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Positive Words and Imagery. Suggestions for my Business.

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:13 PM
Hello everyone, and may you all have Peace.

I am opening a Hookah Lounge and Cafe very soon. If you are not familiar with Hookah, it is the traditional water pipe used for smoking flavored tobacco through a hose, originating in India and the Middle East. Think of the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland.

After much thought on decor, design, and decoration, I've decided on a theme that I am satisfied with. However, I would truly appreciate and love as much input and suggestions as you guys can offer me.

I am going to design the look of my establishment based on Positive Words and Imagery. I want to use framed Quotes, Verses, [extremely] Short Stories, Sayings, Proverbs, etc. Included in the Imagery, I want to include beautiful photos of significant modern or historic moments, Sacred Geometry, and Symbols that project Positively upon the conscious and subconscious mind.

Everything I will have in my business must project Peace, Bliss, Hope, Unity, and all "Positive" emotion. I even want to provoke my customers into positive and constructive discussion and conversation about the Words and Images I display. Very importantly, I do not want to come off as "Holier Than Thou" or in a way that seems like preaching. I just want to Manifest and Provoke positiveness in the minds and hearts of all people of all faiths, all beliefs, and even those that have no faith and no belief. Offending and alienating none.

What are some Words and/or Images you great people would suggest? Thank you and much appreciation in advance. May Peace be upon you.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi
I was born in America and raised in an immigrant community. I can tell you what the "Typical American" is from the point of view of the many immigrants I have been exposed to my entire life.

Typical American:

• Fat
• Lazy
• Stupid, Idiotic, Uneducated, Unintelligent
• Believes everything on television
• Believes America and Americans are the supreme beings of earth that all others should emulate
• Has no true understanding or perspective of the world outside of America
• Lack morals and values
• Many American guys are gay
• Most American girls are unworthy of marriage because they are overly promiscuous, can't cook, can't clean, party too much, and are not faithful. Only worthy of dating and sex, but not to marry.
• Some Europeans do not wish to be categorized with white Americans because they consider them white trash
• Many Native Africans do not wish to be categorized with African Americans because they consider them ghetto trash
• Emotionally Weak; cry-babies. Complain and cry about tiny things and have no concept of true pain or true hardship.
• Spoiled brats
• Rude
• Arrogant
• Egotistical

Why dont you put these catch phrases on your walls, so your customers truly know how you feel about them.


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:13 PM
Hi Sahabi

I must say that I am very fond of your idea and I wish you the best in starting your business. Personally, I enjoy smoking hookah and would love to be able to go and enjoy an evening in the lounge you described.

Being South African, I decided to provide you with a few quotes from one of our country's heroes, Nelson Mandela:

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

And a picture with Kofi Annan which I really like:

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:30 PM
The first thing that comes to my mind is John Lennon. Maybe some phrases from "Imagine".


edit on 11/18/2010 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

A "puff" a day keeps the "problems" away


Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. Albert Einstein

Inspiration and genius--one and the same. Victor Hugo

The power of imagination makes us infinite. John Muir

Lots of them here:

Wishing you the best for your new business !

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

I have no idea why you have chosen to take my words out of context. You only half quoted me.
This is the full and complete quote:

Originally posted by Sahabi
I was born in America and raised in an immigrant community. I can tell you what the "Typical American" is from the point of view of the many immigrants I have been exposed to my entire life.

Typical American:

• Fat
• Lazy
• Stupid, Idiotic, Uneducated, Unintelligent
• Believes everything on television
• Believes America and Americans are the supreme beings of earth that all others should emulate
• Has no true understanding or perspective of the world outside of America
• Lack morals and values
• Many American guys are gay
• Most American girls are unworthy of marriage because they are overly promiscuous, can't cook, can't clean, party too much, and are not faithful. Only worthy of dating and sex, but not to marry.
• Some Europeans do not wish to be categorized with white Americans because they consider them white trash
• Many Native Africans do not wish to be categorized with African Americans because they consider them ghetto trash
• Emotionally Weak; cry-babies. Complain and cry about tiny things and have no concept of true pain or true hardship.
• Spoiled brats
• Rude
• Arrogant
• Egotistical

I was raised in an Asian immigrant community. I know many Native Africans and Arabs from my Islamic beliefs and time spent at mosques. I work with and party with many Europeans.

I'm not confirming nor denying these views are true, nor am I implying this is how all non-Americans view Americans. It is only the views of non-americans that I have experienced.
edit on 11/17/10 by Sahabi because: Correct grammar

Notice I said:

"I can tell you what the "Typical American" is from the point of view of the many immigrants I have been exposed to my entire life."

"I'm not confirming nor denying these views are true, nor am I implying this is how all non-Americans view Americans. It is only the views of non-americans that I have experienced."

I do not appreciate you coming into this thread with half quotes out of context in an effort to sling mud on my name. I am an American, born and raised. My mother is a white [Caucasian] American, and I am in no way a self-hating, white American! The only insult I gave from my personal opinion is when I talked about the "average" American family structure, linked here:

reply to post by Sahabi

And to whoever starred this post from MessOnTheFed!, I suggest you please research before you jump on the mud-slinging band wagon.

Peace to you.

edit on 11/18/10 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Dude, I'm pretty angry that you had to portray me negatively by quoting out of context as the FIRST reply to this thread. I fear you have now pushed people away that would be willing to give me suggestions. Argh...

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

Call em like i see em man. Was it really worth 2 posts though?

Edit: And by the way the first paragraph of your post told your view of the whole cituation. So your "half quote" remark doesn't really apply here. Thanks

edit on 18-11-2010 by MessOnTheFED! because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

You can take heart that some of us noticed that the quote seemed... off and looked it up to get the context.

MOTF, you should have included a link ... but then that wouldn't have been so sensational if everyone got the context, huh?

Sahabi, don't sweat the small stuff. I wish you much success in your new endeavor!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

If you "call it how you see it" why did you not "see" that I even started that post by saying, I can tell you what the "Typical American" is from the point of view of the many immigrants I have been exposed to my entire life.

I'm the kind of person that can entertain ideas without accepting them and truly understand other people's point of view while holding my own. I gave the point of view of the many non-Americans I have encountered.

And 2 posts is worth it to defend myself against false accusations and slander. If you took time to know me instead of misrepresenting a single post of mine, you would see I am a person that is striving towards Peace, Enlightenment, and Unity with my fellow humans. I still have my temper, but dam, do you think it's cool to derail this thread with false accusations?

Whatever dude, say whatever you want, I will no longer reply to you. May Peace be with you.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

I saw it just like everyone else saw it. It really wasn't out of context now was it? The first paragraph of your post that i quoted explained exactly where you were coming from. Is it my fault that people only read what they want to? Didnt think so.

Back to the main ingredient. Dim lights and a lot of pillows. Big pillows. Bean bags are a must. Mood and music is the way to go. The people really wont spend too much time reading quotes. And if they dont like the quote or the person who said it hurts your chance for repeat business. You dont want anything that would offend soeone. Again thats just me calling em like i see em. Some friendly agvice form someone your steaming at.


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I do cherish your opinion BH. We actually never spoken, but believe me when I say that. Just dont like american bashing.


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:52 PM
I don't like the music in this video, but it's got some good sayings in it. I'm looking for another one that I can't seem to find...

Here's another one:

I found it! One of my favorites!

edit on 11/18/2010 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 09:21 PM
To live is to fly both low and high
So shake the dust off of your wings
and the tears out of your eyes

Townes Van Zandt

Writing songs is mysterious stuff
Sometimes you write for no reason
Sometimes you write til it hurts
Sometimes you write with a vengence
but its all just a search for the truth
Sometimes all it takes
is a shot in the dark
to see the light

Guy Clark

Definition of a Warrior

The father who lays down an honest path for his children
The mother who kisses the hurts earned along life's highways
A grandfather who teaches his grandchildren the ancient ways
A grandmother who snuggles her grandbabies close for stories
An aunt or uncle who step in to fill the shoes of troubled parents
The neighbor who feeds the children no one seems to care about
A teacher that encourages the children with low self-confidence
A friend thats always there through thick and thin, rain or shine
The child with the courage to befriend an odd or unpopular kid
A warrior fights for the future good today's battle can attain
but not for the rewards - for they soon turn to rust

Wyn D. Hawks

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by dyllels

I've never really looked into Kofi Anan, nor have I heard any of his speeches or quotes. I do like this quote you gave me: "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
I might very well use it, thank you.

reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Can't go wrong with Ghandi. Always love reading his words. He was such a humble and pious man. I don't know much about Lenon, and I never listened to The Beetles. I do like the song "Penny Lane" though. But I have seen several Lenon bumper stickers on cars throughout the years, and the quotes always feel good. I'll have to check more into Lenon.

reply to post by SonoftheSun

Thanks for the link! Always great to quote people outside of major religious affiliation. Good way to stay neutral

reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

I previously co-owned a Hookah Lounge, now I'm branching off on my own. You are so right about the lighting and pillows. Beanbags didn't really work out too good for us at the last lounge. I'm gonna stick with comfy couches and pillows.

Previously we used dim/low lighting. This time I'm gonna experiment around with candle and lamp lighting. It just feels better to escape the poison of fluorescent lighting when possible.

My last hookah lounge was themed with local artist paintings. Many were politically and ultirally provocative and risqué. It sparked many discussions, you'd be surprised. People do look at and consider images and quotes very much so. It taught me the power of suggestion. I'd rather suggest positiveness and unity this time around.

reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to highly consider the first one you posted. Highly appreciated!


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