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Ley Lines, Neolithic Structures and Magnets.

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posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 06:59 AM
Maybe it comes from growing up in the countryside, but I swear my senses in towns and cities are not as sharp as when I'm away from them. I've come to believe that we have also been guilty of another type of Earth spoiling; electro-magnetic pollution. Someone, earlier mentioned that maybe our ancestors were more attuned to earth's electro-magnetic fields and currents, which may, in part, be true. I feel that man-made creations such as power lines, cables and all the electrical appliances we now surround ourselves with are giving us a sensory overload, on an already weak sense. We now have so many electrical fields around us all the time that we are more or less desensitized to them, therefore picking up on the natural currents running through the planet is virtually impossible to all, but, those most naturally attuned to it.

There have been plenty of studies on how electro-magnetism, from both natural and man-made sources, affects animals, I find it hard to believe that we can be totally unaffected by something that has been shown to impact the rest of the natural world.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

Then, we also have the case of the Acoustic Levitation of stones in Tibet. Where monks used Instruments and mathematic calculations to levitate stones up through the air, up giant mountains.

As I posted this Before in a Couple of threads !

Cymatics !

This is a Recording of a Group Chanting? in The Pyramid of Giza .
The Chanting Sounds like the Vowels AEIOU ? Talk about Acoustic and Magnets!

This is So Awesome ( to me Anyways )

STEVEN HALPERN Cymatic Imagery of Sacred Chant recorded Inside the Great Pyramid

Well I wonder if Spielberg knew something was up when he made Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind
I would like to see this in a Cymatic Machine ...

Maybe the Egyptians Used something like the Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gongs,Monochord, & Koto With Magnets, Sand, Electricity , Cymetics ? You tube it

Gong and Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

Here ya go OP Sir Slide ! Not sure if Ancient Egyptians would Abel to do it alone ! who knows LOL

Magnetic levitation system for moving objects
United States Patent 5722326

Repelling magnetic forces are produced by the interaction of a flux-concentrated magnetic field (produced by permanent magnets or electromagnets) with an inductively loaded closed electric circuit. When one such element moves with respect to the other, a current is induced in the circuit. This current then interacts back on the field to produce a repelling force. These repelling magnetic forces are applied to magnetically levitate a moving object such as a train car. The power required to levitate a train of such cars is drawn from the motional energy of the train itself, and typically represents only a percent or two of the several megawatts of power required to overcome aerodynamic drag at high speeds.

Free Patents Online
(note see side Reference also)

I wonder if Pythagoras as some Clue about Cymatics & Magnets Levitation?

ohh by the Way

The Egyptian Speaking Staff is it for the Use of a Acoustic Cymatic levitation ! ? or to call out to the slaves ?

From one of Zorgon's Threads


edit on 29-12-2010 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by RandalFlagg
reply to post by WinnieDaWho

Do you reckon the Wally Wallington technique could be used to have moved these:

Ba'albek, Lebanon

the approximate weight of this stone is 1158.696 tons. Three other smaller stones under 'The Grand Terrace' of the temple itself are also estimated to weigh from between 750 and 1,000 tons each (9), and there are several other colossal stones to be seen around the great 'Temple of the Sun' at Ba'albek. The stones were cut from red granite. All the large stones used for the temple of the sun at Ba'albek were quarried from the same location, and taken over half a mile uphill to build the great temple.

The Ramesseum, Egypt

Only fragments of the base and torso remain of the colossal statue of the enthroned Ramasses, (19m high and weighing around 1000 tons). The stone for the statue was transported 170 miles over land from Aswan to Thebes. This would have once been the largest statue (except statues carved in situ) in the world.


Poulnabrone Portal Tomb

Poulnabrone Portal Tomb, megalithic monuments, Karst limestone, in a field East of Ballyvaughan, Ireland

I dont know how much this last megalith weighs but im baffles as to how they got that rock on top of the others!

Anyway interesting thread!

Sir why not try to google Wally Wallington, he managed to erect a 22,000 lbs stone all by himself. And even moved a barn!! If this man can do it alone, what more with thousands of slaves????

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

My good sir, this is a false view, much like dinosaurs in dino books 10 years ago. This is how they did it.

As for precision. Ever notice how a single star will travel the same path over and over. Perhaps, lets say, if one were to track it's passage for a few days before the Earth's tilt corrupted it too much, you would say you would have a precise East-West line. One might even argue that the precision is that of a laser beam. After all, a single dot of light is being traced. Ever wonder how exact and precise water is for a level? Ever wonder what one would get if they dug out a grid of canals and cut along the water's edge? Why, one would have a very precise flat area. These and ways like these are how Egypt was so precise. They only built pyramids for 200 years, then moved onto other architectural events. Temples and grand halls. Pyramids are what one might call the grade school years of Egyptian architecture. There are far more advanced things they made afterwards.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Personal I feel that the power of the mind was used to move these large stones into place. Over the years the “powers that be” have hidden this ancient knowledge about how to use your mind to levitate items, as well as, other things you can do with your mind. The power of disinformation is keeping us from using our brains to the fullest. Imagine if you and I started levitating items, the government would be on us faster than light speed.

In ancient times the PTB thought long and hard about who to teach this info to and who not to teach it to. It was done out of selfishness because others had learned this knowledge and moved away from this clan to start a new clan and build there own style of pyramids. The main civilization didn’t like these people gaining this knowledge and then moving away. Each time a new empire was started others learned this knowledge and then left to create new empires of there own. This would explain why there are so many different types of pyramids, stone buildings and other Stonehenge type of structures. Each civilization was expressing them selves in a way that they couldn’t do wile apart of the main civilization. Sounds like religions.

My reason for this is because in order for us to create something it has to start with a thought. One can build anything with out an engineer or drawing. Artists do this all the time. Someone working with wood may just start carving until the piece of wood start to form a shape that inspires the artists to create the final project. Someone thought of making these large structures for a reason. I think the reason is so that someone flying above can see them before entering our air space. With each different type of pyramid or other structure you would know where to land or not. With a face on Mars, along with other structures that align up with Orion’s Belt and the structures on earth that line up in the same configuration, as well as, the face in Israel that is very similar to the one on Mars; it seems to me that we definitely came from another planet or at least were interracially mixed with them.

The under water structures are much larger than the pyramids, and much older. I think it plausible that magnetic types of things could have been used if we were visited by other beings that had this technology. I think it’s safely to say that we could do this now if we just paid more attention to the planet instead of what can we buy next. If capitalism was never invented our civilization would be so much more advanced in thought, technology, and just about everything because we would have not done it for the money, we would have done it to keep our race alive longer than the dinosaurs. If we would take money out of the equation, this planet could soar into space with out any problems. The fact that you have to pay in order to have the rights to your own invention is keeping us from advancing. No one wants to drop a few thousand on a patent only to loose it to the government after one year, because you didn’t have the capital to move forward with the creation of your design. This is just a sneaky way of taking the inventions out of the people’s hands.

The people on our planet are being held down, knowledge wise, so that we are unable to have options in our lives. We are focused down to the point that the only thing we can do is go to work, eat, sleep, and start all over the next day. This is not the life I would have chosen to be apart of if I had a choice in the beginning.
The thing I have a problem with is if other can do any of these things, why are they not sharing the info with everyone so that all of us can have this knowledge? If I could levitate items with my mind I would be on here so fast sharing that info before the government comes and kills me. Because you know they don’t want anyone with “extra powers” out there not working for them. The mind is a powerful thing. It’s the reason why everything is here. With out the mind, you or I don’t even exist; nothing exist.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by ez2cthetruth

I would agree the human mind is capable of much more than we know or understand. I would even agree that much knowledge has been kept from the public about this topic. And yes, disinfo and misinfo are powerful weapons against the masses when you own what they read, hear, and see.
But I don't think taking capitalism out of the world will change anything. It is greed, and the lust for power and control. And one need not be a capitalist to feel those things, and act on them. Capitalism is just the vehicle, not the robber himself.

edit on 29-12-2010 by Klassified because: ETA

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by WinnieDaWho

Sorry for the delay, I just looked him up, amazing how he does this. What i don't understand is that this is not more widely known or put forward as a possible theory. There may be many techniques used around the world for moving and guiding stones, maybe different cultures used different techniques. thanks for the reply again

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Thanks for the reply, one thing with that theory is that it really hasn't been tested yet, and they do point out that they have evidence to support other theories. When you also acknowledge what an Egyptian archeologist has said recently, there may be more to the pyramids than we currently know, in a big way.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Whoa great post! Cymatics, very relevant to all of this, I think possibly used in conjunction with other methods, or even for a specific purpose in the process that cymatics could be practically applied to move large oobjects.

It's interesting that you mentioned Pythagoras, I have been reading about the Carnac stones recently, when viewed from the air it was revealed that they lay in patterns, most notably they contained Pythagorean triangles. Carnac is also in a very interesting spot when viewed through the ley line theory. How did neolithic people know of Pythagorean theory??

Nice work on the magnetic levitation system patent. I will have to do more reading and get back with some better info. Thanks for the reply, greatly appreciated.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

If we investigate that claim, there's not much meat to it.

I took a course where we went chronologically from the first pyramid to the last, or more accurately, the apex of its evolution. The first pyramid had several structural fallacies. It had incorrectly laid bricks, it was not finished, and so added to years later, had the wrong angle, and it was stepped. Years later, this form was adjusted. Iterated on. Eventually one pharaoh went about discovering what was the most greatest form for the pyramid. He built the pyramid typology bigger, but because of the innate structural fallacies passed down generations, this larger form literally exploded from the pressure. Thus was called the pyramid at Meidum. Ye realized that they were putting the bricks the wrong way, and so changed the designs to make them flat. They then tried again. And half way, the angle was changed to see if it could handle it. Then changed again for the same reason. This generated into the Bent Pyramid. He then set aside his end of his life to creating an exemplar. A summary of knowledge on the form that his ancestors started and he built upon. This became the North Pyramid, or the Red pyramid. This pyramid was a symbol of perfection, or at least close to what his descendants would make. Finally, over a century later, the last generation of pyramid builders began to work on something that would define their era. Those after him took the knowledge to make a final statement for the form. It was the end of an era. The empire would collapse soon after, and they would never desire to make the form again. They had the capacity to, they just did not desire it. The production of these became what we know as Giza today. What people often forget is that they were not built all together. One was made, then descendant made another, and then finally a third leader made the smallest. They were truly images of their time, as the pyramids got smaller, the power of Egypt weakened. Some think that the smallest and youngest of them was built by the most benevolent,a pharaoh that tried to make things better, but ultimately, the kingdom fell.

So you see, the pyramids were not some spontaneous form whose construction could only have come from aliens. They were made by men, who perused knowledge on how to perfect their ancestor's designs. In as much as if we were to put the first car made along side the most modern cars and think how far we've come, putting the first pyramid alongside the last one shows clear primitive works being compared to a modern marvel. If there was some sort of "gift from above" that let them make it, it would not show this, nor would it have taken 200 years to develop it. Hell, the first car did not even take that long.

So whenever you think it wasn't made by man, remember this. It took us some 70 years to go from biplane glider to Apollo. It took twice as long to go from Zoser's pyramid to Giza. It takes time to get places. Time, sweat, research, blood, and effort. In as much as the wright brothers were not given the knowledge of Apollo, neither were the Egyptians given the knowledge of the Giza pyramids. It took us a long time to get from point A to point B. Mankind made both. We did not need anyone's help but ourselves working together. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is simply ignorant of this fact. In as much as evolution explains life far better than creationism, so too does evolution explain the pyramids, not creation of the knowledge out of no where.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

people who think those underwater pyramids off the coast of japan arent pyramids are retardo.....

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Wolfenz
Well I wonder if Spielberg knew something was up when he made Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind

No... and people have constantly asked him about things like this. He made it up.

Maybe the Egyptians Used something like the Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gongs,Monochord, & Koto With Magnets, Sand, Electricity , Cymetics ? You tube it

No, they didn't. For one thing, they didn't have the technology to make metal bowls until very late in their history.

The Egyptian Speaking Staff is it for the Use of a Acoustic Cymatic levitation ! ? or to call out to the slaves ?

(sigh) I keep telling people to learn to read the hieroglyphs so you can tell what is going on. The first is the Pharaoh with the symbols for 'djed' and 'ankh' and holding a staff similar to a deity's (I believe this is a scene where he is shown being awakened in the afterlife.) Judging from the star symbol below, I think this refers to him participating in the festival of one of the gods, celebrated in the land of the dead (you haven't shown enough hieroglyphs that I'm sure about it, and the mural isn't one I'm instantly familiar with.)

If you'd showed the whole panel, we would see what else was going on -- and it wasn't acoustic levitation.

The other panel you've shown is part of a larger panel showing the ceremony of the Opening of the Mouth and Eyes, performed on an embalmed mummy so that they will be able to see and speak and eat and drink in the afterlife. You can see part of the hieroglyphs to the right. Depending on which era it's from, the hand holding the opening device may be the deity, Anubis.

They didn't have a lot of slaves. Pharaohs were gods, and these religious people were eager to help their god because it helped Egypt.
edit on 31-12-2010 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide
reply to post by WinnieDaWho

Sorry for the delay, I just looked him up, amazing how he does this. What i don't understand is that this is not more widely known or put forward as a possible theory. There may be many techniques used around the world for moving and guiding stones, maybe different cultures used different techniques. thanks for the reply again

At first i really believed that it is impossible to build the pyramids, Stonehenge and other vast structures, but because of Wally Wallington, it totally changed my views. If this old man can do it alone, everyone with numbers can do it. Maybe other techniques are used, human brains are capable of almost everything.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide
reply to post by Wolfenz

Whoa great post! Cymatics, very relevant to all of this, I think possibly used in conjunction with other methods, or even for a specific purpose in the process that cymatics could be practically applied to move large oobjects.

It's interesting that you mentioned Pythagoras, I have been reading about the Carnac stones recently, when viewed from the air it was revealed that they lay in patterns, most notably they contained Pythagorean triangles. Carnac is also in a very interesting spot when viewed through the ley line theory. How did neolithic people know of Pythagorean theory??

Nice work on the magnetic levitation system patent. I will have to do more reading and get back with some better info. Thanks for the reply, greatly appreciated.

Well Who knows what Records were around during the Time of Pythagoras as he lived from 570 - 495 BC
where did the Knowledge came from Babylonian, Sumerian Persian ?
As Persia was also One of Hot Spots of Knowledge and Literature and
The Library of Alexandria Did not Exist Until at least 200 years later after his death..
Yet there are Claims there was thousand of years Old Ancient Text Either Stone or Paper Cloth Etc..
to a Partial Museum In the The Library of Alexandria From the Time The Library Existed

I Honest Believe that of all the Ancient Anomalies that cant be explained of Today that the Library of Alexandria could of Explained Most of it That The Only Source we have Now is Lock up in a British Museum
Labeled as Myths that are On Stone Tablets & Cylinders The Sumerian Ancient literature that is Still untouched...

Some Sources .. and a Few Examples ...

Libraries in the Ancient World: Mesopotamia and Persia

List of larger libraries in the ancient world

Ebla Tabets

Library of Ashurbanipal

The British Museum’s collections database counts 30,943 "tablets" in the entire Nineveh library collection, and the Trustees of the Museum propose to issue an updated catalog as part of the Ashurbanipal Library Project.[8] If all smaller fragments that actually belong to the same text are deducted, it is likely that the "library" originally included some 10,000 texts in all. The original library documents however, which would have included leather scrolls, wax boards, and possibly papyri, contained perhaps a much broader spectrum of knowledge than that known from the surviving clay tablet cuneiform texts.

The Library of Pergamum

Pergamum was home to a library said to house approximately 200,000 volumes, according to the writings of Plutarch. Built by Eumenes II and situated at the northern end of the Acropolis, it became one of the most important ancient libraries. Legend has it that Mark Antony later gave Cleopatra all of the 200,000 volumes at Pergamum for the Library at Alexandria as a wedding present, emptying the shelves and ending the dominance of the Library at Pergamum.[1] No index or catalog of the holdings at Pergamum exists today, making it impossible to know the true size or scope of this collection. Historical accounts claim that the library possessed a large main reading room, lined with many shelves. An empty space was left between the outer walls and the shelves to allow for air circulation. This was intended to prevent the library from becoming overly humid in the warm climate of Anatolia and can be seen as an early attempt at library preservation. Manuscripts were written on parchment, rolled, and then stored on these shelves.[2] A statue of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, stood in the main reading room. [edit] Parchment

edit on 2-1-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy
Love the Coral Castle.... I spent some time studying it and Leedskalnin's theories several years ago. Most of his "theories" on gravity did not make much sense or translate into scientific information that was in a usable format. However, one very interesting note about Leedskalnin is that the man had like a 2nd grade education or something. Very impressive that he could "figure out" and create this property that was 80 years ahead of its time.

As for how I think he did a scientist, my theory is that he used resonance and frequency. "Sound" is simply a matter of vibration. Think of the glass that breaks when a soprano hits a certain octave. The glass molecules have a natural frequency at which they vibrate and stay in a composed state. When a sound is produced that matches that natural frequency, it causes the glass molecules to vibrate. Too much vibration and the glass will shatter and energy is released.

So, now apply this principle on a bigger scale.

Check out this link for more on this type of theory.
Magnetic Levitation

Excellent link and data - not sure why no (other) stars!

The physical principle behind magnetic levitation is that all diamagnetic objects magnetically polarize when immersed in a strong magnetic field. In the presence of a strong magnetic field gradient, parallel to the polarizing field, the diamagnetic sample experiences a magnetic force. Orienting this force opposite to the gravitational force can lead to no net force on the object; thus, levitation occurs (Fig 1).

Very interesting stuff, indeed.

On a side note: still don't think this adequately explains away megalithic structure origins espoused by Ancient Astronaut theorists. Matter of fact it may support it. Even if this technique was employed, it was done so by someone with a greater understanding of its subtle intracacies than today's brightest scientific minds* (and, one lonely, eccentric, uneduacated anomoly who lived in Florida, forever ago)

edit on 1/2/2011 by SquirrelNutz because: fixed video linkage

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 02:32 PM
According to this, the Seattle electric company has mapped out all their ley lines:

Sorry, I don't know how to embed videos.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Great thread.

The answer to the Pyramids, and almost every other ancient stucture is in the "Eye of Horus".


The real answer is GOLD. Au79 P79 E79 N118 ( 7&9 Magic numbers)

The Great pyramid just happens to follow the exact principal. As does nearly every other ancient site you mention. Not forgetting the Sun, planets, Atoms, cells etc. Everything. Except OIL, carbon 12 - 6P 6N 6E.

Gold Domes and Pyramids are the Key to limitless energy. There is a reason you can't square a circle and every reaction has it's equal and oposite reaction..

Gold, 98% reflective, on a flat surface it will reflect 98% of the "light" or whatever else lands on it, turn it into a dome or pyramid then you can increse the surface area by a factor a 3, 4 or 10 with a tall cone.

How can you increase the surface area by a factor of 5, remembering you were reflecting 98% to start with?

Every action has it's equal and opposite reaction.

It's still Solar power, just taking the energy from our own, much closer, sun, in the middle of the planet.

Have a think.


posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by aoi3610

thank you!

I must say that I have been monitoring your gold thread closely and believe that what you've discovered is truly amazing.

i have been pondering your question, i am wondering if there is an equal reaction pushing the gold up from the core of the earth? so while reflecting the sun it has an opposite reaction underneath it, if that makes any sense?
i cannot for the life of me think how to expand it by 5, i am thinking maybe that it acts like a double sided solar panel? getting both suns energy?

thanks for the reply, please share your thoughts on this. cheers mate

(writing on a virtual keyboard, takes bloody hours)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Please forgive me for only skimming this thread... as I have seen many akin to it in my life of perusing ATS. However, I wanted to throw down a couple things before I forgot about this thread.

1. Contrary to one of the posters in the first page, There is in fact evidence that Ed.L. used magnetism in some ways to build Coral Castle. That being, his magnetic motor which most likely was a CONVERTED engine block which I assume he only had to crank up really vigorously... and then it would help him by performing work. Also, lets not forget that he wrote a book about magnetism called Magnetic Current. He figured that electricity was just measuring or using one side of magnetism, only one direction of the flow. There are diagrams on YT as to how he figured magnetism worked(and he was right).

Something like this:

2. Tesla and Keely were both aether physicists respectfully - and both were well ahead of their time(and our own, although we are catching up thanks to their works shared through the internet). I suggest Dale Pond as an introduction to Keely.

3. Someone else mentioned cymatics, and I believe that is the general principle behind earth vortexes.

Also, someone mentioned magnetic atoms etc.

I am also of the opinion that perhaps wave functions of atoms are just directional, cymatic, and quantum organizations of an aether-like magnetic substratum akin to ZPE. If you can manipulate the directional flow, or frequency, or wavelength, or the 'grain' of the particular substance(such as coral, large blocks of stone, etc.) then you can do whatever you want with it. Akin to Hutchison effect.

Also, look at Boyd Bushman and his(Lockheeds) ideas on magnetism. David Sereda interviewed him, talking about merging EM with Gravity - which I think will be necessary further down the line once we realize better what 'atoms' are.

Enough for now, great thread and thanks.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 11:05 PM
Archaeological digs have shown evidence of a global warming around 13,000 BC in No. America. This can be found in the historical fiction People of the Night Land by Michael and Kathleen Gear. There is evidence of many tribes of Native American Indians around that time. And if we think of the most recent find of the 13,000 year old skull found in the Mexican waters, humans have been around for a long time. Then there is Cahokia around Illinois with at least 2500 acres of at least 250 very large mounds. Humans have been very industrious throughout history. I would be willing to bet that Cahokia is on a ley line. I found this site when I read about the findings in the Orkney Islands. I immediately wondered about the ley lines there. I am a dowser and have experienced the energy around the Michael and Mary ley lines around Glastonbury England. These are my thoughts for now.

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