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Pentagon - No camera footage = No plane. A reasonable assumption.

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posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by roboe

Thank you friend! I never knew of this list. Where are the country's intellectuals and media to stand up and ask the tough questions????? COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:32 AM

edit on 26-12-2010 by Interfacer because: sorry double post

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:33 AM
Priceless post Mikelee
Very well laid-out. The flight of # 93 and whatever hit the Pentagon are enough to make one sick knowing that it stands a very, very good chance that our own Government could have accomplished such a brazen and totally premeditated bazar act. It reminds me of President Eisenhower's warning about the Military Industrial Complex. In my book, it gives rise to me that who are the real people that are actually running our government from the inside? A person could accomplish rather much with 2 Trillion. As you stated in your post referring to Sept.10, it was rather convenient for Rummy to make the statement he did about the missing 2 Trillion and the next day...poof..up in smoke. Not meaning any disrespect to Steve Wonder, but he could see what is going on. The POTUS and every bobble-head below him in the chain of command are all actors and it's OUR world that is merely THEIR stage. I ask, myself what else is to come from these insidious, and heartless bunch of greedy and gutless traitors? I shudder to think sometimes just what my two boys are in for in their generation. Makes me wonder most of the time.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by fleabit
I dont know where you've been, but your team needs your help. You or anyone else who defends the OS of the events of 9/11 have defined the existence of evil in the world. As time goes on the number of people who defend the OS will decline and the 'truthers' will increase. I hope this simple math continues, because 'they' know their story will not hold up under scrutiny, and they're scared.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by dillweed

As i have posted too much on this thread already I apologize but I couldn't leave with out saying that YOU Dillweed have defined this situation to the core! OS defenders who question absolutely NOTHING are evil or afraid to know the truth!!! To those that are too scared to know that a very small group behind our govt. was behind this and cant take your mind there then you are a collaborator PERIOD!!
edit on 26-12-2010 by Interfacer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Im glad someone agrees thankx but hey as far as an assumption goes, I stay away from those; but this BS has been going on for sooooo long I felt it was the right thing to say. How can we stop this madness is all I want to know?

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by fleabit

same old bs send me a message saying look at my posts how dare you, ats amateur, were are the bodies,debris,luggage,etc you people love your country i understand your sentiments, but for gods sake if they just answered why these elements are not present in the grainy pictures that they allowed the world and the iraq and afghanistan people to see then maybe we could justify the illegal killings and invasion in their countries,and then face up to the facts. instead you ignore blinding evidence,that a normal cop on the street would want investigating .your goverment is corrupt most of them are not natural born americans and could not care less about you...argghh that feels better..i am from liverpool england and the world is messed up because your goverment could not conduct a proper thorough investigation into the deaths of over 3000 people

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:50 AM
No video...

Dancing Isrealies...

No Black Boxes....

"Pull it"....

Free Fall...


Just can't be ignored. Something stinks

Don't let your ideology get in the way of your common sense!

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Nice post - flagged!

I loved when Jesse Ventura put to the people at the Pentagon and asked why can't we see the footage! hehe

I knew there was something very funny about the story when I read about FBI running into the gas stations and hotels in the area and grabbing their tapes sometimes within just a few minutes of impact! That sounds very planned to me. Also when they took years to release that garbage video that has obviously been doctored that sealed it. I knew we were dealing with a lying criminal government. I love the government shills that still keep pushing the fairy tale also. You look at all their posts and that's ALL they do. They have no other interest on ATS except pushing the government lies about 911. These are the same people that run around telling everybody that Chemtrails aren't real either. LOL

Keep spreading the truth everybody. Friend me on Facebook and get 5 new friends a day and you'll be at 5,000 people getting these good ATS posts before you know it. It's not enough to come on ATS every day since you are preaching to the choir except for the government shills who are paid to argue with you. Instead go wake up 5000 asleep Republicans and let's "End the Fed"!

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:53 AM
You do realize this is the very thing they do to keep you all scurrying around and busy.

I remember talking to a guy identifying himself to be involved with the PTB on very high levels that disengaged from them saying many of the conspiracy theories are in fact THE CONSPIRACY and serve those in power. This guy simply appeared in some form of communication with me in a private chat about 5 years ago if I can remember correctly. When the student is ready the teacher will appear sort of thing I guess.

Sure he could have been pulling my leg but I dont think so. One of those gut feelings you cant explain.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by itallmakesperfectsense
reply to post by fleabit

same old bs send me a message saying look at my posts how dare you, ats amateur, were are the bodies,debris,luggage,etc you people love your country i understand your sentiments, but for gods sake if they just answered why these elements are not present in the grainy pictures that they allowed the world and the iraq and afghanistan people to see then maybe we could justify the illegal killings and invasion in their countries,and then face up to the facts. instead you ignore blinding evidence,that a normal cop on the street would want investigating .your goverment is corrupt most of them are not natural born americans and could not care less about you...argghh that feels better..i am from liverpool england and the world is messed up because your goverment could not conduct a proper thorough investigation into the deaths of over 3000 people

In contrast to "fleabits" post that is not in the least convincing or articulate.

DNA identified body parts of AA 77 passengers were recovered from the Pentagon. Here are plane parts inside the Pentagon :-

Stick your fingers in your ears and lalala all you want wont make them go away.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by fleabit

How come this is the first plane crash in history where the crime scene was allowed to be tampered with? All the questionable acts on this day cannot be ignored. By the way until they show the videos they have hidden he can make as many theories as he wants. His integrity is not worth questioning! The acts of the govt on 911 are what is in question no matter what you want to derail. Can you explain how the dancing israelies knew ahead of time to film the attack??? Building 7 , molten steal, first time in history fire melted steel, etc etc etc theres probably a hundred things that DESERVE questioning. Yet you want to focus on the op.. I guess you have your opinion but enjoy going to the therapist when your paradigm Collapses around you when we get the ANSWERS! Ask youself why this 9-11 could not have been orchestrated? The us president knew about pearl harbor before hand, Gulf of tonkin was made up so that 50,000 of my brothers and sisters can DIE for a lie! Why did PRESIDENT johnson call off the jets to protect the USS liberty while it was attack for 3 hours by ISRAELI's and it wasnt until a RUSSIAN navy vessel came to witness the attack did they finally STOP??? Why do we disproportionately do Israels bidding when it comes to conflicts and politics and trillions of aid so they can pick on palestinians ? Is it really that easy for our fellow Americans to be brainwashed even after decades of TREASON by our officials yet we still have BLIND PATRIOTISM. I know we have it good in this country but you will have to answer to your inner self one day! We do not have any excuse to be sheep after we get out of high school. You are no longer under the indoctrination perhaps it sticks to most people? peace
edit on 26-12-2010 by Interfacer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

I respectfully say this: Do your own research. I've done mine for over 7 years now. I've heard the witnesses and above that....I remember what was being said that morning on NY live-coverage of the event. It went something like: "No sign of a plane hit the Pentagon" was the banner that crept along the bottom of most of the TV channels that morning.

I don't claim to know what happened so I rely on my better judgment to fall back on and consider what was said.

Tell me this please: Do you believe Oswald alone (if at all) killed JFK?
After almost 50 years, you're almost deemed a 'nut' if you believe that.

So I say, it'll take maybe another 10 more years for the same 'stereotype' to happen with 9-11 trusters.
The story is too preposterous to believe.

You'll see.

And once again, the only things that needs to (and can) be done at this point is, show clearer footage please. That's all we ask. Show us a plane hitting the Pentagon (opposed to a blurry UFO-type clip) which, is supposed to appease our doubt.

It's insulting to accept and no offense, but for anyone to be 'okay with this' is someone who hasn't set their bar too terribly high to begin with.

But ya know what? Here ya go. This took me 10 seconds to pull up.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:07 AM

But the thing is, to everyone who supposedly saw a plane hit, there is at least one or two people (and news reporters) who adamantly witnessed the opposite (that NO plane hit the building)

How do you witness something NOT happening?

I did not witness the sun rising this morning, but I'm pretty sure it did, all the same, as it is in the sky just now.

Unless someone was staring at the side of the Pentagon as it exploded.. and they saw nothing hit it, this means nothing. Can you produce these interviews? I'd love to hear how they described this non-event.

All I am saying is that there are many witnesses like the one I quoted, who SAW an AA plane actually fly at and strike the Pentagon. How do you explain those people away? MANY witnesses. A lot more than your unquoted, mysterious 3 witnesses who somehow saw something not occur. You can't just ignore the witnesses! That's not logical, scientific, or reasonable. It's also ironic you can ignore dozens of witnesses... but expect us to take us at your word.. on three unproduced witnesses. Also, news reports the day of the event, before they had all the facts, is not reliable. They were still finding out what was going on, they didn't know all the facts.

People can't even explain this reasonably - and yet they expect us to believe some bizarre sequence of events that included planting debris and knocking over lightpoles in the middle of the day in front of hundreds of witnesses.
edit on 26-12-2010 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

So, youve done your own research and pulled up the most often, taken out of text blurb from CNN. Now, do some more research and find the WHOLE transcript. The reporter definitely states the plane hit the Pentagon and he describes some of the wreckage he saw.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
No video...

Dancing Isrealies...

No Black Boxes....

"Pull it"....

Free Fall...


Just can't be ignored. Something stinks

Don't let your ideology get in the way of your common sense!

Security camera pics and black boxes from AA 77 were recovered from the Pentagon.

What' have your other allegations got to do with the Pentagon ?

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by Human_Alien

So, youve done your own research and pulled up the most often, taken out of text blurb from CNN. Now, do some more research and find the WHOLE transcript. The reporter definitely states the plane hit the Pentagon and he describes some of the wreckage he saw.

We can, and HAVE gone back and forth with this argument for 10 years now.


What's the big deal? Why won't they?
The trial is over, isn't it? Wasn't that their reason for not releasing them? They never said they never had anymore rather, it was a matter of national security to withhold them.

Seems like they were hoping we'd all crawl back into our caves and forget this.
But with all the controversy and unwarranted wars that spawned from this 'event''s very unlikely that any of us will go away.

This gets tiring after a while. I am 50 years old. I've been doing this for 8 years now. I know I am not alone and I also know, there is another side to this. So here I am again, in this huge game of Chess and honestly, I don't want to play anymore. I just opened this thread to read some posts and now, I am done.

To each his own. That's all I can say. I don't like you (trusters) any less. It's just so incredible how people can have two entirely different takes on one event. It's not like we're trying to decode some ancient tablet and ending up with different interpretations of it.
We are on opposing sides for something that took place in real time and in our time and it just boggles my mind how different our takes are, that's all.

It's all good and like I said, just give it time. That's all. This will be another eye opening: "Oswald was not a lone gunman" in time.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Then you have this guy Tim Roemer saying that a missile hit the pentagon. Also I noticed that thing in the photo from the gas station camera and I must say it looks very similar to the Air Force drone. Maybe it's possible the drone was coming in to look like a crash and fired a missile and pulled off. Check the video out. Also I would like to say that it might not be a global hawk but the predator drone. Only because the wings seem to be able to turn downwards

"Global Hawk and Predator are very different UAVs. Global Hawk is an amazing surveillance platform that brings in a very large amount of intelligence over a wide area but is not used to actively combat the enemy. The Predator is used for close in surveillance, and can use laser guided Hellfire missiles to destroy selected targets. These roles are so different that they can't really be compared. If you want to survey selected targets or small areas and destroy a few targets if necessary, then you definitely need the Predator. For an overveiw of the wider, strategic picture in order to order other units, then you need the Global Hawk. "

edit on 26-12-2010 by stigup because: ..

edit on 26-12-2010 by stigup because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by mikelee

great post but I tend to believe that WTC7 was the logical destination for 93. The jet that was scrambled to intercept 93 was more than likely told to stand down but the pilot took matters into his own hands (I think they have that right?) and after the already well-known mayhem in the other states, decided to bring it to the ground. Because of this one pilot's actions, the 'script' had to be rewritten on the fly, and seeing as they couldn't leave the pre-rigged Building 7 standing there for eternity filled with military grade explosives, they just pulled it anyway, hoping we would all fall for the lie that debris from the Twin Towers caused enough damage.
edit on 26-12-2010 by nexusferox because: grammatical errors

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by stigup
Then you have this guy Tim Roemer saying that a missile hit the pentagon. Also I noticed that thing in the photo from the gas station camera and I must say it looks very similar to the Air Force drone. Maybe it's possible the drone was coming in to look like a crash and fired a missile and pulled off. Check the video out.

And using "missile" as a simile is proof positive ? Ignore everything else.

What have you seen from the Citgo gas station videos ? All I have seen is customers filling cars and paying for it.

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