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West coasters--So we don't have any UFO confusion today--The following is an e-mail I just recieved

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posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:30 PM
The ISS was a bright as Jupiter....I wonder when the next time you'll be able to get all three together again

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:33 PM
Wont stop some looney claiming the ISS has been taken over by aliens. Come on, whats the bet?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Cyberspy

Thanks. LOL, you are right, someone just may rip my video, cut it up, put a new date on it, and tell everyone it's a UFO.

reply to post by morder1

Thanks. Yes it's pretty easy when you know when and where...


Hey look what I filmed while I was waiting for the I.S.S.... Another mystery missile over LA!

Just kidding, it's a jet. Well, two of them..

edit on 16-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Kaynos
I already saw the ISS with the space shuttle attached to it. I can tell you this, it's a lot less brighter than Jupiter or Venus.

It can appear brighter or dimmer depending on the time and angle. Looks like the apparent magnitude from California was -3.9 this time around, which is quite a bit brighter than Jupiter but somewhat dimmer than Venus. It is, of course, much more fun to watch than Jupiter or Venus.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Wayfarer

Hello Wayfare,

Check with and enter your postal zip code for time for the ISS in your backyard.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Interesting and thanks for the heads up, however I'll play devils advocate here and say "what IF" a real UFO did pass by calif around that time? People will now be dismissing it as the ISS? hmmmm

just to add:

I've never in my life seen what I honestly felt was a true "UFO" and I look up in the sky a lot and lived in a very rural area most my life so it was so dark I could see satellites at night. Just so I don't get confused with those who want to believe so bad everything is a UFO.

I'm just saying that it is still entirely possible that a UFO in the sky tonight is still a UFO and NOT the ISS.

Thanks for the heads up though, hopefully it will make people think twice before quickly labeling it a UFO, but still not automatically assume its the ISS either.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:05 AM
I think I saw a UFO near the moon and Jupiter. They were in the same area. Amazing!

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:52 AM
Thanks for the info.
I've seen it before, but will be on the lookout again tonight.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:57 AM
I filmed it last summer . When you first see it ,it looks very much like a planes bright headlights I knew it was the ISS because I checked the times and that is why I was out there.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Yes, PST.

Should make for an awesome show.

Just want to make sure we don't have 5 dozen threads popping up here confusing it for "final disclosure".


It's those 5 dozen threads that keep this site going

Thanks for the info

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

Excellent capture! I love the setup with the phone apps and then the video.

Star from me.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Proof? I got email today saying i won a million dollars. UFOS are swamp gas we know that but where is your proof for your email.
edit on 17-11-2010 by umigo because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:07 AM
I've gotta see this someday.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Just recieved this from one of my astronomer friends, and it is pretty important imho, as I GUARANTEE there are going to be many folks who are going to be jumping up and down saying they just saw the biggest UFO ever.

Hopefully everyone will take note of this and keep this at the top for a few so we dont have a rash of threads and confusion:

"This evening the International Space Station (ISS) will be visible (as a bright light) crossing directly overhead from NW to SE, starting at 5:07pm, for about 5 minutes. At that time, just barely after sunset, there will only be 2 other objects visible in the sky, the moon and the planet Jupiter, both high up in the SW. They will be near each other and the ISS should pass close by them, making an brief conjunction of the 3 brightest objects all in the same small area. You should be able to see this from anywhere in Southern California."
edit on 16-11-2010 by DimensionalDetective because: Typo

I take offense to this statement:

1- "I GUARANTEE there are going to be many folks who are going to be jumping up and down saying they just saw the biggest UFO ever"
That thing BARELY was noticeable, I spend more than 30 minutes (from 4:40 to 5:30) looking at the sky in hopes on seeing it and taking pictures/video. Well that was excrement. The thing was barely noticeable, and I doubt anyone who didn't know about this would have noticed.

2.- "starting at 5:07pm, for about 5 minutes. At that time, just barely after sunset, there will only be 2 other objects visible in the sky, the moon and the planet Jupiter, both high up in the SW. They will be near each other and the ISS should pass close by them, making an brief conjunction of the 3 brightest objects all in the same small area. You should be able to see this from anywhere in Southern California."

I live in Downey, but was at a park in Lakewood at that moment to see the "biggest UFO ever", which turned out to look like a really, tiny star. I ask for my hour of life back.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Enter Ruin

1) I don't think you have been around ATS or other UFO websites long enough to understand this topic. Die-hards all around the world will try to find anything they can and claim it is a UFO. The I.S.S. has been subject to 100's of UFO topics in the past. Yes, some people thought it was the greatest UFO they have ever seen.

This topic is just a very fair warning that it just may happen again...

2) I have a different opinion than you. The I.S.S. was actually one of the three brightest objects in the sky at that time. It was completely noticeable if you were looking in the sky, or looking at the moon at the right moment (like most UFO watchers).

I filmed it too, if you didn't see it:

There is no reason for you to be offended by this topic unless you are mad that someone ruined your chance to say the I.S.S. was a UFO.
edit on 17-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:23 PM

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy
reply to post by Enter Ruin

1) I don't think you have been around ATS or other UFO websites long enough to understand this topic. Die-hards all around the world will try to find anything they can and claim it is a UFO. The I.S.S. has been subject to 100's of UFO topics in the past. Yes, some people thought it was the greatest UFO they have ever seen.

This topic is just a very fair warning that it just may happen again...

2) I have a different opinion than you. The I.S.S. was actually one of the three brightest objects in the sky at that time. It was completely noticeable if you were looking in the sky, or looking at the moon at the right moment (like most UFO watchers).

I filmed it too, if you didn't see it:

There is no reason for you to be offended by this topic unless you are mad that someone ruined your chance to say the I.S.S. was a UFO.
edit on 17-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

1.- You think wrong, I made this account recently, but I have been coming in here for the past year and a half as a guest

2.- I did see your video, and even then, it doesn't compare to what others have said before.. sure it looks as a "UFO" I give you that, but as to claim EVERYONE that believes in them is foolish to believe that's the best UFO ever, or assume people will think of "full disclosure" just for the fact that object was visible by merely DOZENS (if so) for about 4 minutes is even more foolish. I as a believer, am offended by such claims.

3.- "There is no reason for you to be offended by this topic unless you are mad that someone ruined your chance to say the I.S.S. was a UFO"

What makes you think that? You're the one I've seen trying so hard on disproving sightings on previous cases and threads without backing up claims. The OP should have waited to see if people came by the thousands (as he was 100% certain), and make threads about the (tiny) sighting, claiming to be the best UFO sighting ever.. THEN he could have showed us proof it was not that. Your video is compelling evidence of that, so it wouldn't have been a problem.. the problem is that he claimed something he wasn't sure of.

I live 30 minutes or so away from LAX, and I see those kinds of lights everyday, as I'm sure THOUSANDS, if not millions of people do here in Southern California, and yet they haven't been jumping "up and down". Those kinds of comments are what makes me feel insulted.. such arrogance shouldn't be tolerated in ATS.

edit on 17-11-2010 by Enter Ruin because: typo

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Enter Ruin

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy
reply to post by Enter Ruin

1) I don't think you have been around ATS or other UFO websites long enough to understand this topic. Die-hards all around the world will try to find anything they can and claim it is a UFO. The I.S.S. has been subject to 100's of UFO topics in the past. Yes, some people thought it was the greatest UFO they have ever seen.

This topic is just a very fair warning that it just may happen again...

2) I have a different opinion than you. The I.S.S. was actually one of the three brightest objects in the sky at that time. It was completely noticeable if you were looking in the sky, or looking at the moon at the right moment (like most UFO watchers).

I filmed it too, if you didn't see it:

There is no reason for you to be offended by this topic unless you are mad that someone ruined your chance to say the I.S.S. was a UFO.
edit on 17-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

1.- You think wrong, I made this account recently, but I have been coming in here for the past year and a half as a guest

2.- I did see your video, and even then, it doesn't compare to what others have said before.. sure it looks as a "UFO" I give you that, but as to claim EVERYONE that believes in them is foolish to believe that's the best UFO ever, or assume people will think of "full disclosure" just for the fact that object was visible by merely DOZENS (if so) for about 4 minutes is even more foolish. I as a believer, am offended by such claims.

3.- "There is no reason for you to be offended by this topic unless you are mad that someone ruined your chance to say the I.S.S. was a UFO"

What makes you think that? You're the one I've seen trying so hard on disproving sightings on previous cases and threads without backing up claims. The OP should have waited to see if people came by the thousands (as he was 100% certain), and make threads about the (tiny) sighting, claiming to be the best UFO sighting ever.. THEN he could have showed us proof it was not that. Your video is compelling evidence of that, so it wouldn't have been a problem.. the problem is that he claimed something he wasn't sure of.

I live 30 minutes or so away from LAX, and I see those kinds of lights everyday, as I'm sure THOUSANDS, if not millions of people do here in Southern California, and yet they haven't been jumping "up and down". Those kinds of comments are what makes me feel insulted.. such arrogance shouldn't be tolerated in ATS.

edit on 17-11-2010 by Enter Ruin because: typo

Well, this is it guys....what weve been waiting for. Im heading underground. Hopefully ill see some of you after all this is over. Black ghost out.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Enter Ruin
1.- You think wrong, I made this account recently, but I have been coming in here for the past year and a half as a guest

That is not long enough for you to understand how many times people confuse the I.S.S. for UFOs.

Originally posted by Enter Ruin
2.- I did see your video, and even then, it doesn't compare to what others have said before.. sure it looks as a "UFO" I give you that, but as to claim EVERYONE that believes in them is foolish to believe that's the best UFO ever, or assume people will think of "full disclosure" just for the fact that object was visible by merely DOZENS (if so) for about 4 minutes is even more foolish. I as a believer, am offended by such claims.


This topic is to prevent people from mistaking the I.S.S. as a UFO. Do you understand how much that happens? It is common for people to sensationalize their sightings and say "its the best ever". It is also common for people to promote the idea of "full disclosure" when they think they saw a UFO. The OP was just trying to prevent the I.S.S. from creating that nonsense. He is not saying "all believers do that". How can you possibly be offended by him preventing such nonsense?

Originally posted by Enter Ruin
What makes you think that? You're the one I've seen trying so hard on disproving sightings on previous cases and threads without backing up claims.

What a JOKE that comment is. I don't post without backing up my claims. You = fail.

I will even back up this claim, but it will be off topic.

Originally posted by Enter Ruin
The OP should have waited to see if people came by the thousands (as he was 100% certain), and make threads about the (tiny) sighting, claiming to be the best UFO sighting ever.. THEN he could have showed us proof it was not that. Your video is compelling evidence of that, so it wouldn't have been a problem.. the problem is that he claimed something he wasn't sure of.

This proves you are new in the UFO field. Like I have said before you posted this... The I.S.S. is mistaken for a UFO all the time. Many people sensationalize their claims and say "its the best UFO ever", and even talk about "full disclosure"... This has happened before, and could happen again. The OP knew this, and so to prevent it from happening he made a warning. To further prevent it from happening, I filmed it, and I made a video so it could be used TO BACK UP CLAIMS when or if it happens this time.

You are asking the OP to not educate people, or warn them, until after they shout it is a UFO. Do you understand how illogical that is?

Originally posted by Enter Ruin
I live 30 minutes or so away from LAX, and I see those kinds of lights everyday, as I'm sure THOUSANDS, if not millions of people do here in Southern California, and yet they haven't been jumping "up and down". Those kinds of comments are what makes me feel insulted.. such arrogance shouldn't be tolerated in ATS.

Here is some reality for you.... Many people do "jump up and down" when they see a UFO sighting. Many of them do mistake the I.S.S. for a UFO.... If that makes you feel insulted, that is your own fault.
edit on 17-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Kaynos

I was on the Oregon coast Labor Day weekend and saw the ISS just after was the brightest object in the sky that night, moving pretty fast and very cool to experience...several people in the group thought they had just witnessed their first UFO, but we considered the ISS as a remote possibility. When we returned to Internet access we found we were right in the ISS's path.

Cheers to all who saw it tonight!

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