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Free energy engine on the market (hoax?)

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posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 03:59 AM
A german company is going to release an engine onto the market which only works with magnets and doesn't use any external energy source.
the engine which stated the company doesn't need no external energy to start up.. this engine wiill be produced in mass production on the European, russian and Australian markets. Pure energy systems News said.

The south african Perendev Power Developments Ltd has used an invention from Michael J. Brady to create the free energy engine. De engine works by magnetic redirectioning and shielding of the magnetic field of the permanent magnets on a wheel.

Dutch version

if some else can finish the translation from dutch to english because I am not really well in it.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 04:22 AM
Good post. I hope this is true. It's about time for one of these things to hit the market.

Also, here is a source that is in English for those who don't speak German.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 04:51 AM
And an english site with video, links to Perendevs site and others.

Ladies and gentlemen. If this doesn't get blackholed all of the sudden, we are on the brink of clean, free and abundant electrical energy.

1 small unit can give 20KW, enough to power a standard house at peak hours. The rest of the energy(when not home or when your just not using alot of energy) the unit can send power to the power distribution network, and you can earn cash from it.

The small unit is also tested with a 60KW generator and worked within normal parameters.

The current design alows for power generation up to 4MW.

As you can see, the size of the system is relativly small and could easely be fit in a car, boat, whatever you want really.

Man, I want one of these :@ I sure hope they don't blackhole this one. I understand the way it works, have a good idea at how to build one and if anyone is stuppid enough to black hole it, at least some of us will be able to replicate it for the rest of us.

[edit on 5-7-2004 by thematrix]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Rev_Godslapper
Good post. I hope this is true. It's about time for one of these things to hit the market.

Also, here is a source that is in English for those who don't speak German.

Euh the one site I linked to was not in german but in dutch but I do hope to that it is true.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:24 AM
This is VERY interesting !!! I have been into magnetic free energy research for about 6 years , and everything so far has been a scam , or someone who has been spoken to by God to help mankind . Only problem is that these guys want an awful lot of $$ to do Gods work , and they never produce a working model. I am talking about Joseph Newman , Carl Tilly , and Troy Reed (although Reed seems honest , the others are pure flim flam artists)

The only "hoax" like portion of this film is the mention of "magnetic shielding" in the rotor device . There is nothing known that impedes magnetism , and this in itself says alot about the inventor . If he needs "sheilding" then something is wrong , it has been tried before unsuccessfully . It is cool to get the walk around view to see that no wires seem to be going in .

Here is a link on a magnetic system that seems to be similar , but arranged horizontal instead of vertical . It has reportedly worked for some , but has been difficult to reproduce independantly .

I would refer you to SEAS (Space Energy Access Systems) and their approach to prooving and disclosing these types of devices . I would post a link , but keep getting peanalized for repeat postings , look it up , worth the read !!

Maybe someone has finally stumbled across the right configuration but I will remain a skeptic on this one for the time being , as these magnetic motion machines all seem to have a flaw , or can spin freely but can have no load or "work" imposed on them without stopping .

Futures so bright , gotta wear shades.....

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:30 AM
Also , here is a link on someone involved , Sterling D Allen . He is running for president apparently .... There are some more pics of thids device here:

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:31 AM
Yeah I read about this a week ago, pretty interesting if he is telling the truth! Many scientists have believed that it is impossible to gain energy from regular magnets without the use of electromagnets to aid them, but if it is possible to harness the flux with a certain arrangement(angles, strength of field,etc.) then I see no reason why it wouldn't work. The biggest question I have is how the magnets are positioned over the motor; obviously some energy is required to move them into position, however the site gives now indication of how this is done, maybe manually I don't know. Here is a direct link to the english website. *Note: You need QT to properly view the pages.

Crosses fingers... hope its for real.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:36 AM
Look at the link I posted too.

Its only 1 of the loads you can find on Google.

I understand the workings of this generator and imho its more then posible for it to work. There are loads and loads of people over the last century that made machines like it, but never got funding or resources to make it into a producable design.
I actualy made something like it for a science project in school, but it didn't run that good since I lacked resources and materials to make shielding like they did to aim the magnetic field.

I'm going to try and check with TUV if they are indeed doing costomer approval tests on it.

Understanding the mechanics and working of the system, I'm glad to say that normaly if the design is solid, this machine should hit the market this same year, building it and getting the materials to build it shouldn't be a problem at all. This is not something that needs to be tested, 20KW to 60KW units are posible to be made with the current designs, and I can see that with further perfection, the 4MW and more systems will be available rather soon too.

What I wonder though is how long the actual lifetime on the magnets will be.
They say they ran it for 2 months straight and didn't measure any drop in magnetic field on the magnets, so would it safe to say that the magnets should be able to have a production capable lifespan of at least 10 years?

Who here knows alot about Magnet lifespan?

I'd say though that seeing the cost of permanent magnets, it wouldn't be all that bad if the magnets needed to be replaced every 2 years or so, you'd get your moneys worth for sure. The 8500$ is for the machine in its totality, replacing the magnets every 2 years(pesimistic) or 10-20 years(optimistic) for say 300$ (I think its even alot cheaper ..) would still be a whole lot cheaper then the 50-100$ a month electric bill I get.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:58 AM

the motor does not require external power to start up

Hmmm....somthing smells rotten....How exactly does he start it up and start it without external power? I really hope this is true, but it just smells fishy to me. After watching all the videos and animation Im still not convinced. I want to be able to buy a small test model and see for myself. If it works as he claims it works why not sell small proof of concept models/publish the plans online so others may try to replicate them. Well only time will tell.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by thematrix

I actualy made something like it for a science project in school, but it didn't run that good since I lacked resources and materials to make shielding like they did to aim the magnetic field.

What I wonder though is how long the actual lifetime on the magnets will be.
They say they ran it for 2 months straight and didn't measure any drop in magnetic field on the magnets, so would it safe to say that the magnets should be able to have a production capable lifespan of at least 10 years?

Who here knows alot about Magnet lifespan?

What can you possibly use to " sheild " magnetism ? There is a magnetic arrangement known as the"Halbach Array" that is proven to direct most of the magnatism to one side of a permanent magnet , and it has been used in proof of concept maglev thype devices at UC Berekly(I believe) worth lookin up .

Other than heat , rare earth magnets are good for hundreds of years , not just a couple . Some things can be de-magnetized , but are made of iron , or low grade kitchen magnet materials.

In response to the cost , I have 2 Neyodmium Iron Boron magnets that measure 1 inch by 1 inch , and are half an inch thick , and they cost 35 bucks apeice . They can stay suspended on the outside of my hands(in a prayer position)_ without falling .

I also have 2 Sumarian Cobalt magnets that are 2x2x1/4 inch that cost 25 a piece . They are not nearly as strong as the smaller NIB's .

This thing (if it works, and I am getting more skeptical as I read more about this Sterling D Allen guy) should not run out of juice for decades .

Something is fishy about this , and I have been following these things for years.

[edit on 5-7-2004 by oddtodd]

[edit on 5-7-2004 by oddtodd]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 06:35 AM
well here's ONE unhappy customer! Ouch.

not saying the machine doesn't work but it does ring a small alarm bell.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 04:48 PM
I'm sooo hoping that this claim is true. But....... i'll remain a skeptic untill they go into mass production and an alternate person comes up with a video (high quality)

2 problems with the video
1, he doesn't show the other half of the shaft when it's operating.
2, a person steps away when the unit has come to a stop. I can assume this person was using something to turn the shaft we didn't see untill it had stopped.

i'll remain a skeptic untill a high resolution video and a 360 degree shot of the unit in operation (not spinning down).


posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Romeo
well here's ONE unhappy customer! Ouch.

Sounds like one guy got impatient, and started freaking out calling him a hoax. Hardly any facts are given. These complaints could be hoaxs as well. Hopefully we'll see soon whats really up with this thing. I hope it's real.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by d1k
Sounds like one guy got impatient, and started freaking out calling him a hoax. Hardly any facts are given. These complaints could be hoaxs as well. Hopefully we'll see soon whats really up with this thing. I hope it's real.

Maybe hes just got shares in Esso.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 08:03 PM
You might want to check this reference out:

Some of the skeptics will enjoy this page:

But, to the point, THIS page indicates that even when such machines work, they don't produce output that is usable:

The output wave form is far from sinusoidal, and induction effects may modify the input wave form as well. These wave forms contain abrupt discontinuities and even sharp pulses and spikes, which simple electrical meters can't respond to properly. The radiated fields may affect the meter's circuitry directly. The output likely has a considerable phase angle between current and voltage. For these reasons, electrical meters can give false readings.

The output of such a device very likely has a phase shift between current and voltage. The output power is IVcos(t) where t is the phase angle. If you simply calculate power as the product of current and voltage (separately measured with two meters) you'll get a value larger than the actual power, because of neglect of the phase factor. In the calculation of power, this is called the "power factor".

Typical experimenter's magnet motors generally have spikes and pulses in the output, but not so often in the input.

Spikes and pulses usually make voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter readings give misleadingly high values.

For these reasons, calculations of input/output efficiency made from separate meter readings of current and voltage can be much higher than the actual efficiency.

There's a lot of fraud in this industry; a lot of scammers and con-men. I suspect you'll see a lot of people throwing money at this, but no results.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 10:25 PM
People, there is no such thing as free magnetic motors.
Heres a simple physics lesson:

The direction of any magnetic induction effect is such as to oppose the cause of the effect - Lenz's Law

The "cause" may be changing flux through a stationary circuit due to a varying magnetic field, changing flux due to motion of the conductors that make up the circuit, or any combinaiton. If the flux in a stationary circuit changes, the induced current sets up a magnetic field of its own. Within the area bounded by the circuit, this field is OPPOSITE to the original field if the original field is increasing, but is in the same direction as the original field if the latter is decreasing. That is, the induced current OPPOSES the CHANGE IN FLUX through the ciruit.

Thus, the motion of the conductor, which caused the induced current, is opposed. Lenz's law is also directly relate to energy conservation. If the induced current were in the direction opposite to that given by Lenz's law, the magnetic force on the rod would accelerate it to ever-increasing speed with no external energy source, even though the electric energy is being dissipated in the circuit. This would be a clear violation of energy conservation and doesn't happen in nature.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 10:27 PM
Hmmm, seems that magnetic sheilds do exist That helps, but I would still be cautious.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Taeas
Hmmm, seems that magnetic sheilds do exist That helps, but I would still be cautious.

of course they exist, they are everywhere. That cord running from your keyboard to the computer is magnetically shielded.

I think that the person was talking about either diamagnetism or superconductors.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Jade Falcon
People, there is no such thing as free magnetic motors.
Heres a simple physics lesson:

The direction of any magnetic induction effect is such as to oppose the cause of the effect - Lenz's Law

The "cause" may be changing flux through a stationary circuit due to a varying magnetic field, changing flux due to motion of the conductors that make up the circuit, or any combinaiton. If the flux in a stationary circuit changes, the induced current sets up a magnetic field of its own. Within the area bounded by the circuit, this field is OPPOSITE to the original field if the original field is increasing, but is in the same direction as the original field if the latter is decreasing. That is, the induced current OPPOSES the CHANGE IN FLUX through the ciruit.

Thus, the motion of the conductor, which caused the induced current, is opposed. Lenz's law is also directly relate to energy conservation. If the induced current were in the direction opposite to that given by Lenz's law, the magnetic force on the rod would accelerate it to ever-increasing speed with no external energy source, even though the electric energy is being dissipated in the circuit. This would be a clear violation of energy conservation and doesn't happen in nature.

This engine doesn't induce any electricity. It induces motion with permanent magents.

No other magnetic field is "induced", there are only the fields of the permanent magnets.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 03:36 PM

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