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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Gab1159

The radar showed plenty. Just nothing unusual. Nothing unexpected. Nothing unidentified.

"The FAA ran radar replays of a large area west of Los Angeles based on media reports of the possible missile launch at approximately 5 p.m. (PT) on Monday. The radar replays did not reveal any fast moving, unidentified targets in that area," said FAA spokesman Ian Gregor. "The FAA did not receive reports ... of unusual sightings from pilots who were flying in the area on Monday afternoon.

"The FAA did not approve any commercial space launches around the area Monday," he added.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by arcnaver
This is how hysteria works.

So, it's a plane after all? I have to tell you, the video had me. I thought for sure it was a rocket of some sort, due to what looked like flame coming out of it. Ah well. Fun ride. Props to the weatherman.

The trail is much too thick, and in the video clip, the bright fire tail of it is obvious. That's not a jet plane. If it was, then it'd be a fighter, and the USAF or Navy would know which one it was. They have their activity coordinated and they wouldn't be eager to fuel this kind of speculation by denying a simple fighter jet in the area. The thing is being pushed by a ton of thrust, and the kind of trajectory it displays is not typical of a fighter jet and definitely not a larger military jet - like a KC-135 or a B-52, whish will put up big trails, although they are always multi-stream trails and not single source trails like this thing.

There's a reason why people (incuding military people) identified it as a missile. It's the same reason why that sort of thing isn't clamed all the time. This thing looks very different than what a plane looks like, regardless of sunlight angles and whatever else some of these people are suggesting.
edit on 11/9/2010 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:31 PM

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:31 PM
if this was an airplane....why FFA didnt say wich one...we have the time and the areal...cant be to hard to figure out if there was a plane in that area at this time??

this stinks

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by LeaderOfProgress

Originally posted by Cyberspy
Has anyone seen the whole unedited video taken from the news helicopter? Up until now they've only shown little snippets. I'd sure would like to see the whole thing from start to finish. I'll bet it would answer a lot of if not all the questions as to what this thing is.

OMG, we know what it is, they are even stating it was a missile launch. There is no debate as to the what, only the who and why. AGAIN: The pentagon has confirmed it was a missile/rocket launch.

When the pentagon announces or confirms something, there will be sometimes be an official classified document that is written up and stored away. If there is one and if it gets released by the FOIA, there are 50/50 chances where every word there would contradict everything they stated to the public on that particular subject. In other words, we the people struggle in between the realm of truth and lies/deception.

Regarding other issues, if or if not it pertains to the missile incident, here's how it goes:
In this democracy, if one gets too close to the truth, you pay with your life.

I'm just going to put this out, and leave it as it is.

-Never trust anything announced to the public by the Pentagon, C.I.A., Etc. :My opinion
-There are classified documents that have been released or leaked, pertaining to numerous things like the current war on up to ufo's. In some cases, if you can link a public announcement, to now declassified documents over the years, you notice that what was said contradicts in all four corners, what was written. :Indeed a fact

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Could this have something to do with all of the earthquakes and volcanic activity in the Pacific, --the direction this mystery missile was aimed? What about Obama's visit?

About claims that it was an airplane. Well, I suppose the helicopter pilot, news crew and cameraman have no idea what normal air traffic looks like. These professionals have been at it for a while, and they can't tell the difference between a missile launch (or at least something highly unusual) and a standard airliner taking off? Really? That's like telling Chef Gordon Ramsey that he can't distinguish between an omelette and a scrambled egg. C'mon.

Of course, that's the tactic, isn't it? Have "officials" stating that the "launch" was all sorts of things in a front to confuse the public.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Now_Then

Originally posted by tarifa37
It looks like a plane to me. I find it bizarre that anybody would think otherwise. I have seen lots of contrails at sunset that look like that.

Are you wearing a black suit and shades at the moment? Are you sure it's not Venus or swamp gas, the suits around this way must have read another memo, cos we got swamp gas from Venus - we all gotta be reading from the same song sheet on this sorta thing bruv,.

That plane is shifting man lol, I mean seriously the camera is quite a distance away and you can see that 'plane' moving at one heck of a pace - dude it's a missile of some sort, no 2 ways about it, if it was a contrail from a plane don't you think the Pentagon news office would be spending all their efforts today making a whole lotta news reads look very very stupid?
edit on 9/11/2010 by Now_Then because: (no reason given)

You guys are going to need loads of kitchen towel to wipe the egg of your faces. Its a PLANE. You should look up more then you would have seen this sort of effect before. I do and I have. As I said I bet 5000 ats points its a plane.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by thecinic

An airplane did not take off 20 miles from Catalina.
An airplane flew across the Pacific and appeared over the horizon.
It's called perspective.

You guys are going to need loads of kitchen towel to wipe the egg of your faces. Its a PLANE. You should look up more then you would have seen this sort of effect before. I do and I have. As I said I bet 5000 ats points its a plane.

Then kindly tell us who's airline it was if even the FAA doesn't know, and they DO know every single flight that is in our skies.
edit on 9-11-2010 by AutOmatIc because: quote

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by windwaker

Perhaps it was a global signal for the "men behind the curtain" to begin their operation to take control of this planet. Or perhaps it was a signal to ET's, letting them know our government/"powers that be" will burn the planet to the ground before we let them have it. So many possibilities. All I know is that there is no way, in any scenario, a ballistic missile launch or any type of launch for that matter would happen off the US shores without the military being "in the know". According to the military we have the most advanced missile/military tracking system on the planet, yet somehow lately that technology just seems to go on the fritz every time we need it. hmmm
edit on 9-11-2010 by chunkafungus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Phage

Sure Buddy. I'm with you. I'm thinking one of three things. Cessna, Piper Cub, and I can't rule out a weather balloon. Come to think of it, where's the Goodyear Blimp. OK. Four things. Cessna, Piper Cub, weather balloon or the Goodyear Blimp.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:34 PM
link and Other sources listed on the latest reply post say it was a plane!

IMO, if it was a plane, what flight and plane number? Why take almost 24 hours to figure this out!
Still think something is up, and I think someone is covering something up.

is it just me or has a lot of weird things been happening the last few days?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:34 PM
To be fair, the FAA may have said there was nothing unusual on radar, but has not said "it's a plane". Why not? Seriously, put it to BED. If this is just an airplane then what we have here is a COMPLETE waste of time. lol it takes almost 24 hours for NORAD, the Pentagon and the FAA to figure out we're looking at contrails??? Wow, we're screwed.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by thecinic

An airplane did not take off 20 miles from Catalina.
An airplane flew across the Pacific and appeared over the horizon.
It's called perspective.

The perspective thingy you keep mentioning doesn't add up. Check the original news video at 1:30. The "contrail" goes straight up. Those are strong engines on that plane ...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by ProfATS

Yeah man 11/7/10 1:40 A.M. I saw a huge light the size of the moon over hickory NC.. Tried to take a pic but it was moving behind trees.. I didn't hear the boom like others say they heard but I saw the meteor/meteorite and it was the brightest light I've ever seen in the sky aside from the sun.. I have no clue how no one else in the area saw something that big and bright. Especially since it was over the busiest air traffic space in the area. Then the next day is when people were reporting the booms.. I was looking for sightings of the meteor and only found people complaining about the booms. Then the next night I saw a smaller faster moving meteorite. Pretty sure thats what people have been hearing around here though.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Ok, now that I have watched more video.
It is REALLY REALLY boogying/moving as others have said.
Looks like a missile launch to me folks.

This very much looks similar to the reputed launch near Phoenix.
edit on 9-11-2010 by Canadian for Truth because: Add more info

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Perhaps, they moved south, and then east????

Or not????

Snippet from article below:

"October 26, 2010: A Chinese Type 093 class SSN (nuclear attack sub) was recently seen moored at their new naval base on Hainan island. This base, just north of Vietnam, must make the Indians nervous, because more and more Chinese warships are showing up in the Indian Ocean. It was only a year ago that China confirmed, as many suspected, that the first Type 093 boat entered service in December, 2006. Officially, that was a secret, and Chinese nuclear subs don't go to sea much, so it's difficult to tell if new ones are actually in service, and not just tied up at a pier for further work after launching. But now the 093 boats are obviously being moved south, and maybe into the Indian Ocean as well".

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by angrydog

How true as if this was truly an aircraft contrail they would have the radar recordings along with the IFF signal to match to it.!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

Most Cessnas don't fly above 30,000 feet and Piper Cubs certainly don't. Blimps neither. Weather balloons don't leave contrails but jets do.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Gab1159

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by thecinic

An airplane did not take off 20 miles from Catalina.
An airplane flew across the Pacific and appeared over the horizon.
It's called perspective.

Look, it's all over the news. If it was a plane, we would know it by now. The radar didn't show anything, and no one knows what it is (supposedly).

So tell me, with all the measures to protect US air space since 9/11, how could a plane creating so much confusion NOT be identified by now.

Stop it now!

this plane is not creating any confusion.

media manipulation is causing the confusion. this is the world of 24 hour news coverage with updates every sixty seconds. the planet is clean insane!

(when you stated the radar didn't show anything, you left out the word unusual. It showed planes like it always does.)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:36 PM
ronaldREAGAN wrote

VIDEO demonstrates that this is likely a multistage rocket...

I see a light source reflecting off a contrailling aircraft.


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