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Why you're all sheep...

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posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:14 PM

People are really like sheep aren’t they? I mean they will literally follow everyone else and not think for themselves. “I’ve got to have an iPod mommy, because everyone else has one and I’ve got to buy my music on iTunes too because otherwise I’ll be a freak and Jayne and Timmy won’t talk to me anymore!”
You buy your 32” Sony widescreen television screens from (insert high street store of your choice), you subscribe to sky, the BBC and whatever else next door are in to. You have to make sure you’ve bought your house, where’s the best place to buy a house, send Jimmy to Montessori so he can grow up and be a good little consumer like mommy (stay at home breeder and Betterware rep) and daddy (works a boring 9 to 5 and doesn’t care as long as he can play around without the missus finding out).

You have a PC bought at Time or PC world and it’s got Windows or Linux or Apple doo da operating system of the month on it. Who cares, you’re buying the stuff and still doing it because someone says you have to! You’ve got to install the latest software and get the latest upgrades, because you’re told to.

You’ve got to shop at the designer stores, no actually scrub that; you’ve got to buy your clothes at Oxfam and Help the Aged, because that’s the latest cool thing to do. Yes, every one else is doing that now aren’t they. Don’t forget to recycle and take your clothes to the clothes bank, that way they’ll be ready for the next batch of sheep in some third world country!

(With compliments to TheRevolutionof2010)
You buy the latest consumer gadgets, because your friends and people you touch every day make you feel you HAVE to. You don’t want to stand out in the crowd now do you? You beat out the same worthless existence and worship the same crap religion everyone in your section of toy town do, probably because you don’t know any different and why would you?

Maybe it’s the fault of the media, maybe it’s because of religion, or there again it could be the lack of religion in society. Maybe it’s because of THAT religion. Yes, I’ve got your attention now haven’t I? Anyway – this isn’t a gripe about religion. I think it's probably best that we save that little chestnut for another day.

You believe everything that you see and hear and you no longer question the source. Even the wide availability of that classic movie Nineteen Eighty Four and the message it carries is completely lost on you.

It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.

Obviously theres some others that have woken up to the facts
And i bet thier happier for it than the poeple that follow the actions and routines of others.

Please dont be like everyone else, Be someone different, Be something unique.
Find what makes you happy and stop following the trend, Stop been sheep.


edit on 15/12/10 by TedHodgson because: spelling

edit on 15/12/10 by TedHodgson because: added picture, compliments of other user

edit on 15-12-2010 by spacedoubt because: changed your, to you're

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:20 PM
It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.

Obviously theres some others that have woken up to the facts And i bet thier happier for it than the poeple that follow the actions and routines of others.

Please dont be like everyone else, Be someone different, Be something unique.
Find what makes you happy and stop following the trend, Stop been sheep.

thank god u put tht last bit in u were pi**ing me off for a sec thr lol

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by ACEWARDOG

Obviously i had to say a word for poeple who arnt infact sheep, And a little something thats inspiring at the end of my rant

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Had to put this in here

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by TheRevolutionOf2010

LMAO! can i embed into my post? ill give you credit

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:30 PM
I was going to say something about how you buck the system by not following grammar rules, but it probably doesn't matter.

Oops. I guess I did anyway.

Your - Belonging to you; of you; related to you (singular; one owner); Belonging to you; of you; related to you (plural; more owners)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:30 PM
For all you out there who feel the need to say: "I'M NOT A SHEEP!" ...say BAAAAAA.....

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

Of course you can

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:43 PM
funny that you say all that.. i work for blackberry and everyone jumps all over every update that becomes available. lol

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:44 PM
Well there's no need to buy Linux, it's free

So are the installs & updates

Black sheep are we ?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by machines4200

Thanks for that

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 03:46 PM
I am admittedly a proud sheep in many areas (gadgets..must...have...gadgets).

There are soo many people on earth, that everything that can be done has been done and has large groups doing, no matter how anti-something you are, your just a sheep of the anti-something movement.

All are sheep, some just stand in different fields.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 04:03 PM
I think it would be better if people stop using stupid labels and stop dividing themselves up - that's what is so problematic with society today. We're all categorized into little groups that we can't find common ground. How about we act like HUMANS and solve problems TOGETHER instead of denouncing people as sheep and awoken. The world will be a better place when we realize like Gandhi stated, we're all drops in the ocean. Work together and take out the problem: bad governments. Just by dividing up into sheep and "awoken", you ARE being a sheep b/c we have to make ourselves seem cooler, more aware, etc. than the majority.

Common Ground. Listen to this song and stop being a sheep!
edit on 15-12-2010 by DevilJin because: no reason

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
I am admittedly a proud sheep in many areas (gadgets..must...have...gadgets).

There are soo many people on earth, that everything that can be done has been done and has large groups doing, no matter how anti-something you are, your just a sheep of the anti-something movement.

All are sheep, some just stand in different fields.

You're perfectly right...!!!

You are in the illusion and well asleep.... !

Good dreams to you! BTW, when # its the fan, if you do not have knowledge of whats going on, how can you take proper actions????

Oh, i forgot, your asleep, well, good nightmare to you buddy!!!

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by DevilJin
I think it would be better if people stop using stupid labels and stop dividing themselves up - that's what is so problematic with society today. We're all categorized into little groups that we can't find common ground. How about we act like HUMANS and solve problems TOGETHER instead of denouncing people as sheep and awoken. The world will be a better place when we realize like Gandhi stated, we're all drops in the ocean. Work together and take out the problem: bad governments. Just by dividing up into sheep and "awoken", you ARE being a sheep b/c we have to make ourselves seem cooler, more aware, etc. than the majority.

Common Ground. Listen to this song and stop being a sheep!
edit on 15-12-2010 by DevilJin because: no reason

Put it simply, it just cannot be done. The illusion is so strong that it take's a lot of will to get out of it. Not only related to the consuming part but to the part of the self! That's the easiest part, the consuming one. I suggest you read Gurdjieff the forth way, that is awakening!

You sound like the people of love and light, like in the movie independence day on top of building waiting to get rescued by Aliens, Well good luck bud, as here on this planet, their are a lot of people, good and bad so it is logical to have good and bad Aliens don't you think so??? This is knowledge and knowledge protects in every situation. But, false knowledge is worse than NO knowledge.

Sweet toughts to you!
edit on 15-12-2010 by wattsup because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by wattsup

Originally posted by SaturnFX
I am admittedly a proud sheep in many areas (gadgets..must...have...gadgets).

There are soo many people on earth, that everything that can be done has been done and has large groups doing, no matter how anti-something you are, your just a sheep of the anti-something movement.

All are sheep, some just stand in different fields.

You're perfectly right...!!!
I always am

You are in the illusion and well asleep.... !
More than that, I realize that no matter how many times you "wake up", you simply wake up into just another dreamstate..unending

Good dreams to you!

BTW, when # its the fan,
What is hitting what? What do you mean by that...only sheep use such general terms..any specifics, or are you just walking with the conspiracy herd about some intangable # hitting some odd fan

if you do not have knowledge of whats going on, how can you take proper actions????
Ahh...knowledge of whats going on...yes, because we have access to such profound knowledge that only the truely elite godlike rulers of the planet would have. Proper actions? again...against what? If money fails, no big deal. If the entire system fails and electricity shuts off, I am good, etc...owning a IPod doesn't make me automatically asleep

Oh, i forgot, your asleep, well, good nightmare to you buddy!!!

I am awake enough to know I am asleep. I used to be like you...thinking I was simply awake. Nightmares are perspective...but thanks for the well wishes anyhow

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