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So, do you really think UFOs dont exist? Could the imagination be photographed? Or Filmed?

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:30 PM
Inadvertently, I bumped into two interesting photos of UFOs taken on commercial flights. Reportedly, the photo was taken by a passenger on the flight who witnessed the UFO that passed near the plane. Some passengers were frightened at the object because the object, which according to some witnesses was a ball of light and which according to others would have a second form of a football, at times got too close to the plane. The mysterious object entered the clouds, and disappeared, but according to reports, he would have followed the flight by about two minutes.

Taken from plane over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Published: 1:38 PM 7/23/2010





If this is not a fraud, a possibility which can never be discarted, whatever it is UFO case is interesting in that it is more a case for joining with other cases in which UFOs come with commercial aircraft. I have also talked with an air traffic controller who confirmed that it is not unusual career pilots faced with UFOs in the skies.

UFOS chasing planes that I think are legitimate:

This one is my favorite, in HQ:

And here with some effects to dont let any doubts about the UFO.

But back to the question of the photos, they were measured on July 31 with a Nokia, 3120..

Earlier in the month of May, another aircraft was registered by a mysterious passenger who went to Portugal for the UK on a flight of Ryanair.

This is a fairly weird.


In both cases there is very little information available.



Sometimes the evasive maneuver goes wrong.

On September 26, 1997, several international news agencies published a note on unusual encounter in the skies about 16 miles from New York. On August 9 this year, a Boeing 747 Swissair Swiss company, bound for Zurich, almost collided with an unidentified flying object. Flight 127 from Boston-Philadelphia route carrying 34 passengers, 17 crew and was the 7000 meters in altitude when the object passed to dangerous 50 meters from the plane.According to the description of the pilot, it was an artifact of "long, white, wingless, while the co-pilot described it as" round ".

According to news broadcast by radio RSR, Switzerland, the pilot and copilot, shrinking into their seats and waited without action certain that the collision was inevitable. The combination of the fact that a missile was entertained by radio because of the way white and elongated described by the crew, and the dizzying speed.


Was the object seen by pilots a UFO similar to this one, recorded in New York on March 20, 1950?



Some background about the last two pics:

Source1 ATS

This is not the first time a missile is shown to cause an air incident in the region. In June 1996, the midair bombing of a TWA jumbo of the company, the investigation also took into account this possibility. In that accident, 230 people died.

However, Jean-Claude Maiden, spokesperson for the airline Swissair, ruled out a missile, confirming the seriousness of the incident and are still not revealing the results of the inquiry that is investigating the case.
Soon after reporting the occurrence, the pilot and copilot were interviewed by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the NTSB (National Transport Insurance) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), the United States.

American officials tried to put her to the event. For them, it was just a scare with a meteorological probe. Asked by the Swiss radio about this possibility, the pilot considered the hypothesis of the probe "totally unacceptable", given the speed of the artifact.

Accidents involving aircraft with mysterious flying objects are becoming dangerously frequent.On December 19, 1996, at 9600 meters, an object described by the crew as a ball of green light collided with the cockpit of a Boeing 757-200 that made a flight from Beijing to Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province, in China.

The plane was forced to make an emergency landing at Beijing Capital International Airport after the collision broke the glass booth.

Researched sites: GAw&usg=AFQjCNEKTPb7LH4JWn3mNOs7ttmG5dzD9w

So, UFOs dont realy exist?

Could the imagination be photographed and filmed?

edit on 2-12-2010 by RUSSO because: fix tittle

edit on 2-12-2010 by RUSSO because: To avoid digression here i will change the tittle once more.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:37 PM
wow..nice post and some cool photos i never seen before

nice one !

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by angrydog

Thanks angrydog, you are welcome.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 10:54 PM
The Concord footage is a lens artifact from the specific camera used to film it. There is an old BBC documentary where a cameraman actually goes into great detail to explain how it was caused I have scoured the net for the documentary sadly, the only part that seems to be online features an object taken by a BBC crew in Oxfordshire in the 1970s.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by FireMoon

For more expert he is, he will not going to convince me that this is a camera artifact.

I prefer to belive in this:

post by rizla
Definately not tampered with.
It's obviously a weather-balloon on crack with a Concorde obsession.

But thanks anyway.

edit on 2-12-2010 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:08 PM
Ehm, ehm, well first off let me start out by saying that I am on the fence about ufos. By this i mean no side has provided enough empirical evidence for me to even start to draw conclusions. I hate reusing words over and over but a vast majority of the "info" on this site is simply conjecture (some of it you can't even call that). That being said I will now move on to my rebuttal...

Danger in the sky. So, do you real(l)y think UFOs dont exist? Could the imagination be photographed? You say!

When defying gravity there is always at least some modicum of danger, so yes there is Danger in the sky. For my stance on UFOs reread the above paragraph. The answer to your last questions a resounding yes. Ever since the advent of photography people have been looking for new and interesting ways to doctor images(well before that to but this is no time to talk about doctored art pieces). People do it a million times a day via photoshop. Photos, expecially of UFOs, are hardly evidence in this day and age.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:10 PM
These fireballs (green orange, yellow, white red)Have been observed since the early fifties/latye fortiies.
There is refernce to them by early researchers in several books.
For three days in Albaquerqi NM a meteoric fireball descended on the city and blew up over it splashing red fireworks over the the same hour every day.....
These came from space, but nobody has even come close to an explanation.
The collision between a plane and a green fireball broke the planes windshields and forced it to land....
Its pretty obvious that some UFOs are REAL and TANGIBLE.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:12 PM
Stup** title.

Sorry to say but your title is a blaze. NO danger in the sky but the stupid ppl who fear fear itself.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by F011235813

Danger in the sky. So, do you real(l)y think UFOs dont exist?

Thanks. Titlle fixed.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:13 PM
Great post. I love the detail in the pictures. Sometimes the evidence is just too good to deny. Thanks for sharing. This def. gets a S&F from me.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by korats
Stup** title.

Sorry to say but your title is a blaze. NO danger in the sky but the stupid ppl who fear fear itself.

You dont really read the text, dont you? If you dont like, make a better one. At least a better post, with some meaningful content to the discussion.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by stirling

I really, really think they are...

Thanks for your post.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by TheGreatestKIdd
Great post. I love the detail in the pictures. Sometimes the evidence is just too good to deny. Thanks for sharing. This def. gets a S&F from me.

But you will see many people in "denial mode" here.

You are welcome.

edit on 2-12-2010 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:22 PM
Danger in the sky. So, do you really think UFOs dont exist? Could the imagination be photographed?

... WOW ... where do I begin.

Danger in the sky ay ... cant remember the last time a UFO presented me with a dangerous situation for 1.

Secondly according to quantum physics, thoughts can be physically measured ... so I'm assuming that yes it can be photographed. Ever seen a brain scan ?

And also, your excluding the fact that your imagination is telling you whats in the photograph not the other way around.

UFO's only exist to people who cannot identify them, 95% of the population would have 0 idea of half the things publicly known to be flying in the sky. and less then 0.00001% would be privy to top secret aircraft we are not told about that we have built ourselves that get flown in our skies on a regular basis.

Did I answer the thread properly ? to say something is a UFO means you would have to know (ie go through every known aircraft built in the world ever) or its just a UFO TO YOURSRELF ... not educated and well researched people.
edit on 2/12/10 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by King Loki

Ok To avoid digression here i will change the tittle.

Did I answer the thread properly ? to say something is a UFO means you would have to know (ie go through every known aircraft built in the world ever) or its just a UFO TO YOURSRELF ... not educated and well researched people.

No, you are incorrect a ufo isUnidentified flying object (commonly abbreviated as UFO or U.F.O.) is the popular term for any apparent aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily or immediately identified by the observer.

So when you call people not educated means that you know what all ufos are. You must be a "hell of a people".
edit on 2-12-2010 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by King Loki

Secondly according to quantum physics, thoughts can be physically measured ... so I'm assuming that yes it can be photographed. Ever seen a brain scan ?

Not in the Sky.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by RUSSO
reply to post by King Loki

Ok To avoid digression here i will change the tittle.

Did I answer the thread properly ? to say something is a UFO means you would have to know (ie go through every known aircraft built in the world ever) or its just a UFO TO YOURSRELF ... not educated and well researched people.

No, you are incorrect a ufo isUnidentified flying object (commonly abbreviated as UFO or U.F.O.) is the popular term for any apparent aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily or immediately identified by the observer.

So you call people not educated means that you know what all ufos are. You must be a "hell of a people".
edit on 2-12-2010 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

LOLOLOL I know what it stands for, you clearly have no idea what i was talking about.

For something to be a UFO ... it would have to be unidentified right ??? you with me here ...

So just because YOU cannot identify a craft/anomoly means its only a UFO to you ..... not to people who can identify it. I don't call a 747 flying over my house a UFO because I know what it is ... still with me ?

If some one knows what the "craft" or anomaly is its not a UFO because its identified .... so for something to be an actual unidentified flying object it would have to be unidentifiable to everyone, which in almost 100% of cases is not true.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by RUSSO
I believe that ufo's exist. I do not believe they are of an alien race. This is one of the reasons that I joined this site. I am amazed at all the alien talk when it comes to ufo's. I believe that they are of Nazi and Allied origins. Nikola Tesla was way ahead of his time and had many theories. I believe what we are seeing now is fourth or fifth generation(just like the Camaro) Tesla technologies that the gov't. stole from him.. Nice pics too.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Thanks for your post.

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

There are definitely many reports of UFO contacts made by other aircraft. Most times the commercial pilots are reluctant to report the sightings. But it's not a recent phenomenon, in World War 2, both Axis and Allied planes were sometimes followed by strange lights. The funny thing is that each side thought it was a secret weapon of the other side. They were called Foo Fighters by the Allies. Maybe we should call UFOs Foo Fighters instead, nice ring to it.

Couple of Foo Fighter pics escorting US and Japanese planes:


edit on 3-12-2010 by Nicolas Flamel because:

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