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This has been bothering me

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:03 PM
I've been thinking and reading a lot, especially recently over the november thing and fragile earth etc and I see people making predictions.. I think they get carried away. I do think though that something can happen soon so thats why ive been paying close attention
what i really want to say might be disturbing for some but im curious if others are thinking this.. Are some of us, maybe myself included, subconsciously urging an event to take place? So we can finally accept it......and know what we believed was all right, there is the illuminati, there is a grand plan... Its like putting your mind at ease, you cant help but want clarity.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by shoeshiner

We are in the process of change right now on a global scale. Change is uncertain for many and many feel like their world is collapsing. The Hopi Indians correctly predicted these events as a fast stream moving quickly and we are all in it. The Hopi advised to keep your head above the water and not allow the stream to take you under, and take joy in those around you with their head above the water. They say to gather ourselves with those around us. A new world is emerging.

As to your questions, I certainly want something to happen. I want the truth of everything to be made known. To some this equates to chaos. I welcome it though as many do. To some change is something that steals what they have no matter if they built their empire on lies and deceit. They feel entitled to it. In the political arena the rich feel entitled to keep the system they have in place and have built their empire on, even at the expense of those that are less fortunate. Many of the elite want the system to continue on without ignoring obvious problems with it. The problem is it is coming to an end. Do you not feel this? And what would you have in its place?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by shoeshiner

Shoeshiner, this you are speaking of I truly believe is a very real plane of our exsistance....It;s called The Law of Attraction.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:09 PM
Back in the year 1000 CE, some people were so stirred up regarding the end of the world that they sold their homes and belongings, and went up onto their roofs, or into empty meadows, to wait for the coming of Jesus. (I believe the Jehovah's Witnesses also did this in the 1910's.) Wardens released prisoners from incarceration, people resigned their posts, etc., and what came of all the hullabaloo? Not much, actually.
Remember how the world was supposed to end in 2000? Y2K, anyone? Didn't happen either, did it? I remember when I was in high school in the eighties, and the news broadcast some grim report about a tsunami coming to destroy most of southern California. (I lived in San Diego at the time.) On this one, even Edgar Cayce was wrong.
My point is that there will always be some people around that are easy to manipulate, and all it takes is a small group of deceivers to get these people frothing at the mouth. The biggest difference, in my opinion, is that we have mass media to exploit these mostly baseless rumors, and the mass hysteria of the fringe seems to infect people who otherwise wouldn't give these 'predictions' a second thought.
If you believe in the Bible version of Apocalypse, the world ain't over just yet, as there are still many prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled. If you believe in science, you know that unless there is some unexpected factor, things will go on as they always have; the sun will rise and set, the moon will revolve around the earth, etc.
From my own observations, I do believe that our government does expect something climactic to take place, as evidenced by the continual spraying of Chemtrails, the vast and unprecedented shift of wealth and jobs from the US to third world countries, and the building and stockpiling of underground bases both here and across the world.
Whether it is through solar flares, a sudden ice age, a straying meteor, or a combination of these things (see the book of Revelation for more), know this; our government has placed themselves in the perfect position to take advantage of the rising panic of its citizens. All they really have to do is cut off our electricity and hide somewhere, and wait until we kill ourselves off from hunger or hate, or trick us into accepting poisonous vaccines or microchips that can fry us from the inside, and watch from behind their thick blast doors as our numbers become reduced to more manageable levels.
Regardless of which view you take, our world will not end, but it probably will be knocked silly for a time.
The paranoia over 2012 will only worsen, and instead of screaming over what our puppet political parties aren't doing, we would do well to stop pointing fingers at each other and admit to ourselves what is really taking place.
We cannot stop the AGENDA, but we can either make a circle and hold hands to sing Cumbaya, or start getting ready to produce some resistance to the New World Order.
When armed soldiers come knocking at your door to disarm you and take you to a concentration camp, are you going out with a bang, or with a whimper?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:44 PM
When it comes down to the point, If a natural occurance happens there is nothing we can do about it. It is destined to happen time and time again. All we can do is adjust to it if we are able to.

When it comes down to an event created by people we have to at least try and put a stop to it if it is going to affect scores of people. There is so much different information getting around it actually is quiet confusing to what actually could happen.

So the question is what is it exactly are you waiting for, if you are waiting for something to happen?

The 1st thing I have realised is that there are that many different scenarios people must and are worrying about, it actually shows this is more of a guessing game and nobody has any idea what could possibly happen.

The only thing that would worry me is a world war. Its the most logical event that could happen with our understanding of things and would be a catastrophe to humankind.

If anything out of this planet did happen what could we do about it? Nothing. That decision is in the hands of something nobody on this planet can comprehend.

So instead of waiting in anticipation of a major event, just live your life and when it happens worry about it then.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:56 PM
Thanks for the replies, some real good ones. Ive got a mind that likes to think so i take all angles. I personaly wouldnt want life to end or go down the drain. Ive just got back on my feet and hoping/working to better things. I took a long break from conspiracies, but i now see the world getting worse in many ways. So thats why im searching, its best to be aware than not, but at a moderate level. I can easily block this stuff out but it comes back. Im sorry to say that a part of me wants the fireworks to go off, maybe thats my mind wanting an answer. The main part wants things to get better, i have much to do still, but tbh things arnt peachy atm and i sense trouble coming, whatever it is i dont know, thats why im here

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:09 AM
I made the topic mainly because i was reading the november stuff, and it seems like some people are desperate for the fireworks to go off. As i said, a part of me wants it to go off. Im not stressing over it, i think we all get distracted rather quickly. I also looked into consciousness and us shaping our reality, long ago. Maybe its related. Thanks stevetech

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