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What will you investigate? How are you going to convince the public?

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posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 01:11 PM
If a new 9/11 investigation is opened, what will be investigated? How are you going to prove it was an inside job to the jury, if a court case is accepted?

I really want to know what part of 911 will be investigated. You can't go to court and tell the jury a building cannot fall at the speed WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 fell. You will get laughed at, and will be called crazy.

You can't tell them a plant didn't hit the pentagon, because there is no evidence of a plane at the site, and a plane cannot be flown at that speed.

How are you going to convince the public, who deny 911 was an inside job, that the government plotted to kill 3,000 Americans?

you must have solid proof that it was an inside job. We are talking about Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. being in the line of the death penalty.

3,000 died, they wont get prison sentence; they will get death penalty

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 02:20 PM
1st. Dick cheney took operational command of norad's defense system.

2nd. Norman mineta who was the Transportation secretary at the time of 9/11 testified to the fact that Dick cheney gave a stand down order to all jets in the air on the morning of 9/11.

3rd. The width of a boeing 747 is 20 ft, the whole in the pentagon was 9ft. wide.

4th. They have to see the video from the 97 cameras filming the pentagon that day.

5th. Several physicists found traces of explosives in the wtc rubble.

6th. Tower 7 fell from fire alone?

7th. Why did Larry silverstein say " I was told the structural integrity of building 7 was comprimised so i told them to pull it". which means to detonate.

8th. The govt. continues to deny a demolition when the leaseholder Larry Silverstein himself said they were brought down in a controlled demolition.

I could go on.....

edit on 24-12-2010 by alphaphysics because: misspell

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 03:57 PM
It is reported that a 75' hole caused from the plane hitting the Pentagon was the reason for the collapse of the Pentagon.
I don't see it.Can you, the jury?

Its been stated that the wings cut through the steel that makes up the outside of the walls in the WTC Towers.
How does this happen, when a bird hits the wings when in flight? Granted this picture is from a smaller plane, but wings are made up of aluminum. Can you explain this jury?

As stated above...Dick Cheney took control of NORAD in June of 2001, and kept it until October of 2001.
Why did this happen?

The only video released from the Pentagon has 5 frames to it. Where is the rest? Where are the other video camera feeds. Evenif they show nothing, we should still be able to look at them. What might they show?

The video from the hotel that was released, clearly shows the explosion, but fails to show any plane, missile, or anything else flying towards the Pentagon previous to the explosion. Why was this edited out?

Why did GWB and Dick Cheney both refuse to be interviewed by 9/11 Commission unless it was not recorded, and they were interviewed together at the same time? What did they have to hide?

You, the jury, can get the answers to these questions and many more if you allow an independent, unbiased investigation with use of subpoena power.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 04:04 PM
I am a member of the public. Me and the millions of other Americans who have already stated desire to see more intense investigation.

It isn't going to be too damned hard to convince me that they've lied up and down about the whole thing.

I want to see NIST indicted first, since seeing Kevin Ryan show so many ties to other aspects of 9/11 from people within NIST or that NIST has contracted for parts of their report.

Watch and learn.

edit on 24-12-2010 by bsbray11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by alphaphysics
1st. Dick cheney took operational command of norad's defense system.

2nd. Norman mineta who was the Transportation secretary at the time of 9/11 testified to the fact that Dick cheney gave a stand down order to all jets in the air on the morning of 9/11.

3rd. The width of a boeing 747 is 20 ft, the whole in the pentagon was 9ft. wide.

4th. They have to see the video from the 97 cameras filming the pentagon that day.

5th. Several physicists found traces of explosives in the wtc rubble.

6th. Tower 7 fell from fire alone?

7th. Why did Larry silverstein say " I was told the structural integrity of building 7 was comprimised so i told them to pull it". which means to detonate.

8th. The govt. continues to deny a demolition when the leaseholder Larry Silverstein himself said they were brought down in a controlled demolition.

I could go on.....

All this drivel has been debunked again and again so I won't waste anyone's time mentioning the Canadian captain who was in charge of NORAD on 9/11 or that the New York Fire departement doesn't have anything to do with planting controlled demolitions. What I will say is that if you're going to have an investigation then it needs to be over the things we don't know, like the exact decision process of why the interceptors were sent out to fly in circles. Don't be asking stupid things that have already been answered years ago becuase the truther movement is only going to appear like a bunch of ignorant crackpots. How many people here have actually read the 9/11 commission report to even know why you're accusing the 9/11 report of being a bunch of lies?

Not that it matter, since if the truthers have gotten the ridiculous idea a cruise missile hit the Pentagon then I doubt they will believe any other investigation that doesn't go along with their conspiracy stories.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Not that it matter, since if the truthers have gotten the ridiculous idea a cruise missile hit the Pentagon then I doubt they will believe any other investigation that doesn't go along with their conspiracy stories.

So I guess you can easily point out the huge hole created by a 127' wide boeing 757 with 2 3500kg engines??

Just arrows or circles pointing out the damage and debris will be fine Dave..

But then, this is normally when you go off line or post more bull in another thread..

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
All this drivel has been debunked again and again so I won't waste anyone's time mentioning the Canadian captain who was in charge of NORAD on 9/11 or that the New York Fire departement doesn't have anything to do with planting controlled demolitions.

You really need to learn how to avoid posting such blatant strawman arguments. No one said the FDNY had anything to do with "planting controlled demolitions," or that the person in charge of NORAD was intentionally inhibiting air responses.

There were war games going on that already confused NORAD personnel, as is on record and proven factual, and the idea that the FDNY would have had to have planted the charges is ludicrous. And no one here is saying that.

You've been posting on the 9/11 forums for however long now, and still all you post are fallacies. I really believe you do it on purpose. Which is why I'm just saying, for the sake of making it more interesting, why don't you learn how to use something besides blatant fallacies of reasoning in your post, like constantly misconstruing what others are saying? The only people who are going to take you serious are the ones who don't actually read and consider your posts.


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