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Your note to future society, Your true immortality

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Wouldn't it be interesting if we could read the daily blogs and tweets from say, ancient greek or egyptians 2000 years ago. How fascinating it would seem to us to read not the great men of history, but the daily accounts and thoughts of some random pottery maker, or someone whom worked on building the pyramid.
What they thought of dinner the night before, or what they truely thought of that neighbor.

Well, we can't...we are generally forced to read only the accounts of the leaders and generals, written of course by those whom either won or lost wars and so painted the image accordingly.

Todays world allows for us, to write our daily thoughts, sweeping philosophical beliefs, or simple random thoughts and perceptions.

in 2000 years from now (lets assume the world hasn't gone and blown itself up, population keeps growing, advancements keep coming, space is colonised, etc.) the things we write today on even the most backwoods nonsense website will become historical archive..and will be read, studied, and protected as a flash in the world dynamics. What words do you write that will live on in legacy as to who you personally are.

Its something most do not consider...a person 2000 years from now enjoying the fact that you had a roast beef sandwich while eyeing up the girl at the local arbys restaurant, or how you luv you learned a great way to hack past a video game monster, or thought the government of the time were crappy crooks...

What words and thoughts do you feel would be of interest to someone in the 4010 about you?
What would you find interesting to read about from the ancient greeks. romans, or egyptians?

I remember once going to the city of pompeii.. This is a land frozen in time from a volcano. a roman town very well preserved. there was a prostitution house there with many rooms. beside the bed, there was carvings and preserved writings from patrons of the girls "this girl is very good, this girls skin is sweet like wine, This girl makes me itch", etc. That to me was far more fascinating than the accounts of julius caesar...because it was not some washed down historical was a man...whom used a service, and commented on it for time to see. It also made me realize that our random discussions and thoughts about life in general may be seen in future society as something more valueable than any big sweeping actions we take today, or even our most coveted famous people...yes...the biggest sensation in 4010 may be some ATS guy complaining about something not revealed for another 1000 years

Imagine coming across a ancient thought written down from some carpenter in rome about how he suspects native tribesmen live across the ocean, perhaps building pyramids...and he got it all from a his neighbors thinks he is crazy, but the dream was soo real.

Anyhow...what do you give to the future to laugh at as quaint, or to marvel at on how progressive your mind was in ultimately a primitive society..

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:05 PM
Dear future:

We know television is baking our brains..but even knowing that, we watch it out of addiction to entertainment

Many of us suspect that the universe holds all kinds of life and they may be visiting here. Some of us look forward to be proven correct in this theory

Hopefully you have fully shrugged off the plague that is really holds things up.

Our food is tasty, but our teeth and overall health suffer as a consequence

Sex is paramount in average society..its how things are and fear are the two driving forces behind decisionmaking for common people..but I think this is the norm, at least up until this point.

We are generally confused on a daily basis. This doesn't mean we do not accept and even somewhat enjoy our is thought it is better to be free and confused than supressed and clearly focused..of course, that could just be our confusion thinking that way.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:16 PM
Dear future

Most of our lives in 2010 revolve around these small green bits of paper

Some people have a lot more of these bits of paper then others which people feel is unfair, this feeling of injustice can sometimes lead to things like this happening

The ultimate aim of collecting these bits of paper is that when you get enough of them you can exchange them for a girlfriend that looks like this

Or a boyfriend that looks like this

PS look at this guy isn't he cute!

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by davespanners

Absolutely brilliant...and pretty dead on.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:28 PM
I wonder how much of this stuff will survive into the future.

It is all only stored on simple magnetic disks after all which regularly break and get thrown away.

Someone should print out the internet so we have a hard copy

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
I wonder how much of this stuff will survive into the future.

It is all only stored on simple magnetic disks after all which regularly break and get thrown away.

Someone should print out the internet so we have a hard copy

Google has it all...every single instant message, every blogpost, every picture (even those ones you pretend not to look at),..everything.

And thats the place that admits as much...imagine how many places that are not admitting to that has the same information

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:05 PM
edit on 12/2/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:16 PM
v01i0 was here - ffs w00t h4x0rzp4x0rz


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:55 PM
I had actually thought about sending a message into the future in the way of a "time capsule"

I would enclose a lot of pictures of the local area, several newspapers, maybe even digital movies (the only prob with that would be what would they watch them on? Surely everything we have now would be obsolete.)
I would also enclose in this my writings and rants about life in 2010 and thereabouts, the inane and boring stuff that we encounter daily.
My method for delivery of this capsule would be to seal it in a piece of 8" pvc pipe, and cap both ends...the entire thing being about 11" high. I would take that, and encase that in clear resin with a placard that reads "FROM 2010"

My plan then was to bury the thing under the house I currently live in. I figure it's got another 50 years of life left in it before it would be torn down. It's hard to speculate what might happen after that, it could be bulldozed & made into a parking lot or another foundation for a home could be built over THAT. It could potentially be a thousand years or better before it's ever disturbed, let alone found and realized for what it is.
It's just the overall coolness of it that attracted me to the idea. Could you imagine going out to plant some zinnias or something and unearthing a vessel that contained personal information from some dude that lived a thousand years ago? Sure, you can read about what life was like then - but first hand experiences from the eyes of the observer are pretty rare.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:00 PM
dear future,

beam me, THE HELL UP!! NOW!!

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Dear Future,

00's sucked. Badly. It was the decade when greed and arrogance again took over, and people tossed aside the good values so completely that it will take another decade (or maybe even more) to recover. We saw the start of the financial crisis that was orchestrated by the powertripping bankers and other world elite. And, at the same time environmental problems continued to rise. It was another decade of mindless wars for profit and increasing apathy and despair. It was like the human kind had totally abandoned every last bit common sense and the world was going to hell in a handbasket.

As always, in times of such depression, there's always the opposing force, the people who know, understand and care; and this internet discussion board where I'm writing this is of full such people. And many of them are worried. Not only because of the economical and environmental situation, but also because of the situation of the man as an individual.

The pop culture and mainstream media is now painting this fake, colorful, candyworld in front of our eyes, to block our view of the issues that really matter. 60% of honey bees have disappeared, the polar ice is melting..

But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?


- T
edit on 2/12/2010 by Tryptych because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:32 PM
i don't think ancient people were stupid and egotistical enough to do something like that.. i mean, they wrote down important things that their survival depended on, such as weather patterns, when to plant crops, how they built their monuments, medical and scientific records. people today are too busy with sleeping around, getting drunk, engaging in material possession pissing contests with their neighbors, social networking, and media in general to concern themselves with things like thinking, not being completely dependent on others for everything we use, losing their rights and freedom, or whatever insert some kind of widely ignored but deathly important issue here (there are hundreds)... the point is people have become too fat, lazy, and complacent. if the price of food or oil skyrocketed making it unaffordable to average families millions would die, maybe not immediately, but within a few years. the reason? because people take their nice lives for granted and no one thinks that our way of life could ever possibly change, not even realizing that we are on the brink of a major downgrade in the quality of life here in america. i guess i can't say it bothers me too much, when i was struggling no one wanted to help me, so when things go downhill i'm going to be able to survive easily while everyone else who was so smug before gets a taste of the real american dream that so many of us have lived for so long. savor the taste, america. enjoy it, you deserve it.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by freakgenius

I think you may want to calm down there guy. Man has lived with stupidity and intelligence in coexistence since we fell from the tree and walked away and, when capable, has taken the time to create accounts of activities ranging from ridiculous insignificance to critical to survival. The ancients were no more better than us nor are we any lazier than Romans, Greeks, Mayans or Sumerians.
Perception of humanity today is based on what you want to make of it. You only want to see the worst of humans then that's what you'll think and then you'll drive yourself into unending cynicism. On the converse, if all you think about humanity is sunshine and rainbows then you'd be delusional of the suffering around you. The point is that man through the ages hasn't been one way or the other in any greater percentage and never will be except in the movies.
Where does anyone have the ability to know the current state of all 6/7 billion people on this earth or even in the US? To say that everyone or even the average person today doesn't take into account their survival by being fat and lazy yet just today we hear that humanity's understanding of the fundamentals of life has changed because of the intelligence of today's "lazy" humans is ignorant.

Humans are a tough species because we've been able to manipulate our world around us and while we are noticing that some of our ways are becoming less effective and possibly harmful, it's in human nature to do what we've evolved to do and make things better. Those who don't contribute to the betterment of the species are washed out by nature, human or otherwise, and are only remembrances in the history books as warnings to future generations.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 05:09 PM
My note would be simple.

"#ing stop it guys. Seriously, what the hell."

-Signed SpectreDC

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by mistafaz

not upset, just pointing out facts here. twitter is cool maybe if you are a celebrity or something, but your average person? come on, no one cares that you are going out tonight or that you had a sandwich. most people got a pretty boring life is what i'm trying to say here, and no one really cares about it besides you. social networking just feeds the ego, tells you which movies to go see and which music is cool this week, and makes a lot of $$$$$$$ for the very people messing with our freedom in the name of profit in the first place. i don't really think this is out of line, more along the lines of the truth.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by freakgenius

If you have friends then they care about what you are doing.

Isn't twitter supposed to be a place to talk to your friends?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by freakgenius
reply to post by mistafaz

not upset, just pointing out facts here. twitter is cool maybe if you are a celebrity or something, but your average person? come on, no one cares that you are going out tonight or that you had a sandwich. most people got a pretty boring life is what i'm trying to say here, and no one really cares about it besides you. social networking just feeds the ego, tells you which movies to go see and which music is cool this week, and makes a lot of $$$$$$$ for the very people messing with our freedom in the name of profit in the first place. i don't really think this is out of line, more along the lines of the truth.

The internet has become an extension of the mass media
as a refinement to mind control to exploit the commercial marketplace and create celebrities that are a poor role model that only aggravate the ego make us all frustrated
and even more isolated in cyberspace who wants to become more alienated become an android

I definitely do not want to be part of the robot Society

but the internet should have been used to facilitate going out and meeting more people in real world imagine if all of us on this website actually met and had a party made physical contact and organised our lives to get everything we want materially spiritually together we are more powerful?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by davespanners
I wonder how much of this stuff will survive into the future.

It is all only stored on simple magnetic disks after all which regularly break and get thrown away.

Someone should print out the internet so we have a hard copy

That is a very interesting idea.

A snapshot of the Internet, as it is in 2010.

I write a lot of my stuff with future observers in mind, maybe as a note to myself..

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by freakgenius
but your average person? come on, no one cares that you are going out tonight or that you had a sandwich. most people got a pretty boring life is what i'm trying to say here, and no one really cares about it besides you.

Twitter account circa 36BC Rome:

Cantas: Just got back from hippodrome. 2 slaves died via lion. lost 3 dina's to Falvus. Ate some sheeps brains. was too salty. stupid slave dropped it. had to whip him

Cantas: Going to see Marium. her toga fits her well. Pray to aphrodite that I get lucky

Cantas: Stupid @#$% barbarian ass in woods. ended up fighting. why doesn't ceasar clean the damn woods up! Senate bastards in their bath houses have no clue about what we want.

Cantas: Just got back from Rafael's house. the bastard has running water in his house. must have cost a fortune.

Cantas: Just got a new slave. a female. strong back. will make her work the field at day (pleasure at night of course). will trade out for a used chariot though. tweet me if anyones interested.

Cantas: to one today. what a stupid cult. 1 god..sure, nothing like total power and judgement unchecked to spell fairness.

Cantas: Caesar just made a speech, said apollo has sent him message to collect higher tax. I think its a lie, but who knows..don't have a choice anyhow.

Cantas: Someone -died- in the bathhouse...I think I touched him...I feel gross. seems he died hours earlier and everyone thought he was simply sleeping on the side..some suggested the plague.

Cantas: Senate has said the gauls are living dead. Why don't they build a temple to Aries for protection. governments stupid!!!

Cantas: Eating Fig...too good!

Cantas: Off to pick the damn olives.

I think the average person would be interesting to read

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by freakgenius
but your average person? come on, no one cares that you are going out tonight or that you had a sandwich. most people got a pretty boring life is what i'm trying to say here, and no one really cares about it besides you.

Twitter account circa 36BC Rome:

Cantas: Just got back from hippodrome. 2 slaves died via lion. lost 3 dina's to Falvus. Ate some sheeps brains. was too salty. stupid slave dropped it. had to whip him

Cantas: Going to see Marium. her toga fits her well. Pray to aphrodite that I get lucky

Cantas: Stupid @#$% barbarian ass in woods. ended up fighting. why doesn't ceasar clean the damn woods up! Senate bastards in their bath houses have no clue about what we want.

Cantas: Just got back from Rafael's house. the bastard has running water in his house. must have cost a fortune.

Cantas: Just got a new slave. a female. strong back. will make her work the field at day (pleasure at night of course). will trade out for a used chariot though. tweet me if anyones interested.

Cantas: to one today. what a stupid cult. 1 god..sure, nothing like total power and judgement unchecked to spell fairness.

Cantas: Caesar just made a speech, said apollo has sent him message to collect higher tax. I think its a lie, but who knows..don't have a choice anyhow.

Cantas: Someone -died- in the bathhouse...I think I touched him...I feel gross. seems he died hours earlier and everyone thought he was simply sleeping on the side..some suggested the plague.

Cantas: Senate has said the gauls are living dead. Why don't they build a temple to Aries for protection. governments stupid!!!

Cantas: Eating Fig...too good!

Cantas: Off to pick the damn olives.

I think the average person would be interesting to read

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