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This Rocking Singer Is A 3D Hologram!

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by manmental

Originally posted by davidgrouchy

But it is a 180 degree 3d hologram.

Every member of the audience is seeing her as full 3d.

David Grouchy

hi. I’m afraid you are wrong. it is a 2d projection. She is not in 3 dimensions... the audience see it how the video camera sees it... as a 2d projection. If she was 3d then by moving around her you would see more of her which is not the case.
its not a hologram.. it is a projection. Sorry, but that is what it is.

Dude.. You’re wrong I’m afraid, check out the links in the OP and you will see that there are several camera angles that show the hologram from different perspectives....

Also check my video's above, it's totally possible these days.


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Someone said: (sorry i'm still a bit sad at posts) "Yeah, I suppose it is actually a Holograph rather than a hologram. But is the general populace going to pick up on such a trvial detail?"

And: "Just thought I'd say that a true 3D Holograme 360 is possible... This has been around for a couple of years now so not sure where it's at, at present. bet it's 200% better than this though..."

Hi. Who are the general populace? ATS members? Its hardly trivial to call something which it isn't, especially in the title of one's post.
Also I think the word 'holograph' is made up. Another misconception perhaps. But I am willing to be proved wrong so please send me to an Internet article describing a 'holograph' as the only entries I can find say a holograph is a document signed by someone.

And much as I would love a 3D kate Moss in my troom I'm afraid that is another misconception and yet again the gullible are fooled... as that too is NOT a hologram of any kind... she is 2D... walk around that and you won't see 'her back'...

here is a quote I found

"The apparition of Kate Moss is not a holographic image as the MIT Advertising Lab points out. The 3D image is actually an example of Pepper's Ghost (Wikipedia), which was first used, as The Independent explains, in the 19th Century by John Henry Pepper in a production of Charles Dickens' "The Haunted Man." "

I must admit though that I went to the Haunted House in Eurodisney some years ago and not only saw amazing use of the 'Pepper's Ghost' gag but what I can only describe as a 3D hologram... it was a head in a glass display case and I recall moving around it and it appeared 3d, and it was moving... so I guess I've contradicted myself somewhat... but I think the Disney head was a 'trick' of some sorts. Would like to know more...

oh.. the Disney head was encased in glass... I think the main point I was making is that these 'projected 3d' holograms can't exist is that we need something to project onto I believe.

Anyway. prepared to be proved wrong. But the videos posted here are not holograms and I don't know what a 'holograph' is but I bet they're not that either... they are all clever 2d projections.

edit on 15-11-2010 by manmental because: layout

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Dude... i did watch the videos and although the camera angle sort of changes (always very front on though) its the 2d video of the anime charachter that is 'spinning' and 'moving'... she is not 3D and thetre is not one clip that shows she is.

What we would need is her to be static and not spinning aroungd and the camera to move around her .. this doesn't happen. If it did I bet you she would remain 2D.

I would love to believe in 3D holograms too. But this ain't one dude.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:11 PM
I played a video game long ago that was 3D you could wave your hand right through it like in those Star wars games playing the Chess type game.
Cost like $4 to play giving you 3 life. You could buy Rubrics Cubes from the Beautiful Rubrics Cube sells lady. The player you were was a Cowboy and did various Gun fighting. It was very hard on the eyes so limited the play time you could do.
you may have to scroll down to Games
Found it and it is here at this link.
edit on 11/15/2010 by Connman because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/15/2010 by Connman because: Try to fix link

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:17 PM
I think you guys might like this vid too


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by amadeus30
I think you guys might like this vid too




It's only a matter of time before this technology starts to reach everyday life!!

Can't wait!!

Originally posted by Connman
I played a video game long ago that was 3D you could wave your hand right through it like in those Star wars games playing the Chess type game.
Cost like $4 to play giving you 3 life. You could buy Rubrics Cubes from the Beautiful Rubrics Cube sells lady. The player you were was a Cowboy and did various Gun fighting. It was very hard on the eyes so limited the play time you could do.
you may have to scroll down to Games

Whooaa I'm a gamer and I never heard of it until you mentioned it did some research and came up with a youtube clip. It's hard to believe it's real and especially since this is from 1991!!

But yep it's real and even though the gameplay was more about timed joystick movements and button presses to initiate preset movements as opposed to actually controlling the characters it clearly was awesome none the less.

edit on 15-11-2010 by Korg Trinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:49 PM
Fantastic thread! This is why I come back to ATS. Thanks for the great read all those involved.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Thanks for the vids

Seeing time traveler brings back memories for sure! I think it was at an arcade in Branson MO where i saw that game a LONG time ago... It was also the first time i played VR.

Thanks for making me feel old.....

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by amadeus30

pause the OP's video at 1:03 to see clearly the sizable glass-like material the "singer" is projected on.

2nd line.

edit on 15-11-2010 by Phantomfire707 because: change of words.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:04 PM
I think the real question here should be :

Why, if you had the technology to create 3d holographic artists, would you make them play such terrible music ?!?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:57 PM
If this catches on in American pop music, the people who create the fake stars will actually have more talent than the real stars they will be replacing.
An interesting, but probably short lived, reversal of the lowest common denominator current that seems to drive most things here.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Several years ago they demonstrated 3D TV which was two screens - one regular one facing you, and one at 90 degrees on the floor, with a sheet of glass from the near edge of the on the floor screen to the top of the facing you screen. ( 45 deg).
It was also interactive in that you could "touch screen" the 3d images and interact.
It was supposed to be the next big thing.....
So they don't need holo anything to do three D
here's one on the market now though this company is using a technique different from the two screen method I mentioned.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by Dachende
I think the real question here should be :

Why, if you had the technology to create 3d holographic artists, would you make them play such terrible music ?!?

A matter of taste my dear follow....

I love J-pop and this I can tell you is right up there with the best. But you got to realise that virtual artists will appear in every genre... Think of the Maiden possibilities?? real life eddie anyone??


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by amadeus30

Wait a minute...That looks like what flew into the twin towers

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:32 AM
That is so awsome..I love the japanese culture, and a huge FF fan..

This is one of the first "hologram" vids I saw a couple years ago, in Japan..they've brought it a long way from Nessie..this is actually really cool!

well I guess I dont know how to embed
edit on 16-11-2010 by Yummy Freelunch because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Connman

I remember that game back in arcades. It was considered a novelty by many, just like Dragon's Lair was. Many people were amazed by the aesthetics of the actual game that they wasted a lot of money playing it without any regard for how well the gameplay was.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:45 PM
I also remember the Time Traveler game from my neighborhood arcade. I miss those places

Anyway, here's a wikipedia link that may be relevant to this thread: Wiki - Volumetric Display

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