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Amazing alignments of Europe's ancient sites and the Pyramids of Giza and Saqqara

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+34 more 
posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:42 PM
G'Day ATS,

Every now and again I like to play around on Google Earth, look at the Pyramids and other Ancient monuments, to see if I can find any anomalies or anything interesting.

Let me show you what I found this time. I must stress, I don't know what (if anything) it means, it may just be coincidence but it's cool none the less.

I started with the Pyramids of Giza, drew a line from the tip of each to the adjacent one, playing around with the "ruler function":


Then I recalled another set of Pyramids, called the Saqqara Pyramids, a cluster of four (five including a collapsed one) pyramids roughly South East from the Great Pyramid:


I started drawing lines between the centres of the pyramids and then wondered what would happen if I continued the lines through off into the distance, staying on the same heading.


Here's what I found, coincidence, probably, but still weird!!!

Lets look at one of ATS's favourite locations, PARA: Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain


From Untersberg

Through the Northern most Giza pyramid

Through the middle of the "Step" Pyramid at Saqqara


View showing line connecting all the points

Okay, I hope you're with me!? What this shows is that if you draw a line going from the Step Pyramid in the Saqqara group, through the middle of the most northern pyramid at Giza, you get a line that passes through the summit of Untersberg!

However it doesn't stop there.


From Stonehenge

Through Giza to Saqqara

Giza, through the centre of most southern Pyramid

Through the centre of the most northern Saqqara pyramid





I'd like to point out here that it's easy to do this from a high altitude, but as you can see, where the line passes through the pyramids I've zoomed in quite a lot which makes this quite remarkable!!

Line from the Greek Acropolis passing through the centre of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara

Okay, here's another one, have you ever heard of the Eruption of Thera, one of the highly likely sources of the Atlantis Myth:

Minoan eruption of Thera

The Minoan eruption of Thera, also referred to as the Thera eruption or Santorini eruption, was a major catastrophic volcanic eruption (Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) = 6 or 7, Dense-rock equivalent (DRE) = 60 km3) which is estimated to have occurred in the mid second millennium BCE. The eruption was one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in recorded history. The eruption devastated the island of Thera (also called Santorini), including the Minoan settlement at Akrotiri -- as well as communities and agricultural areas on nearby islands and on the coast of Crete.

The eruption seems to have inspired certain Greek myths and may have caused turmoil in Egypt. Additionally, it has been speculated that the Minoan eruption and the destruction of the city at Akrotiri provided the basis for or otherwise inspired Plato's story of Atlantis.

Thera can also be connected to the pyramids in this way:

From what's left of Thera

Through the centre of the great pyramid

Through the Step pyramid, this line is identical to the Acropolis line


Newgrange Passage Tomb






I'm working on some more, but I believe there is something important about these two Pyramid groups and their geometry,

I'll post other places as and when I find them.

As I said it could be coincidence, then again.........

All the best, Kiwi

edit on 20-12-2010 by kiwifoot because: speilung

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:50 PM
Very interesting. I would suggest rather than doing it on the computer, set up real maps that you can plot and see the big picture. It may lead to more discoveries

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:55 PM
What about the Mayan temples, machu picchu, Easter Island,

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:58 PM
I have a video somewhere, that shows there's a line running thru 4 or 5 east cost cities of the usa and goes to stonehenge too.

I'll post the name when I remember.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Great finds!! This is so interesting!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Redevilfan09
What about the Mayan temples, machu picchu, Easter Island,

Heya! I'm working on another alignment that takes the median between the Great pyramid and Step Pyramid, and connects with Easter Island. that's another thread.

However these places you mention are much later than the pyramids and the sites in Europe.

The orientation of the two groups of pyramids seems to be pointing out toward Europe, Stonehenge was built (depending on who you talk to and to which part you're referring) slightly earlier or a century or two after the Pyramids so there is more of a connection there.

Oh, and those sites just didn't work lol!!!!!
edit on 20-12-2010 by kiwifoot because: speiluing

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Always food for thoughts from downunder!

S&F. Kiwi!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:24 PM
I would also look into the pyramids found in Bosnia, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Illinois and Russia.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Great stuff Kiwi! Ley lines are known to run throughout Europe and Britain but I'd never heard of them being connected to the Pyramids in any way. You might be onto something truly important my friend,

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:13 PM
Wow, that's amazing. Keep going and try to capture some larger images. I wonder if overlayed on the ley lines how it matches up (as said above). How about along with the energy point grids. You might be onto a larger project that you thought!

Good work! S & F.

edit on 20-12-2010 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

+14 more 
posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:31 AM
It seems to me like you're only drawing straight lines from places around the world and linking them to the pyramids...

You can draw a straight line from Point A to point B anywhere on the map.... What do all these lines have in common with each other?

Anyone can draw a line from stonehenge to the center of any pyramid on the planet, so I'm failing to see and significance here...

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:38 AM
What about the one in china

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

That's what I first thought but I think the point being illustrated is that the line from A goes through B and C, I think!


posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 03:49 AM
Then what we need to do, is take a map of the world, and draw all those lines on it. See if we can make anything of it. A seperate line for each location. See if they have anything in common, perhaps a central point. Maybe they are markers for something.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 03:59 AM
Howzit Kiwi. When my bro's not moaning about latency on COD 4, i like to travel and prod google earth a bit myself. It's a good tool for building perception. I wonder if you would use your method on the Zimbabwean Ruins? A while back i had my crazy what if cap on and thought, what if the Egyptians came from Zim? Or visa versa. I thought i was onto something when i found these small 'monuments' all seemingly leading to the tip of south africa. I later realised they are probably cattle corrals:p... But maybe not. Nice thread topic. Our story has not been fully excavated.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 04:43 AM
I drew a line south from these pyramids and it goes through Mecca further south. Continuing on from this it goes directly through the gulf of aden (where a vortex has reported to have opened in the past weeks - but it's sorcha faal)

The world is seemingly interconnected through a Planetary Grid according to David wilcock. A quick google search found this.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
It seems to me like you're only drawing straight lines from places around the world and linking them to the pyramids...

You can draw a straight line from Point A to point B anywhere on the map.... What do all these lines have in common with each other?

Anyone can draw a line from stonehenge to the center of any pyramid on the planet, so I'm failing to see and significance here...

I'm not sure about significance, but this isn't simply about drawing a line straight to one pyramid. The lines go from major sites in Europe contemporary with the Pyramids, then go through the Giza pyramids, and continue through to the centre of the Saqqarra pyramids. What is cool, is that over the distances we're talking, and the relatiovely short distance (16 km) between the two sets of pyramids, it's quite amazing that these lines pass through Stonehenge and Newgrange. I mean what are the chances, a half degree out either way and they wouldn't land on them at all.

Like I said, coincidence? Maybe. But still cool! All the best, Kiwi

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:00 AM
Utterly brilliant
perhaps I'll have a look at a couple of the hill figures that I feel date to that era.
The Long Man by me has always interested me as no one seems to be able to date it accurately..

Here is a UK site linking the Great Pyramids to Stone Henge etc.. some nice maps at the bottom of the page

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:01 AM
There is the notion that there's an established Earth gris syste, already and someone has gone to the reouble of creating a google maps KMZ file Here

Preview of vortex in Google earth.

It looks like the above and your image don't synch up, but that's not to say that the google earth file is disinfo)(?)

I've looked at the above google earth vortex and there's no real significance to any of the node points.

the reason I am interested in the OP is that the lines actually line up with actual sites of interest - unline the established version.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by Deevamk
Very interesting. I would suggest rather than doing it on the computer, set up real maps that you can plot and see the big picture. It may lead to more discoveries

Sorry if somebody did this, I didn't stop to read through all of the previous entries yet - but I agree with this 100%
If I remember correctly, some of these patterns actually mimic constellations.

Sorry Magzoid, just went back and read your posts - very cool info here - I knew there was something more to it that I had seen before; I'm pretty sure there have been links made to the constellations as well but I'll have to go back and look again.

Never the google earth KMZ file before, looks like it could be fun to play around with.

edit on 21-12-2010 by Time2Think because: updated after reading over Magzoid's posts

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