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"gender-bending" chemicals found in every US citizen's blood

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posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:29 PM

A new study shows that toxicperfluoroalkyls, which are used in surface protection treatments and coatings to keep grease from leaking through fast food wrappers, are being ingested by people through their food and showing up as contaminants in blood.

It's a good thing I don't eat fast food! I'm living the healthy life - home cooked meals, vegetables, working out....

You may not realize it, but you and your family are continually exposed to perfluoroalkyls, which include perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS). And these chemicals can be detected in nearly everyone in the U.S.!

Besides food packaging and fast food wrappers, everyday sources of this exposure include: drinking water, dust, air, carpet and fabric protectors, flame retardants, non-stick pots and pans, stain-proof clothing, and even cord blood and breast milk.

Great. It's in everything. So I have to stop drinking water, stop breathing air, get rid of all my pots and pans, and stop drinking breast milk. =/

According to Madbury, regulators who approved these chemicals for use with food and other products made three assumptions, which have now been proven wrong:

1. The chemicals won't migrate from paper into food.
2. The chemicals won't become available to your body.
3. Your body won't process these chemicals.

Contrary to the regulators' findings, we now know PFCs have many health dangers, including being part of a group of chemicals referred to as"gender-bending," because they can disrupt your endocrine system and sex hormones.

Other studies have linked PFC's to:

Thyroid disease
Immune system problems
Increased LDL cholesterol levels

Here's a link to the article

So what do you think? Is our health at the disposal of avaricious corporations and a lax governmental regulatory system? Or are we just a species that can't help polluting its own environment, unawares that the technology we are using to advance our race is also killing us in the process?

What particularly can we do to avoid consuming these chemicals, besides getting rid of our non-stick coating pots and pans?

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:36 PM

So what do you think? Is our health at the disposal of avaricious corporations and a lax governmental regulatory system?

Absolutely not.

Grow your own food or go meet your local farmers and get to know their practices.

Boycott these filths.

Make them eat their back stock of McRibs and crappy "chicken" sandwiches.

YOU have the power to change the world.


ps happy new year

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:39 PM
People don't realize how big of a disaster this already is, and it's only going to get bigger through our continued ignorance.

We are going to look back on the late 20th century, early 21st century as the toxic century. Eventually we will realize an enormous percentage of our social problems and health problems have occurred because of our stupidity and ignorance towards chemicals. For example, birth control, corexit (am I saying that right?), pesticides, prescriptions, sweeteners, dental chemicals, shampoos, detergants, cleaners....

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by againuntodust


Originally posted by vermonster

So what do you think? Is our health at the disposal of avaricious corporations and a lax governmental regulatory system?

Absolutely not.

Grow your own food or go meet your local farmers and get to know their practices.

Boycott these filths.

Make them eat their back stock of McRibs and crappy "chicken" sandwiches.

YOU have the power to change the world.


ps happy new year

Like he said.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:42 PM

According to Madbury, regulators who approved these chemicals for use with food and other products made three assumptions, which have now been proven wrong:
1. The chemicals won't migrate from paper into food.
2. The chemicals won't become available to your body.
3. Your body won't process these chemicals.

Yeah, I'll bet they made those assumptions. More like the opposite. They didn't care, and were hoping no one else would notice.

So what do you think? Is our health at the disposal of avaricious corporations and a lax governmental regulatory system?

Yep. to a degree. But not entirely.

It would take some time, and a LOT of people with the will to change it. But a mix of flooding DC's e-mail boxes and telephone lines, plus a consumer boycott on one or two products at a time would get the ball rolling at least.

edit on 1-1-2011 by Klassified because: Correction and addition

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 04:23 PM
Here's a clip on Phthalates from 60 Minutes:

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by sliceNodice
People don't realize how big of a disaster this already is, and it's only going to get bigger through our continued ignorance.

We are going to look back on the late 20th century, early 21st century as the toxic century. Eventually we will realize an enormous percentage of our social problems and health problems have occurred because of our stupidity and ignorance towards chemicals. For example, birth control, corexit (am I saying that right?), pesticides, prescriptions, sweeteners, dental chemicals, shampoos, detergants, cleaners....

I have a feeling we're (we as in everyone who is currently living, give and take 30 years) going to be known as the guinea-pig generation. So many things from pesticides, to GMO, fluoride, electromagnetic radiation, the list goes... are part of our lives, and no extensive studies have been done on them - WE are the extensive studies.

I suppose it's all for the betterment of mankind.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:29 PM

edit on 1-1-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:51 PM

What particularly can we do to avoid consuming these chemicals, besides getting rid of our non-stick coating pots and pans?

Pressure needs to be put on the regulators, media exposure, peaceful protests, email and letter campaigns. Focus primary on the regulators themselves, but also use other government sources, courts, local politicians, wallmart tv's, ect. When the science is in and irrefutable there is no where for the regulators to hide.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:39 PM
I find myself being made physically ill by heavily processed/fast foods more and more, anyhow. Just one more motivation for me to avoid that garbage.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 06:05 AM
Thats both frightening and sad to see happening.. Even with starting to grow your own food over there it may be too late already to stop the effect of the chemicals that have been ingested over the years.. It may slow it .. But the damage is already been done...

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 06:31 AM
Ive been saying for years the late baby boomer generation are the guinea pigs......DDT, Nuclear Fallout, Sodium Benzoate, Chlorine, fluoride in water, then copper sulfate to stop algae, GM foods, antibiotics in chickens etc, growth hormones in animals, carconagens in Unleaded fuel, the list goes on.
It is the "OLD" generation that is living to 100 and beyond...the ones who use to eat dirt, never wash their hands, cleaned with vinegar, pooped outside, urinated on the veges, ate Bread and Dripping for lunch, spread butter an inch thick on their sandwiches, they are living a long time. I think it is fallacy that "WE" will live a long time, particularly with the high cancer rates and other deseases.
Dont be too sure about growing your own food either, their are bills afoot to ban people growing food in the US etc etc...Small independent Food company's being raided etc etc.
All Big Brother "Illuminatae" stuff. Have a nice year

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