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Panic as Massive Possession Grips School

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:13 AM
getreadyalready, I just wante to answer a few of your questions.

The Devil, Satan whatever is historically stated to attack the followers of Jesus because his goal is not necesarily to make you part of his eternal hell army, but to divide the individual from their personal relationship with God. He does so out of jealousy and hatred for God. He ignore Athiests because they have already abandoned their relationship with God, therefore he has nothing to gain. Basically he wants to prove to God that he is the bigger influence, even if people are unaware of it. Notice people blame God for the bad things, and not the bad deeds of the free will of people themselves alot. This is what the Devil wants, because he believes this makes him more powerful. Course we all know what the end game is if that is the world you live in.

Also many cultures not affiliated with the Abrahamic God and Jesus have historically had written accounts of demonic forces and their influence throughour their cultures. Pretty much edvery culture actually.

As far as this is concerned though, I am leaning on the ingestion of foreign contaminants theory in conjunction with specifically targeted individuals that may have been unknowingly groomed to react and speak in the manner. Like the individuals mentioned were recently taught about a phrase that they knew would sound different during an intoxicated rant?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by DYepes

You think so?
I think it is just another in a string of food poisoning cases.
There has been a terrible outbreak of mystery illness hitting schools in 2010
(I found that out researching stories and looking for a similar account I am aware of) - and most of them have sugar, soft drink or energy drink consumption in common.

Course it could be Satan.
What do I know?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:25 AM
but why would most of the girls be saying the same thing? My thought was maybe they were having trouble saying "helps, help us, I need help" or something in that manner in their native lanugage but the convulsions were manipulating the sounds. Locals would have been able to catch that though dont you think?

Thats why I think they were just repeating somethign they may not have known they groomed to say during a specific event.

Do any of these girls have connectiosn outside of the school? activity group, day care, after school programs or whatnot.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by mother1138

According to the story "Roman Catholic priests, as well as pastors from nearby churches, including Josephine Charles, Deborah Charles and Pastor Gordon, visited the school and began showering the children with holy water and prayers. ... Six ambulances arrived at the school accompanied by police teams from the Moruga and St Mary’s Police Post. A party of fire officers from the Princes Town Fire Station, led by acting Assistant Divisional Fire Officer Ramdeo Boodoo visited the school and began conducting several tests on the surroundings to determine the cause of the problem."

Some of the girl continued to need the toilet, and others began uttering word sounding like "shebbaberbebeb shhhhee." Sounds like glossolalia, apparently, so the article links to a wikipedia article on "speaking in tongues" aka "glossolalia."

I added that link, too, in the additional news links.

Strange story, especially after the other story from France about the several people who claim to have seen a demon before they all threw themselves out a window.

Strange times.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Priests, children, holy water

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by BrainGarden
(Evil entities or, Demons) thrive in situations
where violence,(physical ,sexual, or mental)
is rampant.This is their life source in this plain.
multi-generational for sure,they will have a home.
IMO,events like this will surely manifest themselves
in more and diverse places around the world.
There is a reason the Vatican is ramping up
the Exorsism' s.The enemy is getting bolder
because the season has come.This is only the beginning,
more is surely to come.And for a while they will contain it
with fake cover stories and the like but, as this
activity grows and explodes... and it will, people will begin
to understand what is going on.(can you say Zombie)???

Peace from The BrainGarden.

Evidence would really help in this situation. I'm fairly sure the purpose of ATS isn't to preach, which is exactly what you're doing. What evidence is there that the Vatican is ramping up exorcism activity, historically I'd say it's pretty low. Who's the enemy? I've never seen any proof of these malevolent entities from another world. Then you drop the Z-word on us? I'm... lost?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Tetrarch42
What evidence is there that the Vatican is ramping up exorcism activity, historically I'd say it's pretty low.

Read my post on page 3.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

Mate, you took the words right ouf my mouth! Didn't the CIA do a similar experiment in france years ago and the whole town went loopy!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:38 AM
I would have to say some sort of poisoning, in there food, but wouldent most kids in the school get the same symptoms, gas leak or some sort filling the school. some chemicals can if mixed together create gas that will make you hallucinate even die. So many possibilities before possesion should have been thought off, im not saying it dont exist, its just hard to get around 17 people behing possesed at the same time.

just my 2 cents

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
"In the Caribbean state of Trinidad and Tobago, 17 female students fell mysteriously ill and began rolling on the ground, hissing and blabbering in a strange tongue, after suffering bouts of nausea and headaches. Two of the students reportedly tried to throw themselves off a railing and had to be physically restrained, triggering fears of a possible demon attack"

Sounds more like chemical warfare to me. Maybe a test run?

Exactly what I was thinking - and there was one a few weeks ago In a school somewhere and the girls all just fell asleep .. again after headaches. I would be guessing as you say practise runs set of from afar somehow and In places that wont get a lot of western attention In general as these people believe Its always " the naughti devil on the loose ".

If I start rolling around speaking In tounges - throw some water on me please lol. Imagine though something like this happening to a entire City at once - yes I am thinking chemical warfare also.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:52 AM
To OP >>>

Hey dude, but you DO realize that this is a BS? Do you? There is no such a thing like possession and exorcism.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:59 AM
maybe they came to their senses and just had enough of R.E class. but the school wouldnt let them leave so they threw a hissy fit!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by EvillerBob
Nausea, headaches, convulsions, hallucinations, mania affecting a group of people at the same time... that sounds like fairly classic ergotism (Wikipedia Link)

Like an earlier poster said, it sounds like they had something funny in their lunch. A common example is food made using grain products that have been infected with a particular fungus. I don't know how long it takes for the effects to kick in but I note in the report that it happened at lunch time.

Except the year is not 1693.

Nor is Trinidad and Tobago colonial Massachusetts.

Though I really hope the officials there read your post before anything sinister happens, as you seem to have it figured out with the ergotism theory. I'd hate to see those poor students burned at the stake!!


edit on 13-11-2010 by susp3kt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Mollineau recalled: “One girl was blabbering as if in a strange language. I could not understand what she was saying. “It was sounding like ‘shebbaberbebeb shhhhee.’

Sounds like all these doom and gloom predictions combined with this news only points to one possible solution...Great Cthulhu or Nyarlathotep or another of the Great Old Ones is about to rise again!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by EvillerBob
good find! that seems to make perfect sense.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:20 AM
According to some of the Native American Medicine people I know they've been saying that "the veil is getting thinner."
This case of mas possession seems to illustrate that. Doesn't sound like '___', magic mushrooms or any other substance to me. You mention another case in France of people seeing demons - can you provide a link to that one?
Thanks in advance.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by susp3kt
Except the year is not 1693.

Nor is Trinidad and Tobago colonial Massachusetts.

Nor is Russia, France or England, which all experienced post-war breakouts as recently as 1951. Ergot is still found in crops (including North America), the reduction in cases is due to improved procedures filtering it out of the foodchain. All it takes is for a filtration process to fail, or feed crops to end up in consumer prodcuts, or someone unscrupulous who decides to sell off a harvest that they know is infected. That's pretty much what happened in France.


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by mother1138

This is highly unlikely.

First and foremost, negative entities (whatever you want to call them, jins etc...) must at the present on this planet abide by Free Will.

So these girls would of had to accept the offering of control. The only reason I would even think of them doing this is if they thought they were accepting the offerings of a benevolent presence. The chance of 17 girls all at the same time having this happen to them is possible but extremely improbable!

Good people, that are positive in nature are high targets for those of the other side of the spectrum.

This screams hoax, or hallucinogenic substance usage. Which I believe to be the latter.

edit on 13-11-2010 by 11118 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:33 AM
A far more plausible cause then "possession" is drugs, probably lsd by the sounds of it.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

Sounds like a classic case of '___'...

Well, to remain within T&Cs, there's only so much I can say about this, but honestly, no it doesn't.
Its a popular misconception that '___', being a hallucinogen, causes profound delerium. It doesn't. A person can be experiencing wild hallucinations from a strong dose & still, within the context of what they are experiencing, will remain compus mentis (check out Hoffman, Leary et al who took ridiculous doses & still managed to take notes about it during the experience). It doesn't cause the kind of failure in pain response that allows a person to exert themselves in a way that makes them seem stronger than usual either, nor does it cause the eyes to roll up in their sockets. Depending on the source & purity, its also unlikely to cause nausea or headaches. There are natural sources of LSA (the simple amide, as opposed to the diethylamide) which would cause nausea, & @least 1 which would cause headaches & stomach & muscle cramps, but the latter symptoms would be readily diagnosed as strychnine poisoning, & it wouldn't cause the type of delerium described... on its own.
PCP is a candidate, but, the kind of dose required to floor a person would be likely to have killed @least 1 out of 17 girls (female bodies contain a higher fat % so gauging doses for any drug is more tricky even for doctors).
Salvia comes on far too quickly to complain about nausea or headaches & doesn't work if administered orally, unless allowed to dissolve under the tongue - it'd have to have been done deliberately & there'd be evidence.
There are plants containing tropanes that could produce this kind of thing & ergot of rye is a possibility too, but, if it was in food, why only the girls (yes, I know '___'25 was isolated from ergot, but its principal active constituents, such as ergotamine, are in much higher %s, which cause the main poisoning symptoms)?
I suspect poisoning, but if it was accidental, I'd have expected a mix of genders.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by svetlana84

magic mushrooms anyone ??
Again, no. Not on their own. Not even Fly Agaric or those containing compounds related to Bufotenin (which is the Magic Toad poison).

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