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Something Really Scary Just Happened to Me

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:02 AM
Okay, I'm still rather new to ATS..I wasn't quite sure where to put this...

I'm going to recount something that just happened to me within the last hour and a half or so. I was on ATS when it happened. Well I guess maybe I should just post the link to the thread page..

wikilinks thread page 4

As per a suggestion I will state the basics here..I was sitting on ats when I noticed a black van pull up across the street from my home. No one got out. I was terrified as being the kind of person I am and what I know, I knew it was not normal..several people here on ATS recommended I call the police, so I did. Immediately after picking up the phone and dialing (it was ringing) the van pulled away. I had to explain to the officer because I didnt want him to think I was pranking. He told me if it returned to call them asap. I asked if he thought it would and got the answer I was expecting, that it wasnt the first report of a suspicious black van they had got.

you guys can read the rest of the thread before that to get an idea what we were talking about and more details about the incident. I don't know if this has anything to do with a conspiracy, but I find it awfully scary that it happened to me just after I'd been making the rounds to wikilinks, doing some really basic (I barely know anything) computer related stuff and after about a week of posting the stuff wherever I could on the web to try to get the word out.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but to be honest...I live in a pretty small city..I just didn't really expect something like that. Someone I know suggested it might be something more mundane, yet just as sinister..but the fact they pulled away just as I was calling really raises a red flag for me.

I don't know!!! I am still scared and I can't sleep, its 5am here! D:
edit on 3-12-2010 by Xavialune because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by Xavialune

Spooky indeed.. Perhaps restate the main point about the black van in the opening post of the thread to remove the need for other people to go read the other thread just for replying to you...

About the situation however... any chance of taking a photo of the van? Even better if you get the plate to check out the owners - I am sure someone here on ATS can do a plate-lookup through a friend or something.

Oh - the van has left already.. ok. Well.. just take a pic next time it shows up

However I wonder if they could have been monitoring your net activity in real time? You post on the forum that you are calling the cops and they drive away almost at once? hmmm..
edit on 3-12-2010 by Alphard because: Read further in the other thread and wanted to correct my post

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by Xavialune

If it helps you relax, at all, I've been on ATS, under this account and a previously misplaced/lost one for about 7 or 8 years and have yet to be questioned, harassed, or sent to Gitmo!

There are a lot of logical reasons why a van may have stopped in front of your home. Maybe a delivery service stopping to check printed Mapquest directions, somebody making a call, trying to calm a rowdy kid... etc.

In my opinion if one was to fall under enough scrutiny to be surveilled it would be done in a manner much less conspicuous and obvious as a black van. But I do not think that visiting ATS qualifies as enough of a red flag to warrant such attention.

Now, if you happen to be one of the guys feeding Assange information, or something like that... well then my advice? A bug out bag, throw away your cell phone, and go camping for a year or three!


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:14 AM
Personally I'm more leary of the AT&T van that's been parked close to my house all week one guy sitting in the front, always in the truck/van, yet no one ever working on anything. My son and I took turns just going out and staring at it. He moved it a few times then left. Worst that can happen is that one poor lazy dude riding the clock thinks we are weird. We are weird.

This is a sad, sad time for America and freedom of speech. You've got criminal elements in govt. looking to choke any opposition. Yes, they'll want to lock down the Internet, but I don't think Wikileaks had anything to do with it as a cause...more like a justification they will use.

They will always have a justification - that's how the unrighteous operate.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Yeah, there MAY be many logical reasons.. but isn't the original suspicion the most fun one?
Well not for the OP of-course... can be bloody scary for him

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:17 AM
Oh, sorry yeah, I wasnt suggesting it was because I was on ATS that it happened. I've been posting a whole ton of stuff everywhere I possibly can to get the word out..and as I said I have been doing some very basic computer stuff with regards to the wikileaks IPs and the DNS servers being down..just checking them, trying to find out info, etc. I suppose I am playing with fire there because being a newbie I have no idea how to protect myself..

It was 3 in the morning. It wasnt a delivery guy. No one here owns a black van, we live in a small neighborhood and everyone pretty much knows everyone else. It was VERY suspicious. I agree with you though if they were doing something like that they might have something less suspicious but lets be honest here..if theyve got a bunch of equipment in there, how else are they going to roll around?

I dont know, maybe I'm just being paranoid. But it seemed really sinister to me.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:18 AM
Her. I'm a She

Thats me in the lower pic on my avatar. Well half my face anyway

But yes, I am freakin terrified. Its almost 5:30 now and I still cant sleep..

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:20 AM
I'd love to see a black van ''try and pull up'' outside my home currently...

With all the snow I have here, Derbyshire it would probably slid all the way back down from where it had come from...

PurpleDOG UK

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Xavialune

Considering the number of people on this planet also seeking to access/archive the information that was trickling out of Wikileaks over the last few days...

My earnest advice would be to sleep! You only stand out, to TPTB as one of millions at this point!


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:26 AM
That's heavy stuff man.
the guy's gave you good advice
about calling local law.
If they were feds.local law don't take kindly
to feds snooping around juristiction and all.
stay calm bro, they got nothin.

Peace to you.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:27 AM
I think maybe your a little paranoid, there are millions of black vans on the planet and for one to stop for a moment, shouldn't raise any suspicion.. There could be a million reasons for this to happen...
I'm sure us guys who and read comment on conspiracy theories are not perceived to be a real threat to tptb.. Unless of course someone was really hardcore with their views and are a danger to cause some unrest..
Anyway, if they really wanted to get you, I don't think they would pull up outside your house in a black van, if they were to use a van it would be a normal looking one, many marked up with a popular companies logos to not arouse suspicion, or with the wealth of technology at their fingertips, even that seems far fetched...
Don't worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing, get some sleep, don't let these things go to your head or you will become a nervous wreck...

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:28 AM
I suppose yeah. That is true..lots of people are. But what if it WAS something more sinister? Like a stalker or something.

My brother is involved in some...shady things. Maybe it was spying on him? Or a gang..As you guys see more of my posts it'll be obvious that I worry...about a LOT of things. I'm very suspicious about everything and I don't trust anything really.. I sometimes worry we'll all be murdered in the night by people wanting to retaliate against my brother..but hey..

Maybe it was just a delivery guy.

It makes sense the gubmint probably doesnt have time to spy on me. But pulling away just as I'm on the phone with the cops? Thats what doesnt add up!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by Xavialune

i think you have nothing to worrie about! try to get some sleep

must of been spooky experience anyways, personally i would keep my eyes open , if you start seeing the van often there could be something to it...if not i wouldnt worry about it!


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
I think maybe your a little paranoid, there are millions of black vans on the planet and for one to stop for a moment, shouldn't raise any suspicion.. There could be a million reasons for this to happen...
I'm sure us guys who and read comment on conspiracy theories are not perceived to be a real threat to tptb.. Unless of course someone was really hardcore with their views and are a danger to cause some unrest..
Anyway, if they really wanted to get you, I don't think they would pull up outside your house in a black van, if they were to use a van it would be a normal looking one, many marked up with a popular companies logos to not arouse suspicion, or with the wealth of technology at their fingertips, even that seems far fetched...
Don't worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing, get some sleep, don't let these things go to your head or you will become a nervous wreck...

well. it is dark out. I suppose I didnt really get that good look at looked dark in colour but our street is so dark (we live quite far out from the city..thats another reason why I wouldnt expect such a van to be out there, at that time of night..there is no major road and no reason really for just some random van to be stopping..)..but it could have been some other colour, I dont know. I ducked down below the picture window because I didn't want to be seen...

I know I'm probably being really paranoid. But if it happened to you, wouldn't you be?

I dont know if I mentioned it here (I think I did), I mentioned it in the original thread...the cop I did speak to said there have been other reports of suspicious vans. Another thing that fires off the conspiracy alarm bells for me..

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Xavialune

Originally posted by Misterlondon
I think maybe your a little paranoid, there are millions of black vans on the planet and for one to stop for a moment, shouldn't raise any suspicion.. There could be a million reasons for this to happen...
I'm sure us guys who and read comment on conspiracy theories are not perceived to be a real threat to tptb.. Unless of course someone was really hardcore with their views and are a danger to cause some unrest..
Anyway, if they really wanted to get you, I don't think they would pull up outside your house in a black van, if they were to use a van it would be a normal looking one, many marked up with a popular companies logos to not arouse suspicion, or with the wealth of technology at their fingertips, even that seems far fetched...
Don't worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing, get some sleep, don't let these things go to your head or you will become a nervous wreck...

well. it is dark out. I suppose I didnt really get that good look at looked dark in colour but our street is so dark (we live quite far out from the city..thats another reason why I wouldnt expect such a van to be out there, at that time of night..there is no major road and no reason really for just some random van to be stopping..)..but it could have been some other colour, I dont know. I ducked down below the picture window because I didn't want to be seen...

I know I'm probably being really paranoid. But if it happened to you, wouldn't you be?

I dont know if I mentioned it here (I think I did), I mentioned it in the original thread...the cop I did speak to said there have been other reports of suspicious vans. Another thing that fires off the conspiracy alarm bells for me..

Could be some unsavoury individuals, who are looking around to commit some crime, maybe steal a car, burglary etc it is good to be vigilant but try not to let these things get to ya... Will just drive you crazy...
Where are you? America?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:47 AM
I am in Maine...I live far from the city...I dont have a car...I am a small frail female and I could never defend myself if my life depended on it

To be honest, I'd rather it was the government than someone wanting to commit a burglary :-\

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Xavialune

Did you follow through with the report to the police? If so then they should have cars patrolling that area now. I agree that a burglary crew is more likely than any alphabet agencies. Though, still, I wouldn't be that frightened. Keep your porch lights on, and lights on in the house. Burglars hate lights.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:14 AM
I thought I saw a cop car roll by at one point. No one came to check on me though.I have ALL the lights on lol...and all the blinds drawn...

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Xavialune
I am in Maine...I live far from the city...I dont have a car...I am a small frail female and I could never defend myself if my life depended on it

To be honest, I'd rather it was the government than someone wanting to commit a burglary :-\

I think it will be ok... I remember a few years ago, I used to have a group of teenagers that were notorious in the area for vandalism, violence and drugs hanging around outside my house..
I was getting fed up that they were always out there causing trouble, and telling them to move only resulted in abuse and making my home a target for these thugs..
One night I was at a fancy dress party for haloween, I was dressed in a Jason mask, bloodstained clothes and a fake plastic knife.. I was a little drunk too.. It was around 2am and they were outside again when I returned, making alot of noise.. I crept up to the house and stood around 200 yards from the trouble makers.. I just stood there and didn't say a word, after a short time they noticed me.. I just stood there..
I could see the group was a little concerned, and were calling kit things like hello, are you ok?
I just stood there not saying a word and I looked scary!!
After a while they moved on and have never returned to that spot since..
My point being, just because you are female and frail, don't let these intimidate you or put fear in your life because that will just make you miserable...
There is always another way..

If these guys were burglars than it was good you noticed them, the police would have been around like a shot, had they tried to do something..

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Xavialune
Is the tptb looking for Julian Assange's connections?I mean unmarked black vans don't just show up randomly at peoples houses,so they must be checking out anyone who's pulling up the wiki leaks web pages.Are you going onto the site frequently?

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