM
I want/ed this Chain called Money to be loosened from the human, as I find it Restricting Our Evolvement.
As I started thinking these thoughts, The economy started collapsing allover.... If thats what you mean

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 10:51 PM
I have already called it how I see it

If you think it can get any worst than that, well heaps of birds and fish are dying. May as well throw it on the pile while everything else is getting reassessed.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by rogertom

Sometimes we think ourselves too big, even while thinking too small. I do agree that we can create outcomes with intention, followed by action. We do it everyday.

But, we fail to see that this Earth has it's own massive cycles and is far more powerful than all our human mental powers put together. Earth will do as it always has, since well before humans came along, and for well after we are gone.

The most effective way we can have an outcome on the scale of the Earth is to choose to live with the planet rather than try to master it. Something which we have been failing at for a very long time. Individually we can only do what we know to be right for ourselves and the planet, and the more people who live like that, the more effective the overall effects would be.

Either way, when the Earth rumbles and rattles, puny humans shuffle off the mortal coil with regular clockwork. So there is nothing out of the ordinary to be afraid of as we venture further into the shake, rattle and roll phase of the Earth's cycle.

And Yes.. share what you know to be true.. do not shrink yourself to save other people's comfort zones, the time for that is over.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Tayesin

Great thinkinking mate, and i agree, but most are still thinking this is going to be something like, out of independence day. ( firepower ) but they are years ahead.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by rogertom

Yep the popular movies have a lot to answer for, in my mind at least.

Interestingly we will not be without simple means to defend ourselves personally, if needed. And yes, firepower is part of the past concepts for humanity, we just can't let it go yet until we make a really big Boom. We are a silly race.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by rogertom

We ain't dead yet and I can see no valid reason for annihilation due to awareness. If we keep being stupid, then yeah they might take us out.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 11:10 PM
I think I told this to somebody but I'm not sure but sometimes I know what will happen before it does, I don't have control over it and it doesn't happen too often but my brother met this girl and he knew her for less than 24 hours and somebody was asking me about her and I said ah they'll end up married with a kid in a year. And they got married and had a kid within a year or so.

Oh this one time I entered a contest for a hockey jersey I entered and felt really good and basically knew I won and I won which was pretty cool.


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