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West Vs East Still Exists Today

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 12:49 AM
The Only difference this time, is that the west is looking more to expand and conquer,just like the soviets did right? well lets step back in time, and explore what the European Union is and what isn't.

We will be also exploring why the EU and NATO desperately the former regions of the Yugoslavia.
The same way NATO & EU are keeping Georgie and Ukraine at bay rather then by joining which will upset the Russians.

And yes even causing a war over its former regions.

But first we will be talking about Europe and the cold war, right after the world war II.

Here's the old map of the USSR

Now ask yourselves is the reason to keep the usa forces stationed in Georgia for a long period to keep the peace in Georgia or is it because the reason they are stationed in Georgia, are all waiting for the go order to attack Russia?

There are moreover 500 to 700 bases around Europe and in Japan and elsewhere for what propose?
World War II is over, there is no reason to keep these many bases at all.

Unless its for conquest and show of strength showing the might of the americas force in Russia's face.

Here's the map of the cold war on how the world existed right after world war II until the early 1990s

Here's the European Union map of today

Once the media used to say they feared the Iron curtain and full take over of eupore by the russian, yet today its a different story, what would the russians people say about ever growing and expanding empire of the European Union?

You know back in the early 80s and 90s before the idea of the European Union became a reality people never believed that a day when the European Union actually became real.

If you have any questions on this issue please do ask, i will try to answer some of them.
edit on 14-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Do you want the truth? Can you handle the truth? Can you accept it and move on with life knowing the truth?

The insignificant and nobody will tell you truth.


The only versus, or presumed animity, hatred, etc against each other is only sowed by opportunists who seek to gain either power or wealth from such forms of divisions of the single human race, be it for a few dollars, a few trillions, the seat on a supervisor's chair or a seat on the most powerful nation's chair.

Go to a Russian or Chinese village if you are poor and hungry, and no one will deny you bread and water if you a foreigner. No foriegner will be turn away at the door step of an american home if he came in peace and seek only food and water. We common people have no hatred against each other, for we know that the one before us is one of us - human, with common peaceful aims and aspirations in life for himself and his loved ones.

For anyone who seeks to play up differences of west vs east, then one best look deeper into his agenda, and not be manipulated to serve their ends, be it the brave soldier or the matronly mother on both sides sending off her son to battle of brother killing brother.


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