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ATS help

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posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 10:46 AM
Being that this ATS community is filled with people who suffer from the the very issues they speak of, I thought it would be great if there was a way for people to seek help in an organized way. For example:"Fraudclosure Gate", it would be nice if there lawyers you could contact who wish to push the agenda to the limit and not a settlement.

Another example: "MONARCH" -Mind Control- it would be nice if there were hypnotists and therapists who dealt with freeing people's minds from this Illuminati tool to sway events.

Examples like: "abductions", "gang stalking" and etc

Like groups that help members cope with and overcome these "seemingly" real, which eventually are usually proven to be, issues that most "professionals" and peers find to be delusional behavior. LOL but the problem would be the government infiltrating and Illuminati and the reptilians, and the greys and etc; go figure.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 10:52 AM
The fact is, many people who "push the limit" are silenced. Some are silenced for the moment, some are eliminated because they pose a threat to TPTB (the Powers that Be).

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 11:04 AM
there is no escaping the darkness when you have Day and Knight, in order to illiminate the hardships, you must bring about The Light. Evil does not occupy the flesh, it Directs it. What is the sscrypt?

Do everything the opposite.


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