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How can you become an illuminati????? ;))

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posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 07:39 PM
I'm not sure if it was gramatically good but after all these stories about new world order and secret organizations I have one question.Have you got any friend who is illuminati??Or have you ever been in this organization??

Because all these myths about illuminati,their influence and power look like another stories about UFOs and ETs

[edit on 6-7-2004 by gattaca]

[edit on 6-7-2004 by gattaca]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 07:52 PM
Well assuming they actually exist in their expected form..

I think you have to become rich enough to personally influence global markets, politically powerful enough to influence world leaders or, preferably, both.

Once you meet those criteria, they probably contact you!

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 07:58 PM
You can't just phone 'Illuminati HQ' and ask to join

As muppet said, you need to have the ability to manipulate global markets, buy politicans etc. That means (in the UK for example) an educational career including 'elite' schooling (Eton etc), followed by one of the Oxford/Cambridge universities. From that point on, and depending what route your career follows after Univeristy, you could be contacted.

My ex wife worked for the Illuminatus Lord Carrington in the late 70's.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Pisky
You can't just phone 'Illuminati HQ' and ask to join

As muppet said, you need to have the ability to manipulate global markets, buy politicans etc. That means (in the UK for example) an educational career including 'elite' schooling (Eton etc), followed by one of the Oxford/Cambridge universities. From that point on, and depending what route your career follows after Univeristy, you could be contacted.

Blimey Pisky.. you make it sound easier than I'd imagined!

I was thinking along the lines of media tycoons, private banking families and defense industry magnates, but I guess you're right.. even these people must start somewhere!

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 09:41 PM
Actually, there is the question of genetics. If you have a strong enough genetic line in the royal family, they will surely except you through some group or as you go throughout your life you will be contacted. Its not something you just decide to join.
But apparently the Illuminati are possessed and thats why they seem like distant people. So, if you want to get possessed by whatever they are possessed by you will have to go through some ritual thing. But I'm not going to say anything else, because if you want to become possessed I don't want to be involved in helping you.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 11:01 PM
So what you are all saying is my application with my resume paperclipped to it that I sent to

"Illuminati HQ c/o the US government"
"1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC"

probably won't get read right?

I have a lot of janitorial experience so I thought I could get the job... guess I was wrong

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:00 AM
I think anyone can join. You just have to sell your Soul to the Devil!

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by lockheed

I have a lot of janitorial experience so I thought I could get the job... guess I was wrong

Even the most top secret places like Area51 still need janitors. Im sure the Illuminati need some one to clean the War room or what ever they would use. There might be a janitor cleaning the tank a dead alien is in right now

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:08 AM
Iam sure in the case of the Illuminati if in fact they do exist (If you do anything i said about the Illuminati was a joke you guys are okay) is a case of "dont call us we will call you ".

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:45 AM
i wonder if they do have an official HQ

if the illuminati do exist i reckon they'd be based somewhere in Europe, most likely mainland.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Maybe they live under in the Vatican?

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 12:11 PM
the cock will crow 3 times for your mother

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Please reserve chatty posts for BTS threads.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 12:25 PM
And the Repressive Leader of Total Control has spoken...

Mods tuh!

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:26 PM
The real illuminati doesn't exist. Fell apart after 15 years of being started. If their is some sort of illuminati, its probably a wannabe group or something. The real illuminati were a group of good men that wanted to get rid of the monarchy rule across europe.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:33 PM

The real illuminati were a group of good men that wanted to get rid of the monarchy rule across europe.

Mission accomplished, huh. My perspective is in America, and its hard for me to dismiss that 32 of 43 presidents were related to Charlemagne, including the one we have now. John Kerry as well is related, he is also related to a Turkish king. His VP John Edwards I'm not sure about his lineage, but he wasn't recently at a very exclusive Bildberger meeting.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Mission accomplished, huh.

No, because they went tits up after 15 years. Henry Ford brought up the illuminati for the first time in modern history during the early 1900s, about jewish financiers were behind some plot. He alwso wrote a book called "The International Jew". For the next couple of decades other people, Hitler for example, also believed the jews were behind an international conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders Of Zion strength that idea.

Later in the 60s, the illuminati become the scapegoat for watergate, vietnam,etc,etc. All the problems throughout history have now be blamed on the illuminati, all the illuminati is now is a scapegoat for problems in the modern world.

My question to you: how can a organisation that only lasted 15 short years still be somehow in operation?

[edit on 6-7-2004 by infinite]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:53 PM
It is true that Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati was closed down. However, I believe that Weishaupt and his group was set up to be a scapegoat to cover up the doings of the real elite group. That way, when people talk of an elite takeover and use the name 'Illuminati', other are bound to say "But they don't exist - the Illuminati was disbanded years ago".

The Illuminati, also called "Olympians" and "Moriah Conquering Wind," are a "network" of interconnected "bloodlines" who call themselves "The Family" or "The Circle." Intergenerational satanism, or more accurately Luciferianism, is their primary belief structure. They consider themselves a tribe set apart, a proud super race who trace their genealogical origin back to Nimrod. By the way, they also believe that they are the designated rulers of Planet Earth.

- Uri Dowbenko

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 05:34 PM

The Illuminati, also called "Olympians" and "Moriah Conquering Wind," are a "network" of interconnected "bloodlines" who call themselves "The Family" or "The Circle." Intergenerational satanism, or more accurately Luciferianism, is their primary belief structure. They consider themselves a tribe set apart, a proud super race who trace their genealogical origin back to Nimrod. By the way, they also believe that they are the designated rulers of Planet Earth.

Is there a single fact to back that up? Besides, the link provides another link to an anti-mason page...

Some quotes:

In 1784, the Bavarian government banned all secret societies, the Illuminati as well as the Freemasons. The structure of the Illuminati soon collapsed, but while it was in existence many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians were members.

How can a small government ban this supposed super organization?

Despite the organization's short lifespan, the Bavarian Illuminati have cast a long shadow in popular history, thanks to the writings of their opponents. The lurid allegations of conspiracy theory that have colored the image of the Freemasons have practically opaqued that of the Illuminati. In 1797 Abb� Augustin Barru�l published Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism outlining a vivid conspiracy theory involving the Knights Templars, the Rosicrucians, the Jacobins and the Illuminati. Simultaneously and independently, a Scottish Mason and professor of natural history named John Robison started to publish Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe in 1798. When he saw the similar work done by Barru�l, he included large quotes from the latter's work. Robison claimed to present evidence of an Illuminati conspiracy striving to replace all religions and nations with humanism and a single world government, respectively.


Both seem to agree that the enemies of the Illuminati were the monarchs of Europe and the Church.

Read it all here:

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 04:26 PM

Henry Ford brought up the illuminati for the first time in modern history during the early 1900s, about jewish financiers were behind some plot. He alwso wrote a book called "The International Jew".

They actually were more than a small group of scholars that existed in a bavarian university for 15 years. Weishaupt had joined powerful european bankers when the society came to life, and the Illuminati had already infiltrated hundreds of masonic lodges in Franc, England and Germany by the time the German government discovered their secret plans (as they really had secret plans against both the Chruch and the monarchy)

Just because they wanted to bring down monarchy does`nt mean they were the "good" guys. They also had an agenda for establishing a regime of synarchy in Europe based on the elitist republican coneptions of Plato and rationalist philosophy (on which modern science is based on), something that even contemporary freemasons officially admit working towards.

As opposed to what you are saying there`s been Illuminati groups BEFORE and AFTER Weishaupt and their disclosure. In France and Spain, philisophical and political groups known as "Illumin�s" (the french litteral traduction of "Illuminati") were existing and officially popped up in 1623 and 1722 in France. These groups, libertarians bunch of aristocrats and philisophers having elitist views, were closely liked to anticlerical and antimonarchic philosophers such as Voltaire. It`s not for no reason that the whole 17th-18th centuries are deemed by french historians as the "si�cle des Lumi�res" (century of luminaries)... it was the birth of the Illuminati as a political and philosophical current. Years after the "fall" of the Bavarian Illuminati, Gagliostro, one of the most active members of the society, formed illuminist groups in Italy and France. These were not officially called "Illuminati", but were hermetic groups directly inspired by the views and the simple "master and initiate" internal structure that was at the very basis of the Bavarian Illuminati. There was also the Illuminati of Alen�on, France, that was created decades later.

That's it for the naysayers...

Here I'm not saying freemasons are the Illuminati... the Illuminati -or some Illuminati-like secret societies are using freemasons as one of their "recruiting structures". They use the Rites to separate the right individuals from the ignorant and stupid sheeples. This would explain why many people above the 30th degree of masonry get to be rich and powerful, and many of them showing up at Bilderbergers for meeting with the masters. The whole process of escalating through degrees in freemasonry seems to me as being a process of brainwashing, progressive and slow brainswashing, by which the members become ready for enlightement.

But then again there are other organisations by which they would recruit them... such as universities, scholarship support programs such as Rhodes,UN organisations, the military, Rosicrucians, and even possibly the Opus Dei.

So I don't think it`s just a matter of suscribing and paying you annual membership fees. They gonna SELECT you, if you`ve got the qualities, means and values to be with them. If you don't then you are nothing for them.

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