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Project Bluebeam is a HOAX.

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Visiting ESB

unfortunatly - amongst many , an absence of evidence = evidence of a conspiracy / cover-up

Oh how prescient your words are...

Originally posted by captiva
I have spent many many hours researching Blue Beam alas if i had proof it existed then it would no longer exist.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

I think that if there were a project blue beam it certainly still wouldn't be called project blue beam. i read somewhere about a project ghost or a project ghost gun which was initially project blue beam. Visiting ESB did you read all the info in the articles i posted or just browse the headlines because yoou could say guns ammunition and lasers equal raygun as a comparison but im pretty sure all the articles i poster were about something that really exists: Holographic Projection Technology, which would be the basis of project blue beam. I think that maybe not in our country anymore but other countries hold theyre religion highly and well...religious figures returning and telling their followers to do this or do that for the sake of their religion and be secured in the afterlife would probably influence the people who follow that figure to do so. the facts are the same either way: the military develops and uses all the newest technology long before its known to us. holographic images have been around and talked about for awhile and now scientist are saying that theyre very close to mastering the technology to creating full 3d holographic projections to be used in home. as i said before i keep my mind open and blue beam may or may not exist but all the evidence alludes to the military has been using holographic technologies for some time. also as i have previously stated it would probably not be known as project blue beam

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:50 PM
I will keep an eye on your thread OP and wish you well with it. I leave you with a bit of evidence that I think helps open the eyes to what might be possible. Thanks

The data.....Month/Year total number of reported sightings in US to the National UFO Reporting Centre


Jan - August 2010
08/2010 411 07/2010 765 06/2010 332 05/2010 292 04/2010 274 03/2010 245 02/2010 173
01/2010 257

12/2009 274 11/2009 309 10/2009 297 09/2009 588 08/2009 475 07/2009 587
06/2009 368 05/2009 349 04/2009 309 03/2009 333 02/2009 386 01/2009 491

12/2008 344 11/2008 446 10/2008 517 09/2008 379 08/2008 494 07/2008 555
06/2008 452 05/2008 334 04/2008 439 03/2008 333 02/2008 367 01/2008 464

This information is from The National UFO Reporting Center.

I think the evidence speaks for itself and begs the question..... Are the figures representative of an increase in alien visitation, or representative of making us aware ( Paving the path) and testing bluebeam, as I belive they did with the " Norway Spral"


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Mod Edit: Fixed link to website, added external source tags, trimmed quote.

edit on 2010/11/7 by GradyPhilpott because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by captiva
Another question to ask yourself is this...are there any examples or proof that the knowledge exists at this time that would make Project Blue Beam possible?

Just because something may be possible (and saying so in the case of Project Bluebook is a very liberal usage of the term) it doesn't mean it's happening. For example, it is possible my girlfriend's recent bout with strep-throat was part of a conspiracy by believers to scare me from posting on ATS. But should I assume that possibility equates to reality?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by captiva
I will keep an eye on your thread OP and wish you well with it. I leave you with a bit of evidence that I think helps open the eyes to what might be possible. Thanks

The data.....Month/Year total number of reported sightings in US to the National UFO Reporting Centre

How does an increase in UFO sightings suggest that Project Bluebeam is real?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

I am not going to argue the point for something that is not provable. Being it cant be proved the evidence pointing towards it being in existance way out weighs the evidence that it is not possible. You cant prove it dosnt exist just as I cant prove it does.

The fact that we are discussing it, the fact that I reseached the possibilities and examples of holographic evidence already available points me towards its existance. I accept due to evidenced research I did and continue to do. If you do the same you will hopefully be enlightened and be in a better place to make an informed choice.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:24 PM
One myth that does need to be nailed is that the military has a whole rake of computers and software etc etc we don't. They don't, they have multiple back ups in their systems they can obviously afford flight isims that are wholly believable in their experience. Beyond that you or I probably have software that is far far more sophisticated than the military. Unlike the real world, you can't throw out a beta version and iron the bugs out for a system that is in the front line of the fight in any sphere of the military. Hardware yes, but software no. That means because there's little beat testing it takes longer for military software systems to come on-line, as it were.

The truth is the military simply don't pay well enough to poach the best of the talent and maybe more importantly, the mindset of those at the leading frontiers of software is about as diametrically opposed to that of the military mindset as is possible. These are people who wouldn't get past the basic security check, let alone past one that sees them involved in these sort of clandestine operations. i'm sure they adapt leading edge tech to suit their own needs and I'm sure the holographic thing would be of interest. As yet it's not the computing power that is really the problem. The huge power supplies need to run these holographic generators would be something altogether different.

I'm sure the day will come when they use holographic projections to try and fool the opposition, however you are forgetting one thing here. Most modern weapon systems use RADAR lock ons to guide the ordinance. How do you make a hologram appear on RADAR? Secondly what is the point of sacrificing say, 3 huge 747s, to make the projection of one craft? It might confuse a few fighter pilots visually however, that confusion wouldn't last long. To make it at all convincing you need to equip the holograms with missiles that seem to fire and that other aircraft think the hologram has weapons lock on.

In other words, you really have to buy into the idea wholly or not at all. That, the only reason for Blue Beam to exist is to fake UFOs. That, in my humble opinion, is where the edifice crumbles.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by captiva

In a word the X-files... raised people's consciousness about UFOs in the early 90s and they started to look up more and report them.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Well its difficult to prove if "Project Blue-Beam" exists.

But there is an interesting document at the declassified files from CIA. The Document is called "MINISTRY TO STUDY PSYCHIC POWERS, UFO' S FOR FUTURE INDUSTRY" dated 2/19/1993.

At that document seems that Japan doing some research. A quote from the 2 page document says " One Example of the possible application, is home-use device which emits supersonic waves to relax people by giving the illusion they are sitting in a forest, they said".

Another quote : " The research would include brain wave checks on those who claim, to experience telepathy or study of such phenomena as soothing music triggering quicker growth of plants"

I have that document as *.pdf but i do not know how to post it here.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Seed76

To be honest, i think the CIA might well have learned its' lesson about mucking around with the fringes of science where that science has a *spiritual* side to it all. MK Ultra was mean't to turn the oppositions troops into quivering and jibbering masses, they got Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, R A Wilson and a whole generation of their own people who saw them as the problem not the people they wanted to demonise. Possibly, one of the most spectacular black op home goals ever.

edit on 7-11-2010 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-11-2010 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:37 PM
The only blue beam referenced that I have heard of was by Toshiba after developing a laptop that could transfer information to another back in the late 1990s... today we know of Blue Tooth technology. This doesn't mean that the powers that be inside the alphabet agencies wouldn't want to morph that technology into holographic images for counter intelligence.

edit on 11/03/2008 by Skydancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by joelatour

Yes,My father has said something about this...We think that H.A.R.P stations are what will transmit it...
Anyways, I believe in Blue Beam!!

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 08:27 PM

if there was evidence, this project wouldnt exist or they would move or whatever

the reality is that they are developing hologram technology

who knows what they will use for

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by captiva
reply to post by Visiting ESB

You would like someone to post the project. If that were possible you would not be covering it here as it would no longer be a conspiracy. The only proof you will see of the project is when it is used.

I would also ask, does anyone ever remember when the official NASA web site actually listed Project Blue Beam on its list of projects? I do. Alas no longer there. But I assure you it was listed.


If that's the case, if NONE of these so-called "whistleblowers" failed to acquire any evidence whatsoever in the form of documentation, then I have to say that it is a hoax meant to unite Christians who have not otherwise united under other imaginary threats. There are countless conspiracy theories: 911, chemtrails, UFOs, etc. All of them have at least something to track and which stems from an original source. Those items of documentation at least puts them in the realm of possibility. The Bluebeam Project has no such documentation and proponents can only cite what's already been cited here.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Faiol

if there was evidence, this project wouldnt exist or they would move or whatever

the reality is that they are developing hologram technology

who knows what they will use for

Again, most conspiracies, the "respectable" ones, have at least some form of support in the form of documentation. Bluebeam has none.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
So, my challenge to all is: provide actual evidence of Project Bluebeam's existence. Not other projects or articles from which one would have to make an illogical leap to conclude that it exists. Not testimony from biased "witnesses". Witnesses of UFOs are much more credible because they usually don't have an agenda and they often don't want the publicity. Actual, documented, evidence that Bluebeam is actually something that TPTB have plans to implement. Until that type of proof comes, I will have to continue labeling Project Bluebeam a fraud.

So if the project has now been renamed, as happens most time with government projects, that that evidence would be invalid. You also ask for DOCUMENTS on a project that if it existed in any form would be classified, so even being in possession of such documents would be treason...

Well I guess it will be some time before you see any proof

Carry on


OH BTW what exactly is your concept of Blue Beam anyway? We would need to know that to be able to present documentation that is/may be related

edit on 7-11-2010 by zorgon because: Classified

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:13 PM
Great post. And you're right - almost (if not) all people who claim Bluebeam are indeed Christian.

I always thought that Project Bluebeam was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. No offense - that's just me.

Not just that, but people call it all the time.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by joelatour
Holographic Projection Technology, which would be the basis of project blue beam.

I think that maybe not in our country anymore but other countries hold theyre religion highly and well...religious figures returning and telling their followers to do this or do that for the sake of their religion and be secured in the afterlife would probably influence the people who follow that figure to do so. the facts are the same either way: the military develops and uses all the newest technology long before its known to us.

Army Yanks 'Voice-To-Skull Devices' Site

A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector

The Voice of God Weapon Returns

The Voice of God weapon

...also as i have previously stated it would probably not be known as project blue beam

Quite true, but skeptics use that as a "See? I told you so" argument

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:33 PM
[Removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]

reply to post by zorgon

I want evidence that this supposed project exists. Not too much to ask. Any form of documentation that's credible might work, depending on the credibility of the source. Thus far, there has been NO evidence that this project exists other than, initially, in the minds of Christians. No matter how much one asks, it just isn't produced. To ask for proof of such a project is not out of bounds, particularly when we see more and more the term flung about like it's the absolute truth. We can't discuss a UFO sighting without it being brought up as though it's truth is undeniable. I say prove it before making such claims that any of the UFO sighting are because of the hoax Bluebeam.

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.
edit on 2010/11/7 by GradyPhilpott because: see notes above.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

OH BTW what exactly is your concept of Blue Beam anyway? We would need to know that to be able to present documentation that is/may be related

edit on 7-11-2010 by zorgon because: Classified

Bluebeam, the mythical project that is supposed to "destroy the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the planet" create ..."a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith"...."pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old"...and on and on. Oh, and one more thing, it's supposed to be the tool of satan: "The goal of this deals with global Satanic ghosts projected all around the world in order to push all populations to the edge of hysteria and madness," -- Monast, same referenced site.

Quoted from Serge Monast's speech transcript at

Monast also said "I have to say that the Blue Beam Project was set up for the year 1983. It has been delayed; we don't know exactly why." This is a perfect example of a claim being made, with the appearance of credibility (as though he knows "insiders" who are feeding him truthful information) and pumped out to a willing and ignorant herd. Just one of the things I'm asking for evidence on and still can't get...

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