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The Ultimate Observer: Greys and their Magic Eyes

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:40 AM

THE ULTIMATE OBSERVER: Greys and their Magic Eyes


I don’t claim to have any special knowledge. I have never met an alien. I’m not even entirely sure if they exist, since I have not seen one with my own eyes. This post is simply my theory of how some of their technology works/how that fits into what they are. Descriptions of encounters often have certain similarities and a ‘magical quality.’ We’ve all heard that any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic.

This is my attempt to de-mystify a very tiny part of what may be going on.
In this thread, I will lay out my theory of some of the more magical powers or puzzling attributes these beings seem to possess in a few of the more outrageous abduction stories. Things like:

*Aliens walking through walls or other physical objects
*Aliens cloaking themselves, appearing, and disappearing with no visible technology present
*Aliens manipulating or moving objects with “their mind”
*The immense deception and high strangeness accompanying many encounters
* Reports of being aboard or inside seemingly small rooms, etc, which are actually immense
* The feeling of telepathy or mental/memory manipulation. And finally…..
*The cold nature of the Greys’ eyes and abductees’ fascination with the eyes

This argument unfolds in three parts: The Walking Super Computer, Those Eyes, The God-Like Power of Observation.


I start this segment with the assumption that any time-traveller, inter-dimensional traveller, inter-seller space traveller, or race of autonomous machines will have already reached what we call, the “Technological Singularity.” For those unaware of the concept I give you this Wiki quote which summarizes the idea:

Many of the most recognized writers on the singularity, such as Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil, define the concept in terms of the technological creation of superintelligence……In 1965, I. J. Good first wrote of an "intelligence explosion", suggesting that if machines could even slightly surpass human intellect, they could improve their own designs in ways unforeseen by their designers, and thus recursively augment themselves into far greater intelligences. The first such improvements might be small, but as the machine became more intelligent it would become better at becoming more intelligent, which could lead to a cascade of self-improvements and a sudden surge to superintelligence (or a singularity)

I believe the greys, are either a race that has reached the singularity point or the mechanical byproduct/AI result of a race that has reached the singularity point. Whether they are Trans-Aliens (like how we think of trans-humans, bodies augmented with technology) or they are pure machine, I can’t say.

In short, they are some form of what we could call walking super-computers.


What is it with those eyes? They seem to look right through you. Wikipedia describes them as follows:

Opaque black eyes with no discernible iris or pupil. …..What was most extraordinary about them were the eyes – large, dark, gleaming, with a sharp gaze…….The eyes are often a focus of abduction claims. They are said to not move or focus in any observable way from the naked eye. Claims often describe a Grey staring into the eyes of an abductee when conducting mental procedures.This staring is claimed to induce hallucinogenic states or directly provoke different emotions.Although abduction claimants often say that the Grey was only inches from their face during the staring mindscan procedure, they often do not subsequently claim feeling breath or seeing the Grey's chest move from breathing.

All and all there is something up with those eyes. They are a focal point and a seeming source of power. Large, black, penetrating, yet with no iris or pupil how can you tell what exactly they’re looking at? This is the question that started my thinking on this topic.

I’ve come to the opinion that the reason these eyes are so special is because they are not eyes at all. If the Grey’s are walking super computers then the ‘eyes’ are most likely a technology that sees in ways that we can’t imagine, analyzes the environment and, in my opinion, manipulates that environment.


Take this information in, if you haven’t heard it already.

In physics, the term observer effect refers to changes that the act of observation will make on the phenomenon being observed.….A commonly debated use of the term refers to quantum mechanics, where, if the outcome of an event has not been observed, it exists in a state of 'superposition', which is akin to being in all possible states at once…..A recent experiment in the realm of quantum physics has been quoted as meaning that we have to "say goodbye" to realism, although the author of the paper states only that "we would [..] have to give up certain intuitive features of realism". These experiments demonstrate a puzzling relationship between the act of measurement and the system being measured, although it is clear from experiment that an "observer" consisting of a single electron is sufficient—the observer need not be a conscious observer.[citation needed] Also, note that Bell's Theorem suggests strongly that the idea that the state of a system exists independently of its observer may be false.

An optional article
Another optional article

Also, I know it’s a cartoon, but I think this video is a great explanation.

Simply put, observation effects reality.


The Greys are machines or a race that has modified themselves through technology to become Ultimate Observers. The ability to calculate near infinite amounts of information and the coinciding technology/observational powers may allow them to “See quantumly” at all times.

Through seeing quantumly and bending all matter to the will of their hyper-intelligence they can manipulate objects, the mind, and reality in general. Manipulating the function of your mind, their own appearance, space and physical objects would be nothing for an ultimate observer.

This, I believe, could account for the focus and importance of the Greys’ eyes. They are more than eyes they are finely tuned measuring devices that can pinpoint reality wherever they want it to be. This theory accounts also for the feeling of high strangeness, because when you encounter these beings or their technology – even when you are not the focus – the reality around you is being manipulated.

Thanks for your time. I look forward to comments and discussion.

edit on 8-11-2010 by snusfanatic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Wonderful thread with a well though out theory. I would agree with you, any space/dimensional/time traveling species would have the transhuman (or trans-insert species-) modification to increase their rates of survival, capacity to process information, and overall general performance. These creatures are probably also connected in ways that we are, but to new and exciting levels. People don't really consider this fact, but the internet is much like a system of telepathy that humans are starting to share. We can learn information across the world almost instantly, and the sum of most of our knowledge is basically at the fingertip. However, imagine these beings, great in their vast knowledge knowing and sharing all things through a system that goes "beyond wireless" into the things that are too advanced to call brains. Imagine all of that information, all of that power, and all of that knowledge. It even goes beyond that, where ever they are, they are walking cameras, walking cell phones...heck, they are never alone...they are always united. Also, like you mentioned, they can possibly see in the spaces between spaces, allowing them to see microscopic events unfold and the particles that hold reality in place. And then, here is the kicker, they can project different signals into our brains that promote the release of different endorphins and such, controlling our emotions AND they can provide us with signals that will manifest as sounds and languages right into our brains.

Its amazing, the possibilities are almost endless. They are wonderful creatures of technology, so wonderful that being in their presence seemingly dwarfs our presence. However, I figure we are pretty precious due to the fact that we have the ability to do this, and more. Imagine, one day, all sentient species joining their conciousnesses in such a fashion....we'll be something akin to God....maybe that is the entire point of the Red Shift Blue Shift cycle (Expansion and Big Crunch). Maybe its a God birthing machine...maybe we create the "God" by uniting and thus we create ways to escape the Big Crunch...who knows, its merely an additional thought.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:35 AM
I read an interesting interpretation about what greys are on a blog last week. The idea was that they are a mix of human DNA and insect DNA. Kind of like an ant (hive mentality) where they can communicate with one another telepathically.

Also (some will scoff at this next point for obvious reasons) they were made this way because it is easier for a demon to possess a form that has no soul to roam around in our dimension.

Seemed plausible to myself, especially when you think about those big black eyes.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:12 AM
It's a great idea.

I thought before that 'greys as extensions of an AI' idea is a definite possibility. The way they are sometimes reported to move in sync with each other suggests they are controlled by a single mind. Who knows, the mind may even be that of the UFO. In Iain M Banks' 'Culture' novels the civilisation is ruled by such 'technological singularity' super-machines that he labels 'Minds' (capital M). Most of these Minds are housed in great space ships, so in essence the society is run by the space craft. He even has the idea of 'avatars' where by the Minds can control a craeted being in order to better communicate with the 'real ' people who live on the space ships.

Regarding the 'Observer' theory, it's a neat and original idea. Just to introduce a small note of dissent, the so called 'Copenhagen Interpretation' of Quantum Mechanics which marries the the observer with that observed in the way you describe has been under attack, as it were, recently from the 'Many Worlds' interpretation which says that rather than the observer affecting reality in the way you describe all they are really doing is ending up in one of a number of parallel universes in which all the outcomes of the event are played out. Fascinating stuff!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Thanks! I will definitely seek out and read more about this stuff. I have a very limited science background but like to think i can keep somewhat up to date on general theories. I noticed that the wiki page also said this is not a universally excepted interpretation of the wave/particle thing either. In the school of thought that you're talking about does observation still have some effect on outcome though? Just in a different way?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:11 AM
Great idea for a thread, and a cool topic to discuss. Of course, this is assuming that the Greys actually exist and that at least SOME of the abductee stories are credible.

I'll have to disagree with the claim that Greys are either Super Machines OR a technologically modified race.

For a machine to choose humanoid arms and legs for its means of locomotion from an engineering standpoint would be illogical and impractical. I would imagine that a machine at this stage in its 'life' after modifying itself almost constantly for who knows how long would don a much more impressive form of locomotion. Maybe even something beyond our own comprehension of what's possible today. Furthermore, a machine operating under its own discretion would have no quams or fear of danger against landing, harvesting, experimenting, all without regard to your memories or impression of them.

The eyes would be pointless or un-needed to an advanced race of pure machines as well. If any form of hypnosis or telepathic transfer is being done through the large, black eyes of the Greys, it would be through a spiritual evolution rather than technological advancement. After all, a super computer wouldn't need to pick our tiny brains for information, and if it did, it wouldn't need two evenly spaced humanoid eyes to accomplish this goal. Again impractical from a machine's ever evolving viewpoint.

The technologically modified race theory holds more water, but is also full of holes from the very beginning. While its highly likely that an interstellar space traveler would be HIGHLY advanced technologically, with gadgets that we wouldn't even be able to understand, if he/she/it WERE so technologically advanced, why would it need to be 'hands on' for any sort of experiment or medical procedure.

Even on earth today as the 'less advanced' of the two, in the infancy of our technological growth, we're developing medical equipment that dosn't require the surgeon to ever physically touch the patient. Any sort of MRI scan is done from the next room, leaving only the patient and the 'technology' present.

A modern embroidery machine stitches an intricate design while the artist goes out for lunch and shopping.

As technology advances here on earth, the 'human element' recedes farther into the background until its presence is only evident in the existence of the technology itself. So the question remains still, why the need for a humanoid shell?

This isn't to say that a technologically and spiritually evolved race couldn't transfer its SOUL or spirit into the body of an intelligently designed machine. There is sufficient evidence throughout religion that suggests that the soul cannot be whole, or cannot exist in this realm without body.

The above statement is a tight rope to walk. While technology advances, it lends ever more credence to the concept of the spiritual realm. As medicine advances, it takes us closer to the evidence of soul. While technology WILL help us to evolve spiritually, i also feel that it isn't possible for technology to advance without SPIRITUALITY to lead us.

After all, how can science advance us to the point of transferring our souls until it acknowledges that the soul indeed exists?

I would have to lean towards the Greys, given that they exist at all, would be a highly technologically advanced race of flesh and 'blood' creatures. The eyes seem to be more of a tinted windshield or visor on a space suit, shaped and spaced the way they are consciously to match the flesh and 'blood' eyes of the owner behind them. Any sort of hypnosis or telepathy being practiced during these abductions would be due to the spiritual evolution of such an advanced creature, or its uninhibited understanding of neurological processes that we have yet to discover. This would be the only reason for a face to face, doctor to patient contact during these 'mind reading' sessions. A machine, or a technologically advanced race which could possess such a machine would have no need for this sort of encounter. I believe that our own inability to advance into this area is due to science's refusal to accept the spiritual realm.

Anyhow. Cool thread. Good talk. Fun times.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:48 AM
You start out well, a great deal of potential and promise.

Originally posted by snusfanatic

This is my attempt to de-mystify a very tiny part of what may be going on.
In this thread, I will lay out my theory of some of the more magical powers or puzzling attributes these beings seem to possess in a few of the more outrageous abduction stories. Things like:

*Aliens walking through walls or other physical objects
*Aliens cloaking themselves, appearing, and disappearing with no visible technology present
*Aliens manipulating or moving objects with “their mind”
*The immense deception and high strangeness accompanying many encounters
* Reports of being aboard or inside seemingly small rooms, etc, which are actually immense
* The feeling of telepathy or mental/memory manipulation. And finally…..
*The cold nature of the Greys’ eyes and abductees’ fascination with the eyes

The conclusion is a bit of a letdown, though. In essence, 'There's something about those eyes . . . yep . . . it's the eyes.'

Originally posted by snusfanatic

Through seeing quantumly and bending all matter to the will of their hyper-intelligence they can manipulate objects, the mind, and reality in general. Manipulating the function of your mind, their own appearance, space and physical objects would be nothing for an ultimate observer.

I read your entire post, watched video . . . maybe I'm just missing something (quite a lot of something).
I still believe the thread has potential and some aspects of it may be clarified, tied together perhaps, through further posts.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

I'm no expert either but from what I understand the Many Worlds interpretation says that all outcomes for a given event actually exist as part of the wave function of the universe - in essence there are an infinite number of parallel universes that occupy the same space. When the a quantum event is measured (observed) there is no sense in that the observer creates the event because all outcomes of the event exist, in different universes.

If you've heard of Schrodinger's Cat, this thought experiment was conceived by Schrodinger to highlight the absurdities he saw in the Copenhagen Interpretation favoured by Niels Bohr. Under the Copenhagen Interpretaion the Cat has to be in two quantum states until the box is opened and the event observed. That is, the cat is both alive and dead until someone looks at it at which point the observer creates the 'reality'. The Many Worlds interpretation gets rid of this paradox by having two universes, one where the cat is alive and one where it is dead. Thus the observer has no real part to play in the outcome - the result will simply be dependent on which universe the observer occupies.

If the Many Worlds idea is correct I'm not sure how aliens could control this as any effect they could bring about would just be one of all possible effects in all possible universes. However, I guess if they were somehow able to travel between parallel universes they could conceivably 'choose' to occupy that universe where they could walk through walls etc. Travel between universes isn't allowed according to the theory but I guess people used to say the same thing about flying faster than sound etc.

I have to admit I'm reaching the limit of my own understanding here and it's possible I'm just babbling nonsense

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

But, but....I think these have to be related in some way:

By any name, these fascinating insects are formidable predators. They have triangular heads poised on a long "neck," or elongated thorax. Mantids can turn their heads 180 degrees to scan their surroundings with two large compound eyes and three other simple eyes located between them. Typically green or brown and well camouflaged on the plants among which they live, mantis lie in ambush or patiently stalk their quarry. They use their front legs to snare their prey with reflexes so quick that they are difficult to see with the naked eye. Their legs are further equipped with spikes for snaring prey and pinning it in place. Moths, crickets, grasshoppers, flies, and other insects are usually the unfortunate recipients of unwanted mantid attention. However, the insects will also eat others of their own kind.

Another site I just found - Slightly off topic but you MUST SEE - takes movie stars - turns them into aliens

edit on 8-11-2010 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:48 AM

But it is Kerner’s view that the Greys are a mechanical messiah. They don’t have empathy. They don’t have soul. They are semi-organic robotic entities programmed with a goal to perpetuate themselves at all costs, struggling against physical decay through entropy. Yet with greatest irony the Greys could become the ideal solution for those looking for a mechanical and scientific solution to human problems. This, says Kerner, puts us in great danger because these machine-based entities want to steal something that they cannot understand because they are machines.

Nigel Kerner Interview
Since the publication of your book « The Song of the Greys » in 1997, eleven years ago, did you collect some more elements showing that the Greys are predatory by nature and are devolving biological drones or robots? Or on the contrary, did you find some elements that show that they are not so predatory? Did you notice the existence of other extra-terrestrial beings and are they also predatory and representing a risk of manipulation of our consciousness and our culture (as for instance, the American forces represented a risk toward the natives of Papua New Guinea or the Spanish conquest were a risk toward the natives Indian)? Or, to the contrary, did you find elements showing that the intrusion of aliens of other species than the Greys could be positive for the development or the “galactic consciousness” of human beings?

Fascinating link and author too.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:36 PM
An interesting read for sure with some points that definitely correlate...

But I'm not sold on it like posted above. I do believe in the highly advanced gadgets but I can't imagine a completely technological artificial intelligence being would have any sort of spiritual or emotional response regardless of the power it contained... as mentioned earlier, what would stop a computer (who for all we know the 'manufacturers' have almost unlimited resources) that was seeking data to stop from jetting down to Earth, plunging its probes in, or doing whatever the hell it pleased to get what it needed?

The fact that we feel we're being 'observed and cataloged' in my opinion would show raw emotion, the idea that it should stop, gauge reaction to its presence, and slowly communicate and garner a presence at our pace and understanding seems outlandish for just artificial intelligence... I don't believe in souls or religion but emotions are too raw and technically flawed to be calculated in my opinion... a computer would calculate what it needed for perfection.

I can't see a fully computerized being, although self-evolving and adapting, to accomplish anything without a, for lack of better definition, 'human' or naturalistic direction and influence.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by shagula

I suppose it depends on your point of view about what emotions are and whether they are a unique property of some kind of soul or whether they are simply properties of (or perhaps precursors to) intelligence itself. Could some kind of 'emotion' not be programmed into an AI? How about a general curiosity about the universe it finds itself in? Maybe we need to let go the idea that sentience, consciousness and intelligence are unique to us and consider the possibility that these things are obtainable by AI.

Maybe we're being visited by some gigantic version of Pinocchio who just wants to be a real boy!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

I guess I believe that there are always observers, and the event changes based upon the type of observation taking place; much like the theory that every even is undoubtedly influenced by every factor around it.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Interesting stuff

I appreciate your insights and you may well be right. Many people have their own speculations on the greys and their gadgets.

I am of the opinion that they are just heavily genetically engineered and programmed with a hive mind mentality by the master race whether Reptilian or Nordics or who ever. They are most likely heavily cloned as well. They carry out orders without question or emotion. I think they are highly intelligent creatures from what origin I have no clue, but I think that giant melon of theirs houses an incredibly advanced brain. I have read that the black eye is just a sunglasses thin coating that probably filters ultraviolet light or brightness, or provides a night vision type of outline. They communicate through telepathy and have the ability to manipulate our emotional nervous responses. Like when an abductee is in a fit of terror but has a wave of induced calm and relaxation come over them. How this is done I am not sure. Perhaps by way of gadget or natural mental ability.
Also I read that they must achieve a state of calm in their subjects if they are to be successful communicating telepathically or manipulating their subjects.
Any way I like the subject and learning more or speculating anyway.

edit on 8-11-2010 by sparrowstail because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:29 PM
I'm tired of this stereotypical view of what "Aliens" look like..the chances of another life-form evolving similar traits like ours are so numerically improbable that its corresponding number does not yet exist.

What little evidence you have that an Alien species has grey skin and huge eyes comes from ill refuted and debunked sources.

Can we stop with this "Greys this" and "Greys that".

When we do encounter another species on another world, it's likely to be a cellular level.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by MarrsAttax

I have got to become more knowledgeable
too much fun to speculate int he mean time though.

Tell me about this 'many worlds' version though. Would not the observer still have control over reality under that paradigm?

If the hard results (the splatter of the electrons against the wall) are the same every time you do the experiment does it matter which one is correct?

Observation is either affecting matter or determining which possible universe you end up in. So observation is still affecting the outcome of the experiment either way, and therefore whether you're manipulating matter or you're control the path of (time? alternate realities? I don't know) you still have some power over reality that others experience.

My observation of the electron leads you to see the particle splatter and if i don't observe you see the wave splatter. So what difference does it make if I controlled matter or if the you and me that we know have entered into one of infinite universes. Me (there and then observing) had control over what you here and now measure.

Does this make sense? I might be babbling.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:39 PM
WOW. i read some comments about the quantum physics thing, i find it amazing in all respects, that each one of us, could be living in a parrell universe, perhaps we are all just the same person in another dimenion living differnt lives all at once, to refraim from boredom.

But to the post of this thread, you have an interseting theory, how did you develop this ..theory of yours? A collage of random opinions of others? You shouldnt pay too much attenion to this, because even if your ..theory is true, there is no point in wondering about it, you wouldnt understand, our species is perhaps just a little to under-intellgent, so we look for the easy way out?In my opinion resorting to technogoly for daily life, would seem to be a waste of it.

I do like to think that these "greys" are from the future, because our NATURAL evolution, would take us in thier imagen anyway...eventaully

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

First I should point out that there's no agreement in physics as to which of these two interpretations is the correct one, so Many Worlds may be incorrect. I've watched a few documentaries on it recently and it appealed to me, one because it seems to remove some of the paradoxes associated with Quantum Mechanics and two because the physicists who champion it seem to be saying it is literally true and not just some abstract mathematical concept. That is mind-blowing to me.

One good thing about the Many Worlds view is that it appears to be testable or at least may be in the near future. So at some point it may be proved to be correct or falsified.

As far as as your theory goes I think you would have to stick with the Copenhagen Interpretation to allow for observation to affect the result as I don't think the Many Worlds view allows for the observer to choose which universe they end up in.

I'd like to throw something else into the mix if you'll let me and that's the idea of higher dimensions. This is sometimes confused with parallel universes but actually refers to the idea that there are extra spacial dimensions over and above the 3 we know about. Imagine a 2-dimensional creature inside a square. Whichever way he looks he sees a wall - the square is in effect a prison and he is unable to escape by walking through the walls. However, a 3D creature would be able to enter the prison square and rescue the 2D creature very easily because he has access to the 3rd dimension. We can surmise that a 4D creature might be able to do the same to us if we were inside a cube (or a bedroom!). To us it might seem as though the creature walked through the wall. If you want to explore these ideas further I recommend the book Hyperspace by Michio Kaku - it's written for the layman and very readable and best of all you don't have to know any maths to understand it.

Interestingly, physicists such as Michio Kaku also believe these extra dimensions to be literally true although they have yet to be confirmed experimentally.

It makes me laugh sometimes when you get people on these boards who exhort people to use 'common sense, reason and logic' as the things physicists theorise about the world seem far stranger than most of what is posted here and yet it appears these bizarre ideas are more than likely true.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:52 AM
ive always found even our own bodies to kind of like a living machine i mean common the brain itself is more complex than a computer so why couldnt they do the stuff they can with theyre mind alone but i must say that your ideas have just as much possibility and has given me something new to think about for the time being. thanks

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by MarrsAttax

This is priceless!
I should have it on a T-Shirt!

I have to admit I'm reaching the limit of my own understanding here and it's possible I'm just babbling nonsense

Rarely do we admit when we have gone "over the top" or "around the bend" so this is extremely self aware and mature of you. I do it all the time! Peace.

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