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Women, they are the ones the NWO are trying to depopulate secretly and have been doing forever.

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k

Man-Kind has always been male dominated. Man has ruled the majority of history and still continue to do so. Women knew their place back then and MAN kept them there. Man has been the propeller for which the Earth has progressed. Man Invented Electricity, the Presses, Irrigation systems, building tools, the car and more recently the computer and the Internet. the list can go on but those few highlights represent the achievement of MAN.

Blew it on that one

WOMEN started civilization. WOMEN were the first to start planting the best seed. This practice started while mankind were still hunter gatherers. WOMEN were the first to domesticate livestock from baby animals and keep MAN from killing them. Women were the first to discover COOKING. This allowed inedibles like Grains, Beans and Potatoes to be added to the diet because cooking destroys most of the toxins. This also allowed long term food storage.

Why do you think the bible says "do not suffer a witch to live" WOMEN were the ones who stayed home, farmed and kept civilization going WHILE the men were off hunting and fighting. WOMEN were the ones with knowledge of herbs and health care. WOMEN were the foundation of a village not men and therefore invading men wanted to kill of the village leaders - WOMEN who just might organize a poisoning party

Heck WHO do you think ran the castles during the Dark Ages while the Knights and Lords were off fighting? - WOMEN!

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

Who is Sarah Palin?

The pale image the republicans are using to counter Hilary Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States.

I would LOVE to se this guy say this to Hilary's face

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:23 AM
People from non-white ethnic backgrounds, Women and even homosexuals have had it bad throughout history.
Society is improving - meaning the production of great people who are not from the stereotypical 'White middle class male' background - examples Aung San Suu Kyi, Martin Luther king....

What you wrote by the way was very opinionated.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k

Man-Kind has always been male dominated. Man has ruled the majority of history and still continue to do so. Women knew their place back then and MAN kept them there. Man has been the propeller for which the Earth has progressed. Man Invented Electricity, the Presses, Irrigation systems, building tools, the car and more recently the computer and the Internet. the list can go on but those few highlights represent the achievement of MAN.

Blew it on that one

WOMEN started civilization. WOMEN were the first to start planting the best seed. This practice started while mankind were still hunter gatherers. WOMEN were the first to domesticate livestock from baby animals and keep MAN from killing them. Women were the first to discover COOKING. This allowed inedibles like Grains, Beans and Potatoes to be added to the diet because cooking destroys most of the toxins. This also allowed long term food storage.

Why do you think the bible says "do not suffer a witch to live" WOMEN were the ones who stayed home, farmed and kept civilization going WHILE the men were off hunting and fighting. WOMEN were the ones with knowledge of herbs and health care. WOMEN were the foundation of a village not men and therefore invading men wanted to kill of the village leaders - WOMEN who just might organize a poisoning party

Heck WHO do you think ran the castles during the Dark Ages while the Knights and Lords were off fighting? - WOMEN!

Thank you, Crimvelvet, for this revelation! I'd never thought of it this way. Of course, your argument makes complete sense.

But men have ruled for so long thru force & cruelty -- throughout known history most women have pretty much been cowed into a corner with the ever-present threat of beatings & rape. It's the raw truth.

When you think of it, it's amazing any civilization has survived considering how destructive men are.

edit on 18-12-2010 by SeaWind because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by SeaWind

But men have ruled for so long thru force & cruelty -- throughout known history most women have pretty much been cowed into a cormer with the ever-present threat of beatings & rape. It's the raw truth.

When you think of it, it's amazing any civilization has survived considering how destructive men are.

Yes, when you think of it WOMEN are the civilizing force MEN are the destructive force.

Just look at the horse.

WHY do we mount on the left? Because the sword is hung on the left and drawn with the right hand. mounting on the left keeps you from tangling your legs in the sword as you mount.

WHY do saddles have stirrups? Because stirrups keep you in the saddle making it harder for a pikeman to unseat you. Also rising in the stirrups gives more power to the swing of the sword.

WHY were breast collars invented? Because it took three animals to draw a war chariot when you used a loop around the neck that choked them.

Many of the "Advances" in science are directly related to getting an military advantage. It is still true today.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by ThinkingCap

Who is Sarah Palin?

The pale image the republicans are using to counter Hilary Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States.

I would LOVE to se this guy say this to Hilary's face

Crimvelvet, I don't trust our political system at all.

As for Sarah Palin, I do NOT understand why so many are fascinated by her. The Liberal media have been vicious towards Palin -- unfairly so. There are things about Palin that are admirable. But I'm NOT a Creationist. And her decision to bear a mongoloid baby, is incomprehensible to me.
I hope she does NOT run in 2012.


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet

Yes, when you think of it WOMEN are the civilizing force MEN are the destructive force.

Just look at the horse.

WHY do we mount on the left? Because the sword is hung on the left and drawn with the right hand. mounting on the left keeps you from tangling your legs in the sword as you mount.

WHY do saddles have stirrups? Because stirrups keep you in the saddle making it harder for a pikeman to unseat you. Also rising in the stirrups gives more power to the swing of the sword.

WHY were breast collars invented? Because it took three animals to draw a war chariot when you used a loop around the neck that choked them.

Many of the "Advances" in science are directly related to getting an military advantage. It is still true today.

Crimvelvet, this is so true! It's like Teflon being developed for the space program. I'm sure there are endless examples of new technology that came into existence because of weapons R&D or it's usefulness in war.

It's right before us, but until someone points it out....


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by SeaWind

But I'm NOT a Creationist. And her decision to bear a mongoloid baby, is incomprehensible to me. I hope she does NOT run in 2012.

Unfortunately it is pretty obvious she is being groomed to run in 2012. That Obama is a dud is becoming obvious to those without blinders so I am afraid we are being "herded' into voting for Hilary Clinton in 2012.

Now THAT is a very dangerous woman. She is very intelligent, driven with no patriotism and few morals. If we end up in a dictatorship I can see her being hand picked as the puppet heading it. We KNOW she was at the 2007 Bilderberger meeting when it was decided to run Obama instead of her.

I think that is because they wanted a throwaway to put in place the finishing touches of strangling laws before Hilary took over.

Back on subject. Men are stronger than women and therefore have assumed leadership through brute force. I wonder how many inventions were stolen from women and published with a man's name.

My Husband just read of an account of that yesterday. The guy was so stupid he did not READ the work he stole and got caught with his rear waving in the breeze

I am a chemist and I have had my work stolen on many occasions. If you protest you get slammed by upper management so you give-up and just do you job. It is a real lose lose type problem.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k

OP, you should join the Taliban they would love you. I am guessing you don’t get out much, don’t have a girl friend, or come to that any social skills valuable outside of Xbox live and World of Warcraft.

When I was reading your OP, I interpreted the whole thing entirely differently. Sure you probably have a point if one looks back at the historical records its is probably acceptable to say men have contributed more to society if you ignore the last 80 years or so where it’s been really rather even. That said however you have ignored probably the biggest part of this history, it’s not because men are better than women that they have historically contributed more to society, it’s because for almost all of that time, men have been evil bastards who suppressed women’s rights. Women were seen as the lower class, possessions of men through the virtue of men being perceived to by physically superior. Now however in our modern society we recognise that women are just as important in society as men and as such deserve to be treated equal to man.

Your thread is entirely chauvinistic, full of sexism. Its almost funny that you have started this thread by saying its only a theory but you think its a strong one that hold water. How can you make a statement like that then go on to write a thread this bad. You have presented no evidence to back up your point, this thread is just full of your sexist opinions which do not constitute a fact. This is not a theory, it’s not even a hypothesis, it’s a personal opinion ripped right out of the 1800’s. I mean really calling women “creatures”, don’t use that as a chat up line.

Your OP also requires the existence of a secretive group of the world’s richest and most powerful men working together for the creation of a one world totalitarian state, your OP has no evidence of this. Further to this you are also assuming that in the hypothetical world women have no worth other than to be the slaves of men. So for anyone to even start talking this thread seriously and not just as a sexist rant, you have to first give us absolute proof that the NWO exists as described above and secondly that they all shear your med-evil views of women in society and that as a result they seek to depopulate the earth of females but also that they also have the ability to do this in secrecy.

Until then this thread means nothing.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k

I have only read 2/3rds of this post and had
to keep myself from losing my breakfast.
I am a dominate female married to a dominate
male,we sometimes clash.
Because I am a christian lady,I am trying to
become more submissive to my husband's
authority.It will be a long and difficult road to
travel.I spent too many years as head-of- household.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by SeaWind

Unfortunately it is pretty obvious she is being groomed to run in 2012. That Obama is a dud is becoming obvious to those without blinders so I am afraid we are being "herded' into voting for Hilary Clinton in 2012.

Now THAT is a very dangerous woman. She is very intelligent, driven with no patriotism and few morals. If we end up in a dictatorship I can see her being hand picked as the puppet heading it. We KNOW she was at the 2007 Bilderberger meeting when it was decided to run Obama instead of her.

I think that is because they wanted a throwaway to put in place the finishing touches of strangling laws before Hilary took over.

Back on subject. Men are stronger than women and therefore have assumed leadership through brute force. I wonder how many inventions were stolen from women and published with a man's name.

My Husband just read of an account of that yesterday. The guy was so stupid he did not READ the work he stole and got caught with his rear waving in the breeze

I am a chemist and I have had my work stolen on many occasions. If you protest you get slammed by upper management so you give-up and just do you job. It is a real lose lose type problem.

Crimvelvet, I'm NOT voting for Hilary, I'd vote for Paul before I'd vote for her. (Will it make a difference?! Paul has no chance.)

As for Obama -- when I first saw him in 2007, I got an instant visceral feeling that if Obama won, it would be a disaster for the US. I watched in growing horror as he won the primaries. Why such powerful people would push this guy into the WH was a mystery to me. I assumed they wanted to use his color to push thru unpopular laws, then set him up for assassination. That would lead to race riots, add to the chaos of a collapsing economy and provide an excuse to declare Martial Law.

Back on topic: You just reminded me of the Margaret Keane case. Her husband took credit for her artwork, until she demanded proper credit which lead to divorce, etc. She ended up winning the case.

It must be extremely frustrating for you -- to have your work stolen! I suspect very bright women are often at a disadvantage in this world. I mean the world doesn't know what to do with them.


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:59 AM
If China wanted to stop the NWO they can.

Global Tampon production is all now in China. None are made in America anymore.

Put a little poison in them that takes 60 days to take the time people figure out what they did every female over the age of 12 would drop dead.

It's possible...think that's the only product coming out of China we haven't heard of being poisoned yet.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k

I have only read 2/3rds of this post and had
to keep myself from losing my breakfast.
I am a dominate female married to a dominate
male,we sometimes clash.
Because I am a christian lady,I am trying to
become more submissive to my husband's
authority.It will be a long and difficult road to
travel.I spent too many years as head-of- household.

In a household, there doesn't need to be an authority, except as a parent. Both people should always be equal. Same with any relationship. If one person is an authority figure, it becomes parent-child like relationship, and the submissive person is likely to become resentful. Both people have their own strengths.

Christianity should never stand in the way of equality.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:32 AM
nwo order is planing on making a global society of homosexual men.

it makes perfect sense.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by snowspirit

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by c0ldPhr34k

I have only read 2/3rds of this post and had
to keep myself from losing my breakfast.
I am a dominate female married to a dominate
male,we sometimes clash.
Because I am a christian lady,I am trying to
become more submissive to my husband's
authority.It will be a long and difficult road to
travel.I spent too many years as head-of- household.

In a household, there doesn't need to be an authority, except as a parent. Both people should always be equal. Same with any relationship. If one person is an authority figure, it becomes parent-child like relationship, and the submissive person is likely to become resentful. Both people have their own strengths.

Christianity should never stand in the way of equality.

No, she is right...its pretty clear in the bible that women are the servents of men. men must respect them, but women must serve.

btw mama. I do hope you are keeping to the other traditions in the bible that have the same amount of weight attached to it, such as no pork, no shellfish, no gheyz, no music, etc...

or are you one of those weird christians that follow the 3 rules that christ yourself, love your neighbor, love god.
but naa..nobody actually follows just those three..old testament (cherry picked of course) is way more popular..this jesus guy was a bit of a wonder paul had to tell you how to live which was basically against the teachings of christ.

I wonder though...why is it called christianity if in reality, it is paulianity...hmm

luv ya

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:34 AM
I love any thread that gets people talking. This one is great.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

No, she is right...its pretty clear in the bible that women are the servents of men. men must respect them, but women must serve.

btw mama. I do hope you are keeping to the other traditions in the bible that have the same amount of weight attached to it, such as no pork, no shellfish, no gheyz, no music, etc...

or are you one of those weird christians that follow the 3 rules that christ yourself, love your neighbor, love god.
but naa..nobody actually follows just those three..old testament (cherry picked of course) is way more popular..this jesus guy was a bit of a wonder paul had to tell you how to live which was basically against the teachings of christ.

I wonder though...why is it called christianity if in reality, it is paulianity...hmm

luv ya

That little ancient book written by men.

Now you must throw chocolate at me.....
To honor equality, I will pass you a beer (after I get the chocolate of course)
edit on 18-12-2010 by snowspirit because: I must have been bad, they tried to put me in that box again...I got out this time...

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:40 AM
I'm jumping in after reading the first and third pages so I may have missed somethings. However, for the op to suggest women are the real targets of the NWO makes perfect sense. Watch "Children of men" and tell me that disrupting the reproductive processes of women wouldn't accomplish most if not all their goals. That being said, the OP seems to have lost his marbles a little bit.

Sure family values have suffered due to equality, but to say that returning us to the old paradigm would fix things is preposterous. It would make things worse, rather then go back we must move forward. Secondly, to say men are responsible for the greater achievements of humanity is also bupkiss. Behind every great man is a greater woman holding the strings right? I would say, that a persons greatness and achievements do not reflect their personal sexual orientation, nor their sex. Queen Elizabeth 1, Marie Curie, and yes J.K Rowling (who has kept the literacy ball rolling despite out society disdaining books) are but a few examples of women who managed to make a distinct impact in our world.

Flightyness, emotionality, and inconsistencies in logic are you're main detractors for women. Logic can only get you so far, and I know as many guys with this problem as women. What you've done is exposed an underlying current of sexism (just like the thread about white pride) to which there is no solution. To men (and I think I speak for alot of us) women are an ever-changing enigma. Just when you think you've gotten the last piece of the puzzle in place, the table is flipped over, everything goes everywhere, and you start from scratch on a puzzle that looks nothing like the first one. From what I know of people, they tend to fear the unknown, instead of finding it exhilarating, they find it scary. Hence the subjugation for centuries, the racism, sexism, and everything else wrong with the world. Be unafraid of the unknown and be truly free.

So, OP I hope this helps. Don't be afraid of women and their ways, embrace it! Life is a grand adventure and women play some of the starring roles.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by c0ldPhr34k

I suspect a few people WILL star and Flag this.
Well you dont need a third grade education to suspect THAT, around these parts.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit
reply to post by SaturnFX

No, she is right...its pretty clear in the bible that women are the servents of men. men must respect them, but women must serve.

btw mama. I do hope you are keeping to the other traditions in the bible that have the same amount of weight attached to it, such as no pork, no shellfish, no gheyz, no music, etc...

or are you one of those weird christians that follow the 3 rules that christ yourself, love your neighbor, love god.
but naa..nobody actually follows just those three..old testament (cherry picked of course) is way more popular..this jesus guy was a bit of a wonder paul had to tell you how to live which was basically against the teachings of christ.

I wonder though...why is it called christianity if in reality, it is paulianity...hmm

luv ya

That little ancient book written by men.

Now you must throw chocolate at me.....
To honor equality, I will pass you a beer (after I get the chocolate of course)
edit on 18-12-2010 by snowspirit because: I must have been bad, they tried to put me in that box again...I got out this time...

o noes...another emotional wreck woman
-tosses chocolate and gossip magazines to appease the female beast-

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