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Where do the primitive white cultures live?

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posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by JustCurious1
America wasn't it?

Jokes aside,
with my very brief knowledge of history I would take a guess at it being because the "white man" was the race that suppressed others into servitude & slavery thus keeping other race's cultures back while we progressed.

But that doesn't make sense because there are far greater numbers in all other races of mankind where the white race only represents approximately 10% of the human population. Rather than repressing the other races it would seem that perhaps the smaller white race that exists today does so as a result of fleeing from and isolating itself from the non-white races. Most likely a primitive act of self preservation as the result of being exterminated by the non-white majority in previous ages.

I wonder if there may not be some ancient instinctual desire for the white race to separate itself not as a symbol of some notion of superiority but as an ancient instinct of self preservation based upon the fact that those who did not separate themselves in previous ages and join with other white groups were exterminated. This would account for there not being any primitive white cultures today.

Are there any examples of a white minority being exterminated that anyone knows of?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

No I addressed that in the initial post. The Hill Billies were not always that way. At one point their ancestors were in fact first world members of civilization who chose to migrate into the hills. The hillbillies of today are the result of the civilized becoming uncivilized. They are not indigenous cultures that have for all time been primitive.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:43 PM
here are some american primitives not all white though:

there are "white" tribes in south america
its been posted here somewhere

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:44 PM
how about the amish?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by EssenSieMich

Since we dont know all that much about our history in terms of verifiable accuracy... How do we not know that maybe we are all one race, and the color / other variations is just from genetic drift?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
here are some american primitives not all white though:

there are "white" tribes in south america
its been posted here somewhere

I think these also are examples of the previously civilized white people losing their civility or choosing to not live in civilization, not indigenous cultures who had never previously had civilization. Of course when I use the notion of civilization in this context I mean 'first world' or 'advanced' civilization.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:54 PM
The primitive "white" hunter-gathering cultures all happened thousands of years ago before Rome, before the Greeks before Sumerians. Once cities developed and civilization got going the "whites" (ie Europeans) were no longer primitive. To remain primitive into modern times your society would have had to be isolated from the European culture for a very long time. The only places this happened were extremely remote, in parts of the world where white-skinned people did not live.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by EssenSieMich

Since we dont know all that much about our history in terms of verifiable accuracy... How do we not know that maybe we are all one race, and the color / other variations is just from genetic drift?

If that is the case then I suppose you could also say that all fish are one race of fish and all birds are one race of birds and all dogs are one race of dogs, etc. etc. And perhaps you are correct.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:58 PM
The primitive peoples of Florida are a sight to behold. And I'm not talking about Native American tribes. These primitive people are called "Rednecks". Or more formally, "Floridians." These folks are often found in Walmarts, or at ritual communal gatherings in their dwellings, surrounding an event called "NASCAR". Some of these primitives hold events called "Swamp Racing", which is held in high regard in some areas.

I live in Florida. I have to poke fun to keep my sanity

Heck, while we're at it, here's a map for those who would like to see the primitive peoples of this particular Deep South state. The habitat lines are defined relatively clearly.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:04 PM
I don’t think our rural area people qualify as “primitive”.
Other areas of the world were similarly endowed with plentiful food; some had available food year round, others were able to store it. If they didn’t why didn’t they?

So how about those who had food available year round? Didn’t they have time to develop technology?

Back in the days that we would have been “primitive there were no others around for them to suppress and enslave. Haven’t you learned in your history classes that when the white man began to explore the world he found these primitive peoples all over the world. Some Asian countries were somewhat developed and had been in this same condition for a very long time. They did not advance until the White Europeans brought them new inventions.

All high cultures today are what they are because of “consumerism and materialism”. If you have a problem with such; tell me have you thrown out your TV, computer etc. Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.
Be aware that these are negative buzz words planted in your mind by TPTB thru the media.

Tearman says: “The native European tribal cultures were all largely wiped out by centuries of successive invasions. I understand that little is known of them.”

****So are you saying that these invaders brought civilization to the European Tribes? Native Europeans are Extinct? Or what?

I think it was that the Irish were suppressed by the Norman Kings. Ireland is the home of the Druids, hardly primitive. To some extent the Irish are still suppressed.

Lack of wilderness in old Europe? Oh really, you mean there were always millions of people there? Nothing but cities from the beginning? Created by "Shazzam!"?

Spookfish says: “The whites of Europe and it's fringes were just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. It also helps to have a continuous, back to back series of states and empires for thousands of years where knowledge isn't completely lost between them nor time reset to zero. Yes you could argue that there are exceptions to this but they are mainly due to migrations.”

“Right place at the right time”
****Would you care to elaborate on that?

“back to back series of States.and empires”
*****Who built them? And why did this happen in Europe and not Africa or China?

You are also saying that “white” people “developed” their white skin.
So they were dark at one time?
And do you mean that they came out of Africa?
Then by all logic those Africans remaining in Africa who didn’t have the thousands of years of hardships of migrating and adapting to a colder climate would surely be at an advantage and have been developing technology long before white man even invented the wheel? They didn’t, did they? Why not?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by TheComte
The primitive "white" hunter-gathering cultures all happened thousands of years ago before Rome, before the Greeks before Sumerians. Once cities developed and civilization got going the "whites" (ie Europeans) were no longer primitive. To remain primitive into modern times your society would have had to be isolated from the European culture for a very long time. The only places this happened were extremely remote, in parts of the world where white-skinned people did not live.

But there are primitive Asian cultures today, and primitive African cultures today, and surely there were ancient civilizations in both Ethiopia and China etc. It would therefore seem that isolation certainly would probably be one condition of survival until today, but I submit that a lack of predators may be another.

Of course there is the possibility of disease, but why would disease only kill the primitive white cultures and leave the other cultures alone? That does not make sense. Does it? Do we have any Epidemiologists on ATS to answer that question?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:09 PM
Without a doubt any group of white people living anywhere above the Mason-Dixon line.

I'll travel the southern and Western USA but never again will I take my redneck butt north.

I was lucky to stay out of jail while up North.

Are they rude because it's cold a lot there?

The only Northern city I like was New York, New York.

There seems to be a special and powerful energy there.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:07 PM
Everywhere i would say... I mean we are all still primitive in many ways.. Still got a long way to go yet.

Oh and whoever made the crack about Australia haha....uh na not really. We are moving along quite nicely. We can boast the fastest 3G wireless network in the world on the Telstra NextG network. In the city upto 42 mbps. Along with plans to run fibre to all australian homes direct in the next 5 years. Along with medical advancements way ahead of many other countries.
We contribute to science, technology, medicine, diplomacy, foreign aid and so on......
edit on 4-1-2011 by Havick007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by EssenSieMich

We have documented cases of animals starting out the same, but becoming different based on location, isolation etc. Eventually adapting to their habitats and the situation.

We could also look at a religious approach. Maybe God figured we would get bored if we all looked the same. What better way to learn about ourselves, when we are all different? Plus it makes life more intresting. Without the differences here on Earth, what would the point be in learning about our surroundings?

Exploration drives the human soul, whether its exploring the continent, the new world, the universe and even ourselves. Diversity in my opinion is a reminder that there is never such thing as a status quo, that no matter how much we dont want to move forward for whatever reason, it forces us to anyways.

The main question poised by the OP is an example of this.

One question, many answers, many points of view, all wrong or all right. The fun is finding out.
edit on 4-1-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by EssenSieMich

They live in trailer parks.

They're known as white trash.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:14 PM
Double post error.
edit on 4-1-2011 by Havick007 because: double post

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:16 PM
I think the Amish are about as close to 'primative' as you are going to find.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by EssenSieMich
But that doesn't make sense because there are far greater numbers in all other races of mankind where the white race only represents approximately 10% of the human population. Rather than repressing the other races it would seem that perhaps the smaller white race that exists today does so as a result of fleeing from and isolating itself from the non-white races. Most likely a primitive act of self preservation as the result of being exterminated by the non-white majority in previous ages.

This is so illogical. If anything, the fact that there are cultures that have remained primitive well into modern times -- whatever their race -- indicates *those* cultures have a propensity to "flee and isolate" themselves from other societies. The very fact that western civilization has encroached on the majority of the world like a cancer -- mostly due to wars and a perverse need to conquer the world -- negates your argument above.

ETA: The reason why the actual numbers of white people may be smaller is probably because Europe isn't really as hospitable a climate as pretty much everywhere else, so I doubt they bred as much as other cultures. Also, once conquering takes place, "races" begin to mix, and for *whatever* reason we classify the dominant race in people as whatever non-white race they happen to be, even if they're more than one racial category.

That said, I second all the intelligent people who pointed out that whites (since it's clear you're not actually referring to Caucasians) didn't generally live in remote areas like jungles or Africa, but rather throughout Europe, which has been conquered and conquered again by various cultures/empires for millennia. Most modern empires that felt the need to conquer the world (because China didn't for some reason) sprang up in North Africa, the Middle East and eventually Greece and Rome. Obviously, they were going to wipe out primitive Europeans first, since climate and geography made it much more difficult to go out and conquer Africa or lands separated by oceans.

Anyways, I have a question. Why did Neanderthal man -- who lived mostly in what is now Europe and had red hair and white skin -- go extinct?

edit on 1/4/2011 by Nameless Hussy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Nobody knows

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:51 PM
Ok I will attempt a serious answer.

White skin pigment is associated with colder countries. When you live in a colder country you have more need to make things and make yourself more "advanced" then if you live somewhere hot and fruitful.

The three basic things people need to live are food shelter and water.
Lets say you live in the Brazilian rain forest, your primary need for food can be sourced entirely from things that grow naturally around you without and need for you to learn cultivate things, your need for shelter is extremely basic as it is hot most of the time.
Now lets picture a primitive man in a cold climate, he can not survive just by picking things from trees as for a great deal of the year more or less nothing grows, he can't live in a basic shelter as he will freeze to death, so he learns to harvest food / farm and make more complex shelters.

The reason that you cant live as a completely primitive person in a cold country is that you die.

Note for all instances of he please read he / she
edit on 4-1-2011 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

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