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Will Bush pull troops out of Iraq suddenly?

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posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 04:51 PM
Has anyone (else) 'gotten' that Bush may suddenly take all US troops out of Iraq based on supposed 'intelligence' that the terrorists plan to strike the US troops with a chemical WMD and he doesn't want the blood of so many dead troops on his hands?

And anyone (else) think that 'suddenly' troops/national guard might coalesce along the Mexican/US border en masse?

Does anyone own the board game "WAR" (had one like 30 years ago) and thinks Bush and Cheney use it to plan their stategy?
(okay - just kidding.... but I'm thinking that Bush and Cheney have little 'secret' tete a tetes [sorry, no proper French accent keys on keyboard] and plan things between themselves and then orchestrate how it's all gonna go down)...

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 04:54 PM
The last thing we need to do is pull our troops out now. If we do so, it would mean a long-term civil war, and terrorist organizations would have so many recruits, it's hardly imaginable.

Sadly, the draft will most likely be implemented next year, whether Kerry or Bush is in power. We simply do not have the manpower needed to finish this off, and only a draft would give us the amount of troops we need.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:07 PM
I have the impression that troops are going to be shifted around.. especially if anything (God forbid) happens during either the Dem. or Rep. conventions... so like the hoopla about the WMD... maybe the administration will 'blame' the troop removal on some real or perceived threat...

Anyway, with Tom Ridge's report on the state of homeland security today.. it's pretty much a given they know something is going down and pretty soon...

I read about the supposed radioactive materials being secreted out of Iraq without the UN's go-ahead... but I almost wonder if they were 'planted' in Iraq and then 'removed' so they can say... see? SEE? There really *were* WMDs!

Whoever coined the word 'sheeples' was dead on. We are just getting pushed around by the media and the gov't. and it's frankly hard to know what the heck really *is* going on! I'm all for Deny Ignorance but it's beginning to feel like the little Dutch boy scenario.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Cattlespy
Has anyone (else) 'gotten' that Bush may suddenly take all US troops out of Iraq based on supposed 'intelligence' that the terrorists plan to strike the US troops with a chemical WMD and he doesn't want the blood of so many dead troops on his hands?

I don't believe that scenario is likely, especially since the troops were prepared to face "chemical" weapons when they first arrived in Iraq. Remember the basis for entering Iraq and the "shock and awe" campaign, was to find "wmd's" and "chemical" attacks were listed as a high possibility in the beginning of the war.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:28 PM

...Remember the basis for entering Iraq and the "shock and awe" campaign, was to find "wmd's" and "chemical" attacks were listed as a high possibility in the beginning of the war...

I believe they have changed the name from "shock and awe" to "shuck and jive"...

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:35 PM
It would be great if Bush grew a brain and pulled our troops out but that would mean admitting we had no business there in the first place. Reinstall Saddam and he will take care of the terrorists and rule again with an iron fist (the only way the wild west can be ruled). While we are at it lets arm him again so can take care of Iran for us yet again. Now that is what I call a plan!

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 06:17 PM
I have my own feeling about troops being withdrawn, but I don't think it will be the US troops leaving, it will be the europeans, then there will be a large scale draft in america.

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