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I got a story

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:11 AM
Allright, when I start talking bout this my pulse raises, and adrenalin starts, maybe im afraid noone will believe me, then again it dosent really matter I feel an obligation to write about this. I was sitting in my car smoking when I feelt like I was having a conversation with somone, then thing started to move around me (the poltergeist type) i got scared and drove off to another remote location when I noticed the stars were really bright (it was christmas, and 3AM) I got out to see the stars when I noticed a red light in the sky zig-zaging really near me, needles to say I was scared out of my mind, and I ran to my house. When I got to my house I felt kinda more secure so I thought, hey contact is contact so lets have it, I went to the rough of my house, and then there was rapid weather change when I said somthing and nothing much after that, no aliens, then, for some reason (dont ask me why) I kneeled, when I kneeled I heard a wooosh and a giant triangle was hovering above my house at 200m with lights flashing (exactly like a comercial jet) it just passed and went.

Allright, so I came back after four months, and guess what I sat on my rough for hours (4 to be exact). In 4 AM I heard an owl, it was like really near and the sound was coming from nowhere. So im thinking to myself im not alone... And im thinking id like to see a flying disc, in bout 20 secs there it was, from where I was sitting it was a gray disc, with a black cross (splitting it intoo four parts) and three or four holes on its bottom it flew silently over my house and went away, so im thinkin this and that and its really uncomfortable when ur thinking somones reading ur mind, and adrenalin is pumping, and im thinking bout punching it iff I see it, and dumb stuff like that cause im scared. But what I thought was I thought I knew this was gonna happen, little meditating men showed me this in a dream ( that is actualy true iff you can swollow this). After it didnt show (the alien) and I only gave it like 5-10min at best cause I was too scared, and I actualy walked away, yep I lost it (chicken). Only to find that tommorow I was in the presence of four beinngs, made out of blue light, thay were little meditating men (only outlines) sitting in a six-pointed david star, about 2,5inches tall and wide, I really tryed to comunicate with them, but its really hard with telepathy u dont know what thay are telling you, and what ur imagination is saying so I cant really say who I was talking and what about ( shame really, think about it a mute miracle)...(the men in little davidstars are what thay actualy call the "merkaba" "flower of life" "tetrahedron" "chariot of ascension""wheels in wheels" "chariot of god") thay spent with me 7 days, even tho we couldnt communicate I saw them on my wall in a 2dimensional way, when I was outside my house I heard owls and home I saw the little men, to keep it short, this was lasting for 7 days. One day the little blue man made a triangle with thayr "bodyes" that pointed up, and this time I herd it in my head "go to the rough", and guess what I got really scared, by this time I was paranoid, and since we couldnt talk I was making all kinds of silly connections, and I said "no" iff you like you can come to me, and I went to sleep. ( I think ur supposed to listen when thay ask somthing) I was sleeping and remember like talking to somone in my sleep, I felt the light on my eyelids like it was morning, then suddenly I was redreaming the "little meditating men dream, and aliens visiting" I was suddenly on my side and I feel like a sharp/heat on my neck, and it feels deep it hurts I know im dreaming but I cant move I cant open my eyes, the pain lasted for about 10-15 sec, next thing im awake its morning, little blue man still there, like nothing happened.

Theres more of the story, and iff you can swollow this ill write on, im just asking for a little openmindedness.

P.S.-theres alot more evidence that points to owls being aliens(not actual owls, thay just use the owl for some reason), and I know about alot of owl worship and iconography in the world, and I think thayr all worshiping aliens, iff youd like to debate on that I can show you what I found,
edit on 18-11-2010 by kera1337 because: typo city

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:20 AM
I debate on most things, and would love to see what evideince you have for your story.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Divine Strake

Well the first thing I saw after that was the movie "fourth kind" that kinda encouraged me to look more, and I have to say thay werent all that bad with me like thay were with the woman in the movie (exept for the what I think was chipping).

I found that the world elite (including most of the presidents) gather at the Bohemian grove, and worship a giant owl statue, what thay call is "Molech", theese people often flash the "horned owl" hand-sign.

I found theres building that were made to look like owls

theres an owl on the one dollar bill

The Hopi indians gave a description of "star warriors" thay described as:
Blue Race aka: Star Warriors, Moon-eyes
Description: The Blues are said to have translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes extremely sensitive to light and small of stature.

Keep in mind this is really old for a alien description

The hopi worshiped "the horned owl"

Theres more ill dig up, and post later, thx for asking

edit on 18-11-2010 by kera1337 because: bad link

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by kera1337
I was sitting in my car smoking

Can you tell us what you were smoking?
Serious question.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:58 AM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:05 AM
Heh, I'll support you on this, who am I to say you have not had these experiences. Hell, I taught science and fine arts for 32 years, retired and had to discard a lot of what I believed. I have not to my knowledge seen any beings, but have seen myself, that is my spiritual self, light being so all preconceived idea's of our reality is in question. I have had those others say things of myself and of course by reference to you and others, that we, our spirit is pretty damn important.

Perhaps next in my meditation, I can get those others to visit, something to work on I suppose.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:30 AM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by Crutchley29

In my life I was thought only to speak the truth.
Im not looking for somone to trust me im actualy here looking to put that 0.1% of my story in your head, iff you would allow me to do so, I feel it is my obligation to share this and look for a few openminded people I can reach, because this is all I can do, this forum is my only resort to doing so. thx again

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:44 AM
Im sorry, but my experiences on ATS have left me somewhat jaded to the intentions of posters who declare they have a "Story" to tell, especially those who imagine UFO's only to have them appear seconds later, this sounds like the work of an overactive imagination coupled with methodical drug use.

I applaud you for your honesty though, I really do, there are plenty of open minded people on ATS but also an equal amount who will scorn users for posting stories or theory's without evidence to support them.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by kera1337

Jeeeeez is that you Billy. What have i told you about these stories. This is no place for such outlandish claims. Just put it all in a book and sell it.

What next. The world is gonna end in 2 years.

No Star or flag from me.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:59 AM
I cannot say you did not experience those things. I'm just finding it odd that most threads I've read on here, where people have had experiences (whatever they may be), seem to have known an awful lot about the subject beforehand. And, nearly all things relate to what they already know. Such as you knowing about Owls and then them being a big part of this experience.

I'm yet to come across an average joe (like me - in respect to having any kind of knowledge (theorized or otherwise) in these kinds of matters) that has been involved in anything paranormal or strange. This suggests to me, that the more one delves into this sort of thing, (depending on their state of mind at the time) the more they allow themselves to 'believe' or 'experience' things on a deeper level. And ultimately, intepret these things with a very different perspective than your average (some would say sane and sober ) person would.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Treacherous

To be honest, I never knew about the owls ( I thought thay were evil beings, because just the sound of the owl creaped me out) when I saw the fourth kind I connected the dots)

I never saw the little men before I dreamed bout them and thay were yellow not blue, and there was no star round them. I researched it later.

But I think youre right, I bealive that iff you vibrate on somthing, iff you open your mind to somthing you radiate differently, your energy just draws things youd like to you.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by kera1337

Sorry mate........but I refuse to believe any experience recounted by someone who is high on drugs.....................and what the hell were you doing driving whilst taking a cocktail of illegal drugs!!!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:13 AM
You're sitting in your car smoking METH and you want us to even debate your credibility?...of course you hallucinated for 7 days!!! Jeez, why do people who do drugs think it's OKAY, then go on to think it's OKAY to ask for help interpreting their hallucinations!? Give us all a break and go play in traffic. Mods, please close this thread.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:17 AM

Discussion of personal drug use is not allowed at ATS, please refrain from doing so,
also the post has been deleted, so no more discussion of that either.


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Xterrain

Did the OP ever say she was smoking meth!!!

How dare you accuse anybody of that!
she's probably
never even tried it

edit on 18-11-2010 by leira7 because: spelleeng

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by leira7
reply to post by Xterrain

Did the OP ever say she was smoking meth!!!

How dare you accuse anybody of that!
she's probably
never even tried it

edit on 18-11-2010 by leira7 because: spelleeng

Actually the OP admitted to just that!

the post was deleted by a mod

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 05:21 AM
In this video, the illuminati claim thay are aliens, and talk about summoning extraterestrial beings.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by sailormon
Heh, I'll support you on this, who am I to say you have not had these experiences. Hell, I taught science and fine arts for 32 years, retired and had to discard a lot of what I believed. I have not to my knowledge seen any beings, but have seen myself, that is my spiritual self, light being so all preconceived idea's of our reality is in question. I have had those others say things of myself and of course by reference to you and others, that we, our spirit is pretty damn important.

Perhaps next in my meditation, I can get those others to visit, something to work on I suppose.

Great comment.

We must remain absolutely open minded.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

This probably he most sober question I've read the whole afternoon - anywhere...

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