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The Implausability of UFOs Being Alien in Nature

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posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:21 PM
Facts, of which there are many I'm sure, I'll cover here are just a few key points as to why i believe these UFOs are anything but alien.

1. DNA Abductee Acquisitions: Well, this is by and large the easiest to discredit. An interstellar capable race of superior intelligence would NOT need multiple DNA biopsies done repeatedly. As all Human DNA is 100% the same why would they need any more than 1 single sample??? Surely a race such as this is capable of replicating what they need from one single sample, no?

2. DNA Bovine Acquisitions: See above..a Cow's, a Cow's, a Cow.....they (Aliens) haven't figured this out yet? I submit that It's the gasses in the bellies of these animals splitting the flesh from expansion to reveal a clean 'surgical' line of cutting....and of course animal scavengers.

3. Visitation: It is HIGHLY implausible that of all the races i read about, from the Reptoids on down to the lowly Greys, and beyond (i have read COUNTLESS different species descriptions in books and media from over the years) would all adapt and adhere to the single Mandate of 'hiding' from the Human species/world population. This just makes no sense to me, and surprisingly I've never read anyone else even mention this as It's so simple. Why would every race of Alien, from God knows where, with no connection to one another even in the Political sense, stick to the same process? Like clockwork, from reading accounts of witnesses, it would appear they are all on the same page, following the same orders of "staying out of the public eye".....strange.

4. Craft Lighting: Ok, why in Hell would any race of beings, hiding from the public, even run a single light aboard these craft? Surely they have a HUD screen where they can see anything they wish, including star system charts (reports over the years describe just this) why the anti-collision lights? Do they really expect to 'run into' an earthly craft whilst flying? Surely not as we've already outlined the absolute technological wonders they are capable why something so SO simple as anti-collision lights???

5. Power & Diplomacy: Any race able to transverse the interstellar muck MUST have a process of Diplomacy, why is it SO hard for them to approach even one of us in power to exalt their desire to reach out to us? What are they waiting for? With their technology surely they are masters of energy and war (even a peaceful race is able to defend it's home and border) why so tentative with the Human race? To say "Oh they know we aren't ready" is preposterous and self-aggrandizing...only Humans think Humans are special. Especially hen this is mentioned in the same breath as "Oh the Human Earth race is unlike any they are taking their time"...LOL the only place this way of thinking works is in the 3 top religions of the world.

Anyway...chew on that for a bit and once you get a clue you'll see that all these Alien craft are either mis identified natural occurrences OR Military.

Bonus: One of the oldest and most 'loved' stories by Alien believers is the Aurora Texas windmill crash in the late 1800s...proven a hoax!

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by jeddun

DNA extraction and Cow extraction are hardly linked with every UFO sighting, so these two "facts" (re: opinions) don't even apply to most sightings....

As for lighting, how do we know what their tech limits or preferences are? Perhaps an FTL drive was a fluke, and they are actually BEHIND us in some other technologies? Improbable, but not impossible, as we have no benchmark to measure against.

As for politics, who's to say they WANT interaction? Even our own sci-fi has themes of a "prime directive" of non-interference, etc. Maybe we're even under a quarantine from the rest of the galaxy...for all we know.

As for visitation, how are we to know an alien agenda, when by its very definition, it's "alien" in nature? They may not have the same mindset we do.

As for Aurora, the hoax idea is still a "theory". Much of it is based on an interview with Etta Pegues. If you recall, Etta also stated that Judge Proctor never had a windmill on his property, a claim that was proven false when the UFO Hunters investigated and found the remains.

Here are some real "facts".

Craft have been sighted for decades by credible witnesses including pilots, military officers, even former Presidents, that exhibit flight characteristics that are impossible with currently known aircraft.

There are thousands if not millions of photos, video examples, radar returns, and other physical pieces of evidence that support many sightings.

Top military personnel have sworn affidavits that the government recovered debris from downed examples of these craft.

There are billions and billions of stars, and we're constantly detecting planets around these stars. Statistically, the idea of us being alone as a sapient species, is pretty "astronomical" (pardon the pun).

edit on 21-12-2010 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:40 PM
1. Assumption of their intent for abductee's. Why do our scientists collect more than one specimen of any animal? We tag them to learn..could be that also. nanobot tagging and monitoring how these hairless apes interact.

2. See above

3. Makes sense to me. Hell, made sense to gene roddenbury also whom created a fairly easy to understand "non interference accord" in his sci-fi shows. What would you do if you were the alien? immediately give every single savage planet tech to fly out into space and blow things up...or simply observe their progression and wait on the sidelines as they tried to figure out how to not kill each other...

4. I assume no knowledge of fuction on technology I do not understand. maybe the lighting is a biproduct of their "warp coils" or whatnot..perhaps it is simply tracking lights as we have on our aircrafts in their homeworld, who knows..but saying it must be one thing, then dismissing that as silly is a flawed argument

5. There are many whom have said that indeed contact has been made, however, contact of the leaders is not necessarily an immediate full disclosure. Such contact may be as simple as "we are here, we are watching you, you will not get a manned spacecraft past the moon without our authorization, and do not speak of the existance to your people of us or we will eliminate this project", etc...ultimately, we don't know what sort of contact is already established, if any.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
As for lighting, how do we know what their tech limits or preferences are? Perhaps an FTL drive was a fluke, and they are actually BEHIND us in some other technologies? Improbable, but not impossible, as we have no benchmark to measure against.

edit on 21-12-2010 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)


Interplanetary,intersolar and intergalactic space travel?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by MaximumTruth

Sure, but did they ever have a need for a game system? My point is that we automatically assume that just because they've mastered space travel, they must necessarily be more advanced in EVERYTHING.

Our own history refutes this.

While the Europeans were master ship-builders and colonizing the globe, they had no idea of the heavens movement (other than for navigation), advanced math, etc...something the arabs were already well-versed in....etc. Different peoples can be more advanced in ONE area, and behind in another. Our own species and history has numerous examples of it. Were the Europeans well-versed in how to construct something like the Great Pyramid?

edit on 21-12-2010 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by jeddun

ok - human DNA is NOT 100% " the same "- from only a single sample , you only lear what the basic nature of DNA is and what that sample is coded to create .

from a single sample - you do not learn that humans have different blood groups etc etc etc

look at the effort and scope of sampling required to complete the human genome project

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Yes but let's be honest...even then we were JUST beginning to understand everything...these races are by far and large WAY ahead of the game...and you cannot have SUCH disparity, as you point out, in all these areas of science & understanding.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Well...sure, for us Humans we may need multiple samples as we are JUST learning.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM
I believe that perhaps a small number of sightings are ET in origin, but, knowing of the science of electrogravitics which was placed into black ops somewhere around 1960 (my father was an aerospace engineer with a company that was heavily invested in electrogravitics research in the 1950's, and tried to teach his toddler daughter about it, painting a lovely picture of floating cars, floating houses, and free energy, before it went secret).

So, given that 50 years have passed, I have to suspect advancements in that tech, and highly suspect that virtually all sightings are human created.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Well, hey call me crazy, but i'll go with Occum's Razor (all things being equal) & plausibility percentages on explaining things in the most simplest form(s) thing history has taught us is that most things can be explained in the most simple of terms.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu it would be the most simple of explanations...especially given the existence of such programs...makes sense. Hell makes more sense than believing the worlds top political leaders are actually reptilian..i'll never understand why a lot of people go with the MOST fantastic theories over the simple truths.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by jeddun
Well, hey call me crazy, but i'll go with Occum's Razor (all things being equal) & plausibility percentages on explaining things in the most simplest form(s) thing history has taught us is that most things can be explained in the most simple of terms.

You say this but then you are accepting of other facts that you have purported here, such as the one that alien races do exist, and that their level of knowledge must be so much more advanced than humans. (that is what we know of human technology)

If we are going to use Occam's Razor here, lets be consistent with it, otherwise lets suspend disbelief and be accepting of all viewpoints here. Perhaps alien tech is so great that it can travel between stars, but perhaps they do emminate some sort of light source (perhaps for reasons we dont understand, they dont have to be anti collision lights)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by youdidntseeme

No NO NO i never said i believed they existed....i believe they do just giving examples to explain my thoughts

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by youdidntseeme

Well come on...think like one that has mastered the sciences and do away with what is unnecessary. This is just common can't have one without the other...furthermore these lights rimming said craft are highly unlikely power sources due to their placement...notably when LARGER sources of light and/or power are also seen beneath these 'craft"..i feel they are all man-made.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Any civilization capable of traveling interstellar distances for relatively trivial reasons would almost certainly be practically godlike from our perspective. If any of the various reports of alien contact were what they are claimed to be, then it seems to me that the aliens would not be doing as good a job as they should be able to of keeping themselves secret.

Based on our current understanding of physics, casual interstellar travel simply isn't plausible. Taking the available evidence at face value suggests that there is a phenomenon to be explained, but does not isolate extraterrestrial visitation as a compelling explanation. It's a complex proposition with many unexplained parts and a high prior improbability.

Aliens may fall under the genre of sciencey sounding explanations, but while there may be a high chance that aliens exist, that doesn't mean that secret alien visitations are a proposition made probable by our understanding of the universe. And if it's a proposition that's improbable by our understanding of the universe, why privilege the hypothesis over similarly improbable ones, like the possibility that the phenomena are caused by elves, or Elder Gods dicking around with us?
edit on 21-12-2010 by Desertopa because: spelling

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:05 PM
To reply to another response here, to travel SUCH a great distance (if it were true) would imply the absolute need for a greater Medical understanding for the purpose of possible viral infections, bacterial control, geothermic studies, etc....this, i would imagine, would be the impetus for such a long flight...medicine/science. So along with technology comes advances in other sectors...such as can't have one without the other....

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Desertopa

Yup...what he said.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:13 PM
So case solved, no aliens, no need for investigations or the testimony's of various credible sources, no need for serious consideration of abduction witness accounts or what they experienced.No need to keep the ET origin open and no need for this forum,Oh well, back to the humdrum black and white world of the insane, case close........................................, sorry but i tend to stay alert when there is circumstantial evidence pointing to a very real possibility of some UFOs having a ET source, the law of averages points to a case still wide open.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:16 PM
The ET origin possibility is, of course, open, but I think you're giving the Elder God Hypothesis too little credit. Why do you think it's less likely?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by K-PAX-PROT

Oh totally...i would never say "be done with it", that would be ignorant. Am just stating MY opinion...hell i could be wrong on all points...keep looking man.

I just think life & all it's secrets are simpler than we think they are, more easily explained in other words. It makes physical sense as natural science doesn't hoard or keep elements that don't fit, etc. It's a simple process of 1 2 3. WE are the fabricators of fantasy, us, not math or physics.

A good example of this is the Star of Bethlehem...this star has been proven, with the celestial calendar, to have been Jupiter, hanging low and BRIGHT in the middle-eastern sky on that very day (well for a period that includes this date)....simple simple stuff.

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